Abstracts of American Patents Relating to Chemistry

Turner D. Bottome, Hoosick,. N. Y. 458,663. ... Gustav Sobotka, New York, N. Y. 458.986. ... and Hans Kructsen, Broken Hill, New South Wales. The crus...
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Abstracts of American Patents Helatiiig to Cheriistrj. (Froqn tlie U . S . Patent Oljice G a z e t t e . )

September 1, 1SO1. 458,661 .--31ethod of extingiiishing fires. George Dickson, Toronto, and David A. Jones, Bceton, Canada. 468,5G3.--Process of making caustic alkali. Francis Ellershansen, Hehhurn-on-Tyne, Eng. Solutions of sodiiini or potnssiuni siilphidc are pssstxl through a filter bed composed of granulated sodium or potassiuni ferrate. 458,G07.-Device for cooling liclnids. Carl W.Weiss, Brooklyn, S. T. 458,647. -Process of obtziining glycerine froiii sonpma1;ers' waste. Joseph Van Ruymbelre, Chicago, Ill. 458,G48.-Plant for treating soapmnl