Abstracts of American Patents Helatiiig to Cheriistrj. (Froqn tlie U . S . Patent Oljice G a z e t t e . )
September 1, 1SO1. 458,661 .--31ethod of extingiiishing fires. George Dickson, Toronto, and David A. Jones, Bceton, Canada. 468,5G3.--Process of making caustic alkali. Francis Ellershansen, Hehhurn-on-Tyne, Eng. Solutions of sodiiini or potnssiuni siilphidc are pssstxl through a filter bed composed of granulated sodium or potassiuni ferrate. 458,G07.-Device for cooling liclnids. Carl W.Weiss, Brooklyn, S. T. 458,647. -Process of obtziining glycerine froiii sonpma1;ers' waste. Joseph Van Ruymbelre, Chicago, Ill. 458,G48.-Plant for treating soapmnl