
For Iron and Aluminum Hy droxides, Pig Iron Silica, Proteins, in fact for any precipitate where an open, rapid filtering ashless filter paper is indic...
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V O L U M E 2 0, NO. 11,. N O V E M B E R

33 A


Now—anyone can make accurate determinations with a

'«cï\$£\\cfc WHATMAN Filter Paper No. 41Η For Gelatinous or Coarse Precipitates For Iron and Aluminum Hy­ droxides, Pig Iron Silica, Proteins, in fact for any precipitate where an open, rapid filtering ashless filter paper is indicated, W H A T M A N Filter Paper No. 41 Η should be used. In addition to its other qualities, it has been hardened with acid so that it is almost unbelieveably strong when wet, can be washed vigorously without pulp­ ing and is especially valuable for determinations where the precipi­ tate is dissolved and refiltered through the same paper.

2#*2z Designed to measure both





ness, color) and SPECULAR REFLECTION (shininess, gloss) A c a r e f u l l y constructed a n d h i g h l y versatile instrument f o r f a s t a n d accurate d e t e r m i n a t i o n s on solid surfaces o f every descrip­ t i o n , p o w d e r s , pastes a n d o p a q u e liquids. To the basic i n s t r u ­ ment can be a t t a c h e d a n y o f a n u m b e r o f search u n i t s , each e n g i n e e r e d especially for one o r more specific purposes. •



brightness tests

Paint gloss tests

Line or battery operated models

12 i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e search units

tests I

A variety of color filters available, in· eluding those for ICI Tristimulus values.

To increase rapidity of filtration of gelatinous precipitates, the use of ashless pulp made from W H A T ­ M A N Ashless Tablets or Accelera­ tors is recommended.

( '




For those who prefer a soft paper, No. 41, with similar speed and retentiveness to N o . 41 H but nut acid hardened, is the choice. W H A T M A N Filter Products are immediately available from all dealers in laboratory supplies. Samples cheerfully supplied.

H. REEVE ANGEL & CO., INC. 52 Duane Street New York 7, Ν. Υ.

W H A T M A N ' mniJERl^PERS

MURGATROYD 2428/3 — R e f l e c t i o n Meter Model 610, for 110 volt. 60. cycle, A C . Current $120.00 2428/19—Some as 2428/3, but for 6 volt storage battery oper· ation. Without battery... 105.00 2428/32—Same as 2428/3, but for either 110 volt 60 cycle A.C. or 6 volt storage battery opera· tion. Without battery 13S.00

2421/12—6 volt s t o r a g e batlery % 17.00 2428/4 — S e a r c h unit for gen­ eral use, w i t h green tristimulus filter SS.00 2428/5 —Search unit for paper brightness t e s t s , w i t h built-in Wratten filter # 4 9 45.00 2428/8 — S e a r c h unit for 60° gloss tests 65.00

Write for Full Information on These and Other Units


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