Specifically, what is the country getting for the nearly $8.5 million we have given you since that time?" Just because there is a law, scientists cannot be ...
Nov 6, 2010 - And as part of the program, support will also be available for about 50 recent college graduates who are certified to teach science and math in high schools but haven't actually done so. This group is termed preservice teachers by NSF.
Jun 1, 2015 - Worries about academic research funding fuel angst in university scientists all over the U.S. Data released annually by the National Science Foundation on academic spending trends give researchers a chance to explore how their departmen
Pfizer named the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center as its initial partners under the program. ITEN is a follow-up to Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation, an academic and institu
They might take on administrative positions within their universities as department heads or deans, or take on research management positions as directors of college-wide or multi-institutional centers. Like teaching, leading requires training. ACS re
Aug 25, 2003 - ... workshop discusses avenues to improve minority representation in academic faculty ... A report from the workshop is expected later this year.
People often speak of them as fringe benefits. Experts in the field much prefer to call them employee benefits. The principal reason is that these benefits, usually ...
Jan 7, 1991 - ... print on the status of the assessment of the health risks of pesticides. ... Haseman of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
THE SENATE LAST WEEK easily passed President Barack Obama's compromise tax deal with congressional Republicans, reviving an expired credit for R&D ...
Jan 16, 2017 - We all know that membership in the American Chemical Society grants us access to world-class technical benefits that enable us as chemists to thrive and advance in our careers. But please don't overlook the value of the society's nonte