Learn new techniques for discovery-oriented chemical synthesis from renowned researchers
Accelerated Chemical Discovery: From Drugs to Catalysts P a r t I: Tuesday-Wednesday, O c t o b e r 1 4 - 1 5 , 2 0 0 3 • B o s t o n , M A P a r t I I : Thursday-Friday, O c t o b e r 1 6 - 1 7 , 2 0 0 3 • B o s t o n , M A
COURSE DIRECTOR Dennis P. C u r r a n , Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry and Bayer Professor of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
FACULTY A n t h o n y G . M . B a r r e t t , FRS, Glaxo Professor of Organic Chemistry, Sir Derek Barton Professor of Synthesis and Head of Synthesis, Imperial College Kevin Burgess, Professor of Chemistry, Texas A & M University John F. H a r t w i g , Professor of Chemistry, Yale University W i l l i a m L.Jorgensen, Whitehead Professor of Chemistry, Yale University P e t e r W i p f , Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Combinatorial Chemistry Center, University of Pittsburgh.
KEY WAYS YOU'LL BENEFIT FROM THIS COURSE • Consult with internationally acclaimed researchers about your R&D problems and challenges. • Prioritize your approaches to optimize your synthetic research. • Understand combinatorial chemistry and parallel syntheses and how they can be used in conjunction with solid phase syntheses for drug development. • Enhance your productivity by applying valid methods for parallel synthesis. • Learn important properties of drugs and how to make compounds more drug-like. • Learn effective ways to produce chemical libraries. • Enhance your research versatility and productivity by improving your synthetic strategy and plans. • Be exposed to new synthetic reactions and new technologies. • Improve your mechanistic thinking and strategies. • A N D M U C H MORE!
To register, visit our Web site at http://chemistry.org/shortcourses or call the ACS Short Courses Office at (800) 227-5558 or at (202) 872-4508. Email:
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