Accelerating Oil-Exploration - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - First Page Image. A "BABY" ACCELERATOR is helping to push radioactivity well logging several strides closer to positive identification a...
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Richard Connor, left, High Voltage Engineering, and Thomas Hubbard, of Well Surveys, compare size of laboratory particle accelerator with newly-developed "baby" one, both built by High Voltage. The larger unit, 4 ft. in diameter and 6 ft. long, dwarfs the smaller neutron generator, 3 in. in diameter; 47 in. long

Further development of this type of equipment represents the only known scientific approach to the eventual posi­ tive identification and location of oil at great depths, in new/ or existing bore­ holes, a long-sought goal of oil men everywhere, says High Voltage. • Status of New Generator. Ac­ cording to John J, Buck, vice president and technical director of Well Surveys, a basic initial decision was made b y his company and High Voltage t o aim their joint efforts direcdy at the ulti­ mate goal of perfecting equipment small enough and reliable enough t o meet well-logging demands in the oil industry, as opposed to a step-by-step development. "We knew that approach would take longer in the earlier phases, but felt that time would be saved i n the long run. N o w we're glad we chose it," Buck asserted. Although preliminary tests with the accelerator have already been run i n the Well Surveys' test well at Tulsa, Okla., an intensive test program for both the neutron source and accom­ panying instrumentation will be ac­ celerated through the coming months, according to Buck. "Naturally, every effort will be made by both companies to hasten the availability of this ad­ vanced logging method to the oil in­ dustry generally," he concluded. Ε1

Closed Circuit TV System

Accelerating Oil-Exploration Baby generator pushes well logging closer to locat­ ing and identifying oil-bearing formations A.



push radioactivity well logging several strides closer to positive identification and location of oil-bearing formation, according to its manufacturer, High Voltage Engineering. The new unit is a miniature version of a Van de Graaf particle accelerator, a large radiationgenerating machine recently adapted for chemical processing and steriliza­ tion. The miniature neutron generator, in­ corporated in a standard 3 5 / s hi. well logging assembly, is itself only 3 in. in diameter and 47 in. long. Yet, ac­ cording t o High Voltage Engineering, the "baby" Van de Graaf generates electrical potentials up to 200,000 volts. For the purpose of radioactive well logging, complex instrumentation that is used with the neutron source has been developed b y Well Surveys' scientists and engineers. Also Well Surveys, an affiliate of Lane-Wells, has perfected the "baby" accelerator for oil field problems. Recently, Well Surveys ran its first successful field 5430





test with the accelerator in locating and identifying oil-bearing formations. • How Accelerator Operates. The Van de Graaf generates electrical po­ tentials used to produce a stream of deuterons. These are fired into a target of tritium. The collision of deuterons with tritium atoms produce an intense yield of neutrons. The neutrons penetrate the earth's formations surrounding a bore-hole and cause various nuclear reactions in the material encountered. These reactions, in turn, yield atomic particles and rays. These are identified and measured by radiation detection equipment which accompanies the accelerator down the hole. According to High Voltage, the re­ sulting information, transmitted to the surface and recorded, when correlated with the results of neutron radiation research performed with a large halfmillion volt accelerator in Well Sur­ veys' laboratories, will be extremely useful in the identification and evalua­ tion of formation constituents.

For closed-circuit TV installations, Thompson Products has designed a multi-lens TV camera which is con­ trolled by a separate monitor-console. According to the company, lenses o n the camera are changed, focusing is set, and the camera is directed up or down, right or left, all by remote control. This is achieved by a "servo pan and tilt" system developed b y Thompson Products. There are three "preset" pan and tilt positions in the console which can be selected by pushing a button; turn­ ing an appropriate knob permits manual control. Company says the preset posi­ tions may be readily changed.


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I CH2OH O u r facilities are available for this and o t h e r intermediates specifically required for your purposes. W r i t e , wire or p h o n e for details.

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An x-ray spectrometer, designed by General Electric engineers at the AEC's fïanford plutonium plant, is claimed to detect changes as small as a billionth of an inch in the distance between crystal facets. Checking unit are its developers (left to r i g h t ) , M. J. Sanderson, D. C. Kaulitz, and W. V. Cummings, G E engineers. Unit is used to measure submicroscopic damage suffered by solids exposed to chain reaction heat a n d radiation in an atomic pile. Object is to a i d in finding new atomic furnace elements that will stand u p longer. A beam of x-rays is shot by the device at specimens of highly radioactive uranium and other materials. A Geiger counter measures the strength of the reflected beam. T h e angular distribution of these x-rays tells how much the specimen's molecular "building blocks" have been deformed. Ε3

The camera may be mounted on a tripod or fixed in a permanent loca­ tion. Price of this unit and t h e console is approximately $3550. Ε2

• Cross-belt magnetic separators, by



SHERWOOD REFINING COMPANY,Inc EngleWood, New Jersey, 5432

* Measuring Submicroscopic Damage



I 2,

I 9 55

Stearns Magnetic, remove tramp iron and automatically discharge it away from the flow of material in a continu­ ous operation. Suspended above a conveyor b**lt, chute, or sorting table, Alnico V permanent magnetic com­ ponents of t h e unit creates a deep powerful magnetic field that pulls dan­ gerous tramp iron out of the material flow. Contaminating iron is attracted to the magnet face where a cleated endless belt automatically carries it out of the magnetic field to discharge harm­ lessly away from the conveyor or chute. The separator is available in various sizes, suitable for suspension u p to 4 in. above the material flow. Ε4 t Laboratory three roller mill con­ vertible for fixed or floating center roll operation is available from Charles

Ross & Son. W h e n differences in pres­ sure between feed and takeoff rolls are desired, the center roll is in fixed posi­ tion. When equalized pressures are preferred, the mill can be converted within minutes to have self-aligning or floating center roll. To convert from one type of operation to the other can b e easily done, without special tools or kits, by an operator. Ε5 • Remote

indicating rapid


spectrophotometer, a pulsing attach­ m e n t for it, and lower prices on these instruments and their accessories are available from American Optical. The n e w spectrophotometer is a new ver­ sion of t h e AO rapid scanning unit. However, while both instruments re(Continued

on page


Further useful information on Equipment mentioned is readily available . . . Use handy coupon on page 5434

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CANADIAN (Continued

from page


permits the operator a choice of 1 to 6 spectrum scans/second in addition to normal 60 scans/second. Ε6

ί Batch counter, by Spencer Mfg., controls the number of items in a batch year; n e w machinery and equipment to b e counted or measured with control costs will b e higher at $159 million as of quantity before or after an opera­ compared with $ 1 2 4 million in 1954. tion. T h e counter can b e preset at R.epair to existing plants will be any figure within the range of 5 digits about the same as last year; construc­ (specials available). At each impulse tion represents expenditures of $34 a subtraction of "one" is made from the million, while repair of equipment will preset figure until the counter reaches cost another $130 million. zero. T h e counter then performs the Altogether chemical plant n e w in­ control function. As further impulses vestment costs in 1955 will stand at are received, the counter adds "one" $470 million, u p $67 miUion from the for each impulse until it reaches the total of $403 million last year, original preset figure, then it again As the year-end approaches, it is performs the control function and then possible to forecast that the output of starts the subtracting operation over Canada's chemical industry in 1955 will again. Ε7 reach an all-time record. Careful esti­ mates based on available official data ί I m p r o v e d d i f f e r e n t i a l c o l o r i m e t e r , Manufacturers Engineering & indicate that Canada's burgeoning by chemical industry will have an output Equipment, measures the color trans­ value of not less than $1.1 billion this mission and reflectance of such sub­ year. Production i n 1954 was worth stances as synthetic fibers, paints, liquid $930 million. There has thus been a solutions, pigments, and slurries within 0.0001 reflectance units. Called the rise of $170 million or 18%. Production values by industries of model lv Colormaster, company says an 1955 shown in the table on page 5400 important feature of the unit is its sen­ are based on the writer's estimates, to­ sitivity when dark samples are being measured. Other new features include gether with official figures for 1954. a simplified switching arrangement and an easily read digital reflectance indi­ cator calibrated t o 0.0002 reflectance EQUIPMENT units. A spinning attachment, to per­ (Continued from page 5432) mit rotation of samples, is available as an accessory. A scale multiplier, to permit scale expansion b y a factor of cord with a cathode ray tube indicator, 10, will b e available in the near future. the CRT indicator is housed separately Company says t h e Colormaster i s es­ from the optical unit (containing the pecially useful for measuring differ­ sample chamber) and is connected to ences between colors for process control it by an electrical cable u p t o 5 0 ft· applications. A complete set of color in length. Company says this allows measurements can be made with the great freedom in locating indicator with Colormaster in less than 30 seconds, respect to optical unit for use in "in says company. Ε8 process" control where check point is some distance away from the control • Packaged boiler line, by Eclipse, point. The n e w pulsing attachment has a size range from 12 t o 125 h p . for

Ship us y o u r mercury. W e r e t u r n it ii m e d i a t e l y i n h e a v y , clear glass b o t t l e s , induction distilled i n glass u n d e r v a c u u m guaranteed t o meet A . C . S . sprees. M i n i m u m 1 0 pounds — slight loss i n processing. r I d e n t i f y shipments . EBERBACH & S O N — · A N N ARBORr~MICHv



Now offered by creators of Sad tier Standard Spectra. O v e r 1 0 , 0 0 0 infrared spectra avail­ able for rapid determinations of unknowns. • Creative Sponsored Research Prosrams D e ­ signed to your Requirements. For full information write or phone SADTLER RESEARCH L A B O R A T O R I E S 1517 Vine St., Phila. 2, Pa. LOcust 4 - 0 8 3 5

gas or oil firing, or combined fuels for every process heating requirement. Company says new line has been de­ veloped especially for the economy minded steam user w h o needs a de­ pendable source o f steam under all his operating conditions and wants the added convenience of a self-contained unit ready t o operate when received. Company says an important feature of the line is t h e larger internal furnace with 300% greater combustion volume. E9


from page


argues, writes letters t o the papers, and all finally vote, either directly or in­ directly. An attack upon the school problems in that way would not have brought forth "14 points," with no analysis of their relative importance, where subjects like chemistry or gram­ mar, that can be taught, are confused with "attitudes," such as "respect and appreciation for human values . . ." that can be caught by association with those who have them, but not taught. In place of the complacent statement that "the schools are doing the best job in their history in teaching these skills," it might have been possible t o arouse among the participants some of the true, but unperceived implications of the fourteenth point, "An awareness of our relr " nships to the world commu­ nity." Our relation to the world com­ munity may easily become that of a subject nation if w e can d o n o better than w e did in this White House Con­ ference to achieve schooling adapted to a world situation which calls for our utmost in trained intelligence and moral fiber. DEC.

12. 1 9 5 5