Acceleration of pH Variation in Cloudy Apple Juice Using

The purpose of this study was to accelerate pH variation in cloudy apple juice using electrodialysis (ED). The testing was conducted using two ED conf...
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J. Agric. Food Chem. 2000, 48, 2160−2166

Acceleration of pH Variation in Cloudy Apple Juice Using Electrodialysis with Bipolar Membranes Anh Lam Quoc,† Franc¸ ois Lamarche,*,‡ and Joseph Makhlouf† Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Laval University, Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4, and Food Research and Development Centre, St. Hyacinthe, Canada J2S 8E3

The purpose of this study was to accelerate pH variation in cloudy apple juice using electrodialysis (ED). The testing was conducted using two ED configurations. The bipolar and cationic membrane configuration showed that reducing the spacing from 8 to 0.75 mm had little effect on treatment time, whereas stacking eight bipolar membranes reduced acidification time by 30%, although the treatment still took too long (21 min). Furthermore, it was not possible to acidify apple juice to a pH of 2.0 to completely inhibit enzymatic browning. The bipolar and anionic membrane configuration helped to accelerate the acidification step by a factor of 3, increasing the yield from 3.3 to 10 L of juice/m2 membrane/min. Moreover, treatment time was inversely proportional to the size of the membrane stack. The speed at which the pH of acidified juice returned to its initial value was, however, 4 times slower than the speed of acidification, giving a yield of 2.5 L of juice/m2 membrane/ min. By accelerating the acidification step, ED treatment with bipolar and anionic membranes results in more effective polyphenol oxidase activity and more rapid control of juice browning at pH 2.0. Also, the treatment has very little effect on the chemical composition and organoleptic quality of apple juice. Keywords: Cloudy apple juice; browning; electrodialysis; bipolar membrane; acidification INTRODUCTION

Demand for cloudy or unclarified apple juice is on the rise (Herve´, 1997). It contains significant quantities of suspended pulp and is perceived as a natural food product that supplies dietary fiber and important nutrients. However, it is very difficult to produce superior quality juice (Lea, 1990). Cloudy apple juice is very sensitive to enzymatic browning (EB) because it contains considerable quantities of polyphenols and polyphenol oxidases (PPO). Enzymatic browning reactions are catalyzed by PPO and result from the oxidation of phenolic compounds to o-quinones, which then polymerize to form complex dark pigments, thereby changing the color and aroma of the juice (Macheix et al., 1990). Temporarily lowering the pH of apple juice to 2.0 and then adjusting it back to its initial value will irreversibly inhibit PPO activity and stabilize juice color. Zemel et al. (1990) added hydrochloric acid concentrate and caustic soda to the juice to adjust its pH; however, the treatment resulted in the formation of salts, which affect the flavor of the juice. In recent studies (Tronc et al., 1997, 1998), we demonstrated the feasibility of acidifying cloudy apple juice and returning the pH to its initial value without altering flavor by using electrodialysis (ED) with bipolar and cationic membranes. However, the process was too lengthy, ∼90 min, and required the addition of exogenous KCl to the juice to reach pH 2.0. Furthermore, the voltage applied greatly exceeded the 2 V/membrane average and was not compatible with industrial constraints. Energy consumption was also very high. † ‡

Laval University. Food Research and Development Centre.

The goal of the present study was to accelerate the acidification of cloudy apple juice by ED using bipolar membranes, because this step is critical to the rapid control of enzymatic browning following the extraction stage. The acidified juice is then returned to its initial pH using the same treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS Apple Juice. Juice was extracted from MacIntosh apples that had been stored commercially under controlled atmosphere. The apples were crushed and pressed in a crusherpress model EG 260-X6 (Goodnature Products Inc., Buffalo, NY) under maximum pressure of 1500 psi. About 2 L of juice was extracted from 4 kg of apples for each experiment. The extracted juice underwent ED treatment immediately. Electrodialysis. In the first experiment, we studied the impact of varying compartment spacing and the membrane stack on the speed of juice acidification. To study the spacing effect, we employed 2 ED units: the Electrocell AB unit (Electrocell), with 8 mm spacing, as used in previous experiments (Tronc et al., 1997, 1998); and the ED1-BP unit (Electrosynthesis Co.), with spacings of 1.5 and 0.75 mm. The use of the two different pieces of equipment was unavoidable because, to our knowledge, no laboratory-scale ED units exist for such an extensive range of spacing. The two ED units have the same electrode surface of 100 cm2. Each ED unit contains eight compartments: four for the juice and four for the electrolyte separated by alternating bipolar and cationic membranes. To evaluate the effect of the bipolar and cationic membrane stacks on acidification speed, we used four and eight bipolar membranes. In this experiment, the number of compartments varied according to the number of membranes employed. The experiments were done in the ED-1-BP unit with 0.75 mm spacing. In both studies (spacing and stacking), we used the bipolar and cationic membrane configuration (Figure 1A) and the corresponding solutions.

10.1021/jf991233g CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/13/2000

Electrodialysis of Cloudy Apple Juice with Bipolar Membrane

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 48, No. 6, 2000 2161 The juice samples were frozen to -30 °C immediately following treatment for composition analyses. Physicochemical Parameters during ED. The juice pH was measured with a Corning 240 pH-meter (Corning Co., Halstead Essex, U.K.). Juice conductivity was determined with a model 35YSI conductivity meter (Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Yellow Springs, OH). Applied voltage was measured with a Micronta 22-185A multimeter (Radio-Shack, Barry, Canada). Specific energy consumption per ED unit was calculated with the equation

Figure 1. Configuration of ED unit used to modify pH of cloudy apple juice: (A) configuration with bipolar and cationic membranes; (B) configuration with bipolar and anionic membranes. BP, bipolar membrane; C, cationic membrane; A, anionic membrane; 0.25 M KCl; 0.1 M HCl.

Figure 2. Change in pH and conductivity of apple juice during acidification with different spacings. Conditions: configuration with bipolar and cationic membranes, four bipolar membranes, four cationic membranes, 20 mA/cm2. In the second experiment, we used a new configuration with bipolar and anionic membranes and the corresponding solutions (Figure 1B). The testing was done with the ED-1-BP unit, equipped with 0.75 mm spacing and 4, 6, 8, and 10 bipolar membrane stacks. In this configuration, we replaced the KCl solution with a 0.1 N HCl solution. The bipolar membranes (Neosepta BP-1 model, Tokuyama Soda, Japan) and cationic membranes (Neosepta CMX model, Tokuyama Soda) or anionic membranes (Neosepta AMX model, Tokuyama Soda) each had an effective surface area of 100 cm2. During treatment, juice temperature was maintained at 25 °C using a Haake G refrigerated bath (Haake, Berlin, Germany). The acidification of the juice by ED was conducted at a constant current density of 20 mA/cm2 or 40 mA/cm2, respectively, using a 6024 A DC generator (Hewlett-Packard, Vancouver, BC, Canada). The current density was selected in terms of the applied voltage, which must not exceed 2 V/compartment, according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the membrane user guide (Tokuyama Soda Co., Ltd., 1993). The juice acidified with the bipolar and anionic membrane configuration with 10 bipolar membranes was subsequently stored at room temperature for 1 h to deactivate PPO activity before the pH was returned to its initial value. The ED configuration for raising the pH value was the same as that shown in Figure 2B with a stack of 10 bipolar membranes. However, the juice and HCl compartments were reversed. During the acidification and pH adjustments, conductivity and juice pH were measured at 1-2 min intervals until the end of the treatments, along with applied voltage. After the treatments, the control juice (prepared prior to the treatment and not treated by ED), the acidified juice (pH 2.00), and the adjusted juice (pH 2.0 with adjustment to pH 3.35) were stored in 300 mL bottles at ambient temperature for 2 h to monitor enzymatic browning and PPO activity. The bottles were left uncovered and exposed to oxygen to encourage EB reactions.


∫ Uh dt/3.6 × 10 t1



where E is energy (kW‚h); U is average applied voltage (V); I is current intensity (A); and t is treatment time (s). PPO Activity. PPO activity was assayed following the method developed by Traverso-Rueda and Singleton (1973). Juice (0.1 mL) was added to a mixture containing 1.9 mL of phosphate buffer at pH 6.5 and 1 mL of 0.05 M catechin. Absorbance was measured at 420 nm every 30 s for 2.5 min with a Beckman DU-640 spectrophotometer (Beckman Instruments Inc., Fullerton, CA). PPO activity was expressed in terms of the difference between the initial and maximum absorbance values. The values for PPO activity were reported as a percentage of PPO activity in the control juice immediately after extraction. Enzymatic Browning. Juice browning was determined with a Labscan Tristimulus colorimeter using Hunter L, a, and b values (Hunter Associate Laboratory Inc., Reston, VA). The results were reported as L (luminescence or lightness) and a (intensity of brown color varying from green to red) values. Sapers and Douglas (1987) reported that these parameters provide a good indication of browning reactions, showing an increase in a and a decrease in L during juice browning. Composition Analyses. Analyses of organic acids and sugars were conducted using HPLC, in accordance with the method established by Doyon et al. (1991). Juice samples (10 mL) were diluted 10-fold, processed in a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge, and filtered through 0.45 µm Millipore filters prior to injection. The organic acid and sugar concentrations were determined on a Waters 510 HPLC (Waters Canada, Mississauga, ON, Canada) equipped with a Waters ion-exchange column (300 × 7.8 mm) and two detectors: a Waters M-590 ultraviolet detector (210 nm) for organic acids and a Waters R-410 refraction index detector for sugars. The injection of 15 µL samples was done with a WISP-710 automatic injector. Optimal separation of juice compounds was achieved with a mobile phase of 0.0049 N sulfuric acid at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. Samples were compared to sucrose, glucose, fructose, malic acid, citric acid, and lactic acid standards. The ash content of the apple juice was determined using a 20 mL juice sample heated to 600 °C for 8 h (AOAC, 1985). Cations were measured in the previously obtained ash samples diluted in 20 mL of 2 N HCl. Assays were carried out by atomic absorption using a SpectrAA-100 flame spectrometer (Varian Australia Pty Ltd., Australia) at 766.5 nm for potassium, 285.2 nm for magnesium, and 317.9 nm for calcium (Varian Australia Pty Ltd., 1989). Chloride content was determined indirectly by measuring excess Ag concentration after precipitation of silver chloride in a mixture of 10 mL of juice and 10 mL of a 0.1 N silver nitrate solution. After centrifugation, the Ag+ assays were conducted at 328.1 nm with the same flame spectrometer referred to above. Phenolic compounds were analyzed by HPLC according to the method devised by Suarez-Valles et al. (1994). The separation of phenolic compounds was achieved using a Waters 510 unit equipped with a Nova-Pak C18 column (300 × 3.9, 4 µm) and a Waters M-590 ultraviolet detector at 280 nm, at ambient temperature. Twenty microliters of juice was filtered through a 0.2 µm Millipore filter prior to injection. The elution consisted of a mixture of water acidified to 2.80 pH with phosphoric acid (solvent A) and methanol (solvent B). The

2162 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 48, No. 6, 2000

Lam Quoc et al.

solvent gradient was as follows: time (min)

flow (mL/min)

B (%)

0 50 60 75 77

0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6

2 42 50 50 2

Samples were compared to chlorogenic acid, (-) epicatechin, and phloridzin standards. The concentration of anthocyanins was determined according to the Wrolstad (1976) method. One milliliter of juice was added to 4 mL of buffer solution at pH 1.0 and 4.5. Turbidity (haze) can be corrected for by measuring the absorbance at 700 nm and subtracting this from the absorbance at the wavelength of maximum absorption (e.g., 510 nm). The optical density of the mixtures at 510 and 700 nm was measured using a Beckman DU-640 spectrophotometer (Beckman Instruments Inc.). The concentration of anthocyanins was determined using the following equation

anthocyanin (mg/L) ) A × 445.2 × 10d/30.2 where A ) (A1 - A2) - (A3 - A4) is the difference in absorbance between pH 1.0 and 4.5 (A1 is the absorbance at 510 nm and pH 1.0, A2 is the absorbance at 700 nm and pH 1.0, A3 is the absorbance at 510 nm and pH 4.5, and A4 is the absorbance at 700 nm and pH 4.5); 445.2 is the molecular weight of cyanidin 3-galactoside, the main anthocyanin in apples; 30.2 is the molar absorbance of cyanidin 3-galactoside; and d is the dilution coefficient Organoleptic Tests. The flavor of the ED-treated juice was evaluated by a panel of five industrial tasters from Lassonde Inc. (Rougement, Quebec, Canada). A comparative test was conducted on the control juice and the adjusted juice. Statistical Analyses. A completely random experimental design was applied. The repeated-measure analysis was performed by ANOVA using SAS software. Orthogonal contrasts were used to separate the effects of the different treatments. The experiments were repeated three times. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Bipolar and Cationic Membrane Configuration. In past research (Tronc et al., 1997, 1998), apple juice was treated in an ED unit with 8 mm spacing and a single bipolar membrane. Acidifying the juice took 30 min, and a pH of 2.0 could be achieved only by adding exogenous KCl to maintain the K+ concentration in the juice at its initial level. To acidify the juice to pH 2.0 without the addition of KCl and in 90% of the phenolic compounds in apple juice (Varnam and Sutherland, 1994), we quantified the first three (Table 4). The results show that ED treatment preserves phenolic compounds in their original state owing to the instantaneous inhibition of enzymatic browning. Cloudy apple juice that undergoes this treatment remains rich in natural phenolic compounds. These compounds carry little or no charge (Macheix, 1990), and their molecular weight is fairly high (from 290), which makes migration during ED treatment difficult. Sensory Analysis. Sensory evaluation tests revealed that adjusted juice retained the characteristic flavor and color of freshly pressed juice. The presence of a residual quantity of Cl- did not seem to affect the flavor of the

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ED-treated juice. Moreover, the treated juice was slightly fresher, fruitier, and sweeter, with a real apple taste. Conclusion. The trials with the bipolar and cationic membrane configuration, using bipolar and cationic membranes, demonstrated that a reduction in the spacing between membranes had little impact on acidification time. Although the stack of eight bipolar membranes reduced treatment time by 30%, the treatment is still too lengthy, and the acidification of juice to pH 2.0, the critical value for completely controlling enzymatic browning, was not feasible. The configuration with bipolar and anionic membranes provides several advantages over the first configuration. This treatment does not require the addition of exogenous KCl; furthermore, there is no chemical waste because all of the electrolytes are reused. It accelerates the treatment and rapidly inhibits enzymatic browning while preserving the nutrients and freshly pressed taste of cloudy apple juice. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

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