
May 31, 2017 - Consequently, while measuring some relative purities and domain sizes of the relatively pure phases, these techniques are unable to pro...
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Revealing the Chemistry and Morphology of Buried Donor/Acceptor Interfaces in Organic Photovoltaics Monroe P. Griffin,† Raluca Gearba,‡ Keith J. Stevenson,∥ David A. Vanden Bout,*,† and Andrei Dolocan*,‡ †

Department of Chemistry and ‡Texas Materials Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, United States Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow 14306, Russia

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: With power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 2 components, assuming each has a unique secondary ion marker, a similar calibration procedure can be employed that explores all compositional permutations among the composing materials. Morphologies obtained by AFM are often subject to qualitative interpretation and cannot infer chemical composition. To quantitatively compare the AFM maps recorded from different surfaces in a systematic way we employ image autocorrelation analysis. Among other parameters, such as the next nearest neighbor distance and the correlation length, the radially averaged autocorrelation of an image (that is, the radial autocorrelation) reveals the average domain size of the composing features (that is, the average particle distance). Most often, prior to autocorrelation analysis, an AFM image requires background subtraction to remove the vertical offset variations among its composing features, which are thus given a similar weight in the autocorrelation. Figure 3d shows two AFM topographic images acquired at similar depths (∼75 nm) from two BHJs (unannealed and annealed) that were initially identically prepared (Figure 2b,c,h and S2). Depending on the amount of data smoothing (that is, consecutive horizontal and vertical line-by-line, preaveraged spline interpolations) applied

to an AFM image to generate the background used for subtraction, the radial autocorrelation of the resulting background-subtracted image is sensitive to either the fine (with less smoothing) or the large (with more smoothing) structures (Figures 3e and S3). In the unannealed case, with no apparent large structures, we find a single radial autocorrelation per image regardless of the subtracted background smoothing, giving a relatively constant average domain size (∼30 nm) with depth (Figure 3f, top). Based on the current understanding14,24,31,52 and the depth profiles in Figure 2b, we consider these P3HT/dPCBM domains, defining the fine structure, to be fully mixed at molecular level. By contrast, for the annealed BHJ, at larger depths, two radial autocorrelations can be obtained, one showing the fine structure increasing slightly to ∼37 nm in domain size throughout the film, while the other demonstrating the formation of aggregates that expand strongly with depth, reaching >100 nm in size at the bottom of the film (Figure 3f, top). We attribute the slight increase in the fine structure size upon annealing to the partial P3HT crystallization52,53 in the fully mixed domains observed in the unannealed BHJ. Given the virtually constant root-mean-square (RMS) corrugation (7000 (m/δm) for all fragments of interest. The sputtering rates were calculated at 0.39 and 0.07 nm/s for the pure P3HT and PCBM, respectively. For the AFM measurements, due to the high reactivity of the sputtered spots with air we used an in-house designed air-free capsule56 to transfer the sputtered samples to and from a nitrogen-filled glovebox (containing the AFM setup) in vacuum or nitrogen environment, respectively. AFM Analysis. For surface mapping we used a Bruker Dimension 3100 AFM that was enclosed in a nitrogen-filled glovebox (Innovative Technologies). All mapping was done in nitrogen environment to ensure the Cs+ and Bi3+ sputtered spots were protected from any oxygen-related reactions. Topography images were taken in tapping mode using a MikroMasch HQ:NSC14/Al BS silicon probe. To extract the domain size, we apply image autocorrelation analysis, in particular radial autocorrelation.



S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00911. Concentration calibration curves, unannealed BHJ AFM images, image autocorrelation, MRI model and schematic, BL interface depth profiles, depth and concentration conversion analysis, sputtering induced morphology discussion, MRI genetic algorithm fitting details, and matrix effect note (PDF)


Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected]. *E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Keith J. Stevenson: 0000-0002-1799-5177 Andrei Dolocan: 0000-0001-5653-0439 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences on ‘‘Understanding Charge Separation and Transfer at Interfaces in Energy Materials’’ (EFRC:CST, Award Number DESC0001091). We also acknowledge the NSF grant DMR-0923096 used to purchase the ToF-SIMS instrument at Texas Materials Institute, UT Austin.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00911 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 2764−2773