Access control 193 Accidents, probable causative ... - ACS Publications

Ammunition peculiar equipment. 277 safety program DOD chemical... 237-242 surveillance. 161/. Anniston Army Depot. 299. Anticholinesterase compounds...
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A Acceptor structures 17-19 Acceptor tote bin 11/ Access control 193 Accidents, probable causative stimuli for 22/ Accumulator deluge test set-up 27/ Accumulator fire after ignition 27/ Acetic acid 301 2-Acetylaminofluorene 205 Afterburner-wetscrubber system .332,333/ Agent criteria 279 detection devices 277 detectors 231 monitoring 277 Air-sampling device 309 Air-sampling probe 304 Alabama 179 Aluminum 91,100 Ames Test 222,232 Ammonium perchlorate 131,135 Ammunition peculiar equipment 277 safety program DOD chemical... 237-242 surveillance 161/ Anniston Army Depot 299 Anticholinesterase compounds 301-315 Anticholinesterase contaminant 302/ Army Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) 241 environmental hygiene agency 140 guidance on chemical demilitarization 319/ munition plant modernization program 1 Surgeon General 277 Atlantic Scientific Corporation 117 Avalanche diode 112 B

BALL POWDER process, safety design criteria for Barricaded intraline distance Barricades concrete Bending forces Black Powder

171-178 17 35 35 100 3

Blast criteria for glass door and vent effects overpressure transient B L E V E of tank cars Blood chemistry Bomblet, nerve agent Bombs, M125 Bonding Bubbler average collection efficiency chemical behavior of the desorption curves for aerated influence of airflow rate stations Building design, general designing a safe academic chemistry test results Burning tests, sustained Burning time

37 22/ 166/ 17-19 46,55 46 267 224 323/ 320 110-112 313/ 315 314/ 312/ 237/ 244-247 243-251 16/ 145,147t 46


C 0 extinguishers 246 Carcinogenic wastes, disposal of liquid 206/ Carcinogenicity 233/, 234/ Cardiovascular system 229 CASBL conveyor 151-152/ Casting 133 Causative stimuli for accidents, probable 22/ Cell transformation 222 Cerebral function 227/ Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System (CAMDS) 301 chemical agent destruct facility filter system 331/ chemical agent monitoringdetector plan 236/ control system 328/ explosive deactivation facility .... 334/ munition unpack area 237/ site chemical filter system 330/ carcinogens 191 2


Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.


Downloaded by on May 14, 2018 | Publication Date: April 6, 1979 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1979-0096.ix001


Demilitarization Army guidance on chemical 319/ machine, rocket 328/ of munitions, technology for ecological 67-78 process, chemical 321/ programs, lethal 318 public laws governing chemical 319/ Department of Defense 140, 317 Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards 275 chemical ammunition safety program 237-242 Explosives Safety Board 53,140,237 evaluation process 238 model for chemical hazard prediction 238 quantity-distance standards 238 safety manual 177 Department of H E W Committee to Coordinate Toxicology and Related Programs 229 Department of H E W Laboratory Chemical Carcinogen Safety Standards 191 Department of Labor 191 Department of Transportation 216 Derailment 267 Design within the constraints of safety, flexible laboratory 253-261 criteria 320 application of 160-163 for mobile ammunition surveillance shop 159-169 safety 317-341 slurry pump 173 for standard chemical maintenance facility 273-299 facility 279,285-287 factors influencing 275 features, facility 207 general building 244-247 manual, safety (TM5-1300) 17 philosophy 318 of specific areas 247-250 Designing afluorinelaboratory 254 Designing a safe academic chemistry building 243-251 Desorption curves for aerated bubbler 314/ Detection concept, monitor 302/ Detector Electronics Corporation 188 Detonation, minimum velocity for ... 14/ Detoxification 223/ Dinitrotoluene (DNT) 145 Diode 67,68/ avalanche 112 202, 204 semiconductor 116/ 279 zener 112

Chemical (continued) controls and costs for commercial .. 221i Dimilitarization and Installation Restoration 301 incompatability 269-271 stores 249-250 Surety Program Regulation 275 Transportation Emergency Center 267 on vision, toxicological effects of .... 224* Chromosome damage 222 Classification procedure, hazard 21, 23/ Classification studies, hazard 19-21 Clean Air Act Amendment 215f Clean room 249 Clothing, protective 192,265 Cloud-to-ground discharge, lightning process in a 79-88 Cluster, nerve agent 322/ Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) .. 216 Collection 202,204 Committee on Hazardous Material .... 267 Compounding 131-133 Computer program, thermochemistry 69 Computerized axial tomography scanners 117,120 Conductors copper 99/, 100 down 90 lightning rod and its 88-91 sources of lightning surges in 107 Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) 216 Containment 320 cabinets, laboratory 208-211 cabinets, primary 193 explosive 320 total 240 vapor 240 Contamination, protecting vacuum system from 203/ Conveyor continuous automated single-base line (CASBL) 151/, 152/ fire wall arrangement 144/ test set-up 150/ Copper 91 conductors 99/ Corona discharge 88, 89,94 Cost estimate, facility 290 Crowbar 112 Cubicles, typical concrete 36/ Curing 133 D Deactivation furnace Decontamination solutions

Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.


Downloaded by on May 14, 2018 | Publication Date: April 6, 1979 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1979-0096.ix001


Disposal 204-205 Disposal of chemical warfare agents and munitions 319/ Dissipation principle of lightning protection 88 Distance barricaded intraline 17 inhabited building 17 unbarricaded intraline 17 5,5'-Dithio-bid-2,2'-nitrobenzoicacid .. 301 DNA repair 222 Dose, long-term no effect 218* Dose, single 218* Dosimeter system 309 personal 310/ Dosimeter in wearing mode 311/ Drosophila 222 Drosophila Test 232 Drinking 193 Dugway Proving Ground 325

Explosion (continued) suppression of large turbulent areas 179-185 -suppression tests 180-185 Explosive containment chamber 290 containment cubicle 72/, 241, 326/ deactivation facility, CAMDS 334/ deactivation furnace facility 326/ and incendiaryfires,rapid suppression of 187-189 material 35 shielding of facilities for work with 35-60 safety standards 237 simulated conveyor line for 26/ wing 287,290 Exposure limits, unprotected personnel 278/ Extinguishers, C 0 246 Eyes and skin, effects on 225/ 2

E Eating 193 Electric field lines 96/ Electrical effects 94, 98 Emergency Action Guide for Selected Hazardous Materials 268 Emergency procedures 205, 207 Endocrine system 226/ Energies for semiconductors, upset and burnout 109/ Energy, microwave 74, 75/ Engineering design handbook, shielding 58* Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 140,216,243 Enzyme colorimetric method of analysis 301 Equipment compartment 164/ Equipment failure protection 173-174 Equivalence of nitroglycerine, T N T .. 7/ Equivalency tests, typical test set-up .. 5/ Equivalency, TNT 4-5/ results 8/ study 306 Evaporation systems, solvent 174 Excretory processes 223/ Exhaust air 208 cabinet 210/ filters 277 and electrical service channel 259/ system 246 Explosion propagation, probability of an 6 protective technology for accidental 4/

F Facility design 279,285-287 Facility objectives 273 Federal Register (FR) 216,238 Field change equipment 123,125 line collection area 97/ mill 121,123 Filter systems 325 Fines 176 Fire blanket 246 minimum water to quench 147-149 protection 177-178,265 rapid suppression of explosive and incendiary 187-189 suppression systems, deluge 21-28 symbols 168 wall arrangement, conveyor 144/ water distribution system 177 Flame 37 quench test set-up 155/ quench trials 156* Flash distance 122/ Flash point 176 Flashes, spatial distribution of 102 Florida 101/, 102 Flow charts, process 277 Flow chart, technology 57/ Fluorine laboratory, designing a 254 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 216 Fragment 37 effect, secondary 14/ hazards 55

American Chemical Society Library 1155 16th St. N. w. Washington, D. Explosives C. 20036 Scott; Toxic Chemical and Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.


348 Fragment (continued) impact investigation impact test, secondary primary secondary suppression Fragmentation effects Furnace, deactivation

I 12-17 15/ 35 35 55 35 67, 68/

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G Gaging, supplementary Gas breakdown devices discharge tubes facilities lines, paths of supply closets Glass blast criteria for regular tempered Grain formation Grenade(s) disposal, armed hand sheared and burned Grounded unit, interior Grounding Group 3 shield Group 5 shield Group 6 shield Guinea pigs Gunpowder

265 115,117 118/ 112 254 258/ 255/ 22/ 19 19 172 163 69 70/ 99/ 110-112 53 40-53 37-40 224, 227/ 171

H Hardware, panic 165/ Hazard classification procedure 21, 23/ Hazard classification studies 19-21 Hazardous materials, handling and transport of 263-271 Hazardous materials, transportation of 317 Hazardous Substance Labeling Act.... 224 Heat actuating device 187 Heat flux as function of time 52/ Heat flux, radiant 46 Hematology 224 Hematopoietic system 226/ Hoods 258/ canopy 246 chemical fume 208, 209/ Housekeeping 202 Huntsville District Corps of Engineers 299 Hygiene practices, personal 193

Illuminant material 46 mix 53 test configuration, free field 50/ Impact investigation, fragments 12-17 Impact test, secondary fragments 15/ Incinerator charge system, automatic 206/ Inhabited building distance 17 Inhibitor response 305/ Institute of Rubber Research 243 Instrumentation for Group 5 shield tests 49* layout 46 lightning tracking 121 lightning warning 124/ Insulation effects 110 Inventory 202

J Jockey pump

177 K

Kidney function Kidneys, tumors of the

223/, 226/ 234/

L Laboratory analytical chemistry 248 analytical teaching 260 biochemistry 248 clothing, types of 194-195/ design within the constraints of safety, flexible 253-261 designing a fluorine 254 differences between industrial and academic 257 faculty office 249 garments, disposable 192 general plan of office and research 258/ graduate research 248-249 introductory chemistry 247 organic 247-248 physical chemistry 248 service drops in instrumental 256/ Lacquer 174 Landsteiner technique 224 Laws governing chemical and demilitarization, public 319/ Lead 91 Leader process 80 Learned performance tests 224 Lightning breakdown voltage 85 channel, pressure from 101/

Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.


Downloaded by on May 14, 2018 | Publication Date: April 6, 1979 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1979-0096.ix001


Lightning (continued) current 82 amplitudes 84/ dissipation system 88 down conductors 90 and the hazards 79-126 intracloud 108 discharge 82 leader 83/ position and tracking 125 process in a cloud-to-ground discharge 79-88 protection, basic requirements 91, 93 protection by overhead wire 93, 94 radioactive 88 return stroke 80, 83/ initiation 81/ rod and its conductors 88-91 stepped leader 80 initiation 81/ striking distance 85 surges in conductors, sources of 107 and switching surges and transients 105-112 tracking instrumentation 121 warning instrumentation 121, 124/ Liver function 223/, 226/ Loading racks, personal protection for 265 Loading and unloading 264 Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant.... 187 M

Mammalian Lymphoma Test 232 Manufacturing Chemists' Association 264,267 Maximum credible event 238 Mechanical considerations 100-102 Medical programs 335 Medical surveillance program 191-192 Metabolism 222,223/ Micronucleus Test 232 Missile Research and Development Command (MIRADCOM) preventive medicine activity 140 propulsion facility 134 safety office 137 Mobile ammunition surveillance shop, designs criteria for 159-169 shop 165/ surveillance inspection shop ... 162/, 167/ Monitor block system 305/ and detectors, chemical 332 reagents 306/ and sample probe 308/ system 303/ work area 307/

Monitoring station, perimeter 237-238/ Motor 134 Mouse 223/ Munitions disposal plant, white phosphorus .74, 76/ disposal system, chemistry agent 324/ nerve agent filled rocket 71 plant layout, safety design considerations in 1-29 plants, water deluge system application in 21-28 technology for ecological demilitarization of 67—78 Mutagenicity 231/

N National Academy of Sciences (NAS) 216 National Cancer Institute 191,216 National Center for Toxicological Research Laboratories 204 National Environmental Policy Act .... 215* National Fire Protection Association .. 268 Lightning Protection Code 93 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 192,216,243 National Technical Information Service 59 Naval Surface Weapons Center 238 Neoplasia 226/ Nerve agent bomblet 323/ Nerve agent cluster 322/ Neuromuscular system 229 New Mexico, lightning in 94 Nitrocellulose 172-173 smokeless powder 177 Nitroglycerin 131,173 manufacture and transfer of 175 TNT equivalence of 7/ Non-explosive wing 290 Nozzle system 26/

Occupational Safety and Health Act 140, 216*, 243 Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System 268 Operation Chase 317 Operational capabilities 275-277 Operational layouts 277 Operations Council of the American Trucking Associations, Inc 267 Overhead facilities 259/

Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.


350 Overpressure blast internal transient quasi-static static

46 55 55 46

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P Packaging 202 Panel section, Group 5 44/ Pathology 224 Pentolite 53 Personnel support area 287 Phosphorus filled munitions, white .... 74 Phosphorus munitions disposal plant, white 76/ Pipetting 193 aids 198-201/ Poison Control Centers 268 Potassium sulfate 145 Pour flow diagram, projectile melt 9/ Precancerous indicators 232* Pressure from lightning channel 101/ relief venting 143 wave, supersonic 100 PRIMAC/TELEMAC sprinkler system 143-157 Primac valve 188 Probability of an explosion propagation 6 Propagation and tests 11/ Propellant(s) 3 conveyor configuration, dry 148/ drying, continuous 176 flame propagation 143-157 layer, minimum water to quench 153-154* mixing 133 and propulsion research and development facility 129-141 single-base cannon 143 Protection considerations, personnel 159-169 fire 265 respiratory 264 Protective clothing 192,265 personnel 278/ ensemble, disposable 180-284/ equipment, respiratory 196-197/ suit 238/ chemistry agent 239-240/ technology for accidental explosions 4/ uniforms 277 Protector devices 112-117 Pump design criteria, slurry 173 Pump, jockey 177 Public access exclusion distance 231

Pyrophoric Pyrotechnic material Pyrotechnics

129 35 3

Q Quartzoid sensor Quench requirements tests set-up, trials,


flame flame

152/ 149-154 155/ 156*


Radford Army Ammunition Plant 143 Radiation type sensor 181 Railbeds 267 Rats 220*, 229 reproduction study in 231/ Receptor and effector systems 230/ Regulatory criteria 175 Reproduction 229 study in rats 231/ test, one-generation 229* Research needed 52* Resistance of rod electrodes, ground .. 87/ Resistors, varistors-voltage dependent 115 Respiratory protection 192, 264 protective equipment 196-197/ system 229 Reticuloendothelial system .224, 226/, 227/ Return stroke magnetic waveforms ... 86/ Robot, industrial 77/ Rocket 325 chemical 327/ demilitarization machine 72/, 328/ M55 73/, 335 motors, burning of 69 munitions, nerve agent filled 71 recovery 329/ Rocky Mountain Arsenal 320, 322/ Rod electrodes, ground resistance of .. 92/ Rods, radioactive 89 Roof panel, damage to 20/ S

Safe separation distance determination Safety advantages, inherent process approved shields criteria for facility for hazard bays for propellant chemistry laboratory

Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.

6-11 172-173 53-55 135* 137* 138*


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Safety (continued) design considerations in munition plant layout 1-29 criteria 321/, 334/ for the BALL POWDER process 171-178 for demilitarization of chemical munitions 317-341 manual (TM5-1300) 17 evaluation, philosophies of 217/ guidance 160 organizations and agencies 137 programs 335 Regulations for Chemical Agents .... 275 standards, explosives 237 Sand 246 Sea dumping 317 Sensor locations for shield tests 48/ Separation distance determination, safe 6-11 Service and support area 287 Set-up, experimental 13/ Shearing equipment 69 and enclosure 111/ Group 5 40-53 panels 43/ summary of tests 47* suppressive 45/ tests, instrumentation 49* typical test set-up 51/ Group 6 37-40 cart 39/ suppressive 38/ performance, predictive techniques for 53 safety approved 53—55 suppressive 35 designs 55 groups 38/ schematic 36/ technology 55 utility 40 tests, sensor location for 48/ transportable laboratory 35 Shielding applied technology participants, suppressive 56* engineering design handbook 58* of facilities for work with explosive material 35-60 principles, suppressive 168 Shipping 202 Shock wave 100 Showers 192-193 Side-flashing 90-91,94 Single-base line process 146/ Smoking 193

Spark gaps 112 characteristics 118/ protection 119/ Sprinkler system, PRIMAC/TELEMAC 143-157 Sprinkler system, water 25 S.S. Texaco 179 Standard Chemical Maintenance Facility (SCMF) artist's concept 274/, 285/ change house 288/ cost estimate 297/, 298/ explosive unpack bay 292/ explosive wing 291/ factors affecting design 276/ fiber container unpack concept 293/ fiber container unpack station 295/ Fuze and Burster removal station .. 294/ general arrangement 286/ lid removal concept 293/ mine unpack station 294/ non-explosive wing 296/ service and support area 289/ Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 140-141 State Health Departments 268 Steel galvanized 91 panels, cold formed 17 test panels 18/ Storage 202 Strikes to ground, frequency of 102-104 Strikes to tall structures, frequency of 104-105 Stroke 79 "Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental Explosions" (TM5-1300) 1 Supersonic pressure wave 100 Suppression, thermal 53 Suppressive shields 35 Surge(s) 114/ protection 122/ voltage 105 Surgeon General 301 T

Tank cars, B L E V E of Tank vehicles, cleaning of Technology for ecological demilitarization of munitions Test arrangement with 16 projectiles fixture proof propellant

Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.

267 264 67-78 10/ 41/ 40 46

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V Test (continued) results, summary of 16/ Vacuum line 202 set-up, accumulator deluge 27/ Vacuum system from contamination, set-up, equivalency tests, typical .... 5/ protecting 203/ summary of proof 42t Valve, deluge 187 Thermal considerations 98,100 Valve, Primac 188 Thermobalance, controlled Varistors 112 atmosphere 260 Vatican Berni Colonade building 89-90 Thiocholine 301 Velocity for detonation, minimum .... 14/ 5-Thio-2-nitrobenzoate 301 Ventilation 320 Thunder heard in parts of USA 103/ system 231,246,325 Thunderstorm activity 101/ Venturi scrubber 78 Thunderstorm day 102 Vision, toxicological effects of TM5-1300, studies leading to 2/ chemicals on 224* TNT 73/ Voltage equivalency 4/, 5/ constant 112,115 of nitroglycerine 7/ dependent resistors 112 results 8/ suppression requirements 107 study 3-6 surge 109/ set-up 10/ switching impulse breakdown 87/ Toxic Substance Control Act 140,216* transient 105 Toxicity tests, acute 218 Toxicological W effects, general 223/ Warfare agents and munitions, studies 235* disposal of chemical 319/ testing 215-236 Water guidelines for 217/ deluge 27/ Transient voltages 105 system application in munition Transport, interlaboratory 202 plants 21-28 Tumors of the kidney 234/ to quench fires, minimum 147-149 to quench propellant layer, minimum 153*, 154* sprayer, emergency 246 U sprinkler system 25 95/, 96/ UV detection 179 Wire, elevated grounded 93 system 181 Wires, catenary 245 UV sensor deluge system 188 Work areas 193 Unbarricaded intraline distance 17 Work surfaces Underwriter's Laboratories Master Z Labeled Protection System 93 112 U.S. Department of Transportation .... 266 Zener diode Zeners, avalanche 113,115 U.S. Coast Guard Chemical Hazard 91 Response Information System .... 268 Zinc

Scott; Toxic Chemical and Explosives Facilities ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1979.