Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, criteria 2000 of

as homeless service provider,. 120. American Chemical Society, analytical chemistry exam correlated to self-reported learning gains, 101, 104f results...
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Subject Index Bennett Award, 17 Biomedical Issues model, HIV/AIDS, 26 by Dr. Monica Devanas at Rutgers University, 26 elements associated to SENCER ideals, 27 as pedagogy model, 26 Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in Research University, 140 Boyle, Alan, 141 Burns, David (Knowledge To Make Our Democracy), 27

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A Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, criteria 2000 of, 140 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 3, 4, 5 See also Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS. See Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Air quality issue, in general chemistry course, 111 case study on, 111 Alameda Point Collaborative college outreach of, 130 as homeless service provider, 120 American Chemical Society, analytical chemistry exam correlated to self-reported learning gains, 101, 104f results and grade distributions, 95 student performance on, 92t, 95 American Psychological Association, 29 Analytical chemistry ACS exam, student performance on, 92t, 95 experiments with APHA methods, 91t, 93 implementing Civic Engagement Ideals/Courses in, 85, 89 core structure, 91 laboratory implementation, 93 lecture implementation, 92 topics covered in, 90t, 92 APHA methods, in analytical chemistry expirements, 91t, 93

C Capitol Hill Poster Session, 15 Carleton College, 32 CASA. See Committee on Assessment for Student Achievement Catholic Institute for LaSallian Social Action, 120 Changing attitudes/ SCI 2103, 52 SALG statement versus mean response/SD on, 55f main concept understanding, 52, 53f Chemical and Engineering News, 140 Chemistry communication curriculum, 145 overall goal of, 146 writings for LIFE approach, 145 Chemistry courses analytical, implementing Civic Engagement Ideals/Courses in, 85, 89 core structure, 91 laboratory implementation, 93 lecture implementation, 92 topics covered in, 90t, 92 enhancement for non-majors, 63 SENCER principles implementation in, 70

B Baseline Instrument, SALG 2.0, 158, 187 Basic Version, SALG 2.0, 158, 179 203

Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Digital library, as SENCER resource, 13, 17, 18, 32 launch of, 32 PDF document in, 32 Doughton, Sandi, 141

at Texas Woman’s University, 36 Chicago River project, wastewater treatment, 93 CILSA. See Catholic Institute for LaSallian Social Action Citizen advisory groups, 119 Civic engagement component, 50, 60 fall 2007, 50 fall 2008, 50 spring 2008, 50 spring 2009, 51 faculty learning community, 39 Civic Engagement Ideals/Courses assessment of student attitudes on, 102 science interest and other gains in, 103, 103t, 104, 104t characteristics of, 86 three principles/hallmarks, 86 content learning, assessment of, 95 ACS exam results and grade distributions, 92t, 95 SALG survey, 97 implementing in analytical chemistry, 85, 89 core structure, 91 laboratory implementation, 93 lecture implementation, 92 topics covered in, 90t, 92 modifications, evaluation of, 94 for science and mathematics general education courses, 88t for seminars and learning communities, 88t for STEM majors, 87, 88t Climate Change: A Human Perspective, 54 SCI 2133, 54, 56, 57 SENCER course at TWU, 38 Committee on Assessment for Student Achievement, 18

E Elementary statistics, SENCER course at TWU, 39 E-news, documentation and dissemination of SENCER, 15 Environmental biology, SENCER course at TWU, 38 Exxon Education Foundation, 162

F Full Version, SALG 2.0, 158, 182

G Gantenbein, Doug, 141 General chemistry course and air quality issue, 111 case study on, 111 at Oxford College, 111 SENCER application to, 111 traditional concepts covered in, 112t Global warming, 54 Ground level ozone concept/project major concepts for understanding of, 112t and SENCER for introductory chemistry, 109 initial assessment, 113 number of student gains for majors/non-majors, 113, 115t pre- and post-course survey results on, 113, 115t student comments on effectiveness of, 112, 114t

D Devanas, Monica, 26 Dietrich, Bill, 141 204

Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

background on, 120 on BRAC III 1993, 120 Installation Restoration (IR) sites at, 120, 122f ISCO applied to degrade organic contaminants in ground water at, 122 New York Times media, 141 Northwest Science and Technology magazine, 139f, 140, 141

H Human Immunodeficiency Virus, 3, 4, 5, 7 See also Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

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I Introduction to Environmental Chemistry: Global Perspectives, 45, 46 presentations, 40 SENCER course at TWU, 37

O Our World at Risk: Global Issues in Science, SENCER course at TWU, 37 Oxford College, general chemistry course at, 111

K Kling, James, 141 Knowledge To Make Our Democracy (David Burns), 27

P Pedagogy, 26, 27, 31 in SENCER models of, 30 prevention of, 5, 18 Physics courses, at TWU, 36 Pringle, Heather, 141

L Leadership Fellows Program, 16, 17 Learning in Informal and Formal Environments, writings for, 145 Liberal and Civic Studies Course, 127, 128

Q Quantitative Analysis chemistry core structure of, 91 Exploring Chemical Analysis textbook for, 91 at Roosevelt University, 87

M Morell, Virginia, 141

N R National Institute for Science Education, 156 National Science Foundation, 5, 158 and SENCER, Post-Institute Implementation Awards in, 17 Naval Air Station Alameda added to NPL, 120

Restoration Advisory Board, 119, 120 RETUrN learning community, of SENCER, 119 Roosevelt University, 87 Rutgers University, 26, 32

205 Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities added dividends, 129 college outreach, 130 faculty development, 131 XRF experimental work, 129 application to general chemistry course, 111 major concepts covered in, 112t approaches to dissemination, 28 to undergraduate STEM education, 7 from Biology department Environmental Biology, 38 Capitol Hill Poster Session, 15 catalogue description of, 46, 55 centers for innovation, 15 chemistry majors courses implementation of, 70 community of practice, 13 distributed leadership fellows and awards for, 16, 17 supports for, 14 content covered, 29 of chemistry, 47 of earth science, 57 of STEM disciplines, 29 courses format of, 46, 56 objectives of, 58 outcomes, 48 into program, 5 and democratic practice, 10 design elements in, 11 models of, 12 documentation and dissemination of consultations, 15 of E-news, 15 of house calls, 15 of journals, 15 of models, 15 future goals campus surface water monitoring, 41

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S SALG. See Student Assessment of Learning Gains SCI220, SENCER teaching strategies implementation and impact in, 65, 66 comment cards use in lectures, 65, 66 easy topics on, 66, 67, 79f, 80f learning objectives of, 65, 67 learning outcomes of, 68 ongoing of, 69 with SALG, future iterations of, 69 student evaluations, 66, 68, 68t SCI 2113: Earth Science in the Context of Natural Disasters, 41 SCI 3545: Who owns the rain?, 42 Science, National Geographic, and Discover media, 141 Science, Nature, Biotechnology media, 141 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Civic Engagement Ideals/Courses for majors of, 87, 88t disciplines on SENCER content, 29, 33 Science and Civic Engagement: A New Certificate Program, SENCER future goals, 41 Science and mathematics general courses, Civic Engagement Ideals/Courses for, 88t Science and Technology News and Feature Writing Course. See Winter quarter 2008 course Science communication engaging students in, 135 experiential learning approach to benefits for development of, 138t outcomes of, 142 web-based format of, 145 SENCER course at TWU, 39 Science courses, at TWU, 36 Science Education and Civic Engagement, an international journal, 16 206

Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Scientific Communication, 39 specific learning objectives, 42 Summer Institute 2007, 37 initial lessons of, 4 intellectual traditions of, 8 the larger context of, 6 from Mathematics and Computer Sciences department of TWU Elementary Statistics, 39 models, 25 course portfolio in, 29 definiton of, 26 digital library, 32 evolution of, 28 format of, 31 growth, 30 HIV/AIDS Biomedical Issues, 26 pedagogy in, 30 trends and challenges in, 33 non-SENCERized SCI220 student learning objectives, 65, 70f organization, 29 origins of, 3 performance evaluation, 48, 59 attendance-participation, 49 civic engagement, 49 climate change and culture project, 60 examinations, 48, 60 field trips, 48, 60 laboratory exercises, 48, 59 lectures and reading, 49, 59 position papers/class discussion, 49 pre-printed questions to facilitate the student comments, 65, 65f presentations on Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, 40 at Washington D.C. Symposium and Capitol Hill Poster Session, 40 prevention to pedagogy, 5 resources assessment materials, 17, 19 backgrounders, 17 digital library, 17

Science and Civic Engagement: A New Certificate Program, 41 future plans of, 19 and ground level ozone concept/project, 109 initial assessment, 113 number of student gains for majors/non-majors, 113, 115t pre- and post-course survey results on, 113, 115t student comments on effectiveness of, 112, 114t ideals of, 10, 27, 29 putting into practice, 11 implementation at Texas Woman’s University, 35, 36, 45 from Biology department, 38 in chemistry, physics and science, 36 climate change, 54 Climate Change: A Human Perspective, 38 future goals, 41 global knowledge and perspectives educational objectives, 36 introduction to environmental chemistry, 45 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry: Global Perspectives, 37 from Mathematics and Computer Sciences department, 39 natural sciences educational objectives, 36 Our World at Risk: Global Issues in Science, 37 presentations, 40 SCI 2113: Earth Science in the Context of Natural Disasters new course, 41 SCI 3545: Who owns the rain? new course, 41, 42 science in the middle school and high school classroom, 38 207

Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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student writing journal and projects, 141, 142t winter quarter 2008 course, 140 Seattle Times media, 141 SENCER. See Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities Service, Robert, 141 SSI 2007. See Summer Institute 2007, of SENCER STEM. See Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Student Assessment of Learning Gains, 18, 19 and changing attitudes/ SCI 2103, 52 design of, 165 development group, 158 instrument and website, 154, 156, 167 analysis page, 160, 190 baseline instrument, 158, 187 open-ended question detail, 160, 197 principles, 156 scale-question detail, 160 traditional, 154 versus mean response/SD on changing attitudes, 55f on main concept understanding, 52, 53f post-survey, 157, 173 pre-survey, 157, 169 research on, 162 revised versions, 158 analysis page, 160, 190 basic version, 158, 179 full version, 158, 182 self-reported gains survey, 97 correlated to ACS exam scores, 101, 104f in general science objectives, 99t, 101 in integration of knowledge, 100t, 102 on laboratory objectives, 97t, 100 on lecture objectives, 96t, 98 and SENCER approach to improve teaching and learning, 149, 157

services, 17 RETUrN learning community, 119 and SALG approach to improve teaching and learning, 149, 157 engaging assessment, 163 faculty anger on, 149 student course evaluations, 151 SENCERized SCI220 student learning objectives, 67, 69, 71f, 73f summer institutes, 14 teaching strategies at UD in SCI220 impact of, 66 implementation of, 63, 65 ongoing SENCERization, 69 textbooks, 47, 59 in theory and practice, 1 Washington Symposium, 15 Science Education Resource Center, 32 Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics education, 6, 13, 14, 16 SENCER approach to undergraduate, 7 Science writing program/courses, of UW 1999-2006 enrollment in, 139t, 140 from “absolute knowers” to “contextual knowers”, 143, 143t backgrounds on, 140 ABET Engineering 2000 criteria, 140 Boyer report, 140 Chemical and Engineering News, 140 Northwest Science and Technology magazine, 139f, 140 integration of theory and practice, 141 novice and advanced writers characteristics, 143t, 144 for spanning general audiences genres in media, 140t, 141 208

Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

spring 2006, 125 spring 2007, 127 spring 2008, 128 learning objectives for, 121, 124t using Superfund site, 121 U.S. Navy Property Management Office NAS Alameda Installation Restoration site map at, 122f for RAB, 120

engaging assessment, 163 faculty anger on, 149 student course evaluations, 151 Student course evaluations, 151 feedback factors for teaching improvement, 151 Summer Institute 2007, of SENCER, 37

T Downloaded by on January 18, 2018 | Publication Date (Web): March 17, 2010 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2010-1037.ix002

W TCRA. See Time Critical Removal Actions Texas Woman’s University implementing SENCER courses at, 45 The Economist media, 141 Time Critical Removal Actions approved in U.S. EPA, 120

Washington Symposium, 15 Winter quarter 2008 course, 140 student evaluation results of, 144, 144t Wisconsin Center for Education Research, 156

X U X-ray Fluorescence experimental work, 129 for U.S. EPA site screening method, 121, 123

Undergraduate Research Student Self-Assessment, 161 Urban Environmental Issues course community outreach in, 123 curriculum of, 121 laboratory, 122 pilot learning community, 125 learning community

Y Yoon, Carol, 141

209 Sheardy; Science Education and Civic Engagement: The SENCER Approach ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.