ace glass incorporated - American Chemical Society

Peter O. Krumin. xvi +. 373 pages. Engineering Experiment. Station Bulletin No. ... which Edward Wichers was chairman. A first section of the volume, ...
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NEW BOOKS extraction of the elements. A tabula­ tion of the physical constants of organic solvents is contained in the appendix.

Analytical Microscopy. 2nd edition. T. E. Wallis. viii + 215 pages. Little, Brown and Co., Boston 6, Mass. 1957. $5.50. There has been such an accumulation of information since the first edition of this book was published more than 30 years ago that the current revision is practically a new book. It describes methods of preparation of materials for microscopical examination, and illus­ trates them by examples chosen from the author's own experience. The subjects described are such that they cannot be completely solved purely by chemical investigation, but require the use of a microscope in observing morphological characters to complete the identification. Bacteriology, clinical microscopy, and crystallography are not included, as the author feels that these have been adequately covered in other texts. The appendix section provides a variety of numerical data and gives information on preparation of reagents referred to in the text. A bibliography of 104 references is included.

The Meigs Creek N o . 9 Coal Bed in O h i o ,

Part III. Peler Ο. Krumin. xvi + 373 pages. Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 165. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. July, 1957. $3.00. A study of chemical and physical properties and washability character­ istics of the coal bed referred to in the title is the subject of this paperbound book. Of particular interest to analysts are the sections dealing with methods of sampling and analysis of coal. Determination methods for several constituents are described. Among these are equilibrium moisture of coal, mineral C0 2 in solid fuels, total sulfur, and forms of sulfur in coal. The dis­ cussion is accompanied by appropriate diagrams and illustrations. A section of about 25 pages is de­ voted to a discussion of methods of reporting analysis data.





2nd Ed. A. H. Beckett and Ε. Η. Tinley. 43 pages. The British Drug Houses, Ltd., B. D. H. Laboratory Chemicals Group, England. Avail­ able from the Ealing Corp., Box 90, Natick, Mass. 1957. No charge.

The opening paragraph of this booklet points out that titration in nonaqueous solvents is as easily done as titration in aqueous solution. In addition many weakly basic or acidic substances give satisfactory end points in nonaqueous solutions, when they fail to do so in water solution. First discussion in de­ scribing the titrations deals with de­ scription of apparatus, solvents, indi­ cators, and potentiometric titrations. This is followed by methods of prepa­ ration and standardization of titrants. Finally, titrations of various classes of basic and acidic substances are de­ scribed.

Reactivos Quimicos.

Edicion Espanola.

Edited by Walter J. Murphy, et al. xv + 428 pages. Ediciones Probus, Industria, 169—Badalona (Espafla). 1955. Ptas. 273. (Spain); $6.50 (Foreign). This is a Spanish translation of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY specifica­

tions, 1955, entitled "Reagent Chemi­ cals." The book is published as a re­ sult of work done by the ACS 1955 Committee on Analytical Reagents, of which Edward Wichers was chairman. A first section of the volume, 22 pages, is devoted to definitions, procedures, and standards. The remainder of the text, about 400 pages, lists specifications for about 195 reagent chemicals. These first show requirements and then de­ scribe test methods for determining adherence to those requirements.

Isotope I n d e x .

(International Edition)

Second Edition. J. L. Sommerville, editor. 100 pages. Scientific Equip­ ment Co., 23 N. Hawthorne Lane, Indianapolis 19, Ind. 1957. $3. Some 3000 items available from Uni ted States, Canadian, British, French, and German suppliers are listed. Fifteen hundred of these items are of the carbon14 compounds alone. Information is given in the form of chemical name or formula, specific activity, supplier, cata­ log number, and price as of April 1, 1957. Also included for each isotope is its halflife and principle radiation energies. The index also has sections on calibra­ tion samples, radiographic and thera­ peutic sources, and on the revised A.E.C. license requirements.