with one indicator. Another accessory can be plugged into the indicator box to allow the unit to operate as a tempera- ture controller using a sensiti...
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NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANALYSTS Oqwfimenf, jÎfifiâ/iatm, çfnsàuinmfe, r^eaames, j/wah/tms C o o l i n g Unit A constant-flow portable cooling unit for controlling liquid t e m p e r a t u r e s from below ambient to 1.0° C. is being m a n u factured b y Blue M Electric Co.

hydraulic thermostat. When the bath reaches the desired temperature, the thermostat actuates the solenoid valve, which in turn closes the line to the main evaporator and diverts refrigerant through an auxiliary evaporator. The units are available in two sizes with capacities of 2100 and 1200 B.t.u. per hour at 40° F. The cooling coil is made of heavy-gage nickel plated copper. 1 Resistance Thermometer

T h e u n i t ' s compressor is permitted to r u n constantly for long-life operation, since it is believed t h a t repeated starting and stopping of t h e compressor is more detrimental t h a n constant operation. B a t h t e m p e r a t u r e is controlled t o ± 0 . 1 5 ° C. b y means of a directional flow solenoid valve a n d a n a u t o m a t i c

A new resistance t h e r m o m e t e r a s sembly is being offered b y Fisher Scientific C o . T h e i n s t r u m e n t h a s a t e m p e r a t u r e range from —100° C. to 276° C , a n d is accurate to ± 0 . 5 ° C. u p to 250° C. a n d t o ± 1 . 0 ° C. above 250° C. I t operates b y measuring t h e change, w i t h t e m p e r a t u r e , in electrical resistance of 50 inches of spun-glass-insulated, 0.002-inch diameter nickel wire. T h e

A wide range of capacities and varied features in stock for immediate shipment, including: Cylindrical and Pear Shaped Graduated and Ungraduafed f or Ace Standard Spherical Joints

coil is encased in a corrosion-resistant Monel metal s h e a t h measuring 1/4 inch in diameter a n d 9 1 /i inches long. Scale a d j u s t m e n t is done b y observing t h e opening a n d closing of a n elect r o n r a y indicator which shows whether t h e b u l b is cooler or h o t t e r t h a n t h e scale setting. T h e double scale is g r a d u a t e d in divisions of 0.5° C. a n d 1.0° F . T h e entire range of 376° C. is on one continuous scale. A bulb selector accessory permits six resistance t h e r m o m e t e r bulbs t o be used w i t h one indicator. Another accessory can be plugged into t h e indicator box t o allow t h e u n i t t o operate as a t e m p e r a t u r e controller using a sensitive t h y r a tron-controlled m e r c u r y relay. 2 Ion Exchange Column A force-feed column h a s been d e signed b y Microchemical Specialties Co. for use in ion exchange operations where t h e flow rate is n o t critical. Separations can be m a d e quickly on several h u n dred milliliters of liquid using t h e column. B y m e a n s of a 100-ml. syringe attached to the apparatus, pressure can be applied to the column head. I n this m a n n e r , flow rates u p to 50 ml. per m i n . can be maintained t h r o u g h a 10-cm. column of 400-mesh resin. T h e u n i t h a s a reservoir w i t h a capaci t y of 150 ml. I t can be operated also from laboratory compressed air lines. 3

M a d e of Pyrex Brand Glass Fast-Response Laboratory Heaters

Also a Complete Line of Kimble Brand and Exax Funnels

Write Dep't SF-^F For Cat. "SO which has a complete listing of Ace and Kimble Brand Funnels.

Three new laboratory heaters, t h e AllTemp, t h e S t e p T e m p , and t h e M o n o T e m p , which are said t o respond quickly t o control settings, h a v e been developed b y Fisher Scientific. T h e open wire heating elements a r e supported with a m i n i m u m of refractory; therefore, there is m i n i m u m t h e r m a l lag. Fisher claims t h a t this fast response results in greater precision in control of boil-up rates in aniline point determinations a n d in benzol a n d t u r p e n t i n e distillations. T h e AllTemp model offers a compre-





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