The new Ace easy-to-apply plastic coating forms a protec tive film around glass. This film will normally contain both the ... cals for a length of tim...
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How industry uses Coulter Counter fine particle analysis

New ACE plastic coating makes glass safe has many uses When glass breaks, the new Ace plastic coating safeguards the chemist against flying glass, dangerous chemicals. The new Ace easy-to-apply plastic coating forms a protec­ tive film around glass. This film will normally contain both the flying glass particles and dangerous chemicals should the glass break during hazardous experiments. Valuable research materi­ als can be saved as the coating is resistant to nearly all chemi­ cals for a length of time adequate to permit recovery. In vacuum systems, a properly applied coating will prevent flying glass particles when fully evacuated flasks are broken. Useful for sealing of joints and stopcocks. Ace plastic coating can also be used to give glass a greater degree of resistance to breakage from mechanical shock. It can be applied in thick coats to build up handles on spatulas; as clamp and ring coatings, tong coatings. You will find many uses for the new Ace plastic coating. Price $5.50 500 cc. Easy to follow directions for applying and curing furnished. Order or write for further information today. Other

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Coulter Counter evaluation by Allis-Chalmers

"The apparatus is both a good re­ search tool and a production line control tool." A l l i s - C h a l m e r s research engineers put a g o o d deal of effort into c o m ­ paring t h e abilities of their elec­ tronic Coulter Counter w i t h other methods of fine particle analysis. Results: The Coulter Counter con­ tinues t o obtain highly accurate, r e p r o d u c i b l e size d i s t r i b u t i o n d a t a for silica samples within t h e 2 t o 200 m i c r o n r a n g e . R o u t i n e t e s t s were f o u n d t o be especially fast. The versatility of Coulter Counter a u t o m a t i o n f o r s i m p l e size d i s t r i ­ b u t i o n o n o t h e r m a t e r i a l s is a l s o accepted fact. In a l m o s t e v e r y f i e l d w h e r e f i n e particle sizing, c o u n t i n g or distri­ b u t i o n is r e q u i r e d , t h e e l e c t r o n i c Coulter C o u n t e r is achieving wider acceptance. Learn prove fine Write

how the Coulter Counter can of inimitable value f o r your particle data requirements. today for complete informaPatented throughout the world


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