Acetylation of Cellulose in Phosphoric Acid Solution - American

(4) Bodenstein, Max, Sitzber. preuaa. Akad, Wiaa.,1931, 73 -88. (5) Bradley, T. F., Ind. Eng. Cbem., 29, 440-5; 579-84 (1937):. 30, 689-92; 1087-8 (19...
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.Icilinovl-letiginr~it~ is ciur G . E. Laiidt for suggesting t,he prol,ltiin and for his valuable sdvic~,concerning t,he invest~igatioii, and to C. R. Lynam for his hclp iii construct,iiig t h r casting apparat,us. Appreria,t,ioii is estended also t,o the twvcnt,y-eight lastic ni:triufactur~c~r.s(soe T:hIe I T) who supplitd thv I ~ A cd. BIB LIOGKA PHY

(1) .kUei’, L.. I S D .

k:NG. (>H$>>i,,30,

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