Acetylene and carbon monoxide chemistry

mathematical derivations, and the contents can be comprehended by any student who has .... writers are experts in the field and some attempt has been ...
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AL ESTUDIO DE LA QU~MICA are considerably enhanced. The chapter on spectroscopy and

Juan Sancho Gomez, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Murcia University, Spain. Pulicacianes de la Universidad, Murcia, 1948. x 292 pp. 67 figs. (and plates). 17.5 X 24.5 cm.


T H Ibook ~ is based on a series of lectures given a t the Murcia University to which have been added bibliographic notes and a table of isotopes. Dr. Saneho states that there is to date no adequate book in Spanish on nuclear chemistry, the only information available in Spanish being in chapters of books of a more general nature or in journ~ls. Dr. Sancho has developed his subject with the aim of providing students, graduate chemists, and scientists who are not specialists in nuclear chemistry, with exact information about the state of knowledge in this fundamental field of scienoe. The book is divided into eleven ohapters and an appendix. The following subjects are discussed: constitution of matter; nuclei, isotopes, and their separation; detection and acceleration of particles; natural radioactivity; qualitative and quantitative study of different particles; different types of nuclear reactions; the theory of nuclei; table of isotopes; and the atomic bomb. In his explanations, Dr. Srtncho avoids wherever possible mathematical derivations, and the contents can be comprehended by any student who has a general background in chemistry and physics. The information of the book is up to date and bibliographic notes include 1947. It should be a very good textbook in Spanish for university students. CARLOS R. PIRIZ MAC-COLL




Edited by Arnold Weissberger, Research Laboratories, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York. Interscience Puh1073-2096 pp. lishers, New York, 1949. Second edition. xt 352 figs. 5 8 tables. 15.5 X 24 cm. $12.50.


INPARTI1 of the second edition of Weissberger's series, one new chapter on electrophoresis has been added and a section of another ohapter on turbidimetry. The remainder of the augmentation of Part I1 consists in making this book a better secondary source of information on methods and apparatus than the lirst edition was. In this the authors of the various chapters have succeeded. The reader is treated as sn intelligent beginner in the various fields and the discussion is complete enough so that he may then proceed to the original literature without further reading. (For reviews of the first edition and the first part of the 24,51 (1947); 27, 172 (1950). second edition, see Tms JOURNAL, Whether an organic chemist will wish to buy a second edition coming so soon on the heels of the k t will in part be determined by his interest in the fields in which big changes have taken place. These are reflected by correspondingly greater additions to the respective chapters in the new edition. The chapters on the following subjects are changed only by addition of new references or by fewer than three pages of added text: X-Ray Diffraction, Electron Diffraction, Colorimetry, Photometric Analysis, Flnorimetry, Polarimetry, Conductometry, and Polarography. Three chapters-Refractometry, Potentiometry, and Magnetic Susceptibility-have been increased by about seven pages, the first mainly on deviation8 of additivity caused by electronic interactions, the second by additions of examples and interpretation of titration curves, and the third by an expansion of Gouy's method of measurement. The literature on radioactivity and mass spectrometry haa been released in such volume since the first edition (1946) that fully twothirds of the journal references to these two chapters are new. The sections on measurements of hard and soft beta. rays

spectrophotometry is made 70 pages longer by a new section on light sources for visible and ultraviolet radiation, more on objective spectrophotometry, about 29 pages more on infrared, including 10 pages on thermopiles and bolometers, and more on Raman spectra. The subject of dipole moments is doubled in length to bring into the text more details, especially on bridge, resonance, and heterodyne beat methods of measuring dipole moments. The new chapter on electrophoresis contaiar a good description of the Tiselius apparatus and a substantial outline of it.s use in organic chemistry, including warnings against some of the pitfalls of interpretation. L E A L L I S B. CLAPP



John W. Copenhaver, Central Research Laboratory, General Aniline and Film Corp., Easton, Pennsylvania, and Maurice H. Bigelow, Plaskon Division, Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Ca., Toledo, Ohio. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1949. xvi 357 pp. nluatrated. 16 X 23.5 cm. $10.


THISbook is a connected summary of the mass of detailed and repetitious reports of the development of the chemistry of acetylene under pressure in the laboratories of the I. G. Farbenindustrie under the direction of Walter Reppe. I t is valuable because the writers are experts in the field and some attempt has been made to present the material critically. The chapters an vinylation, ethinylation, and cyclopolyolefins are relatively complete because mhst of the work on these reactions has been reported only in government technical reports or in patents of the I. G. Fasbenindustrie. The chapter on-handling acetylene under pressure is very valuable, but might have been even more so if all other references on the subject had been included. The new German work on reactions of acetylene at atmospheric pressure and on homologues of acetylene was not extensive and the corresponding chapters are very brief. This is not disadvrtntageaus because critical reviews of these subjects have been published elsewhere. The section on carbon monoxide chemistry is B single chapter (fifty-three pages) describing the reactions of carbon monoxide with acetylene and with olefins in the presence of metallic carhonyls and carbonyl hydrides to form acids, alcohols, and carbony1 compounds. No mention is made of the extensive chemistry of carbon monoxide developed outside the I. G. Farbenindustrie and Ruhrchemie. This book is written in an interesting manner and should be of consider~blevalue to industrial chemists. While it will hardly be useful as a textbook, most organic chemists will iind it interesting to read, and all reference libraries should have it since the material it covers is not otherwise readily avsilable. I t is to be regretted that omission of authors' names in the references and lack of identification of the titles in the general bibliography make these of less vdue than they otherwise would have been. THOMAS L. JACOBS

Jelks Barksdale, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama. The Ronald Press Co., New York, 1949. xi 591 pp. 15figs. 23 tables. 16 X 24 cm. $10.


A noOK on titanium has long been overdue, yet this prexeut trcstirc by 1)r. nnrksdsle nppcan just before a real knowledge of the ~rooerticsof metallic titanium and the hich tiranium allon iu imn;ineht of achievement. So far as the meti1 itself is oonce&ed, this hook has little to contribute to metallurgists engaged in the development of titanium as the "metal of the future." For the chemistry of titanium, the mineralogy and recovery from ores,