Acetylene formed in a Balloon. Dem. 666

(NH)&=O ~1 NIL,+ + OCN- urea rtrnmo~uum eyanate. Materials: 1 molar urea, device E-1 or Me-amps for measuring current. Procedure: (a) Project two cult...
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Tested Overhead Projection Series Compiled by

HUBERT N. ALYEA Princeton University


A. General Dem. 6 6 1-Ammonium

Cyanaie fram Urea

To show; Formation of ammonium and cyanate ions by heating urea-aq; a reversal of the classical Wohler's synthesis: (NH)&=O urea


+ OCN-


Materials: 1 molar urea, device E-1 or Me-amps for measuring current. Procedure: (a) Project two culture tubes half-filled with 1 M urea in H-3. Boil tube B for 5 min. Now transfer the tubes to Me-amps, project, and test for conductivity. (b) Ditto, but add two drops of AgN03aq to each. Observations: (a) The unboiled tuhe (urea) does not conduct; the boiled tuhe (NH,+ and OCN-) conducts. (b) Tube 1, no reaction with Ag+; tube 8 precipitates white (macro) AgOCN. Reference: WALKER, J., and HAMBLEY, 13. J., J. Chem. Soc., 87, 746 (1894); SCHEER, R., P rmis Chem., 5, 56 (1956); SEETHAHAMAN, P. A,, J. Chem. Igduc., 39, A8.19, 1962 uses urea which reverts to ammonium cyanate.

B. Chain Compounds Dem. 662-Amylene

+ Bramine

To shoto: The addition of bromine to unsaturated hydrocarbons. Material:

Bromine, amylene (I-pentene), H-3, cotton.

Procedure: Push a loose wad of steel wool into the bottom half-inch of a culture tube, and to this add four drops of mineral oil. Project in H-3. Heat until white clouds (hydrocarbons) appear. Now tilt an unstoppered bottle of Brs to let the reddish-brown vapor spill into the culture tuhe. Immediately stopper. Let stand a few seconds. Observations: The reddish-brown color disappears. Reason: The steel wool catalyzes the crackiug of the hot oil, giving unsaturated products; the double bonds in the latter add bromine which disappears. Bn 7 CCnHzn A



Dem. 664-Cracking


Bacon Fai

To show: The high-temperature cracking of bacon fat, and reaction of the unsaturated products with bromine. Materials: Bacon, forceps, H-3, two culture tube stoppers, bromine. Procedure: Tilt an unstoppered bottle of bromine to spill the vapor into two culture tubes; stopper at once. Project in H-3. Into tube one drop a strip of bacon, about 3 X '/%X in. Holding in the forceps, heat a similar strip of bacon in H-3, and when the bacon sputters and drips, drop it into the bromine in culture tube 2; stopper at once. Observations: Tube 2 becomes colorless in a few seconds. Reason: Heating bacon fat cracks it into unsaturated acrolein (CH,=CH-CHO; this causes the acrid choking odor from burned bacon); the double bond of the unsaturated compound adds bromine, decolorizing the tube. Dem. 665-Preparaiian

To show:

af Aceiylene

Preparation and combustion of acetylene.


Fresh calcium carbide, cell H-1.

Procedure: Project two culture tubes in H-3. Tilt an unstoppered bottle of bromine over each, so as to fill them with the reddish-brown vapor; then quickly stopper them with small plugs of cotton. Now put two drops of amylene into tube 2, stopper it again.

Procedure: Project cell H-1 with the generator containing 1 lump (5 mm3, no larger, CARE)of CaC2, and water in the medicine dropper and the receiver. Collect gas in the holder; test with a lighted match.

Observations: Tube 2 becomes colorless as the bromine in i t adds to the unsaturated bond in amylene.

Observations: Acetylene, caught in the gas holder, explodes with air when a match is applied to it.

Reaction: CHFCH-CH1-CH,-CH3 CH2Br-CHBr-CH1-CH3-CH3 Dem. 663-Cracking

+ Br,


Mineral Oil

+ +



Reactions: CaC2 2HOH Ca(0H)s C%H,t ; 2C2Hz 50%-+ 4C02 2H20. Dem. 666-Acefylene

Formed in a Ballaon

Experiment developed by Ken.neth V. Jaclcman.

Experiment developed by Carl J. Maneuso.

To sh,ow: The cracking of mineral oil, using Fe as catalyst, to give unsaturates which add bromine.

To show: in it.

Materials: Steel wool, H-3, mineral oil, dropper, bromine.

Materials: Rubber balloon, lump of fresh CaCz, thread, medicine dropper, Bunsen burner.

Balloon swelling as acetylene is generated

Volume 46, Number 9 , September 1969

/ A633

+ Cellulose

Procedure: Taking care not to wet the neck of the balloon, squirt a medicine dropperful of water into a rubber balloon. Push a lump of CaCI (0.5 cm3, no larger, CARE)into the neck, and tie shut with thread. Project. Now dump the lump into the water inside the balloon. Throw expanded balloon into a Bunsen flame.

Materials: Soln. A : 5 g soluble cellulose in 100 ml water. S o h . B : light brown solution of iodine in water. Alpha-amylase, cell H-3, stirrer.

Observation: As CzHz is generated, the balloon is filled with gas. Explodes in air when thrown into Bunsen flame.

Procedure: Half-fill two culture tubes with A . Add l g alpha-amylase to tube 2. After 30 min, project in H-3. Add a dropperful of B to each tube.




Reactions: CaCz 2H2O 2C2H2 502 4COI 2H20






+ C2H2;

J. Chem. Educ., 6,2011 (1932).

Dem. 669-Amylase

Experiment developed by Robert Barnard. To show: Cellulose fermented to starch by amylase.

Observations: Tube 1: no coloration, showing starch is not present. Tube 2: hlue coloration due to starch formed from cellulose by fermentation.

C. Ring Compounds

D. Natural Products

Dern. 670--Amylase

+ Starch

Experiment developed by Robert Barnard. Dem. 667-Formic

Acid Swelling Proteins

To' show: How formic acid iu the sting of an insect causes swelling of proteins. Materials: Gelatin, formic acid, hypodermic syringe and needle, phenolphthalein indicator solution; NaOHaq, hotplate, 250 ml beaker, stirrer, H-3. Procedure: Dissolve 5 g gelatin in 100 ml boiling water; to it add four drops indicator a single drop of NaOH to turn it red. Pour into two culture tubes. Let gel. Project in H-3. Plunge the hypodermic needle into the center of each gel, injecting one drop HC1 into tube 1 and one drop of HCOOH into tube Z. Project for 15 min.


Observations: Both acids decolorize the red indicator. After some minutes the channel containing the formic acid begins to swell. Dem. 668-Distillation

To show: Starch fermented to sugar by an enzyme, alpha-amylase. Materials: Soln. A: 5 g starch dissolved in boiling water, cooled to room temperature (important) and filtered if necessary to give a clear solution. Soln. B: a light-brown solution of iodine in water. Alphsr amylase, cell H-3. Procedure: Half-fill two culture tubes with A . Add l g alpha-amylase to tube 2 . After 30 min, project in H-3. Add a dropperful of B to each cell. Observations: Tube 1: deep iodine-blue showing presence of starch. Tube 2: pale hlue, showing starch has disappeared, the amylase fermenting it to sugar.

of Wood

Experiment dezleloped by August J . Colo. To show: Products from the distillation of wood. Materials: A 13 X 100 mm test tube quarterful of soft wood chips; one-hole rubber stopper carrying a l/a-inch copper delivery tube in through a 2-hole stopper in an empty 2-02 square glass bottle; an exit tube of glass or copper leading to a second 2-hole stopper in a 2-02 square glass bottle quarterful of dry CaO; an exit tube of copper or 5 mm glass tubing. Procedure: Project with the test tube of dry wood chips over an alcohol burner. Heat as hot as possible. I n a few minutes gas will issue from the exit tube in the end bottle, and can be ignited there. Hold a matchhead in this flame. Observations: Wood-tars collect in the empty bottle. I n the second bottle pyroligneous acids from the wood are absorbed by the lime. The exit gas burns and can be made visible on the projection screen by the match-head igniting. Note: Hard coal requires a much higher temperature than is provided by the alcohol burner. A634


Journal of Chemicol Educafion

Dern. 671-Titration

of Vitamin-C with Iodine

To show: Vitamin C content of orange juice treated with iodine and back-titrated with thiosulfate. kc-COH=COH-CH-CHOH-CHSOH + In O=C-COHI-COHI-CH-CHOH-H


Materials: Orange juice, 0.01 N iodine-aq, conc. HISO#,starch-a C-1, medicine droppers, 0.01 N sodium thiosulfate-aq, stirrer. Procedure: Project C-1 containing 30 ml of orange juice dropperful of starch-aq dropperful of conc. H2S04 (CAREin adding, make sure does not injure the plastic). Now titrate with iodine, (class counting drops), adding about 10 drops in excess. Back-titrate (class counting) with 0.01 N thiosulfate. Wash out cell a t once to prevent iodine stains.



Calculations: Milli-equivalent weight of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is 0.088. One sample of orange juice had 0.7 mg ascorbic acid per ml of juice. Reference: (1947).




J. Chem. Educ., 24, 458