Acidity of Hydrocarbons. IV. Secondary Deuterium ... - ACS Publications

IV. Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects in Exchange Reactions of Toluene and Ethylbenzene with Lithium Cyclohexylamide. A. Streitwieser, D. E. Van Sic...
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reactions of polyhalo-methanes and ethanes with aqueous base. Our relatively large isotope effect shows that we are not plagued by the phenomenon apparently observed by Cram and Hine; i.e., in the present case the carbanion-type intermediate clearly reacts sufficiently slowly with solvent that diffusion of solvent is not rate-determining. Salts in cyclohexylamine are but slightly dissociatedI5; because of its comparative stability,

Vol. 84

our intermediate is probably not a free carbanion but is probably better described as a lithium alkyl. The further question of the more detailed description of such an organometallic derivative as a covalent compound or as “tight” or “loose” ion-pair is reserved for the discussion in Paper V. l6 (15) Conductivity experiments of W RI. Padgett t o be published shortly. (16) A. Streitwiescr, Jr., D. E. Van Sickle a n d L. Reif, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 8 4 , 258 (1962).



Acidity of Hydrocarbons. IV. Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects in Exchange Reactions of Toluene and Ethylbenzene with Lithium Cyclohexylamide BY A. STREITWIESER,

J R . , ~AND


RECEIVED JUNE 21, 1961 Some secondary deuterium isotope effects were studied in the exchange reactions of hydrocarbons with lithium cyclohexylamide in cyclohexylamine; k(C6H5CHDCH3)(&(CsH&HDCD3)= 1.11 & 0.03, a result t h a t is interpreted to indicate that the transition state has substantial carbanionic character, 3&(C,H5CH,D)/k(C,H,CD3) = 1.31; analysis of this result suggests that the leaving deuterium and perhaps a lithium are close to the central carbon a t the transition state.

Despite the several continuing controversies regarding the detailed interpretation of some secondary deuterium isotope effects, sufficient data are now available to provide useful analogies in elucidating structural and electronic influences in transition states of some reaction^.^ I t was with the hope of gathering useful information about the nature of the hydrocarbon moiety of the transition state for the proton exchange reaction with lithium cyclohexylamide in cyclohexylamine t h a t studies were undertaken of some secondary deuterium isotope effects in this reaction. A P-deuterium isotope effect was obtained with the use of ethylbenzene-a,B,@,p-d4. This compound was obtained by the following sequence : acetophenone was repeatedly treated with D20 and a trace of base to exchange the a-hydrogens. Reduction with lithium aluminum hydride gave 1phenylethanol-2,2,2-d3, which was converted to the chloride and reduced with lithium aluminum deuteride and lithium deuteride. The resulting hydrocarbon was mixed with ethylbenzene-a-d and the mixture was allowed to exchange with lithium cyclohexylarnide in cyclohexylamine following our usual pr0cedure.j Aliquots of the hydrocarbon were isolated a t intervals and the relative amounts of the various deuterated ethylbenzenes present were determined by mass spectroscopy.6 (1) This work was supported b y t h e United S t a t e s Air Force through t h e Air Force Office oi Scientific Research of t h e Air Research and Development C o m m a n d , under contract S o . A F 4Y (638)-108. Reproduction in whole or in p a r t is permitted for a n y purpose of t h e United S t a t e s Government. This paper was presented in p a r t a t t h e Sixteenth h-ational Organic Symposium of t h e American Chemical Society, Seattle, Wash., June, 1959. (2) Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. (3) Shell Development Co. Fellow, 1957-1958. (4) For recent reviews, see (a) L. Melander, “ I s o t o p e Effects on Reaction Rates,” t h e Ronald Press Co., N e w York, N. Y.,1960, C h a p t . 5 ; a n d (b) A. Streitwieser, Jr., Ann. N . Y . Acad. S c i . , 8 4 , 576 (1060). (5) A. Streitwieser, J r . , D. E. Van Sickle a n d W. C . Langworthy, J . A n i . Chem. S o c . , 84, 244 (1962). (6) W e are greatly indebted t o D r . David P. Stevenson of t h e

An a-deuterium isotope effect was obtained through the use of toluene-a,a,a-d3. This compound was prepared by reduction of benzotrichloride with zinc and acetic acid-d.’ This material was mixed with toluene-a-d and this mixture was also allowed to exchange with lithium cyclohexylamide following our usual procedure. Samples of toluene were isolated a t intervals and analyzed by mass spectroscopy.G Results and Discussion p-Deuterium Isotope Effect.-Replacement of the a-deuterium atom in ethylbenzene-a,P,P,P-& gives ethylbenzene-P,P,P-d3. Jn principle, the change in either reactant or product with time could be used t o give a rate constant; however, because the methyl group was not fully deuterated, enough -da compound is converted to -d? to make more reliable the determination of the rate constant by following the disappearance of -d4. For the same reason me follow the appearance of -do rather than the disappearance of - d l for determining the rate of reaction of ethylbenzene-ad. In Fig. 1, these changes are compared graphically. The -CD, group clearly slows the rate by about 10%. Alternately, a point by point comparison may be effected by the use of eq. 1, in which the time has been eliminated.

D, refers to the percentage of -dn component i n the ethylbenzene aliquot. K C H ~ / ~ C D= ~ 1.11 =k 0.03.

This procedure yields

Shell Development Co., Hmeryville, Calif., for t h e mass spectral analyses. (7) R. Renaud and L. C . Leitch, Ca,?. J . Chciil., 3 4 , U8 (19%).

Jan. 20, 1962



These treatments assume t h a t only the oc-hydrogens can exchange. This question was examined by a study of ethylbenzene-P-d which was found to be completely stable to conditions considerably more drastic than those used in the present study.8 An impressive amount of data has accumulated to show t h a t deuterium effectively has an electrondonating inductive effective relative to hydrogen. 3b Part of the evidence comes from isotope effects in quadrupole coupling constants and n.m.r. chemical shifts in alkyl halide^,^ dipole moment differences between deuterium and protium compounds, lo and optical activity resulting from hydrogen-deuterium asymmetry. Of especial importance to the present work, however, are the substantial changes in acidity resulting from deuterium substitution. Some recent determinations are summarized in Table I. TABLE I OF XCIDITT DECTERXMISOTOPEEFFECTS Acid




1.12 0.02 1.024 f ,006 1 . 1 2 =t .02 1.06 i .03 1 . 1 2 i ,05 1.033 z!= ,002



12 12 13 14 15




Fig. 1.--p-Deuterium isotope effect for exchange of ethylbenzene-a,p,-p,P-d~and ethylbenzene-m-d with lithium cyclohexylamide in cyclohexylamine a t 49.9".

carbon bearing most of the negative charge; accordingly, we would anticipate a reduction in the acidity of the corresponding hydrocarbon by Although the detailed source of the effects ob- -12%. This type of comparison is certainly crude, served is apparently still not definitely settled,16 but the results should be of the correct order of the data show deznitely that deuterated acids are magnitude. The observed effect on the rate of significantly less acidic than the corresponding exchange is close to this expected effect on acidity. protium acids and allow us to make rough predic- The argument is clearly not rigorous, but the obtions of the expected magnitudes of the effects in served isotope effect strongly suggests that the other systems. For this purpose, the measurements hydrocarbon moiety has acquired substantial negaof benzoic and acetic acids are probably the most tive charge a t the transition state of this exchange accurate, having been done by the conductivity reaction1' method. I n the deuterated acetate ion, each deua-Deuterium Isotope Effect.-For this case, the terium is separated by two atoms from the atom total reaction is bearing the negative charge and causes about a 1% 3ka 2kz ki decrease in acidity. Deuteriurns one atom closer might be expected to have about three times the effect, on the basis of the usual pattern of inductive changes and intramolecular distance. On this (2) basis, we expect a single deuterium in formic acid There are four possible species present which are to lower the acidity by a figure just slightly interrelated by six rate constants. The two of lower than those reported by Ropp13 and by Bell and interest here are kl and k3, which, by the assumpJensen. tion of the equilibrium constant being equal to The three deuteriums in the a-phenylethyl-,5',,5',B- unity,5 are the same as k - l and k-3, respectively.'* ( t 3 anion are also separated by one atom from the CD3COOH

(81 Unpublished experiments of Dr. S. Suzuki. (9) J. Duchesne, J . Chem. P h y s , 20, 1804 (19.52); 26, 369 (1936); J . Lhchesne, A . hlonfils a n d J . Garson, Physic&. 22, 816 (1956) ; J W. Simmons and J. H. Goldstein, J . Cheiiz. P h y s . , 20, 122 (1932); S. L. Miller, I.. C . Aamodt, G . Dousmanis. C H. Townes and J . Kraitchm a n , i b i d , 2 0 , 1112 (1952); G. V. D Tiers, J . A m Chern. Soc., 79, 5.585 (1957). (10) C. P. S m y t h and J 31. A. d e Bruyne, i b i d , 57, 1205 (IP:35>; R . P. Bell ancl I. E. C o o p , 7'Ya,,s. F a r a d a y Soc., 3 4 , 1209 (1938); D. R. Lide, Jr., J . Cheiiz. Phys., 33, 1319 (1960). (11) E . A. Halevi a n d 35. S u s s i m , Bull. Res. Council I s w e l , SA, 263 (1956). (12) H . S. Klein a n d A . Streitwieser, J r . , C h e t n i s l r y 3 I m f u s f u y , 180 (1961). (13) G. A. R o p p , J. A m . Chcnz. Soc., 82, 4232 11960). (14) R. P. Bell and & I . B. Jensen, PYOC. C h e m . Soc.. 307 (1960). (15) H . S . Klein, unpublished results. (10) See, f o r examole. t.he arguments of R. E. Weston. Tr.. Telrahedron, 6, 31 (195Y), a n d E. A . Halevi a n d 3f.S u s s i m , Tetrahedroiz, 6, 3-52 (1959).

(17) T h e above discussion neglects t h e possible isotope effect associated with hyperconjugation. @-Deuterium atoms diminish t h e stability of carbonium ions; t h e effect has been attributed t o reduced hyperconiugative stabilization (for summaries, see E. S. Lewis, Teluahediwt: 8, 143 (1939) a n d V. J. Shiner, Jr.. i b i d . , 5 , 243 (1959)). T h e evidence for anionic hydrogen hyperconjugation is limited; such effect is probably n o t important in our case. Of potentially greater significance, however, is L. S. Bartell's [Telvahedrwn L e l l c r s . No. 6, 13 (1960) 1 interpretation of t h e @-deuterium effect. Essentially, this argument says t h a t diminished non-bonding repulsions between t h e leaving group and a @-hydrogenin t h e transition state lowers a bending force constant for t h e latter. A deuterium a t o m is unable t o benefit as much from such freedom and a n isotope eEect results. This explanation would apply as well t o our carbanion case as t o carbonium ions. Kevertheless. if this etTect does apply, t h e result of t h e interpretatian is unchanged, namely, t h a t t h e transition state of our exchange reaction is well o n its way t o carbanionic character. (18) Actually, isotope effects m a y make small differences in these equilibrium constants; however, in t h e equations t o follow, k-1 and k- 3 are used in relatively small correction terms for t h e back reactions a n d this approximation will not result in significant error.





l k

taking the areas with a planimeter up to the appropriate times. The results are summarized in Table 11.





VOl. 84

Time, min.


0 40 100 180 300 800

E i

0 , min.

P(D*/Dddl, min.

0 39.8 98.2 174.9 288.7 754.4

0 0.15 1.4 8.0 22.4 338

0 90 218 322 4 15


A plot of the right hand side of eq. G against the percentage D,on a semi-log scale gives a straight line of slope 3k3 (Fig. 2 ) . The value so derived is k3 = 4.56 X niin.-'. The rate of formation of Do is given by dDo/dt = klDJ(1 - p ) - 3k-ipDo

'Ire assume kl = h-



rearrange and integrate, giving

i = kip



The integrals are again evaluated graphically, giving the quantities surnniarized in Table 111.


'/a f ofp (D2/D3)dt, minutes. Fig. 2.-Evaluation of kl.

Because of the growing deuterium content of solvent during reaction, each equation actually represents pseudo-second-order kinetics. Such a system of consecutive second-order reversible reactions yields a set of differential equations which cannot be solved analytically in the general case. However, by use of the elegant approach of Widequist,Ig a particular integration of the data defines a new time scale, in terms of which the solution reduces to first order, The disappearance of D3 is given as

- dDa/dl

= 3kaD3(1

- p ) - k--3Dzp


i n which Dj = [CeH,CH,-jDj], and the other symbols have the meaning assigned previously.6 Inserting k L 3 = k 3 and rearranging gives

- dDa/D3


= 3ka(l

Following Widequist,

p)dt = ka(D,/Da)pdt


we now define

% = t

-l p d t


\\.e substitute in eq. 3 aiid integrate to obtaiii In Up/Urt = 3k3 [e

- 1/3




Since p , and therefore 0, are rather complicated functions of time and the deuterated species reacted, i t is convenient to evaluate graphically the integrals on the right side of eq. 6. The quantity p is calculated from its definition5 and the assumption t h a t all deuterium removed from the toluenes after time t is present as R'NHD. The values of the integrals, L p d l and p(Dz/D3)dt,are obtained by plotting p and pD~lD3,respectively, against t and (IS) S. Widequist, A d a Chem. Scond., 4, 1216 (1950); Arkiw. K e m i , 8 , 545 (1956). We are greatly indebted to Professor R. E. Powell for telling us about this method.


Time, rnin.

0 40

dDo(1 - P ) D I 0 0.216 0.593 1,020 1.580 2.64

100 180 300 800


0 39.8 9i.4 170.8 265.8 434.3

-4 plot of the left side of eq. S L I S . 9 gives a straight min.-'. line of slope kl (Fig. 3); kl = 6.0 X Finally, k z may be evaluated in a conipletely analogous way. The rate equation is dDz/dt = 3k303( 1 -


+ 2k-zDip

- 2kzDz( 1 -




The value obtained for ks = k-2 is 3.45 X lO-' min.-I, but is undoubtedly considerably less accurate than the values for kl and ka. The secondary isotope effect is given by k l / k : , = 1.31; i.~?., substitution of two deuteriums on a methyl group diminishes the rate of exchange of a third deuterium by 24y0,. I t is difficult to assign a probable error to this number, although the fine definition of the final lines renders improbable an error of more than a few per cent. We would expect k l / k 2 = k 2 / k 3 , The actual ratios, 1.10 and 1.19, respectively, are only in fair agreement with this thought and reflect the larger errors that creep into the more complex evaluation of kf. The interpretation of these numbers requires the quantitative assessment of several factors. With the present state of knowledge about secondary deuterium isotope effects, this dissection cannot be done exactly. By analogy with other systems, useful conclusions can be reached concerning the mechanism of the present reaction. We must em-

Jan. 20, 1962


phasize, however, t h a t these conclusions should not be considered as a rigorously logical outcome, but should be classed rather as “reasonable” or “strongly suggestive.” The magnitude of our a-deuterium secondary isotope effect is similar to those observed in several other systems. Examples are the effects of adeuteriums on solvolytic displacement reactions, zo the pseudo-basicity of a-deuterated benzhydroW and cis- trans isomerization and addition reactions of deuterium-substituted olefins.z2 In the accepted explanation for this isotope effect, a hydrogen bending vibration becomes an out-of-plane bending vibration of lower frequency in the flatter transition state of lower coordination. The greater mass of deuterium produces a smaller frequency change and an isotope effect results. I n limiting solvolyses, for example, k H / k D for a single a-deuterium is typically around 1.15. This value is substantially lower than that calculated for complete conversion from a tetrahedral four-coordinated carbon to a trigonal three-coordinated carbon, -1.4. 2oa The difference has been attributed to the effect t h a t the juxtaposed leaving group still has on the bending vibration of the a-hydrogen in the transition state; this explanation finds support in the reduced isotope effect in nucleophilic solvolyses and direct displacement reactions.20a,d However, i t should be noted t h a t in all of these cases, the central carbon atom has carbonium ion character. From the electron-donating “inductive effect” of deuterium (vide supra) we would expect an a-deuterium to stabilize a carbonium ion in the absence of other effects. Such stabilization of carbonium ions has been reported for favorable cases.120z1,23This effect works against the out-of-plane vibration effect and tends to reduce k H / k D . In our carbanion case, however, both effects work in the same direction. By extrapolation of the 8-isotope effect in the exchange reaction of ethylbenzene ( d e supra), we would anticipate the “inductive effect” of two adeuteriums in toluene to produce a k H / k D of up to -1.20. This leaves only a k H / k D -1.10 to be attiibuted to the out-of-plane bending vibration effect of two a-deuteriums. We conclude, therefore, that either the reaction has not proceeded far a t the transition state or t h a t this vibration is still impeded substantially by nearby atoms a t the transition state. Since the effect of methyl groups on the reactionz4 and the 8-deuterium isotope effect (vide supra) strongly suggest that the transition state is well along to flat carbanion character, we can suggest that nearby atoms are responsible and that these atoms are both the leaving proton and the lithium of the lithium cyclohexylamide catalyst. This interpretation is completely con(20) (a) A. Streitwieser, Jr., R. H . Jagow, R . C. Fahey and s. Suzuki, J . A m . Chcm. SOL,80, 2326 (1958); (b) W. H . Saunders, Jr., S. Aspergrr and D. H. Edison, ibid., 80, 2421 (1958); (c) K . Mislow, K. S. Borcic and V. Prelog, Hclo. Chim. Acto, 40, 2477 (1957); (d) K. K. Johnson and E. S. Lewis, Proc. Chem. Soc., 52 (1958); (e) H. S. Klein, unpublished results. (21) R. Stewart, A. L. Gatzke, M. Mocek and K. Yates, Chemiylry & Industry, 331 (1959). (22) S. Seltzer, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,83, 1861 (1961); D. B. Denney and N. Tunkel, Chcmisfyy &Industry, 1383 (1959). (23) V. J. Shiner, J . A m . Chcm. SOC.,8 3 , 2655 (1960). (24) A. Streitwieser. Jr., and D. E. Van Sickle, ibid., 34, 249 (1962).







min. Fig.3.-Evaluation




of kl.

sistent with the four-center transition s t i t = picture I that emerges from the stereochemistry of the exchange reaction and is discussed further in the following paper.

Experimental Ethylbenzene-cu,p,~,~d4.-Acetophenone-cy,cy,a-d~zs was reduced to the alcohol in the usual way with lithium alu6 CHANGE

TABLE IV EXPERIMENT WITH C6H5CHDCD3 CHDCHa, 49.9’ a = 0.48, c = 0.067

Time, min.

0 300 700 1300 1850 7500



41.8 34.4 26.8 18.0 13.47 2.52

6.55 12.8 19.7 27.3 31.4 40.9

0 40 100 180 300 800

DZ 0.48 1.37 2.48 3.16 4.15 5.39

DI 48.9 39.9 29.6 19.28 13.85



DO 2.17 11.4 21.3 31.7 37.1 47.9

TABLE V CeH5CH2D C6HsCD3,49.9” a = 0.49, c = 0.070 7 Component, yo Da Dz D1 DO 37.0 10.9 47.0 5.1 22.7 19.4 43.2 13.7 9.5 19.3 40.9 30.3 3.6 13.1 36.6 46.7 6.3 0.9 28.2 64.7 0.06 0.94 13.7 85.3

EXCHANGE Time, min.

Component, %-




( 2 5 ) Our procedure for the preparation of this compound by exchange of acetophenone with DnO has been publtshrd previously: D . S. Noyce, G. L. Woo and M. J. Jorgenson, J . A m . Chcm. SOC.,8 3 , 1160 (1961).


VOl. s4


minum hydride.*& The product (30 g.) was refluxed for several hours with 47 g. of thionyl chloride in 185 ml. of toluene. After removal of solvent and excess thionyl chloride, the residue was fractionated to yield 18.5 g. (50cc) of a-phenethyl-P,B,P-d( chloride, b. 60-61" (8 tnm.). X solution of 12 g. of this chloride in 75 nil. of tetrahpdrofuran was refluxed for 12 hours with 0.5 g. of lithium aluminum deuteride and 1.5 g. of lithium deuteride. Excess deuteride was destroyed with water and the mixture was taken up in pentane. IVashing, drying and distilling gave 7.8 g. (82%) of ethylbenzene-a,p,B,p-d~, b. 133-135', nZ55D 1.4918. (26) We are indebted to G. W.Burton for this preparation


Kinetics.-Two experiments mere performed using the sealed tube procedure (A1.5 I n the first, a mixture of ethyl; benzene-a-d and ethylbenzene-ol,p,P,P-d4 was run a t 49.9 as a 0.48 -11solution in cyclohexylamine having a formal concentration of 0.067 M in lithium cyclohexylamide. Tubes were removed from the thermostat a t intervals and the ethylbenzene was removed, distilled and examined by mass spectral analysis.6 The results are given in Table 11'. In the second experiment, a mixture of toluene-a-d and toluene-cu,oi,ol-d37was handled in the same way. The results are summarized in Table V. The rate constants obtained as discussed above are given as kelp. The 2b/Q correction6 has not been applied, since the desired quantities are rate ratios.




Acidity of Hydrocarbons. V. Stereochemistry and Mechanism of the Proton Exchange Reactions of Hydrocarbons in Cyclohexylamine1 BY




RECEIVED JUSE 21, 1961 The rate of racemization of optically active ethylbenzene-a-d with lithium cyclohexylamide in cyclohexylamine at 49.9 is 2.8 times the loss of deuterium. This result is analyzed to show that replacement of the a-hydrogen by hydrogen in this system proceeds with 82T0 net retention of configuration. X mechanism of the exchange reaction is proposed which involves a four-membered ring transition state in which specific asymmetric solvation by individual solvent molecules is not necessary t o accommodate the results.

Of especial significance for the elucidation of the mechanism of a reaction is the stereochemistry. Determination of the stereochemistry of a proton exchange reaction can be accomplished in principle by a comparison of a rate of stereochemical change with a rate of isotope exchange; all such procedures require some knowledge of isotope effects. I n the present study in which a knowledge of isotope effects is still required, we examine instead the stereochemistry of replacement of an a-hydrogen by h y drogen in optically active ethylbenzene-a-d. Results and Discussion Optically active ethylbenzene-a-d* was allowed to react with lithium cyclohexylamide in cyclohexylamine a t -19.9". At intervals, aliquots of the hydrocarbon were isolated and examined both for deuterium content and for optical activity. X semi-log plot of optical activity against time gave a satisfactory straight line corresponding to k r a c = 3.0 X sec.-l, whereas a corresponding plot of deuterium content minus the equilibrium value gives k ~ , ,=~ 1.20 X 10V5sec.-l. The latter value must be corrected for the back reaction as detailed earlier5 to give the true pseudo-first-order rate constant for the forward step, k~ = 1.07 X sec. (1) This work WAS supported b y t h e United S t a t e s nir Force through t h e Air Force Office of Scientific Research of t h e Air Research and Development Command, under contract S o . A F 49(638)-105. Reproduction in whole or in p a r t is permitted for a n y purpose of t h e United S t a t e s Government. This paper was presented in p a r t a t t h e Sixteenth National Organic Symposium of t h e Bmerican Chemical Society, Seattle, Wash., June, l Y j D . A preliminary communication has been published: A. Streitwieser, Jr., D . E. Van Sickle a n d L. R e i f , J. A m . Chein. Soc., 82, 1513 (1960). (2) Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. (3) Shell Development Co. Fellow, 1957-1958. (4) E. L. Eliel. J . A m . C k e m . SOC.,11, 3970 (1949). ( 5 ) A. Streitwieser, Jr., D. E. Van Sickle a n d W. C. Langworthy. cbid., 84, 244 (1962).

Racemization under these conditions can result both from replacement of D by H and in part by replacement of H by H. The first case is trivial; we are interested in the fraction, A, of the latter replacements, k ~ t h, a t result in racemization. krw = k D

t Aka


X equals 0 for complete retention of configuration, X = 1 if each replacement occurs with complete racemization and X = 2 for inversion of configuration. The inequality of the experimental k r a c and k~ tell us immediately that X # 0, but a more com-

plete characterization rsquires a knowledge of kH. This quantity cannot be measured directly but may ) the isotope effects. be approximated from k ~ and A measurement of the deuterium-tritium isotope effect led to k H / k D = 12 =t 2,8 in which k~ here refers to ethylbenzene itself. The a-deuterium atom in ethylbenzene-a-d, however, is expected to slow down the rate of replacement of the hydrogen by a factor of 1.14 as estimated from the relative Hence, rates of toluene-a-d and toluene-a, cy, in the present case, k~ is estimated as (12 + 2 ) k ~ / 1.1-1-= (I1 =t2 ) X set.-'. Insertion of this value into eq. 1 gives X = 0.16 + 0.03; i.e., the lithium cyclohexylamide-catalyzed exchange of hydrogen by 'hydrogen in ethylbenzene-a-d occurs with 82 + 3%) net retention of configuration. Previous studiess have demonstrated that the exchange reaction involves an intermediate of the alkyllithium or carbanion type. IK7e can now eliminate free carbanions as the only intermediates in the reaction since resonance-stabilized benzylic anions are expected to be planar and incapable of supporting asymmetry. The reaction of the alkyl( 6 ) This r a t e constant is included in Tdble I of ref. 7. (7) A. Streitwieser, Jr., a n d D . E. Van Sickle, i b i d . , 84, 249 (1962). (8) A Streitwieser, Jr., W. C. Langworthy and D. E. Van Sickle, i b i d . , 84, 251 (1062). (9) A . Streitwieser, Jr , and D. E. Van Sickle, ibid., 84, 254 (1962).