Acientific Apparatus Laboratory Equipment - Analytical Chemistry

Ed. , 1943, 15 (9), pp 607–607. DOI: 10.1021/i560121a600. Publication Date: September 1943. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this i...
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APPARATUS EQUIPMENT Electro-Strirmer . .

the thiohess of the tin ooating is reduced.

The Bendix Eleotro.

Stripper has been develowd for the determination of tin matins

With it one operator may handle 200 determinations in one day.



Multiple-Unit Combustion Furnace Inoident to the stepped-up produotion of high-octane aviation gasoline essential to the war program, the Universal Oil Products Co.. Chicago, Ill., has developed a multiple-unit electrioally heated combustion furnace offering several novel features. The equipment is manufactured by the Precision Scientific Co.. 1750 North Springfield Avve., Chicago. Although designed specifically for the determination of carbon on cracking catalysts used for producing high-octane aviation gasoline, the equipment is modifiable t o handle a wide variety of organic cornbustions within the temperature limit of 540° C. (1000’F.). Briefly. the equipment oomprises (1) oxygen-purification system for oombustion gases; (2) ,oxygen pressureregulating column: (3) electrically heated furnaoe 24 inohes long, with four combustion tubes 1inch in diameter and 30 inches long. Heating intensity for each half of esoh tube is independently controlled, and temperature of any tube can be readily observed by means of an indicating pyrometer: (4) oonventional absorption trains with oaloium ohloride for absorption of moisture and Asoarite for removal of carbon dioxide.