Acknowledgment Literature Cited Commercial ... - ACS Publications

Ohio River water softened in a hot-process lime-soda softener, with metaphosphate used for conditioning of the boiler water. Although the raw water is...
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APRIL, 1939


One of the outstanding examples of a new boiler plant carefully engineered with respect to the water problem is the recent 800-pound topping installation of the Weirton Steel Company, a t Weirton, W. Va. The two boilers in this plant have operated since June, 1936, on 100 per cent make-up of Ohio River water softened in a hot-process lime-soda softener, with metaphosphate used for conditioning of the boiler water. Although the raw water is high in dissolved solids, variable in composition. and contaminated with industrial wastes, no difficulties due to water have been encountered. This success may reasonably be attributed to the constructive design arrived a t by the cooperation between the company, the boiler manufacturer, and the consultants on water conditioning. This design included such features as large furnace volume with a correspondingly low value for heat release of 25,000 B. t. u. per cubic foot per hour for normal and 31,000 for maximum rating; a normal steam production of 12,500 pound per hour per foot width of boiler and a steam drum of greater diameter than standard.

Acknowledgment The writers are grateful for assistance rendered by The Babcock and Wilcox Company, Combustion Engineering Company, Inc., Cochrane Corporation, Permutit Company, and by A. G . Christie and various members of the staff of Hall Laboratories, Inc.

Literature Cited Anonymous, Power, 47, 108, 127 (1918). Ibzd., 50, 624 (1919). Applebaum, 8. B., and Riley, R., IND.ENG. CHEM.,30, 80-2 (1938). Bailey, E . G., J . A m . Ceram. Soc., 17, 55-67 (1938). Bailey, E. G., Smith, A. R., and Dickey, P. S., Mech. Eng., 58, 771-80 (1936). Bardwell, R. C., J . A m . Water Works Assoc., 22, 335-41 (1930). Berg, E., Power, 48, 834 (1918). Berl, E., and von Taack, F., Arch. Wtlrmewirt., 9, 165-9 (1928). Bird, P. G., Proc. A m . SOC. Testing ikfaterials, Preprint 101 (1938). Boiler Code Comm., Mech. Eng., 51, 388-9 (1929). Boilers and Furnaces Number, Power Plant Eng., 42, 2-86 (1938). Burrell, Harry, IND. ENG.CHEM.,30, No. 3, 358-63 (1938). Caldwell, W. E., Combustion, 10, No. 1, 18-21 (1938). Christman, C. H., Holmes, J. A., and Thompson, H., IND. ENG.CHEM.,23, 637-46, 849-50 (1931). Daugherty, T . H., Proc. A m . SOC.Testing Materials, 37, Part 11, 615-33 (1937). Dinger, H. C., J . A m . Water Works Assoc., 21, 95-6 (1929). Doremus, C. A., U. S. Patent 404,180 (May 28, 1889). Drewry, M. K., Combustion, 9, No. 8 , 18-24 (1938). Foulk, C. W., IND. ENG.CHEM.,16, 1121-5 (1924). Foulk, C. W., and Brill, H. C., Ibid., 27, 1430-5 (1935). Foulk, C. W., and Whirl, S. F., Ibid., 26, 263-7 (1934). Hall, R. E., Ibid., 17, 283-90 (1925). Hall, E. E., J . A m . Water Works Assoc., 21, 79-100 (1929). Hall, R. E., Mech, Eng., 46, 810-17 (1924). Hall, R. E., Natl. Electric Light Assoc., Pub. 051 (June, 1930). Hall, It. E., Proc. Eng. SOC.Western Pa., 41, 347-90 (1925). Hall, R. E., U. S. Patent 1,613,656 (Jan. 11, 1927). Ibid., p. 8, lines 108-121. Hall, R. E., et al., Carnegie Inst. Tech., Mining Met. Invest. Bull. 24 (1927). Hall, €L E.’, Fischer, C., and Smith, G. W., Iron Steel Engr., 1, 312-27 (1924). Hall, FL. E., and Jackson, H. A., U. S. Patent 1,903,041 (March 28, 1933). Hall, R. E., and Merwin, H. E., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 16, 11, 91-117 (1924). Hecht, M., and McKinney, D. S., Trans. A m . SOC.Mech. Engrs., F u e l s Steam Power. 51. 139-59 (19301. Hitchens, R. M., and Purssell, J. S., Trans. A m . SOC.Mech. Engrs., 60, 469-73 (1938). Johnson, H. il., and Xelting, C. A., Combustion, 9, No. 3, 20-9 (1937). Joseph, A. F., and Hancock, J. S., J. SOC.Chem. Ind., 46, 315-211‘ (1927); 49, 369T (1930).


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Commercial Mixed Fertilizers-Correction I n the article by F. 0. Lundstrom and A. L. Mehring [IND.ENG.CHEM.,31, 354-61 (1939)], a n unfortunate error occurs in Table I, page 357. T h e grade formulas, states, and dates which head the columns of figures should not have been printed here, since they are obviously repeated from t h e t o p of the first group of samples on page 356 and do not apply t o this second group of samples. T h e first fourteen lines of figures on page 357 belong, of course, t o the group of samples beginning with “3-21-6, Ohio, 1929” and ending with “4-24-12, Ind., 1934.”