ACS 1993 Award Winners - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

will receive their awards at the fall 1993 206th ACS national meeting in Chicago ... Vignettes of the remaining awardees will appear in successive...
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ACS 1993 Award Winners ollowing are vignettes of the second 10 recipients of awards administered by the American Chemical Society. The winners will receive their awards during the spring 1993 205th ACS national meeting in Denver, with the following exceptions: The Cope Medalist and the Cope Scholars will receive their awards at the fall 1993 206th ACS national meeting in Chicago at the Arthur C. Cope Symposium. The awards in Denver will be presented at a banquet on Tuesday March 30,1993. The ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry will be presented at the 11th Winter Fluorine Conference, which will be held Jan. 25-30, 1993, in St. Petersburg, Fla. The Roger Adams Award in Organic Chemistry will be presented during the 33rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium, to be held in Bozeman, Mont., June 13-17,1993. Vignettes of the remaining awardees will appear in successive October and November issues of C&EN.


Earle B. Barnes Award for Leadership in Chemical Research Management sponsored by Dow Chemical Co.

WILLIAM D. EMMONS' career at Rohm & Haas has been remarkable, not only because of his scientific contributions, but also for the impact he has made on other scientists through his personal management style and the changes in management systems that he instituted. Emmons began working for Rohm & Haas in 1951, immediately after completing a Ph.D. degree at the University of Illinois, where he worked with R. C. Fuson on the chemistry of Grignard reagents. Emmons7 success as a scientist can be seen in several areas. His contributions to chemistry are documented in 63 publications and 112 patents. Of particular note is his work on peroxytrifluoroacetic acid reactions, alkaline nitrations, and the landmark discovery of the oxazirane ring system. Emmons' research has included a vast body of work on acrylic emulsions, which has been 58

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important to the success of Rohm & Haas. His work includes development of adhesion-promoting monomers to give paint vehicles the ability to adhere to varied substrates, exploitation of oxazolidines in emulsion lattices, and the development of nonionic associative thickeners that confer solventlike rheology to latex systems. The development cited in his 1986 ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings was a completely novel electrodepositable photoresist system for fabricating printed circuit boards. Having progressed steadily through successive managerial responsibilities, in 1988, Emmons was named the group director of research for polymers, resins, and monomers (PRM), the largest business group of the company, with annual sales of more than $1 billion. In this capacity, he was responsible for all scientific and research administrative functions for the PRM business. Until his retirement at the end of 1989, Emmons had direct managerial responsibility for more than 400 scientists. Emmons developed an effective model for moving projects from pioneering research through successive stages to commercialization. He formalized the role of research as an active and fully participating partner in the Rohm & Haas business team organization. His influence on the new business team philosophy in the 1980s was consistent with his concern about management of interfaces, the flow of information, and his model for product development. Prior to that time, the various functions of the company were isolated with vertical reporting relationships. When the need to form a more team-oriented structure began to surface, Emmons was a strong proponent for formally incorporating research into the team structure. His management style, developed and refined over the course of his career, has been credited for much of Rohm & Haas7 research success. He continues to contribute to the success of the PRM group through an active consultancy.

ACS Award in Separations Science & Technology sponsored by Rohm & Haas Co.

JAMES R. FAIR has made many important and lasting contributions to the field of separations science. And, says a colleague, he has made them in many different ways, including basic research, design of separations systems, promotion of the field, management of separations projects, and teaching. Fair holds the McKetta Centennial Energy Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas, Austin, and is head of the university's Separations Research Program. Fair began his career in industry, joining Monsanto Chemical in 1942 as a junior engineer following graduation from Georgia Institute of Technology with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering. He helped design and modify separation facilities and published extensively on separation processes. One major achievement was his development of the first comprehensive model for predicting masstransfer efficiency of packed gasliquid contacting columns. Also noteworthy is his wide-ranging work on the design of distillation equipment. Today many engineers use the "Fair method" for predicting distillation column capacity. While at Monsanto Chemical, Fair obtained an M.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan. He left the company in 1952 to pursue studies at the University of Texas and received a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering in 1955. Following a brief stint with Shell Development, Fair returned to Monsanto Chemical as research section leader. He was director of corporate technology at Monsanto Co. when he moved to the University of Texas chemical engineering department in 1979 to initiate a program of teaching and research in separations. In 1982 the award winner founded the Separations Research Program, a

Engineering and selected as Chemical Pioneer by the American Institute of Chemists. And in 1983, she received an honorary doctorate of science degree from UYouville College.

ACS Award in Petroleum Chemistry sponsored by Amoco Foundation



research consortium funded by industry and several government agencies. The program involves work in membranes, supercritical fluids, and biotechnology applications. Fair's own research is aimed at providing basic information and understanding for solving practical industrial separations problems. More recently he has focused on hazardous waste management, directed toward purifying groundwater contaminated by hazardous organic chemicals. Fair currently has about 150 publications and several books to his credit, and holds two patents in extractive distillation. He has received honorary doctorates from Washington University and Clemson University. He has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering and is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Frauds P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal sponsored by Olin Corp.

EDITH M. FLANIGEN's research has become the benchmark for studies in silicate chemistry and the chemistry of molecular sieves. Beginning in 1952, when she joined Union Carbide as a research chemist, to her present appointment as UOP Fellow in Materials Science at UOP Research & Development, Flanigen has discovered more than half the known synthetic molecular sieves. Her work has redefined the fields of adsorbant and catalyst chemistry and has had a profound effect in areas such as the petroleum industry. Flanigen received a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1950 from D'You-


ville College, a school in her hometown of Buffalo, N.Y. In 1952, she received a master's degree in inorganic-physical chemistry from Syracuse University. From there, she joined Carbide, quickly moving to the firm's molecular sieve research group—and to a career that has produced 32 publications and 92 patents. Flanigen synthesized many new molecular sieve materials that were, in fact, new compositions of matter: zeolite omega, a large-pore zeolite that catalyzes certain hydrocarbon reactions; zeolite N-A, a silica-rich zeolite that catalyzes certain hydrocarbon conversion reactions; numerous crystalline aluminosilicate materials that are used as catalysts, ion exchangers, or adsorbents; and a series of high-performance silica gel adsorbents. Her work in synthesis extended to process technology when she discovered a practical way to manufacture zeolite Y, the base for most commercial petroleum and hydrocracking catalysts. In addition, Flanigen was the coinventor of a hydrothermal process for beryl and emerald synthesis, was the first to synthesize a molecular sieve of pure crystalline silica, and has synthesized a new generation of molecular sieves that includes aluminophosphates and siKcoaluminophosphates. The awardee also has pioneered the use of midrange infrared spectroscopy to interpret molecular sieve structures. Her work has been integral to the physical and chemical characterization studies of a large number of adsorbents and on dozens of new compositions including many naturally occurring zeolites and clays. Earlier this year, Flanigen was awarded the Perkin Medal from the Society of Chemical Industry. In 1991, she was inducted into the National Academy of

"Brilliant teacher," "eminent scholar," and "dedicated technologist" are just a few of the terms colleagues use to describe BRUCE C. GATES. Pioneering research into molecular catalysis of organic reactions conducted by Gates, who is a professor of chemical engineering at the University of California, Davis, has led to fundamental understanding of the catalytic reactions in petroleum refining, including hydroprocessing and cracking. The hydroprocessing reactions are important in processes for the manufacture of clean-burning, low-sulfur fuels. He has also elucidated the nature of ion-exchange resin catalysts that are used to make methyl tertbutyl ether, a high-octane component of lead-free gasoline. His contributions to the science of petroleum chemistry have found their way into industry, and his innovative teaching and textbook writing have been particularly effective. Gates' work in hydrodesulfurization over sulfide catalysts is a major contribution to the field. His work has led to an understanding of new and important pathways in the hydroprocessing, including hydrogenation, hydrodesulfurization, hydrodenitrogenation, and hydrocracking, of heavy aromatics. He has made significant fundamental contributions in many other areas of catalytic petroleum processing as well, including well-known work on the preparation and characterization of supported metal cluster catalysts. Gates has been awarded U.S. patents for solid superacids and zeolite catalysts, and has coauthored the textbook, "Chemistry of Catalytic Processes." His new book, "Catalytic Chemistry," is the first undergraduate textbook to treat catalysis in a unified, comprehensive way; it includes incisive summaries of petroleum-refining catalysis. His short courses in catalysis have been attended by about 1500 individuals. In partnership with James R. Katzer, OCTOBER 19,1992 C&EN


AWARDS Gates formed the Center for Catalytic Science & Technology in the chemical engineering department at the University of Delaware. This center fills a crucial need for academic-industrial interaction in catalysis in the U.S. and has been a model on which other centers have been built. Gates received a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1961, and a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1966. As the former H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Chemical Engineering and professor of chemistry, Gates was with the University of Delaware from 1969 to 1992. He recently moved to the University of California, Davis.




this and other lectins in biomedical re- and to solve these problems by using a search as a mitogen, a reagent for gener- variety of surface-science techniques. In ating prostaglandins, a cytoxic agent for particular, his research has defined the destroying tumor cells, and a reagent to roles of promoters and poisons in catadistinguish normal from transformed lytic reactions, has established relationships between catalytic activity-seleccells. His group was the first to characterize tivity and the structural properties of Claude S. Hudson Award in the carbohydrate-binding specificity of a surfaces, and has determined the naCarbohydrate Chemistry lectin and to show the parallel between ture of metal-metal bonding in mixedthis interaction and the antibody-antigen metal catalysts. sponsored by Merck Research Laboratories interaction. It conducted numerous imPursuing an interest in chemistry "His detailed studies of carbohydrate- munochemical studies on synthetic car- began early for this Glen Allen, Miss., lectin interactions . . . represent land- bohydrate-protein complexes in order to native. Goodman majored in chemismarks in our present level of under- shed light on the role of stereochemical try at Mississippi College in Clinton, standing of carbohydrate-protein inter- factors in controlling the expression of and received a B.S. degree in 1968. actions/' This tribute by one colleague anticarbohydrate antibodies. His dissertation for his doctorate (in succintly points up the major contribuMore recently, Goldstein and his as- physical chemistry received in 1974 tion of IRWIN J. GOLDSTEIN to the sociates cloned the lima bean lectin from the University of Texas, Austin) field of carbohydrate chemistry. Gold- gene and expressed it in Escherichia coli, further established the course of his stein is professor of biological chemis- isolated and characterized a new class career: It dealt with molecular structry and associate dean for research and of bulb lectins that are specific for man- ture studies using photoelectron specgraduate studies at the University of nose, and isolated a new lectin specific troscopy. Michigan, Ann Arbor. for the T-antigen that appears to be reIn 1976, Goodman began work as a The award winner received a Ph.D. agent-specific for diagnosing colon can- National Research Council Fellow at degree in biochemistry in 1956 from the cer. what was then the National Bureau of University of Minnesota. Following Goldstein has published extensively, Standards. There he demonstrated that postdoctoral studies as a Guggenheim with more than 200 scientific papers, 15 surface carbon acts as the primary interFellow at Lister Institute of Preventive book chapters, and three books to his mediate in the methanation of carbon Medicine in London and as a National credit. He has received numerous awards, monoxide and that graphitic carbon poiInstitutes of Health Special Fellow at most recently (1990) the P. J. Stillmark sons this type of reaction. This research Stockholm University, he joined the Memorial Medal Commemorating the has proven to be pivotal because it State University of New York as assis- 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of bridged the gap between surface science tant professor and then a few years later Lectins. He currently serves on the edi- and catalysis. the medical school at the University of toral boards of two journals—Archives of In 1980, Goodman was appointed Michigan as associate professor. There Biochemistry & Biophysics and the Journalresearch scientist at Sandia National he quickly rose to the forefront in re- of Biological Chemistry. Laboratories where he investigated search on the isolation and characterizathe support interactions in the hydrotion of lectins—the family of sugar-bindgenation of carbon monoxide to mething proteins found in plant seeds—and anol and provided a molecular-level their use in probing the behavior of car- ACS Award in Colloid or understanding of the influence of poiSurface Chemistry bohydrate-protein complexes. sons and promoters in such reactions. Goldstein and his coworkers pioIn addition, he conclusively showed sponsored by Kendall Co. neered the use of affinity chromatograthat, in alkane hydrogenolysis, specifphy to purify lectins and were the first to D. WAYNE GOODMAN, professor of ic surface structures and sites define isolate pure jack bean lectin, concanava- chemistry at Texas A&M University, is catalytic activity and selectivity. For lin A. Their purification method is now uniquely able to define fundamental this and related work, Goodman was used worldwide, facilitating the use of problems of heterogeneous chemistry cited as one of the 100 outstanding 60

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since 1983, and was chairman of the Gordon Conference on Fuel Science in 1988. Gorbaty received the R. A. Glenn Award for best paper presented at the fall 1990 ACS meeting of the Fuel Chemistry Division.

ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry sponsored by Fisher Scientific Co. Grasselli


young scientists in the U.S. in the 1984 "Science Digest." Goodman's work since joining the staff at Texas A&M in 1988 has focused on bimetallic systems. He has shown that these systems are electronically perturbed and thus have altered chemical and catalytic properties. He has further demonstrated that these perturbations improve the catalytic performance of bimetallic systems compared with single-metal catalysts. Goodman was the 1983 recipient of the ACS Ipatieff Award. He serves on the editorial boards of the journals Langmuir and Applied Surface Science and has been chairman for several symposia on catalysis and surface science, including the 1992 Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis.


His recent accomplishments in speciating and quantifying the forms of organic sulfur present in coals by direct measurement using x-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and in defining their reactivities are particularly noteworthy, and provide a science base from which new procedures for coal utilization may emerge. Since joining Exxon Research & Engineering Co. in 1969, Gorbaty has been issued 30 U.S. patents, with five pending, in the areas of agricultural products, polymers, and coal utilization. He has authored or coauthored 43 papers on organic and coal chemistry, edited five books, and presented more than 50 lectures in the U.S. and abroad. Gorbaty has served on various advisory boards and review panels of the Department of Energy, where a colleague says, "Gorbaty has been a Henry H. Storch Award in strong voice in recommending that Fuel Chemistry DOE support high-quality research to investigate novel and revolutionary apsponsored by Exxon Research & Engineerproaches to obtaining clean liquid fuels ing Co. from fossil energy resources/' Another From the beginning of his career as a associate of Gorbaty's says he has been research chemist 23 years ago to his "an innovator in coal science and a mapresent position as senior research as- jor force in setting directions and priorsociate with Exxon Research & Engi- ities for government, academia, and inneering's Resource Chemistry Lab, dustry." MARTIN L. GORBATY has been carThe award winner earned a B.S. derying out research and contributing gree with honors in chemistry from new knowledge that have brought sig- the City College of New York in 1964; nificant advances in chemistry, physics, in 1969 he received a Ph.D. degree in and instrumentation to hydrocarbon organic chemistry from Purdue Uniscience. versity. His work during the past 19 years An active ACS member, Gorbaty is has centered on defining coal struc- past chairman of the Petroleum Chemtures at the molecular level, relating istry Division, and currently serves as those structures to coal reactivity, and one of its councilors. He is also a memultimately using these structure-re- ber of the American Association for the activity relationships to improve coal Advancement of Science, has been on utilization and conversion processing. the International Editorial Board of Fuel

"An ambassador of science in general and analytical chemistry in particular," is how one fellow professor describes JEANETTE G. GRASSELLI, Distinguished Visiting Professor and director of research enhancement at Ohio University in Athens. Grasselli is internationally recognized for her achievements as an analytical chemist and her application of vibrational spectroscopic techniques to industrial problem solving. During her industrial career, she established an analytical laboratory that was among the first to apply infrared spectroscopy to research problems ranging from catalyst structural elucidation to identification of new polymers to specification testing of petroleum products. She and coworkers were also among the first to use Fourier-transform and computer techniques to improve sensitivity, enhance the information obtained from infrared spectra, and reduce analysis time. Her laboratory was also the first major industrial laboratory to use Raman spectroscopy for catalyst research and to probe catalyst structures under reaction conditions. Grasselli has shown tireless dedication by describing in presentations to both scientists and nonscientists how chemistry is an integral part of today's world and critical to success in tomorrow's world. To date, she has presented talks entitled "Operation Super Sleuth/' "The ABCs of Analytical Chemistry Today: Analysis Becomes Computerized," and "Happiness Is— Being a Spectroscopist," to about 500 civic groups. Her ability to clearly explain scientific phenomena and to demonstrate the excitement of analytical chemistry has influenced people of all ages. She also has published extensively with more than 70 journal papers and nine books. She has served on many OCTOBER 19,1992 C&EN


AWARDS Currently he publishes about 20 papers and reviews and delivers about 20 lectures a year. His involvement with graduate students has resulted in 69 advanced degrees. He has also worked to improve chemistry programs at the undergraduate and high school levels. In addition, Hercules has been instrumental in promoting the techniques of surface analysis to the industrial research community. According to a colleague, Hercules' "extensive program in desulfurization was an important model for how modern laboratories use surface chemistry. Most recently, Hercules (together with A. Benninghoven) has discovered the importance of SIMS for polymer surface characterization. His initial papers in this area are stimulating at least three major industrial labs to enter this critical field. I expect more to follow/' The award winner received a Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1957 and has held academic positions at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.; Juniata College, Huntington, Pa.; MIT; and the University of Georgia. Since 1976 he has been at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of ACS, the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, and the Society of Arthur W. Adamson Award Applied Spectroscopy. In 1986 he received the ACS National Award in Anfor Distinguished Service in alytical Chemistry. the Advancement of Surface His professional activities include serChemistry vice to ACS, the Petroleum Research Fund, the National Science Foundation, sponsored by Occidental Petroleum Corp. the National Institutes of Health, the DAVID M. HERCULES was the first White House, the Council for Chemical U.S. chemist to use x-ray photoelectron Research, and the Pittsburgh Conferspectroscopy as an analytical tool—his ence. "These examples of his service to first paper on this subject appeared in the field testify to his wisdom in both 1971. His work in the field of surface scientific matters and in scientific polianalytical chemistry has grown since tics," notes a colleague. Hercules has that time, and he has made significant served on 12 editorial boards since contributions by employing methods 1963. such as secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), ion scattering spectroscopy, surface Raman spectroscopy, laser microprobe spectroscopy, extended x-ray James Flack Norris Award in absorption fine structure spectroscopy, Physical Organic Chemistry and time-of-flight SIMS. These techniques have been used to study a vari- sponsored by the ACS Northeastern ety of important surfaces—catalysts, tion polymer films, coal, teeth, and biomed- For KEITH U. INGOLD, being an ical materials. outstanding research scientist, profesHercules has published more than 300 sor, lecturer, and author of more than papers and review articles on surface 400 scientific papers is more than just analysis and also has produced an ACS the result of talent and hard work—it Short Course that is available on tape. is, in a sense, hereditary. The award

government committees, among them the visiting committee for National Institute of Standards & Technology, the Chemistry Panel of the National Science Foundation, and the Board on Chemical Sciences & Technology of the National Research Council. She is currently chairman of the U.S. Committee to the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry. Her most recent book, "Characteristic Infrared and Raman Frequencies of Organic Molecules/' promises to become an essential reference for all analytical spectroscopists. The award winner was the 1986 recipient of the ACS Garvan Medal, was elected to the State of Ohio's Women's Hall of Fame in 1989, and was the first woman elected to the Ohio Science & Technology Hall of Fame (1991). Grasselli received a B.S. degree in 1950 from Ohio University, and an M.S. degree in 1958 from Western Reserve University. She holds three honorary doctorate degrees: a D.Sc. from Ohio University (1978), another from Clarkson Univeristy (1986), and a D. Engr. from Michigan Technological University (1989).


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winner's father, Sir Christopher Kelk Ingold, was the first recipient of this ACS award. Born in Leeds, England, and now a 7 Canadian citizen, Keith Ingold currently is distinguished research scientist at the National Research Council of Canada's Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences in Ottawa, Ontario. Concurrently, he is an adjunct research professor in the chemistry department of Carleton University, also in Ottawa, and adjunct professor in the department of biochemistry at Brunei University in the U.K. He is known as a world leader for his research into the kinetics and mechanisms of free radical reactions in solution. Free radicals are important in organic synthesis, play a prominent role in biological chemistry, are central to studies of transient species using laser photolysis and spectroscopy, and occupy a key place in the increasingly important area of electrontransfer processes. Ingold's kinetic studies of radicals produced absolute rate constants for a number of processes, including atom transfers and rearrangements, and the application of these concepts has been the impetus to the explosion of the use of free radicals in organic synthesis, a procedure that is still being used. His development of free-radical "clocks" is an example of the particularly apt descriptive terms he has popularized. The award winner's most recent work has contributed to biomedical chemistry by examining the mode of action of vitamin E in inhibiting biological oxidation, including processes in human lipoproteins and cells. A colleague of Ingold's says that "this effort will be seen as Ingold's greatest accomplishment, in bringing the great power of physical organic chemistry at its best to bear on problems of public health." Ingold is coauthor of the book "Free-Radical Substitution Reactions" [Wiley-Interscience, New York, N.Y., 1971], which was translated into RusSecsian in 1974. In a period of 24 years, he has been honored with more than 20 awards, including an Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from ACS in 1992, the Sir Christopher Ingold Lectureship Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1991, and the ACS Pauling Award in 1988. •