ACS Board of Directors - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Eng. News Archives ... It was moved, seconded, and carried that the report of the Executive Secretary on ad interim mail votes of the Bo...
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ACS Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting, Dee. 2 and 3 , 1 9 4 7 J_ HE Board of Directors of the AMERICAN CHLEMICAL SOCIETY met at 1155 Sixteenth

S t . , N . W.. Washington, D. C , at 9:45 A.M., Dec. 2, 1947. Roger Adams, Chairman of t h e Board, presided. The following Directors were present: Robert T. Baldwin, Lawrence W. Bass, Bradley Dewey. Alden H. Emery, Charles A. Kraus, S. C. Lind, John M. Mcllvain, W. Albert Noyes, Jr., Charles L. Parsons, Walter A. Schmidt, Charles A. Thomas, Ernest H. Volwiler, and Edward R. Weidlein. Elisha Hanson, counsel of the Society, Arthur B. Hanson, and Walter J . Murphy, editor of Chemical and Engineering News, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, and Analytical Chemistry were present, by invitation. The minutes of the meeting of Sept. 12 and 14, 1947, previously distributed to each Director and published in C&EN (25,2995-7 (1947)], were approved. Reports It was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the report of the Executive Secretary on ad interim mail votes of the Board of Directors be received. (This involved confirmation of the amendments to Bylaws 5(b), 14, and 15(a) voted by the Council on Sept. 13, 1947.) I t was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the report of the Executive Secretary on. ad interim mail votes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors be received. (This involved acceptance of administrative responsibility for the Fisher Awrard in Analytical Chemistry, approval of payment to Mrs. F. W. Willard of the honorarium due the late F. W. Willard as of Dec. 31, 1947, and addition of $3,800 to the 1947 budget of the Treasurer to cover the costs of establishment a n d operation of his Washington office in November and December.) It was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the ad interim report of the Treasurer b e received. It was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the Executive Secretary's ad interim report on administrative reorganization b e received. It was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the report of the Finance Committee b e received. It was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the report of the Finance Conimittee o n Administrative Reorganization of Financial Matters be received. It was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the report of the Committee on Clinical Chemistry be received and t'iat t h e Executive Secretary be instructed to 3854

keep closely in touch with the important work of this group. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the report of the* Committee on Punched Cards be received. It was moved, seconded, and carried that the following report of the Committee on ACS Publication Policy b e received, approved, and adopted: ACS P u b l i c a t i o n Policy The Committee on Publication Policy, authorized by the Board of Directors and appointed by its Chairman, presents the following statement of policy for consideration: 1. The Society will make no attempt to pre-empt the whole field of chemical publications. 2. In its publication program, the Society will not invade t h e fields of physics, medicine, and biology but it will continue to publish papers related t o these fields if the content is primarily chemical or chemical engineering. 3. The reputation of Society publications is based on the high, standards which have been maintained in the past and the available resources of the Society shall continue to be applied for this purpose. 4. The Society recognizes the increased volume of high-grade manuscripts describing results of chemical and chemical engineering investigations which now flow from the laboratories and plants. It acknowledges its responsibility t o help make this material promptly accessible to the members of our profession. Within the limits of the funds available, the publications of the Society will be enlarged to meet this need. 5. The Society believes that the emphasis in its publication program should be on service to a maximum number of members at miniinuivn. cost to the organization and its members. T o that end, it would seem t h a t the objects of the Society can be advanced most readily by the publication of journals giving coverage of broad fields. 6. It is believed tha.t at the present time the foregoing aims ca,n be accomplished most readily b y expansion and improvement of the present publications of the Society—i.e., Journal of the American Chemical Society, CJienical Abstracts, Industrial and 'Engine-ermg Chemistry, Chemical and Engineering News, and Analytical Chemistry. The editorial staffs and editorial boards should give regular thoughtful consideration to means for better serving subscribers, for meeting changing conditions including new interest in and new emphasis upon some particular phase of chemistry or cliemical engineering, for shortening t h e time between transmittal and printing of contributions, and for expansion to meet increasing demands. Requests fox additional appropriations to implement improvement and expansion programs should be given CH!:MICAL

careful consideration by the Board of Directors. 7. It is believed that existing Society journals can be still further improved and their services to members extended. Until these possibilities have been exhausted or until a substantial amount of acceptable material cannot be published in existing Society journals, no proposal for establishment of a new Society publication should be entertained. 8. If, consistently, the contributions in some specialized field cannot be given proper treatment by the Society, and if establishment of a Society publication to serve that field is not considered practicable, the Board of Directors should so state for the benefit of interested persons. 9. Since the publications of the Society have contributed materially to its reputation and since the income derived from them has enabled the organization to furnish to its members and subscribers journals costing far more than the subscription price and to provide services greatly in excess of those supported by dues payments, no proposal for a new publication can be entertained if it appears that i t will detract from the reputation or income of the publications in which the Society has such a great investment of time and money. 10. The Society may own and edit journals which are published commercially by some outside agency. Extension of this plan in the future should be only in fields not served adequately by publications of the Society and only in accordance with the principles expressed above. 11. Divisions may own, edit, and publish journals provided they meet fhe general provisions laid down in this statement of policy. Extension of this activity in the future should be only in fields not served adequately by publications of the Society and only in accordance with the principles expressed above. 12. Local sections of the Society may own, edit, and publish newrs bulletins. 13. When the use of the Society's name is granted to any technical publication, the Board of Directors shall have responsibility for selection of the editor, publication policies, advertising policies, and contracts, except where existing journals and contracts make this inadvisable. 14. The Bylaws of the Society provide that "Each paper presented before any national, divisional, regional, or group meeting of the Society shall be the property of the Society." The journals owned, edited, and published by the Society shall have prior rights to these papers, although editors may agree to release to another journal manuscripts of a particular type or within a clearlydefined field. The publications owned but not published by the Society and the authorized publications of divisions shall have second call upon these manuscripts before release to the author. 15. Treatises on various aspects of pure and applied chemistry shall be published as books in the monograph series. AND



All books published or sponsored b y the Society o r any of its c o n s t i t u e n t p a r t s shall be under the jurisdiction of the editor of Chemical Monographs. W i t h o u t centralization of a u t h o r i t y , endless confusion from competing titles u n d e r various sponsorships would result. 16. E d i t o r s of publications owned, edited, a n d published by t h e Society shall h a v e the right to g r a n t permission for l i m i t e d reprinting from t h e publications for which they arc responsible contingent upon the giving of a d e q u a t e credit to the source, but all requests for extensive reprinting should b e considered b y the Board of Directors. 17. Since wide distribution of Society publications is an essential p a r t of the organization's program, every reasonable effort should be made to m a i n t a i n for sale as c o m p l e t e stocks a s possible of old issues. T h i s c a n be done through original overprinting, purchases in t h e second-hand m a r k e t , a n d , when necessary, reprinting. When s u c h arrangements are a d v a n t a g e ous, especially for long r u n s of exhausted issues, contracts m a y be executed with an outside agency for reprinting a n d distribution. T h e Committee wishes to a d d t o the foregoing statement of policy, the following details which arc more in t h e n a t u r e of implementation: 1. Manuscripts which are t h e property of the A C S in general should be published as follows: (a) Articles involving fundamental research n o t otherwise provided for herein, in Journal of the American Chemical Society. (b) News items i n Chemical and Engineering News. Longer p a p e r s of real scientific nature should not be published in Chemical and Engineering News. (c) Short papers which represent first announcements of fundamental n a t u r e in "Communications to the E d i t o r , " in Journal of the American Chemical Society. If newsworthy in a general sense, brief a n n o u n c e m e n t s also m a y be m a d e in Chemical and Engineering News. (d) Articles i n both t h e theoretical and practical sides of analytical chemistry, in Analytical Chemistry. In certain cases, the articles may b e of sufficiently broad f u n d a m e n t a l scope t o make publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society desirable. (e) Articles i n the applied a n d industrial field, in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. (f) Review articles of f u n d a m e n t a l n a t u r e , t o o long and detailed or containing too m u c h previously-published information t o m a k e them suitable for Journal of the American Chemical Society, in Chemical Reviews. I t is recommended t h a t this publication not include articles on applied a n d industrial chemistry. (g) Papers in the colloid field, a s well a s a portion of the contributions in physical chemistry, in the Journol of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, subject to a g r e e m e n t with t h e editor of Journal of the American Chemical Society a n d t a k i n g i n t o consideration t h e a u t h o r ' s wishes. (h) Papers on organic chemistry too long for use in the Journal of the American Chemical Society a n d such o t h e r contributions a s t h e editor of t h e Journal of the American Chemical Society m a y release, in the Journal of Organic Chemistry. (i) Articles relating to t h e teaching of chemistry and reviews of interest to c h e m i s t r y teachers and s t u d e n t s in seconda r y schools and colleges, as well as articles


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on t h e history of chemistry, in The Journal of Chemical Education. (j) Any treatise suitable for publication only in book form, by Chemical Monographs. 2. I t is n o t recommended t h a t any existing publication of t h e Society be divided into p a r t s to be published separately although it may be desirable to give consideration to the assembling of articles by groups in the journals, according t o the fields into which they fall. 3 . Any group which believes t h a t changes in existing publications are desirable, should s u b m i t full particulars to the Executive Secretary for reference to the proper individuals or bodies. 4 . Any group which wishes to establish a n e w publication under t h e auspices of the Society or a n y of its constituent p a r t s , m u s t submit to the Executive Secretary information on the nature of the proposed publication, the a m o u n t and t y p e of material which might be available, the anticipated n u m b e r of subscribers, the size and frequency of issue, subscription rates, and t h e suggested publisher, cont r a c t , editorial staff, and organization. C o m m i t t e e on Publication Policy C H A R L E S A. K R A U S E D W A R D R. W E I D L E I N



Financial I t was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t William Muehlhause be elected cont r o l l e r of CIETY.





I t was moved, seconded, and carried t h a t the following resolution, opening a b a n k account for the 1948 Spring m e e t ing of t h e Society, be e n a c t e d : 1. R E S O L V E D : T h a t T h e Northern T r u s t C o m p a n y of Chicago, Illinois, hereby is designated a depositary in which funds of this organization may be deposited, and t h a t any officer of this organization hereby is authorized for and on behalf of this organization to open an account or accounts with said depositary a n d t o make such arrangements for the conduct thereof as to him shall seem proper, and, also, t h a t any officer, agent, or employee hereby is authorized to deposit t h e funds of this organization in such account or accounts, and t o endorse for deposit or collection checks, drafts, notes, certificates of deposit, and like obligations. Endorsements for deposit or collection may be by the written or s t a m p e d endorsement of the organization, without designation of the person m a k i n g t h e endorsement. 2 . R E S O L V E D , also, T h a t said The N o r t h e r n T r u s t C o m p a n y hereby is authorized t o pay out funds on deposit with it to t h e credit of this organization, u p o n checks or other orders for the paym e n t of money drawn upon said deposita r y , and signed in the n a m e of this organization b y a n y one of the following, to w i t : Executive Secretary Treasurer Controller 3 . R E S O L V E D , also, T h a t said T h e N o r t h e r n T r u s t C o m p a n y shall n o t in a n y way be responsible for, or h a v e any obligation t o inquire i n t o the circumstances of t h e issuance of any check or o t h e r order for the p a y m e n t of money, or o t h e r i n s t r u m e n t signed as hereinabove provided, or the application, disposition, or use of a n y such check, order, or ins t r u m e n t or t h e proceeds thereof, or of


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any of the funds deposited with i t as hereinabove provided, and shall honor, receive, certify, a n d pay any a n d all checks and o t h e r orders for the p a y m e n t of money a n d other instruments signed as aforesaid, whether or n o t p a y a b l e or endorsed to t h e order of a n y officer or person signing o r countersigning t h e same, or of a n y o t h e r officer or employee of this organization, a n d whether or not deposited t o the individual credit of or used in p a y m e n t of the individual obligation of, or tendered for cashing b y a n y officer signing o r countersigning t h e same, or of or b y a n y of the other officers or employees of this organization. 4. R E S O L V E D , also, T h a t each of the aforementioned officers or persons authorized to a c t for this organization in a n y case aforesaid hereby is authorized without the concurrence of any other officer or person: (a) T o identify, approve, a n d guarantee the endorsement of a n y payee or endorser of a n y checks or drafts drawn by this organization; (b) T o waive presentment, demand, protest, a n d notice of dishonor or protest, and t o g i v e instructions in regard to the handling o r delivery of any negotiable or non-negotiable papers or documents involved in any of said transactions; a n d (c) T o act for this organization in the transaction of all other business for its a c c o u n t with said T h e N o r t h e r n T r u s t Company. 5. R E S O L V E D , also, T h a t t h e Executive Secretary of this organization shall file with said T h e Northern T r u s t C o m p a n y a certified copy of this resolution under the seal of the organization, and also shall file with said T h e N o r t h e r n T r u s t C o m p a n y a list of the persons at the present t i m e holding the offices above mentioned in this organization, and said T h e Northern T r u s t Company AS against this organization shall be entitled to presume conclusively t h a t the persons so certified as holding such offices respectively continue to hold the same until otherwise notified in writing b y t h e Executive Secretary of this organization, and said Executive Secretary is authorized a n d directed t o certify t h a t t h e provisions hereof a r e in conformity with the constitution, by-laws a n d other rules of this organization. 6. R E S O L V E D , also, T h a t this resolution s h a l l be in full force and effect and binding upon this organization until i t shall h a v e been repealed, a n d until written n o t i c e of such repeal shall have been delivered to said T h e Northern T r u s t C o m p a n y a t its office in the C i t y of Chicago, Illinois. I t was moved, seconded, a n d carried t h a t R-71a be rescinded effective J a n . 1, 1948. I t was moved, seconded, a n d carried t h a t the following budget (see next page) for 1948 b e approved. I t was moved, seconded, a n d carried t h a t a reserve fund of $15,000 for operation of n a t i o n a l meetings be a n d is hereby authorized, t h a t a sum n o t t o exceed $15,000 b e a n d is hereby s e t aside from surplus, if any, from 1947 meetings, t h a t deficits f r o m operation of future national meetings be charged against this reserve fund, t h a t surplus from future national meetings be used, in so far as necessary, to m a i n t a i n this fund a t $15,000, and t h a t t h e Treasurer be a n d is hereby authorized 3855

the Board of Directors, in fixing the salary to be paid t o a retired a n d re-employed employee, t o consider only t h e single life annuity income to which the employee is eligible under t h e retirenient plan even if he h a s elected to be paid the lesser amount of a joint a n d survivor annuity.

E s t i m a t e d I n c o m e a n d E x p e n s e , 1948 I N C O M E FBOM


A d v e r t i s i n g , e x c l u d i n g c o m m i s s i o n and d i s c o u n t Subscriptions Back n u m b e r s Foreign postage L i s t of P e r i o d i c a l s A b s t r a c t e d Monographs Seidell's "Solubilities" Chemical Reviews a n d Journal of Physical and Colloid Directory T o t a l e s t i m a t e d income from publications

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