New Text ACS Divisions Elect N e w Officers All divisions of the AMERICAN C H E M I C A L SOCIETY elected officers at
t h e 126th Meeting in N e w York. U n less otherwise noted, t h e n e w officers assumed their duties immediately. A g r i c u l t u r a l and Food Chemistry W . O. Lundberg, executive director of Hormel Institute and professor of agricultural biochemistry a t University of Minnesota, succeeds C. S. Boruff of Hiram Walker & Sons as the n e w chairman of t h e Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Receiving his P h . D . W. O. Lundberg f r o m j 0 h n s H o p kins University in 1934, L u n d b e r g is author of a book and approximately 70 other publications, including five patents. Chairman-elect is A. L . Elder, C o r n Products Refining; a n d secretarytreasurer is F . M. Strong, University of Wisconsin. Councilors are A. F . Langlykke, E. R. Squibb, a n d A. L . Elder.
A n a l y t i c a l Chemistry William G. Ratt, assistant director of t h e Riochemical Research Foundation of t h e Franklin Institute, Newark, Del., will serve as chairman of t h e Division of Analytical Chemistry for the year 1955. H e takes office on J a n . 1. H e w a s secretary of t h e division for five years. Other ACS activi- William G. Batt ties have included secretary of the Philadelphia Section section councilor, and editor of The Catalyst. Chairmanelect is Ï. M . Kolthoff. Secretary-treasurer is R. P . Chapman. Councilor and alternate councilor are P . J. Elving and P. W . West, respectively.
Biological Chemistry Jesse P . Greenstein, chief of t h e laboratory of biochemistry of National 4222
Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, has b e e n elected t o serve as chairman of t h e Division of Biological Chemistry. H e succeeds Ε. Ε . Snell of t h e Uni versity of Texas. Greenstein is a u J. P. Greenstein thor of approxi mately 200 publications, a book, and is credited with two patents. N e w chair man-elect is Otto Schales, Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation. Carl Baker, National Cancer Institute, will serve as secretary; a n d Robert A, Harte, Sharp and Dohme, will serve as treasurer. Members of the executive committee are Vernon Cheldelin and Sidney F o x .
Chairman-elect is Reid L. Mitchell. R e e l e c t e d as secretary-treasurer is L e o B. Genuang, E a s t m a n Kodak. Counci l o r s are Mearle A . H e a t h a n d C. E . C . Jah.ii. -Alternate councilors a r e Jerome F . S a e i r t a n a n d J. S. Tinsley. C h e m i c a l Education
Calvim A. VanderWerf, professor of chemistry a t t h e University of Kansas, succeeds Alfred B . Garrett of Ohio State as chairman of t h e Division of Chemical Educa tion. V a n d e r W e r F s field of interest h a s b e e n in organic chemistry, especi ally the study of reaction mecha C. A. VanderWerf nisms a n d t h e synt h e s i s o f compounds of medicinal in terest. He i s author of two books a n d approximately 70 scientific papers. CHairm^an-eleet of th-e division is H . F . C a r b o h y d r a t e Chemistry LeAvis, Institute of Paper Chemistry. Carl C. Kesler, research a n d devel Newly «elected treasurer is W . F . Ehret, o p m e n t director of Penick & Ford, is N e w Y""ork University. T h e councilor a^^.w^... ..M^M. -u^™ t h e n e w c h a i r m a n is IF. D. Martin of P u r d u e University. of the Division of C a r b o h y Chemî