ACS Election and JCE

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Chemical Education Today


ACS Election and JCE by John W. Moore

You may have seen in Chemical and Engineering News that there was a challenge of the results of the ACS 2002 presidential election based on publication in JCE of statements from two of the three candidates (C&EN, Nov. 25, 2002, p 5; JCE 2002, 79, 1036–1037). The ACS Council Policy Committee met on Dec. 5 in conjunction with the ACS Board of Directors meeting to consider this challenge and determined that the election results will stand as certified, with Charles P. Casey as president-elect (http:// As a service to readers, JCE requests from each candidate for the ACS presidency a statement on education and publishes in its September issue each statement received. This practice, which dates from 1998 (JCE 1998, 75, 1070–1071), was designed to provide relevant information early enough that readers would be able to read the statements and explore further the positions of the candidates prior to voting. This year 750-word statements were requested from candidates


Casey and Alvin L. Kwiram soon after their candidacies were announced at the ACS Council meeting on April 10. Each candidate was asked to supply a statement by June 20, and both did so. Their statements were included in the September issue, which went to press July 8. JCE had no knowledge that there might be a petition candidate until July 29, at which time the editor learned in a personal conversation with E. Ann Nalley that she was a candidate, but had not been able to announce her candidacy before July 15. As of July 29, both the September and October issues had gone to press. Candidate Nalley was informed by the editor that the earliest possible issue in which a statement could be published was November, and that if a statement were received during the month of August, it could be published. No statement was received, but if one had been, it would have appeared in our November issue, which went to press September 3 and was mailed to subscribers on October 7.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 80 No. 2 February 2003 •