sharing best practices among our members, networks, affiliates and ... survive for a period of 1 year from ... events and/or committees for one ye...
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ACS GREEN CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE® 1155 SIXTEENTH STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, DC 20036 [email protected] WWW.ACS.ORG/GREENCHEMISTRY American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute® 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 T [202] 872 6102 F [202] 776 8009

ACS GCI Biochemical Technology Leadership Roundtable: Business Plan

ACS GREEN CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE® BIOCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP ROUNDTABLE (BTLR) Meeting the major environmental and societal challenges the world faces - climate change, water accessibility, bio-diversity loss, and human and ecosystem health impacts - will require private, public, and civil sectors of society to drive next generation technologies that change how we live, learn and work. There is an ever-increasing number of organizations that are working to reduce their environmental footprint and ensure there will be sufficient resources for future generations. Discussions with over 50 leaders representing about 35 organizations across the bio-based and renewable chemicals value chain, including academics, government, and NGOs, highlight the current, unrealized potential of the sustainable chemical economy. Increasingly, new bio-based and renewable chemical products are delivering competitive performance and prices while introducing novel and innovative applications. Despite proven advantages, the bio-tech industry still needs to overcome multiple obstacles as the industry gains footing the market place. Lack of awareness, inertia in purchasing behaviors, questions regarding quality, price pressures and environmental performance all present challenges. The industry – from R&D to consumers – needs to break down silos and actively collaborate to build a thriving, competitive, highperforming, and sustainable industry. The American Chemical Society (ACS) is the world’s largest scientific society, and the ACS GCI is the leading scientific organization working to promote and advance green chemistry across the global chemistry enterprise. With its two decades of expertise and connections in its science-based green chemistry community, the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® (GCI) has been convening industry Roundtables to advance science, educate leaders and collaboration globally. In response to the needs for a credible scientific center of excellence for the biotechnology industry sector, ACS GCI is convening a cohort of interested businesses. This cohort will foster the advancement of the bio-based and renewable chemicals economy; moreover, it will meet industry and customer needs while addressing critical global sustainability challenges. The BTLR will be a business-led collaboration and partnership among organizations that understand the value and opportunity in collectively advancing the growth of a sustainable chemicals economy. Member organizations will lead and set the agenda for the BTLR’s work in selected non-competitive areas of high-interest to the members.

Draft BTLR Business Plan January 2016

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ACS GCI Biochemical Technology Leadership Roundtable: Business Plan



A sustainable chemicals economy

SCOPE Chemicals made using bio-based and renewable technologies

MISSION To facilitate greater industrial implementation of relevant technologies

VALUE PROPOSITION The BTLR will be uniquely devoted to catalyzing and enabling the bio-based and renewable chemicals economy in the pre-competitive space by promoting the underlying science required for its development and implementation. Because bio-based and renewable chemicals frequently displace existing value chains, the BTLR member companies will seek creative scientific mechanisms to establish supply chain pull that supports commercialization. Below is what we consider to be the value proposition of the BTLR: • • • • • •

Pre-competitive collaboration will enable more efficient development of proprietary technologies Identification and development of talent across businesses and academia will accelerate innovation Trust built among stakeholders through enhanced perception of sustainability performance Creating pull across the entire value chain will support commercialization of bio-based and renewable products Advancement of greener, more sustainable chemistry will help to address global challenges Companies will shape and benefit from research, standardized performance criteria, relationship brokering, and best practice sharing

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Proposed strategic priorities are based on feedback from over 50 stakeholders representing over 30 organizations across the biotechnology value chain. From this consultation, ACS GCI has identified key areas where a member-led industry Roundtable may influence progress and achieve results. Draft BTLR Business Plan January 2016

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ACS GCI Biochemical Technology Leadership Roundtable: Business Plan

These strategic priorities are presented here for the purpose of promoting discussion. Final strategic priorities will be selected by BTLR member companies. Suggested priorities include: • • • • • • •

Identification of key research enablers to reduce costs and improve performance of feedstock conversion and transformation Development of credible scientific information about trends in the field to support commercialization, standards setting, and policy Promoting and advancing scientific forums in the field to enable robust best-practice sharing and benchmarking Identification of opportunities to support promising scale-up efforts Development of tools and methodologies to inform the design and use of bio-chemical and renewable chemical technologies Enhancing global collaboration among companies to increase the accessibility of green chemistry and engineering expertise by sharing best practices among our members, networks, affiliates and researchers Educating and influencing current and future leaders about the business case and scientific merits for a sustainable chemicals economy

MEMBERSHIP Membership will be open to manufacturing companies, retailers and buyers. The BTLR will seek to create a diverse membership that welcomes representatives from each part of the value chain: start-up innovators, SME suppliers; manufacturers, purchasers, and distributors; commercial product developers, and original equipment manufacturers. In addition, the ACS GCI BTLR welcomes the active participation of prospective member companies meeting the following description: • • •

Companies that support the mission of both the BTLR and the ACS Green Chemistry Institute Companies committed to advancing a sustainable chemicals economy Companies that participate in the bio-technology value chain

Global participation is encouraged. The ACS Green Chemistry Institute®, as the convener of the BTLR, is considered to be a Member with all its rights and privileges. When a signed membership application is received, the BTLR administrator and co-chairs of the Roundtable evaluate the application to ensure the documentation is in order and all fields are completed. The application is reviewed to ensure: 1) The applying company meets the definition of membership and provides products or services that further the mission of the BTLR; 2) The applying company is acting in good faith to advance the vision and mission of the BTLR.

Draft BTLR Business Plan January 2016

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ACS GCI Biochemical Technology Leadership Roundtable: Business Plan

These conditions being met, and with consultation of the ACS GCI and co-chairs, membership applications are approved. An applying company not meeting these conditions shall be informed in writing. The applying company shall have the right to have an unfavorable decision reviewed by ACS Legal. If no written request for review is received by the ACS GCI BTLR within thirty (30) days after the notification of the prospective member of its recommendation and the member’s right to a review, the decision shall be final.

PARTICIPATION: Member companies pledge their support and contribute to the BTLR by making available their knowledge and experience as well as providing financial support. Member companies participate in quarterly meetings and work with committees to direct and develop resources to meet the needs of the member companies. Each member company may designate employees to participate in the BTLR. Diversity in expertise including but not limited to chemistry, environmental, health & safety, toxicology, manufacturing, R&D, procurement, government affairs, etc., provides an opportunity to address the sustainable and green chemistry and engineering needs of the bio-based chemicals industry from a wider perspective. Membership is limited to for-profit businesses (exceptions may be made for businesses that have incorporated as a non-profit but effectively operate as a for-profit company). The BTLR intends to engage key stakeholders from academia, government, and non-profit organizations. It will do so by brokering dialogue, facilitating meetings, and establishing advisory committee structures.


Net Global Sales (in USD)


Annual Contribution (in USD)