ACS Headquarters Leaves Old Building - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - ACS Headquarters Leaves Old Building. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (7), pp 29A–37A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60139a724. Publication Date: July 1958...
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ACS Headquarters Leaves O l d Building

From refurbished a p a r t m e n t house ( l e f t ) t o modern office building. That is the giant step now being undertaken by the A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society in its c a m p a i g n f o r the headquarters building fund. During t h e early p a r t of June, A C S headquarters and a p p l i e d publications moved f r o m the present building a t the 16th Street address to make w a y for razing. A t the t i m e of the move, about 2 1 % of Society membership had p l e d g e d about 4 0 % of the jnember g o a l of $1.5 million, and 21 of the Society's 151 local sections had reached or exceeded their fund quotas. W i t h this p a r t of the c a m p a i g n well under way, the remaining front has been o p e n e d . O n M a y 15, the drive to solicit $1.5 million f r o m the chemical and process industries g o t started a t the Chemists' C l u b in N e w York C i t y

USDA Presents A w a r d s Several awards in recognition of some phase of chemical research were among those given by the U . S. D e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture to 135 of its employees this year. A total of eight distinguished service awards and 127 superior.service awards were made for outstanding achievements in research and administration. Among those receiving the distinguished service awards was Robert T. O'Connor, Southern Utilization R e search and Development Division. O'Connor, a supervisory physical scientist, was cited for research in development and application of spectroscopic methods in the study of agricultural products. In addition to his work at USDA, he is chairman of the spectroscopy committee of the American Oil Chemists' Society and associate editor of the Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. O'Connor, a native of Fitchburg, Mass., received his training at George Washington University, and has been associated with USDA since 1937.

T h e following persons were among the 127 superior service award winners:

All five of these men are connected with Agricultural Research Service.

• William G. Bickford, New Orleans, La., for research on tun g oil and contributions to understanding basic organic reactions.

Commerce Grants A w a r d s

• John F . Carson, Jr., Albany, Calif., for unusually effective research in organic chemistry of agricultural products. • Gordon S. Fisher, Olustee, Fla., for participating in discovery of new catalysts and development of commercial synthetic rubber and plastics processes based on the discovery. • L. A. Goldblatt, New Orleans, La., also for participating in discovery of new catalysts and development of commercial synthetic rubber and plastics processes based on the discovery. • Cecil H . Van E t t e n , Peoria, 111., for resourcefulness in developing methods of microanalysis and outstanding accuracy in interpreting results, contributing to research on products from agricultural commodities.

Two exceptional service awards and two meritorious service awards have been given to National Bureau of Standards employees by the United States D e p a r t m e n t of Commerce. Wallace R. Brode, associate director now on a year's leave, received the exceptional service award in recognition of his international leadership in the physical sciences. This includes major contributions to the field of chemical spectroscopy and distinguished authorship and editorship. Brode, during the period of his leave, is currently serving as science advisor to the D e p a r t m e n t of State. Brode is now on the boards of directors of fhe American Chemical Society, the Optical Society of America, the Scientific Besearch Society of America, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also a fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of the executive VOL. 3 0 , NO. 7, JULY 1958




determine DUST PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION below 60 microns

Micro-Particle Classifier No. 6000 with totally enclosed 220 volt, 3 phase motor operates at 3500 rpm. 16' high χ 16y2" diameter

with the DIETERT- DETROIT MICRO-PARTICLE CLASSIFIER Quickly determine sub-sieve particle sizes with scientific accuracy. The No. 6000 DietertDetroit Micro-Particle Classifier is widely used throughout industry for pre-testing dust col­ lector needs, for determining the separating efficiency of air cleaners, for particle size control in many industrial processes and for scientific studies of fine materials. Mineral flours, metal powders, abrasives, fly ash, chemicals, drugs, etc., can be classified into eight fractions below 60 microns, (materials above 60 microns can be retained for sieve analysis). An eight-fraction analysis can be completed at the rate of 15 minutes per fraction by unskilled operators. Fractions are precisely defined and may be retained for accurate study. Gentle sifting action prevents particle fracture—assures accuracy and reproducibility. 8-page catalog mailed on request


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Circle No. 30 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A 30 A


committee of Sigma Xi. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1954. Wilfred B. Mann, chief of NBS's ^Radioactivity Section, received the ex­ ceptional service award for his work in the field of radionuclide standards and for accomplishments resulting in international leadership of NBS in this field. A native of England, Mann obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of London in 1934, and his D.Sc. degree from the same institution in 1951. He is author of more than 30 publications in the field of radioactivity, and cur­ rently serves on several committees con­ cerned with radioactivity standardiza­ tion. John L. Hague, assistant chief of NBS's Analytical Chemistry Section, received the meritorious service award for outstanding original contributions to methods of analysis necessary for controlling production of complex metal alloj-s. Hague is a member of the American Society for Testing Materials, the American Chemical Society, the American Association for the Advance­ ment of Science, the Optical Society of America, and the Washington Academy of Sciences. Floyd A. Mauer, National Bureau of Standards, received the meritorious service award for valuable contributions to the field of crystal chemistry. He was cited in particular for his work in the application of special high tem­ perature x-ray diffraction techniques to the study of crystalline materials. Mauer is a member of the American Physical Society and the Washington Philosophical Society.

Arizona State Offers Spectroscopy Course The third annual course in modern industrial spectroscopy will be given by Arizona State College, August 18 to August 29. The special intensive course will include theory and appli­ cations with lectures and laboratory experiments divided into equal periods. Classes will be conducted by mem­ bers of the chemistry and physics de­ partments and industrial spectroscopists. Further details are available from Jacob Fuchs, co-director, Modern In­ dustrial Spectroscopy, Arizona State College, Tempe, Arizona.

Annual Exhibit and Symposium Held at NIH BETHESDA, MD.—ONCE AGAIN, the




annual Instrument Symposium and Research Instrument Exhibit held at


The ILLCO-WAY Throw-Away Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a clear plastic column containing mixed-bed ionXchange resins. The mixed-bed ionXchange process will remove all dissolved solids (including, in our Research Model, silica and CO2) so that the effluent is pure enough for the finest analytical purposes. The Cartridge is used also to reduce the interfering ions often found in distilled water. The column is clamped in a bracket, as shown, with tubing and valves to connect to any tap or other water supply. ILLCO-WAY Resins used contain a color indicator which changes from purple to yellow as the resins become exhausted, showing when a fresh Cartridge is needed. RESEARCH MODEL Removes all ionizable solids including silica and CO2. Average in effluent less than 0.5 ppm. total solids. Capacity, 450 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph. max. Price, $12.50 Bracket, extra, $7.50

UNIVERSAL MODEL Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and C02.Suitableforgeneral pure water needs. Capacity, 900 grains as CaCOa. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. Price, $9.75 Bracket, extra, $7.50

Order from your Laboratory Supply House or Write to . . .

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NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., N e w York 17, N.Y. C A N A D I A N DIST.: Pumps & Softeners, Ltd., London, C o n . Circle No. 30 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A


the National Institutes of Health here became proof of continuing interest in new equipment. About 100 manufac­ turers showed their latest items, includ­ ing surgical, electronic, optical, radia­ tion, and gas sampling instruments. And several thousand visitors stopped, looked, and listened during the fourday show, May 12 to 15. Sponsors of the symposium were the Washington sections of the American Chemical Society, the Instrument So­ ciety of America, the Society of Ameri­ can Bacteriologists, the American As­ sociation of Clinical Chemists, the So­ ciety for Experimental Biology and Medicine, and the professional group on medical electronics of the Institute of Radio Engineers. The symposium itself consisted of 19 papers divided in six sections: gas chromatography, macromolecules, microrespirometry, aerosols, automatic processing of experimental data, and protein monolayers. Several items of new equipment that were shown for the first time at the meeting are described in the New Prod­ ucts section of this issue of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (see page 55 A).

Industrial Items Horizons Incorporated, through ex­ pansion, is making its vacuum gas analysis facilities available to industry at large for the first time. The com­ pany says that, in metals containing from 0.005% to 5% total gases, oxygen and hydrogen content can be deter­ mined to an accuracy of ±10% of the total amount of each gas present. In the range below 0.005%, accuracy is ±20%. In special cases samples con­ taining more than 5% can be handled.




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For r a p i d combustion reactions w i t h s o d i u m p e r o x i d e to determ i n e : Arsenic, Boron, Bromine, C h l o r i n e , Fluorine, Iodine, Phosphorus, Selenium, Silicon or Sulfur . . . in coke, o r g a n i c comp o u n d s , p e t r o l e u m a n d p e t r o l e u m products, r u b b e r a n d other organic materials.

Ask y o u r Parr Dealer for details, or write direct f o r specifications a n d prices.

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For further information, circle number 31 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A


Pharmaceutical Graduates Now molded from Polypropylene . . .

for greater clarity and strength. Volumes are easily and accurately read in NALGENE [PR]* GRADUATES.

Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. has set up a nationwide mar­ keting organization for its Model 104 nuclear magnetic (NMR) analyzer. Charles Morgan, sales manager operat­ ing out of the company's main offices at Ridgefield, Conn., will be in charge. A. Russell Aikman, company marketing director, says the move was impelled by the great interest in its instrument and the increasing areas of application since its introduction. Geigy Chemical Corp. has opened a new entomological research and chemical analysis laboratory at Ardsley, Ν. Υ., for testing Mitin moth­ proofed fabrics. The organization in­ fests samples of fabrics with webbing clothes moth and carpet beetle larvae for periods of two weeks to determine that they are impervious to damage from the insects. Samples are then tested to determine if sufficient Mitin has actually been applied. Facilities

Bomb Sire ml

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For further information, circle number 31 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

VOL. 30, NO. 7, JULY 1958


31 A


NOW! Obtain 3 different mixing actions with P-K's N E W (LV) Lab blender


L I Q U I D - S O L I D S Τ Υ Ρ Ε - Τ ο disperse and uniformly blend liquids from minute quan­ t i t i e s up to 4 0 % by weight into dry s o l i d s j u s t i n s e r t w i r e cage l i q u i d - f e e d bar assembly Liquid, regardless of viscosity, is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Average blending time for even c r i t i c a l for­ mulations is approximately 5 t o 10 minutes.

2 3

Varian Associates Instrument D i ­ vision will hold its second N M R / E P R

workshop at its Palo Alto, Calif., labo­ ratories, Oct. 20 to 24. A new feature for the workshop this year will be an opening day devoted to participants approaching the subjects of N M R and E P R for the first time. The remaining four days of the workshop week will

Atlas Powder Co.'s new $3 million Technical Center, dedicated recently in W i l m i n g t o n Del., is a two-story, L-shaped structure with 70,000 square feet of floor space. The building's center section has a reception room and offices for directors of the center's two departments. The two wings are occupied by the chemical research department, and the chemical division's product development department. Equipment of the various laboratories even includes miniature baking and ice cream plants in the food additives section, above

I N T E N S I F I E R T Y P E - u s e w i r e cage bar assembly to obtain intensive mixing of hard to blend dry solids or to break up agglom­ erates. Average blending time for dry f o r m u l a t i o n is approximately 3 t o 5 minutes.

FOR GENTLE PRECISION BLENDING — simply remove w i r e cage bar —unique blending action w i l l not cause a t t r i t i o n or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time 3 t o 5 minutes.

The amazing versatility of this P-K Type ( LV ) Lab blender lies in the construction of the removable, spring-loaded liquidfeed bar assembly. An exclusive, patented seal design prevents materials or liquids from entering the bearing housings. The, standard ( LV ) Lab blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities and in trans­ parent Lucite or stainless steel. The interior of shell and stainless steel bar assembly can be clinically cleaned in minutes. Units can be shipped from stock and only con­ ventional wall outlet is required to operate. For complete technical information and prices, write to P-K's Chemical and Process Equipment Division, 1007 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. 16

Patterson-Κelley A l l P-K Twin-Shell blenders are patented a n d the name registered. Circle No. 32 A on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

32 A

of the laboratories are available to mills that have contracted to apply Geigy's Mitin mothproofcr to woolen raw stock, yarn, or fabric.



Du Pont recently opened a new $5 million laboratory for customer service and product evaluation for its electrochemicals and pigments departments. The building, with 81,000 square feet of floor space, has 150 separate rooms, laboratories, and demonstration areas. Currently, the organization has a technical staff of about 130 chemists, chemical engineers, metallurgists, and other specialties. Typical of the modern instrumentation available for use are the Du Pont Colormaster (right) and the Hunter multipurpose reflectometer

NEWS bo taken u p with intermediate and advanced topics, presented both on a lecture and on a laboratory basis. Tracerlab, I n c . has started a new service which consists in updating equipment made b y it, and now in use. I t

combines complete tracing and testing of circuitry a n d all mechanical components. And it will include complete overhaul a n d modernization of t h e physical appearance of t h e units. Modifications are incorporated into current models, improving operating


TO Y O U !

' ' We are continually amazed at the precautions taken in your warehouse to preserve the 100% organic chemical stock which you have installed for your customers . . . this is not an easy job, but one that requires some skill and continuous watchfulness. Tour stockroom receives a 100% vote of confidence from Matheson Coleman & Bell. "According to our records, you have had a sales increase of 43% over the previous year in your sales of MC&B organics. ii

Joseph Mattauch ( l e f t ) , director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany, was a recent visitor t o the United States. During his travels he stopped off a t Consolidated Electrodynamics, where he was the guest of H a r o l d W . Washburn, vice president and director of research. Mattauch is coinventor of the Mattauch-Herzog mass spectrometer, used widely for precise atomic mass measurements and metallurgical analysis. Washburn was the 1956 recipient of the Beckman award f o r his pioneering efforts in applying mass spectrometry in chemistry

ANALYST'S Aug. 13 to 15 I Aug. 20 to 27


Seventh Annual Conference on Industrial Applications of X-Ray Analysis, Denver Research Institute, University of Denver, Albany Hotel, Denver, Colo. Contact: William M. Mueller, Metallurgy Division, Denver Research Institute, University of Denver, Denver 10, Colo. Society for Analytical Chemistry, Symposium on Microchemistry, Birmingham, England. Contact: W. T. Elwell, I.C.I. (Metals Division) Ltd., P. O. Box 216, Research Department, Kyriick Works, Wilton, Birmingham 6, England.

Sept. 1 to 13—Second International Congress on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland. Sept. 4 to 6—Electron Microscope Society of America, annual meeting, Miramar Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 7 to 12—American Chemical Society, 1341 h National Meeting, Chii-ago, 111. Sept. 7 to 20—XXXI Congrès International de Chimie Industrielle, Liège and Brussels, Belgium. Sept. 9 to 12—ACS Chicago Section, Tenth National Chemical Exposition, International Amphitheatre, Chicago, 111. Sept. 15 to 17—Canadian Association for Applied Spectroscopy, Fifth Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy, Ottawa, Canada. Sept. 15 to 19—-Instrument Society of America, thirteenth annual instrument automation conference and exhibit, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 24 to 26—ASTM Committee E-14 and Institute of Petroleum, Mass Spectrometry Panel, Hydrocarbon Research Group, joint meeting, London, England. Sept. 29 to Oct. 1—Second Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Oct. 20 to 22—American Oil Chemists' Society, fall meeting, Hotel Sherman, Chicago, 111. /> · v_Oming

r . CveniS

You and your organization certainly earned it/"


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The extra effort that we spend on superior stock maintenance means extra assurance t h a t your orders are always filled from fresh, top-condition supplies . . . a bonus value t h a t ' s being enjoyed by commercial, industrial, and educational laboratories throughout t h e country.



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CO Μ Ρ Α Ν Y ( M l SSO U R l )


Circle No. 33 A on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A V O L . 3 0 , N O . 7 , JULY



3 3 A

NEWS characteristics and reliability wherever practical. The modernized units are warranted as new instruments for one vear.

water inspection. These concerned re­ porting of results, method of hardness determination, and method for in­ soluble and dissolved iron. Results should be expressed in parts per million, and as ions rather than hypothetical combinations. The sum of calcium and magnesium ion concen­ tration should be used to calculate hardness. The approved method for hardness would be complexometric or EDTA titration. It was also recom­ mended that the ortho-phenanthroline procedures of ASTM and AWWA for

Water Examination Group Meets At its fourth meeting held recently at Gainesville, Fla., the Joint Com­ mittee on Uniformity of Methods of Water Examination approved and adopted a series of recommendations on

insoluble and dissolved iron be un­ changed, but that the TAPPI thiocyanate method be abandoned. In addition to these moves, the com­ mittee authorized three new panels, and decided that efforts would be directed toward continuous operation of 12 re­ view panels. JCUMWE was organized in January, 1956, and now consists of 12 members : American Petroleum Institute, Ameri­ can Public Health Association, Ameri­ can Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society for Testing Materials, American Water WTorks Association, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Associations, Manu­ facturing Chemists' Association, Tech­ nical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, U. S. Public Health Service, U. S. Geological Survey, and U. S. Pharmacopoeial Convention, Inc.


A COMPLETE RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS LABORATORY T H E N E W BAIRD-ATOMIC B A S I C L A B O R A T O R Y f o r SCINTILLATION, PROPORTIONAL, and GEIGER counting A new, highly reliable analytical laboratory which offers complete count­ ing facilities for most research and industrial radioisotope analyses. V E R S A T I L E - Performs all types of gas and scintillation counting of alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays with ease and precision. C O M P L E T E - Scaler, amplifier, timer, power supply, and detectors in­ cluded. All component instruments are selected for complete compatibility to deliver maximum performance. E X C E L L E N T R E P R O D U C I B I L I T Y - In all three counting methods — provides integral spectra with both proportional and scintilla­ tion counting. S E P A R A T E S Y S T E M S - The B-A Basic Laboratory is available in individual counting systems when all types of counting systems are not required. Scintillation Counting Proportional Counting Geiger Counting Accessories available: B-A Count Rate Meter and geiger tube, Beta Sources, Gamma Sources, Carrying Case, and the Single Scale Loga­ rithmic Gun type survey meter. For complete specifications on the Basic Laboratory and other BairdAtomic systems, please request — on your Company letterhead — our new Atomic Systems Catalog A-2.

Baird-Atomic, Inc. 33 UNIVERSITY RD.. CAMBRIDGE 38. MASS




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For further information, circle number 34 A on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A 34





X-Ray Microscopy and Microradiog­ raphy. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 1956. Editors, V. E. Cosslett, Arne Engstrom, and H. H. Patte, Jr. xvii + 645 pages. Aca­ demic Press, Inc., I l l Fifth Avenue, New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1957. $16.50. The Symposium on X-Ray Micros­ copy and Microradiography, held at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cam­ bridge, England, from August 16 to 21, 1956 was said to be the first meeting of its nature. I t was made possible through financial grants from the In­ ternational Union of Pure and Applied Physics, the Royal Society, and several British commercial undertakings. All papers that were read at the sym­ posium are included in full in this volume, along with short extracts of dis­ cussions following the presentations. A total of about 65 papers is given, cov­ ering 13 categories: introduction; tubes for contact microradiography; tubes for projection microradiography; design and construction of reflection microscopes; methods and techniques in contact microradiography; intensity and resolution in projection microradi­ ography; microdiffraction; Gabor dif­ fraction, scanning methods; new imag­ ing techniques, production of x-rays; quantitative microanalysis ; histology, biological applications; medical and dental applications; and metallurgical and other applications. The book has many photographs, diagrams, charts, and tables, and con­ tains both an author and a subject index.

NEW BOOKS Flame Photometry. F. Burriel-Marti and J. Ramirez-Munoz. xii + 531 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 257 Fourth Ave., New York 10, Ν. Υ. 1057. S12.75.

polarographic data. These are in the form approved for documentation on an international scale by the Section on Electrochemical Data of the II'PAC at its Lisbon meeting in 1956.

This book is an outgrowth of a short review of flame photometry methods and their applications written in Span­ ish for Spanish-speaking analysts. In­ terest in that review was great enough so that the authors were impelled to write the present book, translated into English by W. C. Darwell. In addition to basic information on flame photom­ etry the manual, as the authors prefer to call it, contains a set of practical ideas based on their personal experi­ ences. The two men have been asso­ ciated with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Madrid and with the Institute of Edaphology in Madrid. The book's 25 chapters are divided into six sections, as follows: origin and principles of flame photometry, analy­ sis by flame photometry, instrumental systems, extent and limitations of flame photometry, experimental method, and analytical applications. A short ap­ pendix gives recommendations for set­ ting up a flame photometry laboratory, and there are several tables on stock solutions, analytical factors, and con­ centration conversion factors. A bibli­ ography, plus an addendum thereto, lists a total of 909 references. The book closes with a subject index.

Principles of Microradiography; Bib­ liography; Microradiology and Soft X-Ray Radiography. 31 pages. Philips Electronics, Inc., 750 So. Fulton Ave., M t . Vernon, Ν. Υ . 1957. Paper. No charge.

Contributi Teorici e Sperimentali di Polarografia. Vol. III. A cura del centro di studio per la polarografia. 567 pages. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Richerche, Piazzale delle scienze n. 7, Roma. 1957. 4.555 lira. This Italian-language volume, the third of "Theoretical and Experimental Contribution to Polarography," is a collection of some works on the activity of the Centro di Polarografia of the Italian Council of Research during the year 1956. The various contributions follow an order corresponding to a gen­ eral classification of the polarographic material as adopted by the Centre. That order was maintained in the first two volumes of the series, as well as this one: polarographic methodology; polarographic equipment; theoretical questions; polarographic behavior of some inorganic and organic substances ; and applications of techniques in the fields of chemical statics, chemical kinetics, and analytical chemistry. There follow some reviews represent­ ing the development of polarographic applications to given fields of applied analytical chemistry. The last part consists of about 300 tables of selected

This volume was prepared for a spe­ cial symposium on microradiography which was part of the program at the Conference of the Electron Microscope Society of America, held at Massachu­ setts Institute of Technology in Sep­ tember, 1957. One section is devoted to the prin­ ciples of microradiography, and dis­ cusses contact and projection techniques along with x-ray microscopy. Other subjects covered include: definition,



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For further Information, circle number 35 A on Readers' Service Card, page 69 A

VOL. 30, N O .








[ki3 pure, dependable lab filter papers

AU E-D lab papers are low in ash content, neutral and substantially free from solubles. These are qualitative papers, noted for con­ sistent accuracy and dependable uniformity. 18 grades to choose from. Smooth or creped surface, circles or folded circles, sheets, strips or rolls, in any size.


I n addition to the desirable char­ acteristics mentioned above, E-D Chromatography papers permit a uniform rate of capillary climb. Available in sheets, strips or rolls. •Write for Bulletin 158, contain­ ing characteristics of the 12 E-D papers most frequently used for Chromatography.

The Eaton=Dikemna FILTERTOWN


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36 A



geometrical blurring, film unsharpness, unsharpness due to movement, contrast, soft x-rays, increasing contrast in the | specimen, increasing contrast with phoI tographic material, and photomicro! graphs. | The text also treats such topics as • specimen preparation techniques and \ applications. Industrial use in paper, \ textile, metals, and foodstuff fields are ι discussed. Similarly handled are medi| cal-biological applications such as exi animations of bone and tissue. i About 500 references are listed in the : bibliography which covers articles on > conventional microradiography and I soft x-ray radiography, geometric x-ray ! microscopy, x-ray microscopy, and elec­ tron radiography. 1 Volumetric Analysis; Titration Meth­ ods: Oxidation-Reduction Re­ actions, Vol. III. I. M. Kolthoff, R. Belcher, V. A. Stenger, and G. Matsuyama. ix + 714 pages. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, Ν. Υ. 1957. j

gap which the author feels exists be­ tween popular and rigorous treatment of the subject. It discusses determina­ tion of atomic positions within a crys­ talline material, using x-ray data ob­ tained from single crystals. It stresses the theory of space groups, single crys­ tal cameras, Fourier methods, comput­ ing devices, and the phase problem. Such computing devices as Robertson's Strip Methods, the Bragg-Huggins Mask, the Sand Machine, and the Utah Computer are described. A final chap­ ter gives examples of six crystalline ma­ terials whose structures have already been determined. The author attempts to give the be­ ginner, on the one hand, a foundation of crystallographic concepts. On the other hand, he has tried to give the sea­ soned crystallographer a new and novel treatment of a familiar subject. Many diagrams, tables, and charts are in­ cluded, and references are given at the end of each chapter. A name index and a subject index are included at the end of the book.


The first two volumes of Volumetric Analysis were published in 1942 and 1947, respectively. Volume I covered theoretical fundamentals of volumetric analysis, and Volume II followed with I a discussion of titration methods in­ volving acid-base, precipitation, and complex formation reactions. This book on oxidation-reduction titrations becomes the final \rolume of the set. The book contains 15 chapters, the first of which deals somewhat generally with reactions, indicators, and tech­ niques in oxidation-reduction titrations. This is followed by detailed coverage of potassium permanganate as a volu: metric reagent, and oxidimetry with permanganate and eerie salts. Three chapters are devoted to reagents and their standardization in iodometry, and iodometric determination of inorganic and organic substances. Chapter IX discusses determination of water with Karl Fischer reagent. Chapters X, XI, XII, and XIII cover reactions with potassium iodate, periodate, potassium bromate, and hypohalites. The 14th chapter deals with titrations with ironi l l ) , titanium (III), and other strong reducing agents, and Chapter XV closes the book with a discussion of miscellan­ eous titrants. The book contains both author and subject indexes. X-Ray Crystal Structure. Dan McLachlan, Jr. vii + 416 pages. Mc­ Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 36, Ν. Υ. 1957. $15.00. This book is designed to fill in the

A Short Course in Quantitative Anal­ ysis. 2nd ed. Hobart H. Willard, N. Howell Furman, and Egbert K. Bacon, vi + 243 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 120 Alexander St., Princeton, N. J. 1957. $4.25. The first five chapters give an intro­ duction to the topic and to laboratory work, and discuss measurement by weight and volume and evaluation of measurements. The three classes of titrations—acid-base, oxidation-reduc­ tion, and precipitate or complex form­ ing—are covered in the following six chapters. Two chapters are devoted to gravimetric analysis, and the final two chapters deal with gravimetric separations and with analysis by physi­ cal measurements. Several appendices are included, one of them describing the literature of analytical chemistry. A large number of problems are presented at the end of each chapter. Report of the Analytical Methods Committee 1956. 24 pages. The Society for Analytical Chemistry, 14 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1, England. 1957. No charge. This is the second report issued by the Analytical Methods Committee since its reorganization a little over 2 years ago. The report itself starts off with a general review of the progress of work, a research scholarship, the trust fund, and expenditures. This is fol­ lowed by three groups of reports in greater detail: the reports of the sub­ committees of the Analytical Methods Committee; a report of the ABCM/

NEW BOOKS SAC Joint Committee on Methods for the Analysis of Trade Effluents; and the report of the PS/SAC Joint Com­ mittee on Methods of Assay of Crude Drugs. Also in the report is a list of works published during the year, in­ cluding 17 determinations. Appendices include a detailed financial account of the committee for the year and a list of subscribers to the trust fund. The report closes with a list of reports issued bv the \-arious subcommittees since 1927. Gas


Jarrell Ash

A. I . M .

Keulemans, edited by C. G. Verver. vii + 217 pages. Reinhold Publish­ ing Corp., 430 Park Ave., New York 22, Ν. Υ. 1957. $7.50. The author of this book has access to data obtained not only in Koninklijke/ Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, where he is employed, but also in other Shell companies in the United States and Great Britain. These results, together with the views of specialists on matters of theory and equipment, play an im­ portant part in presentation of the subject of this book. The author points out that use was made in the text of the principal publi­ cations on gas chromatography up to Jan. 1, 1956. Literature appearing since then has been referred to only in exceptional cases. In arranging the subject matter, the attempt was made to reconcile practical usefulness with theoretical soundness. In most normal analyses by gas chromatography, the author feels that excellent results can be obtained with little or no knowledge of the underlying theory. But once the investigator leaves the field of routine separations and attacks more difficult applications, he will find that some fa­ miliarity with the fundamentals is essen­ tial. For these reasons, the normal practice of gas-liquid chromatography is covered before theoretical matters are discussed. The opening chapter is devoted to a review of the whole field of chroma­ tography and of related physical proc­ esses. The second chapter deals with normal practical applications of gasliquid chromatography, and chapter three follows with detailed discussion of equipment required. Chapters four, five, six, and seven cover the theories underlying gas-liquid chromatography, showing how such principles can be ap­ plied when dealing with difficult situa­ tions and nonanalytical applications. Finally, chapter eight is a discussion of gas-solid chromatography. The book is illustrated with numer­ ous charts and diagrams, and has a list of symbols, three appendices, and an author index.




Switches to direct reading analysis in less than a minute . . . determines up to 20 elements in two minutes . . . Now you can speed routine analyses photoelectrically, and still solve tough "odd sample" or research problems photographically — ail with the same versatile instrument. No "attachments" to mount . . . no tedious realignment. With the turn of a single control you can convert from full-range spectrographic analysis to high speed direct-reading analysis of as many as 20 elements simultaneously. With the Jarrell-Ash 3.4 Meter Convertible Ebert Spectrograph, you'll enjoy flexibility that lets you tackle a greater variety of materials . . . analytical range to ferret out unsuspected trace elements . . . speed to handle more samples per hour — keep quality control in step with production. And add to these the footstep-saving convenience of a single basic instrument with all controls centrally grouped. Invite a Jarrell-Ash engineer to show you firsthand how the Convertible Ebert Spectrograph will make your analytical efforts more rewarding, your lab operations more productive and more profitable. Built-in direct reader photoelectric head fixed in permanent mount — no "attachments" to move or realign. Simple, trouble-free optical system •

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CANADA: Technical Service tabs., Toronto, Ontario

JARRELL-ASH CO., 32 Farwell Street, Newtonville 60, Massachusetts MERELY SIGN AND

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VOL. 30, NO. 7, JULY 1958 ·
