ACS HIGHLIGHTS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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ACS AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Board of Directors Arthur C. Cope, Chairman M. H. Arveson Robert W. Cairns Ralph Connor Lawrence T. Eby Robert C. Elderfield Henry Eyring W. O. Milligan John H. Nair Charles G. Overberger Charles C. Price Ryron Riegel F. T. Wall National Officers Arthur C. Cope, Chairman of Board M. H. Arveson, President Charles C. Price, President-Elect Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary R. V. Mellefont, Treasurer OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Alden H. Emery, Executive Secretary B. R. Stanerson, Deputy Executive Secretary ^ Frances S. Sansbury, Assistant to the Executive Secretary Basic Journals Division Richard H. Belknap, Director Harry I. Hoffman, Assistant Director Chemical Abstracts Service Division (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210) Dale B. Baker, Director Fred A. Tate, Assistant Director L. T. Capell, Director of Nomenclature Kenneth H. Zabriskie, Jr., Director of Research and Development Richard H. Belknap, Business Consultant Financial Division R. V. Mellefont, Treasurer Kenneth C. Barnes, Controller Thomas E. Foley, Assistant Treasurer Membership Activities Division R. E. Henze, Director Frances Benner. Local Section Speakers' Tours Lois Jenkins, Admissions Pauline C. Dodson, Records Marshall W. Mead, Local Section Activities Phyllis Powers, Employment Clearing House R. L. Silber, Educational Secretary R. M. Warren, Membership Secretary A. T. Winstead, National Meetings Operational Services Division E. G. Harris, Jr., Director Charles M. Gallienne, Fulfillment Manager Charles S. Decker, Assistant to the Director PitbVc, Professional, and Member Relations Division James H. Stack, Director Robert K. Neuman, Information Services David A. H. Roethel, Professional and Government Relations ACS News Service (733 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10(XL7) Roy Avery, Managing Editor John F. Henahan, Radio and Television Research Grants and Fellowships Division Karl Dittmer, Director Joseph H. Boyer, Assistant Program Administrator, PRF ACS APPLIED





See C&EN-March 23 (officers of local sections and divisions) and Feb. 17 (committee members).


Major ACS issues will be "on the ballot" at the Society's exhibit in the National Chemical Exposition during the 148th ACS National Meeting in Chicago. Four voting machines will be set up to register member opinion on 10 matters, most of which are currently pending before various Board and Council committees. Members may vote "yes" or "no" on such questions as: Should the ACS endorse a code of ethics for its members? Should the ACS retain the present system of two national meetings a year? Should some way be provided for chemical technicians to become associated with the Society? Should the ACS encourage the transfer of pension rights of members who must change employers? The results of this "preferential primary" will later be turned over to the appropriate ACS committees for their information. Here is another opportunity to express your views on ACS matters. Visit the exhibit and vote. A special listing of retired chemists and chemical engineers registered at the National Employment Clearing House will be available to prospective employers at the ACS national meeting in Chicago. In an experimental program which is the result of a suggestion by the Council Committee on Professional Relations and Status, a "retired chemists and chemical engineers" category will be included in the NECH classified index. The new NECH listing is one of a number of projects under consideration to provide more services to retired, or about-to-be-retired, ACS members. Additional use of the facilities of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, particularly the employment information section, also is under study. Thirty-two outstanding polymer chemists make up a Speakers Bureau recently established by the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry. A nationwide roster of speakers, available to local sections and other organizations for talks on a variety of topics in polymer science, has been compiled by the division. The listing includes the speakers' mailing addresses and the subjects and approximate times required for their lectures. A copy of the Speakers Bureau listing is available on request from Dr. E. M. Pearce, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. Total circulation of the Society's fundamental journals was up 7% during the first five months of 1964 (compared with the corresponding 1963 figure) and all eight publications showed an increase. The rate of processing new subscriptions and member bills with renewals has been improved this year and may account for some of the increase. The largest gain has been posted by Biochemistry, 17.2%, followed by The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 11.6%, and Inorganic Chemistry, 10.0%. The other journals and their circulation growth for this period are The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 7.8%; Journal of Chemical Documentation, 6.7%; Chemical Reviews, 4.3%; Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 3.8%; and Journal of the American Chemical Society, 3.2 %. The total circulation for all eight journals as of May 31 was 48,791. AUG.

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