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A. C. S. M O N O G R A P H S T h e n o t a b l e series o f Scientific a n d T e c h n o l o g i c B o o k s s p o n s o r e d b y t h e

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY F o l l o w i n g is a list of t h i r t y - o n e v o l u m e s n o w r e a d y . S o m e t h i r t y o t h e r s a r e in v a r i o u s s t a g e s o f p r e p a r a t i o n . The Chemistry of Enzyme Actions (Revised Edition). By K. George Falk. Price $5.00 Chemical Effects of Alpha Particles and Electrons. By Samuel C. Lind. Price $3.75 Organic Compounds of Mercury. By Frank C. Whitmore. Price $7.50 Industrial Hydrogen. By Hugh S. Taylor. Price $4.50 Zirconium and Its Compounds. By Francis P. Venable. Price $4.00 The Vitamins. By H. C. Sherman and S. L. Smith. Price $5.50 Properties of Electrically Conducting Systems By Charles A. Kraus. Price $6.50 The Origin of Spectra. By Paul D. Foote and F. L. Mohler. Price $5.50 Carotinoids and Related Pigments. By Leroy S. Palmer. Price $6.00 The Analysis of Rubber. By John B. Tuttle. Price $3.50 Glue and Gelatin. By Jerome Alexander. Price $4.50 The Chemistry of Leather Manufacture. By John Arthur Wilson. Price $7.00 Wood Distillation. By L. F. Hawley. Price $4.00 Valence, and the Structure of Atoms and Molecules. By Gilbert N. Lewis. Price $3.75 Organic Arsenical Compounds. By George W. Raiziss and Joseph L. Gavron. Price $9.00 Colloid Chemistry. By The Svedberg. Price $4.50

Solubility. By Joel H. Hildebrand. Price $4.00 Coal Carbonization. By Horace C. Porter. Price $8.00 The Structure of Crystals. By Ralph W. G. Wyckoff. Price $7.50 T h e Recovery of Gasoline from Natural Gas. By George A. Burrell. Price $10.00 T h e Chemical Aspects of I m m u n i t y . By H. Gideon Wells. Price $5.50 M o l y b d e n u m , Cerium and Related Alloy Steels. By H. W. Gillett and E. L. Mack. Price $5.50 T h e A n i m a l As a Converter of Matter and Energy. By H. P. Armsby and C. Robert Moulton. Price $4.50 Organic Derivatives of Antimony. By Walter G. Christiansen. Price $4.50 Shale Oil. By Ralph H . McKee. Price $6.00 T h e Chemistry of Wheat Flour. By C. H. Bailey. Price $6.00 Surface Equilibria of Biological and Organic Colloids. By P. Lecompte du Noüy. Price $4.50 T h e Chemistry of Wood. By L. F. Hawley and Louis E. Wise. Price $6.00 Photosynthesis. By H. A. Spoehr. Price $6.50 Casein and Its Industrial Applications. By Edwin Sutermeister. Price $5.00 Equilibria i n Saturated Salt Solutions. By Walter C. Blasdale. Price $4.50

M e m b e r s of t h e A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l S o c i e t y a r e n o w e n t i t l e d t o a d i s c o u n t o f t e n p e r c e n t from t h e a b o v e prices, on all o r d e r s s e n t d i r e c t t o t h e p u b l i s h e r s .

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