ACS National Meeting at Chicago - American Chemical Society

Chicago. rPHis issue of Analytical. Chemistry- (pages 1280-3) x contains the details of the 124th National ... duction, and Utilization of Technical I...
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ACS National Meeting at Chicago issue of -4s\LYTIC i~ CHEMISTRY (pages 1280-3 i contains the details of ihe 124th National Meeting of the AMERICAS CHEMIC.LLSOCIETY to be held in Chicago, September 6 to 11, of direct interest to analysts. This is a new service for the readers of the journal, some of whom are not members of the Society. Sessions of the Division of Xnalytical Chemistry start Monday afternoon, September 7, and continue through Thursday morning, September 10. A total of 5 i papen are scheduled. The Illinois Rooin of the Hotel LaSalle will be headquarters. The division i i also cosponsoring two symposia. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry n-ill hold a Symposium on -4iialytical Methods and Iiirtruinentation ,Ipplied to Sugars and Other Carbohydrates. and on Tuesday inoriiing and afternoon the Dn-ision of Petroleum Chemistry will be chiefly responsible for a Symposium on Automatic .Analytical Methods in the Petroleum Industry. Officers of the Dix-ision of Ahalyticalchemistry, and the members of the division's program committee have helped in arranging the tu-o symposia. The Syniposiuiii on -4iialytical Methods and Instrunieiitatioii ,Ipplied t o Sugars and Other Carbohydrates consists of 23 paper>. with all four sessions scheduled for Koorii I i nf the Palmer House. The Symposium o n -4utomatit -1iialytical Methods in the Petroleuni Industry n-ill be held in the South Ballroom of the ('onrad Hilton. and consists of 13 papers. Fewer papei are scheduled by the Division of -4iialytiral C'heiiiiitry for Chicago than were presented a year ago 111 -\tlantic City. Hon-ever, at the latter olily one yyiiipo.iuiii was cospoiiiored , so that actually there will he 11:ore papery of direct interest to analysts iii Chirago. The dinner of the dil-ision TI ill be held TVednesday evening in the South Ballroom, Conrad Hilton, with G. Frederick Sniith, (ahairman-elect, presiding. Chairiiian H. -4. Laitinen is 011 sabbatical leave froin the 1-niversity of Illinoi~for the balance of 1953 and is located at the I-iiiver-ity of Birmingham in England. Follon-ing geneid custom, the dinner speaker !\-ill iiot be an aiia1;v.t. The rhairman-elect has obtained Ray Hibbeler. pi ofessional entertainer, who \vi11 speak 011 + ' T h e a t r i d Foibles of the Turn of the Century." In addition t o the program arranged by the Division of Analytical ('heinistry and the two symposia coTHIS


sponsored by it, several other events to be held in Chicago IT-illbe of interest to analytical chemists. The Division of Chemical Education on Wednesday morning, September 9, will hold a Symposium on Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry in Parlors B, C, and D, Hotel Morrison. The Division of Chemical Literature will stage in the Red Lacquer Room, Palmer House, on Wednesday an all-day Symposium on Equipment for the Preparation, Reproduction, and Utilization of Technical Information. In connection with the symposium, the division is also sponsoring an exhibit of equipment. More than 30 nianufacturers will demonstrate their wares in the Exhibition Hall from 5 to 10 P.M., Wednesday, and from 1 0 . 4 . ~to . 10 P.M. on Thursday and Friday. Statistics is a live subject n-ith analysts. On &Ionday morning arid afternoon, September 7 , the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry will present a Symposium on Statistics in the Design of Experiments arranged by W.*J. Youden of the Sational Bureau of Standards. It will be held in Room 14 of the Palmer House. Many analysts will be interested also in another symposiuni of the I&EC Division--"Procebs Instrumentation" arranged by B. W, Thomas, who w i t e s the monthly column on Instrumentation in Industrial and Engineeri nq Chemistry. This symposiuiii is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday in Room 14 of the Palmer House. Several of the plant trips n-ill have special technical appeal to analytical chemists. The well-known Chicago laboratory supply house, E. H. Sargent and Co.. will be open to visitors on Tuesday, September 8, from I to 4.30 P x . Tn-o pharmaceutical houses are on the plant trip list--,\bbott Laboratories and G. D . Searle and Co. Other trips include Illinois Institute of Technology, Sorthwestern L-niversity, Shern-inITilliams, Siiiclair Refining, Standard Oil of Indiana, Corn Products Refining, Swift and Co., Arniour Laboratories, Inland Steel. and U. S. Steel. Fisher Scientific will have its n e v Xobilab in the Conrad Hiltoii parking lot for visitors between 9 A . M . and 6 P.M. A1llin all, the analyst attending the meeting in Chicago is in for a busy and highly instructive week. Just about the oiilv feature missing will be panel discussions sponsored by the Division of -1nalytical Chemistry, which proved to be very popular at previous meetings. See you in Chicago. 1139