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Eng. News Archives ... All undergraduates are invited to present their research at the National Undergraduate Research Poster Session to be held March...
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ACS NEWS Organic Division travel awards for students The ACS Division of Organic Chemistry will provide travel and meeting expense awards for approximately eight under­ graduate students to attend the ACS spring national meeting in Denver. Stu­ dents in their junior year, who have en­ gaged in research over the course of at least one summer, and who intend to en­ ter a graduate chemistry program are eli­ gible. In addition to travel expenses, the

New address for dues, journals subscriptions P.O. Box 28579, Washington, D.C., 20036, is no longer to be used to ad­ dress remittances for dues and jour­ nal subscriptions. Members and sub­ scribers to journals should send their dues and subscription payments to Department L-0011, Columbus, Ohio 46268-0011. Please recycle preprinted envelopes addressed to Box 28579.

awardees are treated to a luncheon with members of the Organic Division's execu­ tive committee. These awards are funded by an annual $5000 grant from R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Insti­ tute. Award announcements are made by the end of February. For more informa­ tion contact Cynthia Maryanoff, R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Insti­ tute, Spring House, Pa. 19477. Π

Papers sought for student symposium All undergraduates are invited to present their research at the National Undergrad­ uate Research Poster Session to be held March 29,1993, at the ACS national meet­ ing in Denver. This research presentation, jointly sponsored by the Student Affiliates Program, the Society Committee on Edu­ cation, and the Division of Chemical Edu­

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cation, will provide students an opportu­ nity to present their research or research coauthored with a faculty mentor to the chemical community. Students who wish to participate must submit a 200-word abstract on the standard ACS form by Dec. 1. Authors will be notified of accep­ tance by Jan. 29,1993. Meeting registra­ tion fees for all students selected to par­ ticipate will be paid by the Student Affil­ iates Program; all other expenses will be the responsibility of the participants. Send abstracts and requests for addi­ tional information to Student Affiliates Program, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC. 20036, phone (202) 872-4480. Π

Committee vacancy to be filled A vacancy has been created on the ACS Council Committee on Committees (ConC) by the recent election of Tomlinson Fort to the Council Policy Committee. A special interim election will be conduct­ ed among ACS councilors to fill the va­ cancy. The ACS Committee on Nomina­ tions & Elections (CN&E) has selected as candidates Shalaby W. Shalaby and Michael E. Strem. Other candidates may be nominated by petition; signatures of at least 25 councilors are required for a valid petition, and petitions must be received by the ACS executive director by Nov. 2. CN&E expects to mail ballots to council­ ors in mid-November. In accordance with ACS bylaws, the successful candidate will become a member of ConC on Jan. 1 and will serve the remainder of Forfs 1992-94 term. Π

Call for papers for polymer symposium A symposium on Lifetime and Durability of High-Technology Polymers and Com­ posites, cosponsored by the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry and the American Physical Society Division of High Poly­ mers Physics, will be presented at the spring meeting of APS in Seattle, March 22-26,1993. Papers are being solicited in the following areas: adhesion, physical ag­ ing and viscoelasticity, fracture and fa­ tigue, molecular probes of microstructure, combined mechanochemical interactions, accelerated testing methods, blends, elec-

tronic packaging materials, composites, computer modeling, and elastomers. Con­ tributions on other aspects of lifetime and durability of polymers will be welcome. Send two copies of abstracts on ACS stan­ dard abstract forms by Nov. 13 to G. B. McKenna, Polymers Division, NIST, Gaithersburg, Md. 20899, phone (301) 9756752. Π

Analytical Reagents Committee meeting The ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents plans to meet Oct 15-16, at ACS headquarters in Washington, D.C., to consider specifications and testing methods for chemicals used as reagents in analytical testing. The eighth edition of "Reagent Chemi­ cals—ACS Specifications" is in press. The committee would like sugges­ tions of additional reagents or test­ ing methods. Contact the committee chairman, Paul A. Bouis, J. T. Baker Inc., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865. Π

Craig Hill wins Stone Award The American Chemical Society Caroli­ na Piedmont Section has selected Craig L. Hill, professor of chemistry at Emory University, Atlanta, as the 1992 recipient of the Charles H. Stone Award. The award, which is presented annually, consists of an engraved plaque and $1000. The award will be presented Oct. 19. By selecting Hill for this award, the section recognizes the significant contri­ bution that he has made in the field of inorganic cluster research. His work has been characterized by great originality and imagination in the carbon-hydrogen activation area. He has also taken the op­ portunity to collaborate with medical colleagues on using polyoxometallates as antiviral and anti-AJDS agents. After graduating from the University of California, San Diego, Hill pursued graduate studies at Massachusetts In­

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stitute of Technology. He then carried out postdoctoral studies at Stanford University. He began his professional career at the University of California, Berkeley, and moved to Emory Univer­ sity in 1983. Hill is the associate editor of New Journal of Chemistry and serves on the editorial advisory board of Inor­ ganic Chemistry. Π


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