ACS program deadlines and topics - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

ABSTRACT FORMS are available from all division secretaries, committee program ... The term "paper" shall include any presentation for which the title ...
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ACS program deadlines and topics Deadlines and topics for ACS meetings, fall 1988 (Sept. 25-30, Los Angeles) and spring 1989 (April 9-14, Dallas) and later, national symposia organized by individual divisions and committees are listed on this and the following pages. The society bylaw governing presentation of papers appears below. ABSTRACT FORMS are available from all division secretaries, committee program chairmen, and from the Department of Meetings, & Divisional Activities, ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Detailed instructions are included with the form. HANDBOOK FOR SPEAKERS, ACS, Bulletin No. 8, also is available from this department.

SOCIETY BYLAW GOVERNING PAPERS Bylaw VI, Sec. 5 governs presentation at society meetings. 1. The term "paper" shall include any presentation for which the title and authors are listed on the program and which may be reduced to writing either prior to, during, or subsequent to the meeting at which presented. 2. No paper shall be presented at a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting unless its title appears on the program for the meeting. 3. No paper by a chemical scientist residing in the United States who is not a member of the Society shall appear on the program of a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting of the Society unless it be a joint paper with one or more Society members, or unless for a national, region-

al, or national-divisional meeting the author has been invited to present the paper at a symposium organized by a Division of the Society or by Sections of the Society, and the chairman of such Division or of the host Section has certified to the Executive Director of the Society prior to publication of the program that presentation by the author of such paper is important to the success of the symposium. 4. Rules corresponding to paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this section for a cooperative meeting shall be subject to agreement in advance between the organizations concerned but should conform, insofar as possible, to this Bylaw and be subject to approval by the Executive Director of the Society. 5. The Society assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions expressed by individuals in papers or discussion thereof. 6. The president shall have authority to exclude any paper from a program at any time prior to its presentation at a meeting of the society. Regulation VIII, Sec. 3 supplements Bylaw VI, Sec. 5 as follows: (a) Authorship of papers shall be accredited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories. (b) Therapeutic Papers. It is the policy of the Society to encourage the presentation of chemical papers with pharmacological and physiological aspects but to discourage presentation, by other than qualified clinical investigators, of papers in which clinical interpretations are the principal contribution. All Divi-

Be kind to your division program chairman!

sions are requested to adhere to this policy when determining the acceptability of papers for their meeting programs. The Divisions also are urged to exclude from their programs, and especially from any abstracts issued, statements recommending procedure for the treatment of human disease or announcement of any "cures" not confirmed by competent medical authority. Any author contributing a paper that includes discussion of the treatment of human disease must submit for review, by representatives of the appropriate Division, a complete manuscript in addition to an abstract. Notes. Submission of papers for presentation at an ACS meeting does not constitute submission for publication in an ACS journal. Regulations for the acceptance of papers to be presented as part of divisional meetings vary for each division. However, publication of papers in ACS journals is based upon the earliest date of receipt of the complete paper by the appropriate editor. The council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indication made to the author as to whether he or she is to read the entire paper or to abstract it to allow time for discussion. Special attention should be given to the misuse of tradenames, secret formulas, or secret processes in papers at national meetings of the society. It is requested that authors avoid the use of tradenames in papers presented at ACS meetings. Chairmen are responsible for enforcing this policy.

Few people are aware of the tremendous amount of time and effort involved in putting programs together. Program chairmen need a minimum of 30 days prior to the deadline for receipt of preliminary

program material at ACS headquarters to facilitate program scheduling. Incidentally, it's already too late for the Toronto (Spring 1988) meeting. PLEASE OBSERVE THE DEADLINES which are fast approaching for the Los Angeles (fall 1988) meeting.









AGRO (formerly PEST)




























































a Division will not meet in Los Angeles.

46 December 21, 1987 C&EN


Note: The addresses for chairmen of general papers ami symposia are indicated only once In each individual listing.

DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL & FOOD CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: J. W. Finley, Nabisco Brands Inc., 100 Deforest Ave., East Hanover, N.J. 07936-1943, (201) 503-4833

Low-Calorie Ingredients. F. Orthoefer, Na­ bisco Brands, Inc., 100 Deforest Ave., East Hanover, N.J. 07936, (201) 884-4687 Nutrition: Pre and Post Natal. E. Zeigler, Dept. of Pediatrics, U of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, (319)356-2836 Physical and Chemical Properties of Food Functionality. V. Holsinger, USDA/ARS ERRC, 100 Mermaid Ln., Philadelphia, Pa. 19118 Antifreeze Polymers. R E . Feeney, U of California, Davis, Calif. CRETE, GREECE, Summer 1989 6th International Flavor Conference. C. J. Mussinan, International Flavors & Fra­ grances, R&D., 1515 Hwy 36, Union Beach, N.J. 07735, (201) 264-4500

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989

International Conference on Sweeteners: Carbohydrate and Low Calorie. C. J. Mussinan, International Flavors & Fra­ grances, R&D, 1515 Hwy 36, Union Beach, N.J. 07735, (201) 264-4500

Amylases: Chemistry and Biotechnology. G. Inglett, USDA-ARS/NRRC, 1815 Uni­ versity St., Peoria, III. 61604, (309) 6854011, ext. 231 Food Packaging Interactions. J. Hotchkiss, Cornell U, Ithaca, N.Y. Recent Developments in the Measurement of Flavor Compounds. S. Risch, U of Min­ nesota, St. Paul, Minn.; C. J. Mussinan Meat Flavor Chemistry. M. Bailey, U of Mis­ souri, Columbia, Mo.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to J. W. Finley by May 15, 1988 Process Induced Chemical Changes in Food Composition. D. Armstrong, FDA, 1090 Tusculum Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45226,(513)533-8679. Folic Acid. M. F. Picciano; J. A. Milner, U of Illinois, Dept. of Food & Science, Urbana, 111.61801,(217)333-2289 Flavor Generated via Thermal Processes. T. Parliment, General Foods Corp., 555 South Broadway, Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591, (914) 335-6065; C. T. Ho, Dept. of Food Science, Rutgers U, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903, (201) 932-9672; R. J. McGorrin, Kraft, Inc., Technology Center, 801 Waukegan Rd., Glenview, III. 60025, (312) 998-3618 Measurement of Mutagens and Carcino­ gens in Foods. W. L. Moats, USDA, Beltsville, Md., (301) 344-1990; P. B. Addis, Dept. of Food Science, U of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. 55108, (612) 624-7704 Chemistry of Product Tampering. P. Given, Nabisco Brands, Inc., 100 Deforest Ave., East Hanover, N.J. 07936, (201) 503-4723 Recent Advances in Essential Oils. B. Mookherjee, IFF R&D, 1515 Hwy 36, Union Beach, N.J. 07735, (201) 264-4500 Antioxidant Nutrition and Immune Function. M. Phillips, USDA/NADC, P.O. Box 70, Ames, Iowa 50010, (515) 238-8370; A. Bendich, Roche Vitamins and Fine Chemi­ cals, 340 Kingsland St., Nutley, N.J. 07110,(201)235-2827 NMR Applications in Food Chemistry. J. Finley; R. E. Lundin, USDA/ARS, 800 Bu­ chanan St., Albany, Calif. 94710, (415) 486-3444. Processing Technology for Quality Im­ provement in Fruits and Vegetables. J. Jen, U of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

Food Fiber: Chemistry, Physiology and Technology. J. Vercellotti, USDA-ARS/ SRRC, New Orleans, La., (504) 286-4421 Oxidative Stability of Seafood Products. H. Hultin, U of Massachusetts, Gloucester, Mass. 01930, (617)281-1930 Microemulsions in Food. D. Cornell, USDAARS/ERRC, Philadelphia, Pa.; H. Prince, General Foods, Tarrytown, N.Y. Lipid Oxidation in Foods. J. Merker, USDAARS/ERRC, Philadelphia, Pa.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 22-25, 1988

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Water Relationships in Foods. H. Levine; L. Slade, Nabisco Brands, Inc., 100 Deforest Ave., East Hanover, N.J. 07936, (201) 503-3923 Nutritional Bioavailability of Copper. C. Kies, Dept. of Human Nutrition, U of Ne­ braska, Lincoln, Neb. 68503, (402) 4722444 Dietary Fiber Sources. I Furda, James Bell Ford Technical Center, General Mills Inc., 9000 Plymouth Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 55427, (612) 540-4460; C. J. Brine, FMC Corp., 28 TE-AR Place, Princeton, N.J. 08540,(609)520-3681

WASHINGTON, Aug. 26-31, 1990 Flavor Workshop. T. Acree, New York State Experiment Station, Geneva, N.Y., 14456, (315) 787-2240; R. Teranishi, USDA/ WRRC, Berkeley, Calif. 94710 Structure Activity Relationships of Artificial Sweeteners. E. Walters Semiochemistry: Flavor and Pheromone. T. Acree New Products from Underutilized Fish Spe­ cies and Seafood Wastes. R. Martin, Na­ tional Fisheries Inst., Washington, D.C.; G. J. Flick, Dept. of Food Science & Technol­ ogy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24061, (703) 9616965; R. Ory, P.O. Box 19687, New Or­ leans, La. 70179 Natural Toxins. A. T. Tu; R. Keeler, Dept. of Biochemistry, Colorado State U, Ft. Col­ lins, Colo. 80523 New Developments in Biopolymers. M. Fishman, USDA-ARS/ERRC, Philadel­ phia, Pa. Future Topics: Bioregulators: Recent Progress. F. Rittig, BASF Corp., P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27708-3528; R. Ory Membrane Lipids-Role in Chemical Trans­ port Processing Technology for Quality Im­ provement of Fruits and Vegetables Sensory Impact of Interactions Between Flavorful and Flavorless Components in Foods Bioregulators and Control of Plant Growth Eiectrophoretic Methods for Food Protein Analysis Production of Flavor Compounds from Plants Plant Sterols and Steroids Plant Alkaloids Raw Material from Agriculture Chemistry of Hydrocolloids

DIVISION OF AGROCHEMICALS Program Chairman: G. K. Kohn, Sandoz Crop Protection Corp., Zoecon Research Institute, 975 California Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304, (415) 354-3479; home (415)949-1833 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 23, 1988. General Papers. G. K. Kohn Posters. W. B. Wheeler, U of Florida, Pesti­ cide Res. Lab., Gainesville, Fla. 32611, (904)392-1978 Baxter, Burdick and Jackson Award Sym­ posium in honor of F. Matsamura, Bio­ chemical Toxicology of Pesticides. T. R. Fukuto, Dept. of Entomology-1012, U of California, Riverside, Calif. 92502, (714) 787-5824; R. M. Hollingworth, Michigan State U, East Lansing, Mich. 48824; J. N. Seiber, U of California, Davis, Calif. 95616 Insecticidal Action: from Molecules to Or­ ganism. T. Narahashi, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60201; J. E. Chambers, H. Chambers, Mississippi State U, Mississip­ pi State, Miss. 39762, (601) 325-3120 Applications of Supercritical Fluid Extrac­ tion or Chromatography to the Determi­ nation of Agrochemicals. T. Wehner, Merck, Sharp & Dohme, R80, L-123, P.O. Box 2000, Rahway, N.J. 07065, (201) 574-6261; J. King; J. Morgan Exchange of Contaminants Across the At­ mosphere/Surface Interface in Agricul­ ture. D. E. Glotfelty, Environmental Chem. Lab., Agricultural Environmental Quality Inst., USDA, Beltsville, Md. 10705, (301) 344-3641; J.N. Seiber Fundamental and Practical Approaches to Combating Resistance. M. B. Green, 1 Dinorven, 79-81 Woodcote Rd., Welling­ ton, Surrey, SM6 0ΡΖ, England, 01 669 3313; W. K. Moberg, Experimental Station 402, Agricultural Products Dept., E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del. 19898,(302)695-4040 Bioactive Mechanisms: Proof, SAR and Prediction. P. S. Magee, Biosar Research Project, 112 Picadilly Circle, Vallejo, Calif., 94591, (707) 553-9199; D. Henry; J. H. Block, Oregon State U, Corvallis, Ore. 97331 Carcinogenicity and Pesticides. N. Ragsdale, USDA, 221-JSMB, Washington, D.C. 20251-2200, (202) 447-7896; R. E. Menzer, Dept. of Entomology, U of Mary­ land, College Park, Md. 20742 Synthesis and Chemistry of New and Po­ tential Agrochemicals. J. G. Fenyes, Buckman Labs., 1256 N. McLean Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. 38108, (901) 278-0330; D. Baker, ICI Americas, Inc., Wilmington, Del. 19897

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Program Chairlady: W. Y. Garner, U.S. EPA, 912 Othman Dr., Ft. Washington, Md. 20744, (202) 382-7327 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 1, 1988 General Papers. W. Y. Garner Posters. W. B. Wheeler Enzyme Targets. G. Hollingshaus, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 695-4190; B. Ham­ mock, U of California, Davis, Calif.; G. D. Prestwich Viral Approaches to Insect Control; Baculovirus, etc. C. Ignoffo, Biotechnology and Pathology Lab., USDA/ARS, Research Park, Route K, P.O. Box 7629, Columbia, Mo. 65205, (314)875-7629 Genetics of Plant-Insect Resistance and Potential for Transfer to Agronomic Crops. R. O. Mumma, Pennsylvania State U, University Park, Pa. 16802, (814) 8634435

Advances in Bioherbicide and Herbicide Research (tentative). R. E. Hoagland, USDA, Box 350, Stoneville, Miss. 38776 Run Off-Characteristics and Problems. G. Willis, Soil and Water Research Lab., USDA, Baton Rouge, La. 70808, (504) 387-2783

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 General Papers. W. Y. Garner Posters. W. B. Wheeler Baxter, Burdick and Jackson Award Sym­ posium. Awardee and topic to be an­ nounced. Naturally Occurring Pest Bioregulators. P. Hedin, Bollweevil Res. Lab., Box 5367, Mississippi State U, Mississippi State, Miss. 39762, (601)323-2230 New Challenges in Pesticide Residue Anal­ ysis. T. D. Spittler, NYSAES, Cornell U, Geneva, N.Y. (315) 787-2283; M. B. Fer­ guson, U of California, Davis, Calif.

WASHINGTON, D.C, Aug. 26-31, 1990 Program Chairman: J. G. Fenyes, Buckman Laboratories, 1256 N. McLean Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. 31808,(901)278-0330 Issues, Legislation and Regulatory Activi­ ties Affecting Agriculture and the Agrochemical Industry. G. K. Kohn Tentative Future Topics: Advances in Immunochemical Analytical Approaches Plant Gene Manipulations for Insect Control Progress Toward Control of Plant Viral Dis­ eases Brassino Steroids and other Bioregulators Advances in Fungicide Research Environmental Monitoring

DIVISION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: S. P. Perone, Chemistry and Materials Science Dept., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, POB L-310, Livermore, Calif. 94550, (415) 422-6322 STANFORD, Summer 1988 41st Annual Summer Symposium on Ana­ lytical Chemistry: Lasers in Analytical Chemistry. Stanford U, Stanford, Calif. Program Chairman: F. E. Lytle, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind., 47907; E. Yeung, Dept. of Chemistry, Iowa State U, Ames, Iowa 50011. General Chairman: R. Zare, Dept. of Chemistry, Stanford U, Stanford, Calif. 94305

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1, 1988. Au­ thors should contact the designated sym­ posium chairperson for possible earlier abstract due dates and other pertinent in­ formation. Authors of general papers are advised that papers at this meeting may be organized into a poster session. General Papers. S. P. Perone Chemical Sensors and Microinstrumenta­ tion. W. R. Heineman, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, (513) 475-5325; W. R. Seitz, Dept. of Chemistry, U of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H. 03824, (603) 862-1550; J. Janata, Dept. of Bioengineering, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, (801) 581-3837; R. Dessy, Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Poly­ technic U, Blacksburg, Va. 24061, (703) 961-5842; R. W. Murray, Dept. of Chemis­ try, U Of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514,(919)962-6295

December 2 1 , 1987 C&EN


Meetings Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy (Cosponsored: POLY). D. D. Bly, Central Research Lab., DuPont Experimental Sta­ tion 328, Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 772-2791 Frontiers in Analytical Chemistry. A. J. Bard, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Texas, Aus­ tin, Tex. 78712-1167 Analysis with Trapped Ion Techniques. R. G. Cooks, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907-3699, (317) 494-5263 Kinetic Methods of Analysis. G. Christian, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Washington, Se­ attle, Wash. 98195, (206) 543-1635 Separations in Analytical Biotechnology (Cosponsored: BTEC). C. Horvath Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Yale U, New Ha­ ven, Conn. 06520, (203) 436-1271 Teaching Analytical Chemistry—Where Are We Today? (Cosponsored: CHED) Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation Analytical Chemistry Award in Spectrochemical Analysis Analytical Chemistry Award in Electro­ chemistry

Structure of Polysaccharides (Cospon­ sored: CELL) Computer-Modelling of Carbohydrates (Cosponsored: CELL, COMP) Polymers from Agricultural and Other Bioprocesses (Cosponsored: CELL, PMSE)

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1989 to session or symposium chairman General Papers. E. S. Hawkins Degradative Reactions of Carbohydrates: Food Quality and Biological Aspects. M. S. Feather, Dept. of Biochemistry, U of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 65211, (314) 882-7606 or 5192 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Cell Wall Polysaccharides. Κ. Β. Hicks Enzymes in Carbohydrate Synthesis (tenta­ tive).

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 Chemical Modifications of Biopolymers (Cosponsored: CELL)

Biomass Feedstock Integration of Produc­ tion and Conversion to Fuels. S. Butner, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, P.O. Box 999, Richland, Wash. 99352, (509) 3752675; T. Milne, Solar Energy Research Institute, 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colo. 80401,(303)231-1440

RALEIGH, May 22-25, 1989 5th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry (Cosponsored: TAPPI, CPPA, CSJ). J. Gratzl, North Carolina State U, Dept. of Wood and Paper Sci­ ence, Raleigh, N.C. 27695, (919) 7372888 MYRTLE BEACH, May 2 5 - 2 8 , 1989 Methods of Analyses of Wood, Annual Plants, and Their Components. H. L. Chum, G. Gellerstedt, Swedish Pulp and Papers Research Institute, Box 5604, S114, 86 Stockholm, Sweden; D. Robert, Laboratorie de Chemie, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires, CENG 85 X 38041, Grenoble Cedex, France

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 1 0 - 1 5 , 1989 Instrumental Methods for Polymer Charac­ terization No. 10-Chromatography of Bipolymer (Cosponsored: PMSE)

DIVISION OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY Executive Secretary/Program Liaison: E. S. Hawkins, Dept. of Chemistry, Warner-Lambert/ Parke-Davis, Pharmaceutical Research, 2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106-1047, (313)996-7866 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1988 to session or symposium chairman General Papers. E. S. Hawkins Antiviral Agents (Cosponsored: MEDI). J. Martin, Bristol-Myers Co., P.O. Box 5100, Wallingford, Conn. 06492, (203) 2846127 U.S. Carbohydrate Industry. J. BeMiller, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Re­ search, Smith Hall, Purdue U, West La­ fayette, Ind. 47907, (317) 494-8256 Recent Methods of Carbohydrate Protec­ tion and Deprotection. O. Martin, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY University Center, Binghamton, N.Y. 13901, (607) 777-4445 Symposium Jn Honor of H. S. IsbelPs 90th Birthday. H. El-Khadem, Dept. of Chemis­ try, American U, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C., (202) 8851767 DALLAS, April 9 - 1 4 , 1989 3 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 1, 1988 to session chairman General Papers. E. S. Hawkins Claude S. Hudson Award Symposium. K. Hicks, ERRC, USDA, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19118, (215) 2336458 Biotechnology of Amylodextrin Oligosac­ charides. R. B. Friedman, American Maize Products Co., 1100 Indianapolis Blvd., Hammond, Ind. 46320-1094, (219) 659-2000 Modeling Carbohydrate Physical Struc­ tures. A. French, SRRC, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, La. 70179, (504) 286-4250 Synthesis of Complex Carbohydrates for Biological Applications. D. Bundle, Div. of Biological Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6, (613) 990-0837 48

December 2 1 , 1 9 8 7 C&EN

CELLULOSE, PAPER & TEXTILE DIVISION Program Chairman: H. L. Chum, Solar Energy Research Institute, 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colo. 80401,(303)231-7249 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 Titles and authors to symposium chairperson by May 1, 1988. 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to symposium chairman by May 20, 1988 Archaeological Wood: Properties, Chemis­ try, and Preservation. R. M. Rowell, U.S. Forest Products Labs., One Gifford Pinchot Dr., Madison, Wis. 53705, (608) 2645816; J. Barbour, Forintek Canada Corp., 800 Chemin Montreal Rd., Ottawa, Ontar­ io, Canada K1A 0M8; C. Peterson, South Carolina Institute of Archeology and An­ thropology, U of South Carolina, Colum­ bia, S.C. 29208 Historic Textile and Paper Materials: Con­ servation and Characterization II. S. H. Zeronian, H. L. Needles, Div. of Textiles and Clothing, U of California, Davis, Calif. 95616, (916) 752-0840, 752-6560 Dye Synthesis. H. Freeman, Dept. of Textile Chemistry, North Carolina State U, Ra­ leigh, N.C. 27650, (919) 737-2551 Safety Issues in the Practice of Art and Art Conservation DALLAS, April 9 - 1 4 , 1989 Titles and authors to symposium chairman by Nov. 1, 1988. 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to symposium chairman by Dec. 1, 1988 Polymers from Agricultural and Other Biprocesses (Cosponsored: CARB, PMSE) Fire and Polymers (Cosponsored: COLL, MACR, PMSE, POLY, RUBB). G. N. Rich­ ards, Wood Chemistry Lab., U of Montana, Missoula, Mont. 59812, (406) 243-4435 Utilization of Agricultural and Fermenta­ tion-Based Polymers. J. E. Glass, North Dakota State U, Polymers and Coatings Division, Fargo N.D. 58105; R. Narayan, Laboratory of Renewable Resource Engi­ neering, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907,(317)494-7025 Synthesis of Branched Polymers (Cospon­ sored: PMSE). W. H. Daly, Dept. of Chem­ istry, Louisiana U, Baton Rouge, La. 70803-1804, (504) 388-3237 Computer-Modelling of Carbohydrates (Cosponsored: CARB, COMP) Structure of Polysaccharides (Cospon­ sored: CARB)

Coloration of Fibrous Materials. E. J. Blanchard, R. M. Reinhardt, Southern Regional Research Center, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, La. 70179 Fibers for Nontraditional Uses (Cosponsored: CMEC). T. L. Vigo, Southern Regional Research Center, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, La. 70179, (504) 286-4487 Water Soluble Polymers (Cosponsored: POLY, PMSE) Textile Chemistry, N. Bertoniere, Southern Regional Research Center, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, La. 70179, (504) 286-4520; W. Marmer, Eastern Regional Research Center, 600 E. Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, PA Lignocellulosic Chemistry BOSTON, April 2 2 - 2 7 , 1990 Industrial Gums and Dietary Fibers. J. Bemiller, Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907,(317)494-8256 Chemical Modifications of Biopolymers (Cosponsored: CARB) Polymers Surfaces (Cosponsored: MACR) Tentative Future Topics: Fibers/Textiles/Fabrics for Industrial Applications Ultrafiltration and Separation Crystal Structure of Fibers Medical Applications of Fibrous Products Imaging and Chain Arrangement in Cellulose

DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION INC. Program Chair: L. T. Pryde, Chemistry Dept., Southwestern C, 900 Otay Lakes Rd., Chula Vista, Calif. 92010, (619) 421-6700, ext. 528 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30 1988 D. E. Jones, Dept. of Chemistry, Western Maryland C, Westminster, Md. 21157, (301) 848-7000, ext. 493 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 25, 1988 Refocusing General Chemistry. S. J. Hawkes, Dept. of Chemistry, Oregon State U, Corvallis, Ore. 97331, (503) 7542081 Innovation and Technology Transfer in the Chemistry Curriculum. P. Meredith, Chemicals and Pigments.Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del. 19898,(302)695-6095

Impact of Computers and Technology on the Chemistry Curriculum. J. W. Moore, Dept. of Chemistry, Eastern Michigan U, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197, (313) 487-0368 Upper Level Non-Science Major Courses. K. E. Kolb, Dept. of Chemistry, Bradley U, Peoria, III. 61625, (309) 677-3028 High School Program. R. Nagaishi, John Marshall High School, 3939 Tracy St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90027, (213) 660-1440 Progress on PACTS. R. Steiner, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112,(801)581-5325 Elementary Science-Programs That Work. M. Taagepera, Dept. of Chemistry, U of California, Irvine, Calif. 92717, (714) 8565996 State-of-the-Art Symposium: Far from Equilibrium Dynamics and Self-Organization. L. J. Soltzberg, Dept. of Chemistry, Simmons C, Boston, Mass. 02115, (617) 738-2188 or 2181 Chemistry for Kids. R. Steiner General Papers. P. L. Samuel, Dept. of Chemistry, Boston U, Boston, Mass. 02215,(617)353-2124 Project Seed 20th Anniversary Symposium (Cosponsored: Project Seed, Women Chemists Committee). J. Shoffner, Allied Signal, Engineered Materials Research Center, 50 East Algonquin Rd., Des Plaines, III. 60017, (312) 391-3500 NSF/CSIP Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergraduate Laboratory Teaching Analytical Chemistry—Where Are We Today? (Cosponsored: ANYL) Problems and Legalities with Software (Cosponsored: CHAL, CINF, COMP) Unusual Chemistry Courses Breakthrough Lecture: Superconductivity in the Chemistry Curriculum Perspectives Lecture: Rare Earth Chemistry

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 D. E. Pennington, Dept. of Chemistry, Baylor U, Waco, Tex. 76798,(817)755-3311 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 1, 1988 Solid-State Chemistry in the Undergraduate Curriculum High School Chemistry Program: AP Chemistry Experience Awards Symposium Student Affiliates Research Symposium (Poster Session) State-of-the-Art Symposium Breakthrough Lecture Perspectives Lecture General Papers

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 A. M. Sarquis, Dept. of Chemistry, Miami U, 4200 East University Blvd., Middletown, Ohio 45042, (513)424-4444, ext. 278 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by March 31, 1989 Applications and Analogies in Chemistry Teaching. R. A. DeLorenzo, Div. of Natural Science & Mathematics, Middle Georgia C, Cochran, Ga. 31014, (912) 9346221, ext. 255 Chemistry of Toys. J. P. Williams, Dept. of Chemistry, Miami U, Hamilton, Ohio 45011, (513) 863-8833, ext. 288 Products of Chemistry. G. B. Kauffman, Dept. of Chemistry, California State U, Fresno, Calif. 93740, (209) 294-2103 Teaching Learning Strategies. E. Kean, Chemistry Tutorial Program, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 53706, (608) 262-1483 Reactivity Network. Ε. Κ. Mellon, Dept. of Chemistry, Florida State U, Tallahassee, Fla. 32306, (904) 644-3810 or 3811 General Papers. J. A. Bardole, Dept. of Chemistry, Vincennes U, Vincennes, Ind. 47591,(812)885-4372 Teaching Polymer Chemistry NSF/CSIP Catalyzed Innovations in the Undergradate Laboratory State-of-the-Art Symposium Breakthrough Lecture Perspectives Lecture

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 W. J. Stratton, Dept. of Chemistry, Earlham C, Richmond, Ind. 47374, (317) 962-6561, ext. 319/517 5 copies ot 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 1, 1989 Perspectives Lecture (Chromatography) Breakthrough Lecture (Analytical Instru­ mentation) Awards Symposium Student Affiliates Research Symposium (Poster Session) State-of-the-Art Symposium General Papers

ATLANTA, Aug. 6-10, 1990 11th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Meeting Chair: T. F. Block, Dept. of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. 30332, (404) 894-4031

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 26-31, 1990 R. G. Silberman, Dept. of Chemistry, State U of New York, C at Cortland, N.Y. 13045, (607) 753-4323 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by March 30, 1990 Revolution and Evolution in Chemical Edu­ cation. A. Truman Schwart, Dept. of Chemistry, Macalester C, St. Paul, Minn. 55105,(612)696-6271 What the Allied Health Professions Need and Want from Chemistry. A. G. Smith, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Southern Maine, Portland, Me. 04103, (207) 780-4230 A Symposium on Teaching-My First Year, My Twentieth Year. H. Friedstein, Monroe Community C , Rochester, N.Y. 14623, (716)424-5200, ext. 5158 Chemistry in the Service of Art. P. A. Red­ den Recent Developments in Microscale Lab­ oratory Programs. A. Zipp, Dept. of Chemistry, State U of New York, C at Cortland, Cortland, N.Y. 13405, (607) 753-4323 Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Psycholo­ gy, and Teaching Strategies for Chemis­ try Chemical Conundrums: Puzzles and Dis­ crepant Events for Teaching Chemistry Communicating Chemistry to Consumers Tests and Measurements for Teaching Chemistry Student Affiliates Research Symposium (Poster Session) Chemistry in the Service of Art NSF/CSIP Catalyzed Innovations in the Un­ dergraduate Laboratory Perspectives Lecture Breakthrough Lecture State-of-the-Art Symposium High School Program General Papers

DIVISION OF CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY Program Chairman: P. A. Redden, Dept. of Chemistry, Saint Peter's C, Jersey City, N.J. 07306, (201) 333-4400, ext. 430 Program Secretary: D. Marsick, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 200 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20210, (202) 523-9700 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 15, 1988

Safety Issues in the Practice of Art and Art Conservation. M. V. Orna, NIEHS, P.O. Box 12233, MD 10-03, c/o R. Mason, Re­ search Triangle Park, N.C. 27709, (919) 541-1987 Topics in Academic Laboratory Safety. D. Katz, Dept. of Chemistry, Community C of Philadelphia, 1700 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19130, (215) 751-8620 Supply and Demand for Environmental Analysis. C. Marlowe, 195 Main St., Apt. 3B, Millbum, N.J. 07041, (201) 533-2847 Reproductive Toxicology: Risk Assess­ ment. S. Szabo, Chemical Pathology Lab­ oratory, Brigham & Women's Hospital, 75 Francis St., Boston, Mass. 02115, (617) 732-5912 How To Decide that a Chemical Is Toxic: Principles of Toxicology. S. Szabo Risk Assessment for Chemical Hazards. D. C. Markie, Health and Hazard Systems, 415 W. Foothill Blvd., Suite 215, Claremont, Calif. 91711, (714) 621-9986 Successful Local Section Safety Program­ ming. J. Kaufman, Science Division, Curry C, Milton, Mass. 02186, (617) 333-0500; Ε. Ν. Garcia, School of Science, Mathe­ matics & Technology, California State U, 1000 East Victoria St., Carson, Calif. 90747,(213)516-3418 Labeling Practices. E. Kazimir, Hazmat Divi­ sion, Unz & Co., 190 Baldwin Ave., Jersey City, N.J. 07306 Safety of Cosmetics. A. M. Wolven, A. M. Wolven, Inc., Suite 118, 175 W. Wieuca Rd., Atlanta, Ga. 30342, (404) 252-6377 Safety of Drinking Water. G. Wells, Interna­ tional Bottled Water Assn., 113 North Henry St., Alexandria, Va. 22314, (703) 683-5213 Evaluating Carcinogenic Hazards of Chem­ icals. B. Ames, Dept. of Biochemistry, U of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720, (415)642-5165 Safety Considerations in the Design of New or Remodeled Laboratories (Cosponsored: Committee on Chemical Safety). P. Ashbrook, U of Illinois, Div. of Environ­ mental Health & Safety, Suite 50, 102 East Main St., Urbana, III. 61801, (217) 3332755; S. Szabo Natural Partnership of Chemists and Indus­ trial Hygienists. A. B. Russiello, 356 Kelton-Jennersville Rd., West Grove, Pa. 19390,(215)869-2064 General Papers. P. A. Redden

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 14, 1988 Neuroendocrine Toxicology: Unusual Ef­ fects of Chemicals. S. Szabo Safety of Water. J. K. Kasper, Nalco Chemi­ cals, 1 Nalco Center, Naperville, III. 60566 Safety in Non-Chemical Areas. W. Kingsley, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865, (201)859-2151 Biomarkers for Detecting Effects of Toxic Chemicals. G. Myers; H. Hanron, Centers for Disease Control, 1600 Clifton Rd., At­ lanta, Ga. 30333, (404) 452-4152 Formaldehyde Safety. M. A. Meyer, C of Medicine, Dept. of Pathology, Texas A&M U, 208 Medical Sciences Bldg., College Station, Tex. 77843-1114 Soil Contaminants, Natural and Man-Made. P. A. Redden

Information Access: the Promises and Problems of Gateways. B. Lawlor, Insti­ tute for Scientific Information, 3501 Mar­ ket St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, (215) 386-0100 Making the Most of the PC in the Chemical Laboratory/Office. L. M. Klug, Merrell Dow Research Institute, 2110 E. Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45215-6300, (513) 948-7665 Competitive Intelligence in the Chemical Marketplace (Cosponsored: CHAL, CMEC) Protection of Intellectual Property: Issues for the Chemical Information Profession­ al (Cosponsored: Copyright Committee) Economic Applications of Artificial Intelli­ gence in the Chemical Industry (Cospon­ sored: CHAL, CMEC) Problems and Legalities with Software (Cosponsored: CHAL, CHED, COMP)

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 7, 1988 General Papers. J. L. Witiak Applications of Natural Language Process­ ing in Chemistry. R. E. Stobaugh, Chemi­ cal Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, Ohio 43210, (614) 421-3600 Biotechnology Information: Sources, Im­ pacts, and Future Developments. C. A. Duane, Ricerca Information Services, P.O. Box 1000, Painesville, Ohio 44077, (216)357-3471 MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 1 0 - 1 5 , 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 17, 1989 General Papers. J. L. Witiak Patent Office Automation: Worldwide Pro­ gress. M. P. O'Hara, Questel, Inc., 5201 Leesburg Pike, Suite 603, Falls Church, Va. 22041,(800)424-9600 Chemical Information Entrepreneurs—the Stories Tentative Future Topics: Chemical Health, Safety, and Regulatory Information Numeric Data—Processed Chemical Infor­ mation Cost of Information—Value and Pricing of Services Full-text vs. Bibliographic Databases Expert Systems and Chemical Information Retrieval Database Design for Proprietary Informa­ tion Systems Decision Support Systems Chemical Information Training/Education

DIVISION OF CHEMICAL MARKETING & ECONOMICS Program Chairman: S. L. Soder, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, Calif. 94024, (415)859-2885 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988

DIVISION OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION Program Chairman: J. L. Witiak, Rohm & Haas Co., 727 Norristown Rd., Spring House, Pa. 19477,(215)641-7820 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 Copies of 150-word abstract original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 2, 1988 General Papers. J. L. Witiak Chemical Structure Information: Interfaces, Communication and Standards. W. A. Warr, ICI Pharmaceutical Division, P.O. Box 25, Mereside Alderley Park, Maccles­ field, Cheshire SK10 4TG, England, 01144-625-513709

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1988 Marketing Opportunities for Chemicals in Space Advanced Polymer Composites (Cospon­ sored: POLY) Economic Applications of Artificial Intelli­ gence in the Chemical Industry (Cospon­ sored: CHAL, CINF) Competitive Intelligence in the Chemical Marketplace (Cosponsored: CHAL, CINF) Practices in Cost Estimation in Research and Development Projects Aerospace Applications of Polymeric Mate­ rials (Cosponsored: PMSE)

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 S. Izatt, Touche Ross & Co., 1700 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103,(215)561-2727 Are Specialty Chemicals Becoming Com­ modities? (or Is There a New Wave of Specialty Chemicals?) Marketing of Biotechnology Specialties (Cosponsored: BTEC) Business Planning: Effect on R&D Pro­ grams Petrochemicals Are Electronic Chemicals Maturing? What Is Your Invention Worth? (Cospon­ sored: SChB)

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 Chemical Markets of the Southwest (Fertil­ izers, Building Products, Food, Carpet­ ing, Kaolin, Pulp and Paper) How Social Attitudes are Changing the Chemical Industry Chemical Markets for Environmental Con­ trol Chemical Applications in Consumer Prod­ ucts Future Markets for Plastics and Polymers Forecasting Markets for New Technologies and R&D Planning Fibers for Nontraditional Uses (Cospon­ sored: CELL)

DIVISION OF CHEMISTRY & THE LAW Program Chairman: R. D. Middlekauff, McKenna, Conner & Cuneo, 1575 Eye St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005, (202) 789-7589 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 15, 1988 Problems and Legalities with Software (Cosponsored: CHED, CINF, COMP) Economic Applications of Artificial Intelli­ gence in the Chemical Industry (Cospon­ sored: CINF, CMEC) Effects of U.S. Law on International Com­ petitiveness of U.S. Chemical Industry. A. R. Sluzas, Paul & Paul, 2000 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, (215) 568-4900 Competitive Intelligence in the Chemical Marketplace (Cosponsored: CINF, CMEC)

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Nov. 1, 1988 Regulatory Issues Associated with Biotech­ nology in the Environment (Cosponsored: BTEC)

WASHINGTON, D.C, Aug. 26-31, 1990 History of the Development, Use, and Test­ ing of Food Additives (Cosponsored: HIST)

DIVISION OF COLLOID & SURFACE CHEMISTRY Meeting Secretary: D. W. Osborne, Upjohn Co., O.U. 2170259-2, 7171 Portage Rd., Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001, (616) 323-6593 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 Titles to symposium chairman by April 29, 1988. 4 copies of abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 10, 1988. Send directly to chairman of the sympo­ sium. Enclose self-addressed postcard if acknowledgment of receipt is requested December 2 1 , 1987 C&EN


Meetings Advances in Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Adsorbed Species: Theory and Experiment. J. T. Yates, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Pittsburgh, Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 15261, (412) 624-0732; E. Shustorovich, Corporate Research Labs., Eastman Kodak Co., 1669 Lake Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14650, (716) 477-4044 Zeolite Synthesis. M. Occelli, Unocal Sci­ ence & Technology Div., Unocal Corpora­ tion, P.O. Box 76, Brea, Calif. 92621 Tribology (Friction, Lubrication, and Wear): Advances in Tribology I. Surface Spectroscopies/Thin Film Chem­ istry. P. D. Fleischauer, Aerospace Corp., Bldg. M2, MS 271, P.O. Box 92957, Los Angeles, Calif. 90009, (213) 336-6098 II. Intermolecular Forces (Atomic Force Balance, Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy). M. Philpott, IBM, Almaden Research Center, Mail Stop K33/801, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95120-6099, (408) 927-2410 Photochemical and Electrochemical Sur­ face Science: Electrocatalysis. D. John­ son, Chemistry Dept., Iowa State U, Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-7530 Surface Science of Catalysis: Catalytic C-H Bond Activation in Methane. J. Lunsford, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&M U, Col­ lege Station, Tex. 77843, (409) 845-3455; J. A. Sofranko, ARCO Chemical Co., 3801 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, Pa. 19073 Surfactants and Association Colloids: Sur­ factant Based Separations (Cosponsored: l&EC). J. Schamerhorn; J. Harwell, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Okla­ homa, 100 East Boyd, Norman, Okla. 73019, (405) 325-4382 Friends and Students of R. S. Hansen. R. R. Rye, Division 1134, Sandia National Lab­ oratories, Albuquerque, N.M. 87185, (505) 844-3099; J. A. Mann, Jr., Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Case Western Re­ serve U, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, (216) 368-4014 Colloidal Particles: Ordered Particles and Polymer Colloids. A. A. Morfesis, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260, (412) 624-8669; A. C. Balazs, Dept. of Material Science, U of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15261, (412) 648-9250 Colloid Science and Related Topics: Gener­ al Papers. R. Mackay, SMCCR-RSC, Chemical Division, Research Directorate, U.S. Army Chemical Research and Devel­ opment Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. 21010, (301) 671-3884 Catalysis and Related Topics: General Papers. I. I. Wachs, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Whitaker Lab. #5, Lehigh U, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, (215) 758-4274; E. M. Stuve, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BF-10, U of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195,(206)543-0156 Molecular Processes at Solid Surfaces: Reactions of Organic Molecules with Heteroatoms on Transition Metal Sur­ faces—Structure, Mechanisms, and Dy­ namics. J. B. Benziger, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Princeton U, Princeton, N.J. 08544, (609) 452-5416; C. M. Friend, Dept. of Chemistry, Harvard U, 12 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138, (617) 4954052 Langmuir Lectures

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Photochemical and Electrochemical Sur­ face Science: Spectroelectrochemistry. R. L. McCreery, (614) 292-2021 Tribology (Friction, Lubrication, and Wear): Lubrication of Magnetic Media. V. Novotny, IBM, Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, Calif. 951206099, (408) 927-2080 Fire and Polymers (Cosponsored: CELL, MACR, PMSE, POLY, RUBB) Colloid Science and Related Topics: Gener­ al Papers. R. Mackay Catalysis and Related Topics: General Papers. I. I. Wachs; Ε. Μ. Stuve


December 2 1 , 1987 C&EN

63rd Colloid and Surface Science Sympo­ sium. Symposia on numerous topics in Surface and Colloid Science. General Chairman: J. Berg, Chemical Engineering Dept., U of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195

Data Acquisition Hardware and Software. R. Deming, Dept. of Chemistry, California State U, Fullerton, Calif. 92634, (714) 773-3621 Expert System Applications in Chemistry. T. Pierce; B. Hohne, Rohm & Haas Co., 727 Norristown Rd., Spring House, Pa. 19477,(215)283-2311

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989

Photochemical and Electrochemical Sur­ face Science: Electrochemistry of Hy­ drocarbons. M. D. Hawley, (913) 5326674 Colloid Particles/Surfactants and Associa­ tion Colloids: Polymeric Surfactants. D. R. Bassett, Technical Center 740, Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston, W.V. 25303, (304) 747-4250 Colloid Science and Related Topics: Gener­ al Papers. R. Mackay Catalysis and Related Topics: General Papers. I. I. Wachs; Ε. Μ. Stuve

Program Chairman: A. L. Smith, Dept. of Chemistry, Drexel U, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104,(215) 895-1861

SEATTLE, June 1989

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 Photochemical and Electrochemical Sur­ face Science: Surface Electrochemistry. B.Conway, (613)564-2431 Tribology (Friction, Lubrication, and Wear): Fluorinated Lubricant Materials (Cospon­ sored: FLUO). P. Sutor, Midwest Research Inst., 425 Volker Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64110-2299, (816) 753-7600; A. Elliot, Halocarbon Products Corporation, 82 Burlews Court, Hackensack, N.J. 07601, (201)343-8703 Surfactants and Association Colloids: Zwitterionic Surfactants. D. W. Osborne; A. J. I. Ward, Dept. of Chemistry, University College-Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Colloid Science and Related Topics: Gener­ al Papers. R. Mackay Catalysis and Related Topics: General Papers. I. I. Wachs; Ε. Μ. Stuve

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to A. L. Smith by Nov. 15, 1988 General Papers Challenges in the Manufacture of Electron­ ic Computer Parts (Cosponsored: CSEC, l&EC) Computer-Modelling of Carbohydrates (Cosponsored: CARB, CELL) Tentative Future Topics: Large Automation Systems Required Use of Microcomputers in Univer­ sities Chemistry of Computers

DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: R. L. Jolley, Waste Management Technology Center, K-1037, MS 357, P.O. Box P, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831, (615)574-6838

BETHLEHEM, PA., June 1990 64th Colloid and Surface Science Sympo­ sium. Symposia on numerous topics in Surface and Colloid Science. General Chairman: M. El-Aasser, Lehigh U, Sin­ clair Lab. Bldg. #7, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015

DIVISION OF COMPUTERS IN CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: D. Edelson, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, FAMU/FSU College of Engineering, P.O. Box 2175, Tallahassee, Fla. 32316-2175, (904) 644-5062/6262 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form). Authors should con­ tact the designated symposium chairman for possible earlier abstract due dates General Papers. D. Edelson Chemical Graph Theory and Combinator­ ics. D. H. Rouvray, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Georgia, Athens, Ga. 30602, (404) 5421933; M. Randic, Dept. of Math, and Com­ puter Sci., Drake U, Des Moines, Iowa 50311,(515)271-2163 Computer-based Methods of Molecular Similarity Analysis. G. Maggiora, M. John­ son, Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. 49001,(616)384-9350 Problems and Legalities with Software (Cosponsored: CHAL, CHED, CINF) Computer-assisted Scientific Publishing. J. Root, Los Alamos Computing Services, 4568 Ridgeway Dr., Los Alamos, N.M. 87544,(505)662-9318

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of ex­ tended abstract (4 pages, single space) by April 1, 1988, to respective symposium chairmen. For extended abstract instruc­ tions and/or ACS Abstract Form, contact R. L. Jolley General Papers and Poster Session. R. L. Jolley Photochemical Oxidants and Their Precur­ sors. D. Grosjean, D. Grosjean and Asso­ ciates, Inc., 4526 Telephone Rd., Ventura, Calif., (805) 644-0125 Symposium Honoring the 75th Anniversary of the Division of Environmental Chemis­ try. J. P. Lodge, 385 Broadway, Boulder, Colo. 80303, (303)449-7712 Data Analysis Procedures for Trace Con­ stituents and Toxic Compounds. D. Helsel, U.S. Geological Survey, 410 National Center, Reston, Va. 22092, (703) 6485713 Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Reuse. R. S. Reimers, Sch. of Pub­ lic Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane U, 1430 Tulane Ave., New Orleans, La. 70112,(504)588-5374 Ionizing Radiation in Drinking Water. P. H. Rebers, NADC, Box 70, Ames, Iowa 50010,(515)239-8287 Chemistry of the Greenhouse Effect. M. P. Farrel, Oak Ridge National Lab., MS 50, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 378316050, (615) 574-0390 Environmental Chemistry of Dyes. E. J. We­ ber; G. L. Baughman, Environmental Re­ search Lab., US EPA, College Station Rd., Athens, Ga. 30613, (404) 546-3198 Biological Markers of Environmental Con­ tamination. J. F. McCarthy, Oak Ridge Na­ tional Laboratory, MS 36, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831-6036, (615) 5766606 Spectroscopy on Mineral Surfaces (Cosponsored: GEOC)

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of ex­ tended abstract (4 pages, single space) by Nov. 1, 1988, to respective symposium chairmen. For extended abstract instruc­ tions and/or ACS Abstract Form, contact R. L. Jolley General Papers and Poster Session. R. L. Jolley Environmental Chemistry of Overpopula­ tion. R. L. Jolley Nitrates in Drinking Water. A. P. Waters, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 4500S, MS101, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831,(615)576-2125 Environmental Issues in Biotechnology. F. Hileman, Monsanto, U1F, 800 Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63167, (314) 6941275 Redox Transformations: Driving Force in the Environment. N. L. Wolfe, Environ­ mental Research Laboratory, US EPA, College Station Rd., Athens, Ga. 30613, (404) 546-3429 Mercury Mobility in the Environment. N. W. Revis, Oak Ridge Research Institute, 113 Union Valley Rd., Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830,(615)482-9604 Safety in the Laboratory: Hazardous Waste Disposal Environmental Chemistry of Small Water­ sheds Atmospheric Modeling

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of ex­ tended abstract (4 pages, single space) by April 1, 1989, to respective symposium chairmen. For extended abstract instruc­ tions and/or ACS Abstract Form contact R. L. Jolley General Papers and Poster Session. R. L. Jolley Acid Aerosols in the Atmosphere. W. E. Wilson, US EPA, Mail Drop 57, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711, (919) 5412194 State of the Art Methodology for Bioassay Evaluation of Wastewater Effluents. L. W. Condie, Health Effects Research Lab­ oratory, US EPA, 26 W. St. Clair St., Cin­ cinnati, Ohio 45268, (513) 569-7211 Global Environmental Chemistry in the Sci­ ence Curriculum. D. A. Dunnette, Center for Public Health Studies, Portland State U, Portland, Ore. 97207, (503) 464-3473 Field Analytical Methods for Superfund Sites. Ε. Β. Overton, Hazardous Waste Research Center, Dept. of Chemical Engi­ neering, Louisiana State U, Baton Rouge, La. 70803, (314)694-1275 Environmental Chemistry of Lakes and Reservoirs. W. L. Poppe, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Branch, Tennessee Val­ ley Authority, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401, (615)751-7333 Management of Radioactive and Hazard­ ous Waste for the Protection of Public Health and the Environment. L. R. Dole, Waste Management Technology Center, P.O. Box P, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 378316357,(615)576-7421

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 Chemistry of Waste Minimization. R. B. Pojasek, ChemCycle Corp., 210 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. (617) 451-0922 Remedial Action Technology and Demon­ strations (Cosponsored: AlChE). J. R. Trabalka, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, MS 036, Bldg. 1505, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831, (615) 574-7382

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 26-31, 1990 Health Considerations of Water Reuse. J. A. Cotruvo, Criteria Standards Division, Of­ fice of Drinking Water, US EPA, 401 M St., SW, Mail Code WH-550D, Washington, D.C. 20460, (202) 382-7575 Environmental Chemistry of Ozone

DIVISION OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: C. G. Krespan, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Central Res. & Dev. Dept., Experimental Station—Bldg. 328, Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 695-1200 SANTA CRUZ, Aug. 7-12, 1988 12th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry. For the Second Circular and abstract forms contact: P. R. Resnick, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Polymer Products Dept., Experimental Station—Bldg. 353, Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 6953802

ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 29-Feb. 3, 1989 9th Winter Fluorine Conference on Fluorine Chemistry. D. M. Lemal, Chemistry Dept., Dartmouth C, Hanover, N.H. 03755, (603) 646-2989; K. J. Paciorek, Ultrasystems, Inc., 16845 Von Karmon Ave., Irvine, Calif. 92714

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 Tribology (Friction, Lubrication, and Wear): Fluorinated Lubricant Materials (Cosponsored: COLL) Fluorine-containing Polymeric Materials (Cosponsored: PMSE)

DIVISION OF FUEL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: M. R. Ghate, METC-DOE, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, W.V. 26507-0880, (304)291-4135

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989

Program Chairman: R. G. Jenkins, Fuel Science Program, Penn State U, University Park, Pa. 16802,(814)865-6511

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Oct. 15, 1988 General Papers. P. L. Parker Geochemistry of Sulfur in Fossil Fuels. W. Orr, Mobil Research & Development, 13777 Midway Rd., Dallas, Tex. 75244, (214)851-8460 Organic Geochemistry of Aquatic Systems. M. Sohn, Dept. of Chemistry, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Fla. 32901, (305) 768-8046; J. I. Hedges, Dept. of Oceanography, WB-10, U of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98195, (206) 543-0744 Memorial Symposium on Biomarkers in Petroleum for W. Seifert (Cosponsored: PETR). P. Philp, School of Geology, U of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. 73019 Trace Elements in Petroleum Geochemistry (Cosponsored: PETR). J. F. Branthaver, Western Research Institute, Laramie, Wyo. 82009, (307) 721-2321; R. H. Filby Comparison of Eastern and Western Oil Shale (Cosponsored: PETR). F. Miknis, Western Research Institute, P.O. Box 3395, University Station, Laramie, Wyo. 82071,(307)721-2307

5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Oct. 1, 1988. Manuscripts due Dec. 1, 1988 General Papers. R. G. Jenkins Fundamentals of Gasification. L. R. Radovic, Fuel Science Program, Academic Projects Building, Penn State U, University Park, Pa. 16802, (814) 863-0594 Oil Shale: Science and Technology. C. G. Scouten, AMOCO, B1, Box 40, Naperville, III. 60566, (312) 420-5484; M. R. Khan, U.S. DOE/METC, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, W.V. 26507-0880, (304) 291-4580 New Materials Derived from Fuels. R. T. K. Baker, Chemical Engineering Dept., 230 Ross Hall, Auburn U, Auburn, Ala. 36849, (205) 826-4827 Combustion of Hazardous Wastes. D. Allen, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, UCLA, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024, (213) 8252046 Storch Award Ash Deposition. A. A. Boni, PSI Technology Co., Research Park, P.O. Box 3100, Andover, Mass. 01810, (617) 475-9030 Reactions of Coal in the Liquid Phase. J. H Shinn, Chevron Research, 575 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 94105, (415) 8949136

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1988. Manuscripts due May 15, 1988 Surface Chemistry of Coal. R. P. Noceti, PETC/DOE, P.O. Box 10940, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236,(412)675-6015 Fundamental Chemistry as a Basis for Process Models (Cosponsored: PETR) Direct Methane Conversion to Higher Homologs (Cosponsored: PETR) Chemistry of Carbonization of Petroleum Feedstocks (Cosponsored: PETR) Methane Activation. C. Lund, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, SUNY, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260,(716)636-2911 Research on Premium Coal Samples. K. Vorres, Chemistry Division, Bldg. 211, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III. 60439,(312)972-7374 Coal Liquefaction. H. Stephens, Process Research, Division 6254, Sandia National Laboratory, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, N.M. 87185, (505)844-9178 Chemistry of Coal Combustion and Soot Formation. M. R. Ghate Bioprocessing of Coal. R. Narayan, Division of Sponsored Programs, Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907, (317)494-6200 General Papers (Cosponsored: l&EC, PETR). J. R. Longanbach, U.S. DOE/METC, P.O. Box 880, Morgantown, W.V. 26507-0880,


DIVISION OF GEOCHEMISTRY INC. Program Chairman: P. L. Parker, Marine Science Institute, U of Texas, Port Arkansas, Tex. 78373,(512)749-6756

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1, 1989 General Papers. P. L. Parker Chemistry of Organic Matter in the Ocean. P. L. Parker

DIVISION OF THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: M. V. Orna, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), P.O. Box 12233, MD 1003, c/o R. Mason, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709, (919) 541-1987 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 15, 1988. Title of paper by April 30, 1988 General Papers. M. V. Orna Chemistry and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. L. W. Fine, Dept. of Chemistry, Columbia U, New York, N.Y. 10027, (212) 280-2017 Information Sources in the History of Chemistry: California and the West Coast. H. Goldwhite, Dept. of Chem., California State U, 5151 State University Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. 90032, (213) 2243263 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB)

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 20, 1988 General Papers. P. L. Parker Spectroscopy on Mineral Surfaces (Cosponsored: ENVR). L. Coyne, NASAAmes Research Center, MS 239-4, Moffett Field, Calif. 94035, (415) 694-5968 Chemical Modeling in Aquatic Systems—II. A. Hull, Argonne National Laboratory, Bldg. 362, Argonne, III. 60439, (312) 9724739; R. Bassett, Dept. of Hydrology and Water Resources, Bldg. 11, U of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721, (602) 621-5082; D. Melchior, Earth Technology Corp., 3777 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. 90807,(213)595-6611 Application of Nuclear Techniques to Geochemistry (Cosponsored: NUCL). F. Asaro, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 80-110A, Berkeley, Calif. 94720, (415) 486-5433; R. H. Filby, Dept. of Chemistry, Washington State U, Pullman, Wash. 99164,(509)335-8641

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Dec. 15, 1989. Title of paper by Nov. 20, 1989 General Papers. M. V. Orna 1890 Benzol Fest 100 Years Later. J. H. Wotiz, Dept. of Chemistry, Southern Illinois U, Carbondale, III. 62901, (618) 4535721 Chemistry and Science Fiction. J. J. Bohning, Dept. of Chemistry, Wilkes C, WilkesBarre, Pa. 18766, (717) 824-4651 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB)

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 1, 1989. Manuscripts due May 1, 1989 General Papers. R. G. Jenkins Pyrolysis Liquids Derived from Coal, Oil Shale, Tar Sand and Biomass. M. R. Khan Research on Premium Coal Samples. K. Vorres New Catalytic Materials Reactive Species in Fuel Chemistry Incineration. A. W. Scaroni, Fuel Science Program, 404 Academic Activities Bldg., Penn State U, University Park, Pa. 16801, (814)863-3264 Coal Pyrolysis Modelling. T. H Fletcher, Combustion Research Division, Sandia National Labs., Livermore, Calif. 94550, (415)422-2584 Coal Structure. R. Narayan

History of Biotechnology. J. L. Sturchio, Center for History of Chemistry, U of Pennsylvania, 215 South 34th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104, (215) 898-1297 Impact of Radiopharmaceuticals on the Frontiers of Chemistry and Medicine. R. M. Lambrecht, Radionuclide and Cyclotron Operations, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, P.O. Box 3354, Riyadh 11211, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia History of Fertilizers True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB)

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Dec. 1, 1988. Title of paper by Nov. 20, 1988 General Papers. M. V. Orna Bicentennial of the Revolution of Modern Chemistry. J. L. Miller, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. 63121, (314)553-5311 Role of Chemistry in Petroleum Discovery and Production—Historical Perspectives. J. K. Borchardt, Shell Development Co., P.O. Box 1380, Houston, Tex. 772511380,(713)493-8237 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB) Chemistry Potpourri (tentative). M. V. Orna

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 26-31, 1990 General Papers. M. V. Orna History of the Development, Use and Testing of Food Additives (Cosponsored: CHAL). H. T. McKone, Dept. of Chemistry, St. Joseph College, W. Hartford, Conn. 06117,(203)232-4571 Chemistry and Crime II. R. O. Allen, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. 22901,(804)924-3622 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB) ATLANTA, April 1 4 - 1 9 , 1991 General Papers. M. V. Orna True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB)

NEW YORK, Aug. 25-30, 1991 General Papers. M. V. Orna Chemistry and Crime III—Forensic Methods: Past, Present and Future. S. M. Gerber, Color Consultants, 70 Hillcrest Rd., Martinsville, N.J. 08836, (201) 3564721; R. Saferstein, New Jersey Forensic Laboratory, P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, N.J. 08825, (609) 882-2000, ext. 2692 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB) SAN FRANCISCO, April 5 - 1 0 , 1992 General Papers. M. V. Orna True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: SChB)

GENEVA (date to be announced) 100th Anniversary of the Geneva Conference. J. G. Traynham, Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State U, Baton Rouge, La. 70803-1804, (504) 388-3459 Tentative Future Symposia: Please contact M. V. Orna if you are interested in organizing or participating in the following: Development Side of Inventions and Discoveries Impact Issue: Biotechnology in Our Lives History of Environmental Pollution and Federal Regulations Emil Fischer and a Century of Carbohydrate Chemistry History of Pyrotechnics History of Chemistry History of Food Chemistry History of RDS Research Chemistry Potpourri

5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1989. Title of paper by April 15, 1989 General Papers. M. V. Orna

December 2 1 , 1 9 8 7 C&EN


Meetings DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989

DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY INC. National Meeting Program Chairman: C. F. Ivory, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Washington State U, Pullman, Wash. 99164, (509) 335-7716 Program Secretary: C. A. Audeh, Mobil Research, CRL, P.O. Box 1025, Princeton, N.J. 08540, (609)737-4216 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) due by May 16, 1988. Titles to session chairmen by April 25, 1988 Polymerization/Processing Systems (Cosponsored: PMSE). T. H. Forsyth, B. F. Goodrich-ALTC, P.O. Box 122, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012, (216) 933-1041 I. Rheology in Polymer Processing. D. E. Marshall, B. F. Goodrich-ALTC, P.O. Box 122, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012, (216) 9331761 II. Heterophase Polymerization. I. Piirma, Dept. of Polymer Science, U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216) 375-7504 III. Polymeric Composites. J. R. Collier, Chemical Engr. Dept., Ohio U, Athens, Ohio 45701, (614) 593-1945 Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future Con­ tribution to Housing Industry. P. F. Kando, Center for the House, 2232 Decatur PI., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008, (202) 2343023 Entrepreneur Management in Small Busi­ nesses (Cosponsored: SChB). Ν. Η. Giragosian, 400 East 89th St., New York, N.Y. 10128,(212)534-4868 Monohydric Alcohols. E. J. Wickson, Wickson Product Research Ltd., 7973 Walden Rd., Baton Rouge, La. 70808, (504) 7693628; J. R. Livingston, Intermediates Technology Div., Route 22 East, Clinton Township, Annandale, N.J. 08801, (201) 730-2573 Waste Management. K. Shewbart, Dow Chemical Co., Environmental Services & Operations, OC-708 Bldg., Freeport, Tex. 77541,(409)238-5206 Opportunities in Consulting. D. Sturmer, Corporate Research Laboratories, East­ man Kodak Co., Bldg. 81, Rochester, N.Y. 14650, (716) 477-8411, C. Sodano, RJR Nabisco, Inc., RM Schaeverle Tec. Ctr., 100 DeForest Ave., P.O. Box 1943, East Hanover, N.J. 07963, (201) 884-4000; N. Flinn, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C, (202)872-4441 Chemistry in Ceramics. R. P. Denkewicz, Materials Research Laboratory, Penn State Ceramic, 803-14 Stratford Dr., State College, Pa. 16801, (814) 865-9931 General Paper (Cosponsored: FUEL, PETR). C. Audeh; G. Dolbear, UNOCAL, P.O. Box 76, Brea, Calif. 92621, (714) 528-7201, ext. 2537 Statistical Design of Experiments. L. A. Casper, Honeywell, Inc., Solid State De­ velopment Ctr., 12001 State Highway 55, Plymouth, Minn. 55441, (612) 541-2508 Leo Friend Award Symposium: New Materi­ als from Metal Vapor Chemistry. G. A. Ozin, Dept. Chemistry, U of Toronto, 80 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A1, Canada, (416) 978-3566 Preparation and Characterization of Cata­ lysts (Cosponsored: PETR, ASTM). S. A. Bradley, Allied-Signal Co., Engineered Materials Res. Ctr., 50 East Algonquin Rd., Des Plaines, III. 60017, (312) 391-3321; R. Bertolacini, Amoco Oil Co., H-3, P.O. Box 400, Naperville, III. 60566, (312) 4204962; M. Gattuso, UOP, Inc., 25 East Al­ gonquin Rd., Des Plaines, III. 60017, (312) 391-2445 Surfactants and Association Colloids: Sur­ factant Based Separations (Cospon­ sored: l&EC)


December 2 1 , 1987 C&EN

Challenges in the Manufacture of Electron­ ic Computer Parts (Cosponsored: COMP, CSEC)



Program Chairman & Secretary: W. T. Comer, Bristol-Meyers Co., 345 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10154,(212)546-4351

Program Chairman: E. Sinn, Dept. Chemistry, U of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. 22901, (804) 924-3424, ext. 7862 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to indicated chair­ man by May 9, 1988. General Papers and Poster Sessions. E. Sinn Chemistry of Transition Metal Alkoxides and Related Oxo Compounds. J. Cooper, U of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260, (412) 624-5000; C. P. Kubiak, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907,(317)494-5268 Kinetics of Atom-transfer and Electrontransfer Reactions with Non-metals: Mechanism of Oscillating Reactions. D. E. Margerum, Dept. Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907, (317) 4945268; J. H. Espenson, Dept. Chemistry, Iowa State U, Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-6342 Molecular Assemblies for Microelectronics. M. E. Wrighton, Dept. Chemistry, Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology, Cam­ bridge, Mass. 02139, (617) 253-1597 Porphyrin Symposium. F. A. Walker, Dept. of Chemistry, San Francisco State U, San Francisco, Calif. 94132, (415) 469-1160

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to Division Secretary by April 22, 1988 General Papers or Posters Ion Channels In Vivo NMR (MRI) Imaging 2D-NMR Spectroscopy In Vitro Agents for the Treatment of Senile Demen­ tia Treatment of Ischemia and Reperfusion In­ jury Antiviral Agents (Cosponsored: CARB)

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to Division Secretary by Nov. 7, 1988 Platelet Antiaggregators/PAF Organ Imaging, Contrast Agents Osteoporosis Anti-infective Monoclonal Antibodies Thromboxane Modulation Potassium Channel Modulators


DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Ferrogmagnetic and High Spin Molecular Based Materials (Cosponsored: ORGN, PHYS). D. Dougherty, Dept. Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, 1201 East California Blvd., Pasadena, Calif. 91125; J. Miller Oxygen and Related Group Transfer Reac­ tions. J. Groves, Dept. Chemistry, Prince­ ton U, Washington Rd., Princeton, N.J. 08544 Inorganic Modeling in Petroleum Chemistry (Cosponsored: PETR) Metallic and Superconducting Metal Ox­ ides. A. Stacy, Dept. Chemistry, U of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley, Calif. 94720; D. W. Mur­ phy, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Moun­ tain Ave., Murray Hill, N.J. 07974

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms. R. Fink, D. Tyler, Dept. Chemistry, U of Ore­ gon, Eugene, Ore. 97403 Bond Energies and Thermodynamics of Or­ ganometallic Reactions (Cosponsored: PHYS). T. Marks, Dept. Chemistry, North­ eastern U, Evanston, III. 60201 Application and Exploitation of Biotechnol­ ogy: Opportunities for Inorganic Chem­ ists. L. Marzilli, Dept. Chemistry, Emory U, 1515 Pierce Dr., Atlanta, Ga. 30322 Chemical Precursors to Ceramics. D. Seyferth, Dept. Chemistry, Massachusetts In­ stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139; U. Chowdhry

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 Program Chairpersons: M. Voloch, Celgene Corp., 7 Powder Horn Dr., Warren, N.J. 07060, (201)271-4128; J. A. Phillips, BioProcessing Institute, Lehigh U, Mountaintop Campus, 111 Research Dr., Bethlehem, Pa. 18015,(215)758-4258 2 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) are due to the ses­ sion chairperson by March 31, 1988. 2 copies of the manuscript to be handed to the session chairperson prior to the pre­ sentation. These are for inclusion in the Division Library and will not affect other publication options General Papers. M. Voloch; J. A. Phillips Engineering Aspects of Eukaryotic HostVector Interactions. S. J. Coppela, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. 21228, (301) 455-3498; P. Dhurjati, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Delaware, Newark, Del. 19716, (302) 451-2879 Preparative Mammalian Cell Cultivation. R. Swartz, Biotechnology Engineering Cen­ ter, Tufts U, Pearson Hall 103, Medford, Mass. 02155, (617) 381-3278; G. Avgerinos, Collaborative Research, 2 Oak Park, Bedford, Mass. 01730, (617) 275-0004 Genetic Manipulation for Metabolic Engi­ neering. J. Bailey, Dept. of Chemical Engi­ neering #2060-41, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 91125, (818)356-4116 Bioprocess Development for Recovery of Blomolecules. M. Ladisch, Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering, Pot­ ter Bldg., Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907, (317) 494-7022; A. Ramel, Genentech, Inc., 460 Point San Bruno Blvd., South San Francisco, Calif. 94080, (415) 266-1467

New Topics in Bioreactor Design and Oper­ ation. J. Hong, H. Lim, Biochemical Engi­ neering Program, School of Engineering, U of California, Irvine, Calif. 92717, (714) 856-8278 Mathematical Modeling of Recombinant Cell Phenomena. M. Domach, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon U, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213, (412) 268-2246; S. Beretti, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Box 7905, North Carolina State U, Ra­ leigh, N.C. 27695, (919) 737-7221 Progress in Alternative Expression Sys­ tems for rDNA Products. C. F. Goochee, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Hous­ ton, Houston, Tex. 77004, (713) 7494577; R. T. Hatch, BioTechnica Interna­ tional, Inc., 85 Bolton St., Cambridge, Mass. 02140, (617)864-0040 Environmental Aspects in the Production of Biological Products. R. Geoghegan, Triad Technologies Inc., 308 West Basin Rd., New Castle, Del. 19720, (302) 323-1550; D. J. Glass, BioTechnica International, Inc., 85 Bolton St., Cambridge, Mass. 02140,(617)864-0040 New Developments in Biotechnology Edu­ cation. D. F. Ollis, Dept. of Chemical Engi­ neering, North Carolina State U, Raleigh, N.C. 27695, (919)737-2329 Formulation Strategies and Drug Delivery Systems for Pharmaceutical Proteins. Z. Shaked, Codon Inc., 430 Valley Dr., Bris­ bane, Calif. 94005, (415) 467-0740 Application of the New Biotechnology to Traditional Fermentation Processes. W. C. Wernau, Pfizer Central Research, Groton, Conn. 06340, (203) 441-4394 Nutrition and Metabolic Regulation in Ani­ mal Cell Culture. B. Maiorella, Cetus Corp., 1400—53rd St., Emeryville, Calif. 94608, (415) 420-3362; W. Miller, Chemi­ cal Engineering Dept., Technological In­ stitute, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60208 Potential Biotechnology Contributions to Future Plant Cell Culture Systems. A. E. Humphrey, Lehigh U, Mountaintop Cam­ pus, 111 Research Dr., Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, (215) 758-3081; W. S. Hu, Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Sci­ ence, U of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455,(612)625-0546 Bioprocess Monitoring—Advances in OffLine and Οη-Line Technologies. H. Y. Wang, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109, (313) 764-2383; J. A. Phillips, Lehigh U, Mountaintop Campus, 111 Research Dr., Bethlehem, Pa. 18015, (215) 758-4258 Posters. A. Menawat, Dept. of Chemical En­ gineering, Tulane U, New Orleans, La. 70118,(504)865-5772

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 Program Chairman: J. Swartz, Genentech, Inc., 460 Point San Bruno Blvd., South San Francisco, Calif. 94080, (415)266-1468 BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 Biological Sources of Monomers and Poly­ mers (Cosponsored: POLY)

DIVISION OF NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY & TECHNOLOGY Program Chairman: J. M. Alexander, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY, Stony Brook, N.Y. 117943400,(516)632-7904 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by April 15, 1988 Interface Between Nuclear Structure and Reactions. T. L. Khoo, Physics Div., Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, III. 60439, (312)9724034

Relatlvistlc Nuclear Collisions. L. P. Remsberg, Dept. of Chemistry, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y. 11973, (516)282-4335 Application of Nuclear Techniques to Geochemistry (Cosponsored: GEOC). F. Asaro, Bldg 70, Mail Stop 110A, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd., Berkeley, Calif. 94720, (415) 4865433; R. H. Filby, Nucl. Rad. Ctr., Washington State U., Pullman, Wash. 99164, (509)335-8641

WASHINGTON, D.C. Aug. 26-31, 1990 International Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Discovery of Neptunium and Plutonium. L. R. Morss, Chemistry Div., Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, III. 60439,(312)972-3667

DIVISION OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: J. J. Gajewski, Dept. of Chemistry, Indiana U, Bloomington, Ind. 47405,(812)335-1192 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 1 copy of 1000word abstract (required by division bylaws) by May 13, 1988 Cope Award Symposium Pyramidalized Alkenes. A. P. Marchand, Dept. of Chemistry, North Texas State U, Denton, Tex. 76203, (817) 565-3823 Site Specific Photolabeling of Biomolecules. G. B. Schuster; J. Katzenellenbogen, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Illinois, Urbana, III. 61801, (217) 333-0695 or 6310 Nitroalkanes. A. G. M. Barrett, Dept. of Chemistry, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60201,(312)491-5650 General Papers. J. J. Gajewski

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Program Chairman: F. A. Davis, Dept. of Chemistry, Drexel U, 32nd & Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104,(215)895-2647 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 1 copy of 1000word abstract (required by division bylaws) by Nov. 13, 1988 Ferromagnetic and High Spin Molecular Based Materials (Cosponsored: INOR, PHYS). J. S. Miller, DuPont Central Research, Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 695-1199; D. A. Dougherty, Dept. of Chemistry, Cal Tech, Pasadena, Calif. 91125,(818)356-6089 General Papers. F. A. Davis

DIVISION OF PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY INC. Program Secretary: S. L. Lambert, Allied-Signal Engineered Materials Research Center, 50 East Algonquin Rd., Box 5016, Des Plaines, III. 60017-5016, (312)391-3346

Fundamental Chemistry as a Basis for Process Models (Cosponsored: FUEL). J. Speight, Western Research Institute, P.O. Box 3395, University Station, Laramie, Wyo. 82071,(307)721-2011 Direct Methane Conversion to Higher Homologs (Cosponsored: FUEL). W. Pretzer, Amoco Chemicals Co., Amoco Research Center, D-5, P.O. Box 400, Naperville, III. 60566,(312)420-5763 Chemistry of Carbonization of Petroleum Feedstocks (Cosponsored: FUEL). L. Rudnick, Mobil Chemical Co., R&D, P.O. Box 1028, Princeton, N.J. 08540, (609) 7375127 General Papers (Cosponsored: FUEL, l&EC). G. Dolbear, Union Oil Co. of California, 376 S Valencia Ave., P.O. Box 76, Brea, Calif. 92621, (714) 528-7201, ext. 2537 Catalyst Regeneration. W. Johns, HarshawFiltrol Partnership, 2580 Andrew Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah 84104, (801) 9722731; D. Kidd, R&D, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. 74004 Preparation and Characterization of Catalysts (Cosponsored: l&EC, ASTM). M. J. Gattuso, UOP, Inc., Box 5017, Algonquin and Mt. Prospect Rds., Des Plaines, III. 60017-5017, (312) 391-2445; R. J. Bertolacini, Amoco Oil Co., H-3, P.O. Box 400, Naperville, III. 60566, (312) 420-4962; S. A. Bradley, Allied-Signal EMRC, 50 East Algonquin Rd., Box 5016, Des Plaines, III. 60017-5016,(312)391-3321

Chemistry of Catalyst Recovery Synthetic and Petroleum Based Lubricants Chemistry of W/Mo Catalysts Oxygen Activation in Catalysis Structure/Reactivity in Catalysis

WASHINGTON, D.C, Aug. 26-31, 1990 Conducting Polymers Impact of New Superconductor Ceramics on the Petroleum Industry Enhanced Oil Recovery Aromatics Based Chemicals Synfuels: New Options Methane Upgrading Sulfur Abatement: Claus and Tailgas Chemistry Resid Upgrading Octane Enhancement General Papers

DIVISION OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Program Chairman: F. F. Crim, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 53706, (608) 263-7364

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Titles of papers by Sept. 2, 1988, 7 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Sept. 30, 1988 and 4 copies of final paper for Preprints by Oct. 28, 1988 Comparison of Eastern and Western Oil Shale (Cosponsored: GEOC). F. Miknis, Western Research Institute, P.O. Box 3395, University Station, Laramie, Wyo. 82071,(307)721-2307 Analytical Chemistry of Heavy Oils. F. Lee, Amoco Corp., R&D, F-7, P.O. Box 400, Naperville, III. 60566, (312) 420-4922 Memorial Symposium on Biomarkers in Petroleum for Dr. Wolfgang Selfert (Cosponsored: GEOC). S. L. Lambert Trace Elements in Petroleum Geochemistry (Cosponsored: GEOC). J. Branthaver, Western Research Institute, P.O. Box 3395, University Station, Laramie, Wyo. 82071,(307)721-2321 Resid Characterization and Correlations with Processibility. A. Aldag, E. L. Sughrue, Phillips Petroleum Co., 102 CL, Phillips Research Center, Bartlesville, Okla. 74004,(918)661-9763 Origins of Petroleum. S. L. Lambert Inorganic Modeling in Petroleum Chemistry (Cosponsored: INOR). S. L. Lambert ACS Award in Petroleum Chemistry. S. L. Lambert

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 Titles of papers by Jan. 3, 1989. 7 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Feb. 7, 1989 and 4 copies of final Preprints paper by March 7, 1989 Hydrocarbon Chemistry of the Formation of FCC Naphthas. H. J. Lovink, Akzo Chemie BV, Stationsstraat 48, P.O. Box 247, 3800 AE Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 9011-31-33-643-317 Structure of Future Jet Fuels II. W. Harrison, Aero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433, (513) 255-6601 New Catalytic Materials. R. T. K. Baker, Chemical Engineering Dept., 230 Ross Hall, Auburn U, Auburn, Ala. 36849-3501 Chemicals from Petroleum. R. H. Schlossberg, Exxon Chemical Co., P.O. Box 536, Linden, N.J. 07036 General Papers. S. L. Lambert Light Ends Conversion. S. L. Lambert Mass Spectrometry in Petroleum Research. S. L. Lambert

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990

Titles of papers by Feb. 26, 1988. 7 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by March 14, 1988; and 4 copies of final paper for Preprints by April 4, 1988

Titles of papers by Sept. 18, 1989. 7 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Oct. 2, 1989 and 4 copies of final Preprints paper by Nov. 11, 1989 ACS Award in Petroleum Chemistry Industrial Applications of Homogeneous Catalysis III

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by May 1, 1988. All contributed papers will be presented as posters. Authors of invited symposium papers should send the titles and abstracts to the appropriate chairperson by April 15, 1988. Authors of contributed poster papers, including those related to an arranged symposium, should send their titles and abstracts to F. F. Crim. Enclose a stamped self-addressed postcard if you wish to receive an acknowledgment Physical Chemical Problems in the Earth's Atmosphere. M. Molina, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 91109, (818) 354-5752 Frontiers in Molecular Vibrations: Theory and Experiment (Cosponsored: Theoretical Subdivision). J. M. Bowman, Dept. of Chemistry, Emory U, Atlanta, Ga. 30322, (404) 727-6592; M. A. Ratner, Dept. of Chemistry, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60201,(312)491-5652 Chemistry of Isolated Atoms and Clusters: Metals and Semiconductors. M. L. Mandich, Materials Research Laboratory, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J., (201) 582-3396; J. C. Weisshaar, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 53706, (608) 262-0266 Dynamic Processes in Condensed Phases. E. Weitz, Dept. of Chemistry, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60201, (312) 4915583 Physical Chemistry of Superconductors. T. F. George, Depts. of Chemistry and Physics, State U of New York, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260; D. Nelson, Chemistry Division, Office of Naval Research, 800 N. Quincy, Arlington, Va. 22217, (202) 696-4409 Procter and Gamble Award Symposium. F. F. Crim

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Ferromagnetic and High Spin Molecular Based Materials (Cosponsored: INOR, ORGN)

DIVISION OF POLYMER CHEMISTRY INC. Program Chairman: K. J. Wynne, Chemistry Div., Code 1113, Office of Naval Research, Arlington, Va. 22216, (202) 6964410 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of 4column preprint (original on special preprint paper) by April 1, 1988. Authors should contact the designated symposium chair for possible earlier due dates on abstract forms and other pertinent information. Forms for papers should be requested from J. Riffle, Chemistry Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24060. In Japan, Polymer Division special Preprint paper may be obtained from the Society Polymer Science Japan Headquarters. In Australia, Preprint paper may be obtained from J. H. O'Donnell, U of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4067. Polymer Science & Engineering Lecture Series No. 23: Introduction to Synthesis of Controlled Polymer Structures Through Living Polymerization. T. HogenEsch, Chemistry Dept., U of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 23611; R. Quirk, Inst, of Polymer Science, U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 Advanced Polymer Composites (Cosponsored: CMEC) Synthesis of Controlled Polymer Structures Through Living Polymerization. T. HogenEsch; R. Quirk Polymer Science & Engineering Lecture Series No. 24: Introduction to Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy (Cosponsored: ANYL). B. Chase, Central Research, E328/131A, DuPont Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898, D. Bly, Central Research E328/123, Dupont Experimental Station, Wilmington Del. 19898 P. J. Flory Award in Education. J. McGrath, Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24061 Polymers in Information Storage Technology (Cosponsored: PMSE). D. Dawson, IBM Research, K91-801, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95120; A. Lewis, Kendall Co., Research Dept., Walpole, Mass. 02081; K. L. Mittal, IBM, Corporate Technical Inst., 500 Columbus Ave., Thornwood, N.Y. 10594 Instrumental Methods for Polymer Characterization No. 8-Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy (Cosponsored: ANYL). B. Chase; D. Bly Polymeric Materials for Electronic Packaging (Cosponsored: PMSE). R. S. Moore, Eastman Kodak Co., Res. Lab., Bldg. 83, Rochester, N.Y. 14650; J. H. Lupinski, General Electric Co., P.O. Box 8, Bldg. K1, Schenectady, N.Y. 12301 Applications of lonomers (Cosponsored: PMSE). A. Eisenberg, McGill U, 801 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6 Fracture and Toughness in Polymers. B. Epstein, DuPont Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898; A. Argon, Dept., of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 General Papers. J. Riffle

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 Bond Energies and Thermodynamics of Organometallic Reaction (Cosponsored: INOR)

December 2 1 , 1 9 8 7 C&EN


Meetings DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of 4column preprint (original on special Pre­ print paper) by Nov. 1, 1988. Authors should contact the designated symposium chair for possible earlier due dates on abstract forms and other pertinent infor­ mation. Forms for general papers should be requested from J. Riffle, Chemistry Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24060. In Japan, Polymer Division special Preprint paper may be obtained from the Society Poly­ mer Science Japan Headquarters. In Aus­ tralia, Preprint paper may be obtained from J. H. O'Donnell, U of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4067. Barrier Polymers, W. Koros, Dept. of Chemi­ cal Engineering, U of Texas, Austin, Tex. 78754 Instrumental Methods for Polymer Charac­ terization No. 9-Rheology. W. Graessley, Exxon Research & Engineering Center, Route 22 East, Annadale, N.J. 08801 Molecular Aspects of Rheology. W. Graess­ ley Controlled Release. K. Leong, Dept. of Bio­ medical Engineering, Johns Hopkins U, Baltimore, Md. 21218 Polymers in Regions of Restricted Dimen­ sions. M. Tirrell, Dept. of Chemical Engi­ neering, U of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455 Synthesis of Branched Polymers. W. Daly, Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State U, Ba­ ton Rouge, La. 70803 Transition Metal Catalyzed Polymeriza­ tions: Mechanisms and Synthetic Utility. R. Grubbs, Dept. of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. Fire and Polymers (Cosponsored: CELL, COLL, MACR, PMSE, RUBB). E. Pearce, College of Arts and Sciences, Polytechnic U, Brooklyn, N.Y. Polymer Entanglements in the Solid State. P. Smith, Inst, for Organic & Polymeric Materials, U of California, Santa Barbara, Calif. Polymeric Electrolytes and Ionic Conduct­ ing Polymers (Cosponsored: PMSE). D. Schriver, Dept. of Chemistry, Northwest­ ern U., Evanston, III.; T. W. Smith, Xerox Corp., Webster Research Center, 011424D, Webster, N.Y. 14580 High-Temperature Polymers. J. Moore, Dept. of Chemistry, Rensselaar Polytech­ nic Inst., Troy, N.Y. 12181 Biodegradable Polymers (Cosponsored: PMSE, BTEC) General Papers. J. Riffle

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of 4column preprint (original on special Pre­ print paper) by April 1, 1989. Authors should contact the designated symposium chair for possible earlier due dates on abstract forms and other pertinent infor­ mation. Forms for general papers should be requested from J. Riffle, Chemistry Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24060. In Japan, Polymer Division special Preprint paper may be obtained from the Society Poly­ mer Science Japan Headquarters. In Aus­ tralia, Preprint paper may be obtained from J. H. O'Donnell, U of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4067. Polymer Science and Engineering Series No. 27-lnteractions of Polymers with Electric and Magnetic Fields. J. Scheinbeim, Dept. of Materials Science, Rutgers U, Piscataway, N.J. 08854; S. Stupp, Dept. of Ceramic Engineering, U of Illi­ nois, Urbana, III. 61801 Interactions of Polymers with Electric and Magnetic Fields. J. Scheinbeim; S. Stupp Instrumental Methods for Polymer Charac­ terization No. 10-Chromatography of Bipolymer (Cosponsored ANYL). P. Dubin, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, 1125 E. 38th St., P.O. Box 647, Indianapolis, Ind. 46223; R. Riggin


December 2 1 , 1987 C&EN

Chromatography of Bipolymers (Cospon­ sored: ANYL). P. Dubin; R. Riggin Stereochemistry of Synthetic Macromolecules. M. M. Green, Dept. of Chemistry, Polytechnic U, 333 Jay St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Neighboring Group Effects in Polymer Re­ actions. S. McManus, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Alabama, Huntsville, Ala. 35899 Crystalline State. L. Mandelkern, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611 Water-Soluble Polymers (Cosponsored: CELL, PMSE). G. Butler, Dept. of Chemis­ try, U of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611; C. McCormick, Dept. of Chemistry, Mis­ sissippi State U, Hattiesburg, Miss. Computer Simulation and Theory. R. J. Roe, Dept. of Materials Science, U of Cincin­ nati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221; P. Meakin, Central Research, E. I. DuPont de Ne­ mours & Co., Wilmington, Del. 19898 Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers (Cosponsored: PMSE). M. Zeldin, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue U, 1125 East 38th Street, P.O. Box 647, Indianapolis, Ind. 46223 General Papers. J. Riffle

BOSTON, April 22-27, 1990 5 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) and 4 copies of 4column preprint (original on special Pre­ print paper) by Nov. 1, 1989. Authors should contact the designated symposium chair for possible earlier due dates on abstract forms, and other pertinent infor­ mation. Forms for general papers should be requested from J. Riffle, Chemistry Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24060. In Japan, Polymer Division special Preprint paper may be obtained from the Society Poly­ mer Science Japan Headquarters. In Aus­ tralia, Preprint paper may be obtained from J. H. O'Donnell, U of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4067. Instrumental Methods for Polymer Charac­ terization No. 12: Thermal Analysis. E. Turi, Dept. of Chemistry, Polytechnic U, 333 Jay St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 Thermal Analysis. E. Turi Supercritical Fluids. M. McHugh, Dept. of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins U, Baltimore, Md. 21218 Ring Opening Polymerization. J. McGrath, Dept. of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic and State U, Blacksburg, Va. 24060 Chemical Modification of Biopolymers. B. Daly, Dept. of Chemistry, Louisiana State U, Baton Rouge, La. 70803 Biological Sources of Monomers and Poly­ mers (Cosponsored: MBTD). R. Lenz; D. Tirrell, Dept. of Polymer Science & Engi­ neering, U of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01003 Fluorine-Containing Polymeric Materials (Cosponsored: FLUO, PMSE) International Symposium in Materials Sci­ ence: Non-Crystalline Materials (Cosponsored: PMSE) Surface Polymer Chemistry (Cosponsored: MACR) Diffusion through Polymers. H. Hopfenberg, Chemical Engineering Dept., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U, Blacks­ burg, Va. 24060 General Papers. J. Riffle WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 2 6 - 3 1 , 1990 Radiation Effects on Polymeric Materials (Cosponsored: PMSE) Reactions on Polymers (Cosponsored: PMSE)

DIVISION OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS: SCIENCE & ENGINEERING INC. Program Chairman: J. Kinstle, James River Corp., 1915 Marathon Ave., Neenah, Wis. 54956,(414)729-8369 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to J. Kinstle by April 15, 1988. Preprints due by May 15, 1988. Please note that specific symposium chairs may require earlier due dates for abstracts and preprints. General Papers and New Concepts in Poly­ meric Materials. J. Kinstle Polymeric Materials for Electronic Packag­ ing (Cosponsored: POLY). J. H. Lupinski, General Electric Co., P.O. Box 8, Bldg. K1, Schenectady, N.Y. 12301, (518) 3876410; R. S. Moore, Res. Labs., Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y. 14650 Polymers in Information Storage Technol­ ogy (Cosponsored: POLY). A. Lewis, Ken­ dall Co., 95 West St., Walpole, Mass. 02081, (617) 668-0175, ext. 376; K. Mittal, IBM-Corporate Technical Inst., 500 Columbus Ave., Thornwood, N.Y. 10594, (914) 742-5747; D. Dawson, IBM Alamaden Res. Labs., K91-801, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95120, (408) 927-1617 Progress In Biomedical Polymeric Materi­ als. R. Dunn, Southern Research Inst., 2000 9th Ave., South, P.O. Box 55305, Birmingham, Ala. 35255, (205) 323-6592; C. Gebelein, Dept. of Chemistry, Youngstown State U, Youngstown, Ohio 44555, (216)742-3667 Aerospace Applications of Polymeric Mate­ rials (Cosponsored: CMEC). D. Register, Phillips Petroleum Co., R&D, Bartlesville, Okla. 74004, (918) 661-5251; P. Geil, U of Illinois, 216 Talbot Laboratory, 104 S. Wright St., Urbana, III. 61801 Roy W. Tess Award Symposium (Awardee and topic to be announced) Polymerization/Processing Systems (Cosponsored: l&EC) Polymer Characterization by Interdisciplin­ ary Instrumental Methods. C. Craver, Chemir Laboratories, 761 W. Kirkham, Glendale, Mo. 63122, (314) 962-6704; T. Provder, Glidden Coatings & Resins, Div. of SCM Corp., 16651 Sprague Rd., Strongsville, Ohio 44136, (216) 826-5289 Applications of lonomers (Cosponsored: POLY). A. Eisenberg, Dept. of Chemistry, McGill U, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2K6, Canada; R. D. Lundberg, Exxon Chemical Co., P.O. Box 45, Linden, N.J. 07036, (201)474-3996 Workshop on Polymer Characterization by IR. C. Craver Workshop on Polymer Characterization by Size Exclusion Chromatography. T. Provder Workshop on Polymers in Electronic Pack­ aging. J. H. Lupinski

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to J. Kinstle by Oct. 15, 1988. Preprints due Nov. 15, 1988. Please note that specific symposium chairs may require earlier due dates for abstracts and preprints. General Papers and New Concepts in Poly­ meric Materials. J. Kinstle. Polymers in Microlithography. E. Reichmanis, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, N.J. 07974, (201)582-2504 Polymers from Agricultural and Other Bioprocesses (Cosponsored: CARB, CELL). J. E. Glass, Dept. of Chemistry, North Da­ kota State U, Fargo, N.D. 58105, (701) 237-7633

Synthesis of Branched Polymers (Cospon­ sored: CELL) High-Temperature Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties (Cosponsored: POLY). J. A. Moore, Dept. of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N.Y., 12180-3590, (518) 266-8487; S. Jenekhe, Physical Sciences Center, Honeywell, Inc., Bloomington, Minn. 55420,(612)887-4463 Radiation Cured Low Emission Coatings. J. F. Kinstle; C. Hoyle, Dept. of Polymer Sci­ ence, U of Southern Mississippi, Hatties­ burg, Miss. 39406-0076, (601) 266-4868 Polymeric Electrolytes and Ionic Conduct­ ing Polymers (Cosponsored: POLY). T. W. Smith, Xerox Corp., Webster Research Center, 800 Phillips Rd., Webster, N.Y 14580, (716) 422-2415; D. Shriver, Dept. of Chemistry, Northwestern U, Evanston, III. 60201, (312)492-5371 Sound and Vibration Dampening with Poly­ mers. L. H. Sperling, Lehigh U, Materials Research Center, Coxe Laboratory 32, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015; R. Corsaro, Code 5135, Naval Research Laboratory, Wash­ ington, D.C. 20375-5000 Biodegradable Polymers (Cosponsored: POLY, BTEC). G. Swift, Rohm & Haas, Spring House, Pa. 19477, (215) 6417756; S. Huang, Materials Research Inst., U of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268 ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science (Awardee and topic to be announced) Fire and Polymers (tentative) (Cosponsored: CELL, COLL, MACR, POLY, RUBB). S. Kaufman, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 2000 Northeast Expressway, Norcross, Ga. 30071,(404)447-2833

MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 10-15, 1989 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to vice chairman of division by April 15, 1989. Preprints due May 15, 1989. Please note that specific symposium chairs may require earlier due dates for abstracts and preprints. General Papers and New Concepts in Poly­ meric Materials Roy W. Tess Award Symposium (Awardee and topic to be announced) Polymeric Membrane Materials. Κ. Β. We­ gener, Dept. Chemistry, U of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 32611, (904) 392-4666; G. Vitzthum, ENKA AG, Research Insti­ tute, D-8753, Obernburg, West Germany Inorganic and Organometallic Polymeric Materials (Cosponsored: POLY). C. Carraher, College of Science, Florida Atlantic U, Boca Raton, Fla. 33431-0991, (305) 393-3700; B. Currell, School of Chemis­ try, Thames Polytechnic, Wellington St., London, England SE18-6pf; J. Sheats, Rid­ er College, Trenton, N.J. 08648, (609) 896-5092; M. Zeldin, Indiana U-Purdue U, P.O. Box 647, Indianapolis, Ind. 46223 Polymers As Rheology Modifiers. D. N. Schulz, Exxon Chemical Co., Linden, N.J. 07036,(201)474-2056 Advances In Liquid Crystalline Polymeric Materials. R. A. Weiss, Inst, of Materials Science, U of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268, (203) 486-4698 Photoacid Generating Compounds: Chem­ istry and Applications to Polymeric Ma­ terials. C. G. Willson, IBM Almaden Re­ search Center, San Jose, Calif. 95120, (408) 927-1640; J. M. J. Frechet, Dept. of Chemistry, Cornell U, Ithaca, N.Y. Advances in Water Based Adhesives. V. Hughes, Exxon Chemical Technology Center, Baytown, Tex. 77522, (713) 4252439 Water Soluble Polymers (Cosponsored: CELL, POLY)

BOSTON, April, 22-27, 1990 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by Oct. 15, 1989 to vice chairman of division. Preprints due by Nov. 15, 1989. Please note that specific symposium chairs may require earlier due dates for abstracts and preprints. General Papers and New Concepts in Poly­ meric Materials Fluorine-Containing Polymeric Materials (Cosponsored: FLUO). T. Davidson, Box 367, Kingston, N.J. 08528, (609) 9246146, C. Krespan, Central R&D Dept., Du­ Pont Co, Experimental Station Bldg. 328, Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 772-1200

Preparation, Properties and Applications of Polymeric Latices Coatings for Plastics Particle Size Analysis in Polymer Science International Symposium in Materials Science: Non-Crystalline Materials (Cosponsored: POLY) Biocompatible Polymeric Materials-Fundamentals and Applications. R. Dunn, Southern Research Inst., 2000 9th Ave. South, P.O. Box 55305, Birmingham, Ala. 35255, (205) 323-6592 ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science (Awardee and topic to be announced) Polymer Surfaces (Cosponsored: MACR). T. Davidson

WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 26-31, 1990 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to vice chairman of Division by April 15, 1990. Preprints due May 15, 1990. General Papers and New Concepts in Polymeric Materials Roy W. Tess Award Symposium (Awardee and topic to be announced) Theory and Application of Self-Reinforcing Polymers Polymeric Materials in Photonic and Optical Applications Radiation Effects on Polymeric Materials (Cosponsored: POLY). S. Shalaby, Ethicon, Inc., Polymer Research Dept., Somerville, N.J. 08876, (201) 218-3078 Advanced Thermoplastic Composites Application of Polymers in Pharmacology Reactions on Polymers (Cosponsored: POLY) High Solids Coatings. G. Pilcher, Hanna Chemical Coatings Corp., P.O. Box 147, Columbus, Ohio 43216, (614) 294-3361; F. Jones, Dept. of Polymer & Coatings, North Dakota State U, Fargo, N.D. 58107, (701)237-7634

ATLANTA, April 14-19, 1991 Polymeric Compatibilizers Plasma Polymerization and Plasma Interactions with Polymeric Materials Electronically Conducting Polymeric Materials Durable Polymeric Coatings: Chemistry and Applications

NEW YORK, Aug. 25-30, 1991 Reactive Processing of Polymeric Materials Composite Polymeric Materials Interpenetrating Polymer Networks: Chemistry and Applications Symposia for the Division are created by the members. Your suggestions are always welcome. To inquire about listed symposia or to suggest new topics or speakers, contact the Program Chairman: S. R. Turner, Corporate Research Labs., Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y. 14650, (716) 477-4703; or Co-chairman: D. N. Schulz, Exxon Chemical Co., Bldg. 14, P.O. Box 45, Linden, N.J. 07036, (201) 474-2056

DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS Program Chairman: T. J. Kucera, 9310 Hamlin Ave., Evanston, III. 60203-1302,(312)676-0125 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988

ACS Individual Member Assistance. A. Nixon, 511 Wells Fargo Bldg., 2140 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, Calif. 94704, (415) 8480513 General Papers. L. Sacco, Jr., 3348, N. Panama Ave., Chicago, III. 60634, (312) 6255191

RUBBER DIVISION INC. Program Planning Chairman: W. B. Lee, CR Industries, 900 North State St., Elgin, III. 60120, (312) 742-7840, ext. 2884 DALLAS, April 19-22, 1988 10 copies of a 200-word abstract (on Rubber Division Abstract Form) by Nov. 25, 1987. 10 copies of the final paper by March 4, 1988 to G. Hamed, U of Akron, Ohio 44325 General Papers. Contact the Rubber Division, ACS, U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216) 375-7814; FAX (216) 3755269; TLX 986434 for official abstract form and forward to W. B. Lee. Symposia. Those interested in submitting papers for these symposia should contact the indicated symposium chairman/cochairman. Frontiers in Rubber Science. E. N. Kresge, Exxon Chemical Co., P.O. Box 45, Linden, N.J. 07036, (201)474-2560 Applications of Elastomers in Space. J. W. Martin, TRW Systems, One Space Park 01-2010, Redondo Beach, Calif. 90278, (213)535-5046 Techniques of Analysis and Reconstruction of Rubber Compounds. J. J. Leyden, Smithers Scientific Services, 425 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio 44303, (216) 7627441; G. Frisone, GenCorp, 2990 Gilchrist Rd., Akron, Ohio 44305 Data Acquisition and Data Processing in the Rubber Industry. J. Braver, Monsanto Chemical Co., Instruments and Equipment Division, 2689 Wingate Ave., Akron, Ohio 44314,(216)745-1641 Application of Elastomers in Hostile Environments. R. Karg, Copolymer Rubber & Chemical Co., P.O. Box 2591, Baton Rouge, La. 70821, (504) 355-5655; C. Raines, Cameron Iron Works, P.O. Box 99, Katy, Tex. 77492, (713) 391-6357 Colloquium—Role of Consultants in the Tire Industry. D. L. Livingston, Livingston Associates, 731 Frank Blvd, Arkon, Ohio 44320,(216)864-4194 Education—the Use of Elastomers in the Oil Field. K. C. O'Leary, Monsanto Chemical Co., 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd., Mail G3NS, St. Louis, Mo. 63167, (314) 6944613 CINCINNATI, October 1 8 - 2 1 , 1988 10 copies of a 200-word abstract (on Rubber Division Abstract Form) by June 6, 1988. 10 copies of the final paper by Aug. 15, 1988 to G. Hamed, U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 General Papers. Contact the Rubber Division, ACS, U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216) 375-7814, FAX (216) 3755269, TLX 986434 for official abstract form and forward to W. B. Lee. Paul J. Flory Symposium. R. Stein, U of Massachusetts, Lederle Research Center, Room 701, Polymer Science & Engineering Dept., Amherst, Mass. 01003, (413) 545-2727 Thermoplastic Elastomers. C. P. Rader, Monsanto Chemical Co., 260 Springside Dr., P.O. Box 5444, Akron, Ohio 44313, (216)668-8215

Advances in Rubber Chemicals and Additives. R. J. Cornell, Uniroyal Chemical Co., Elm St., Naugatuck, Conn. 06770, (203) 723-3855 SPC In the Rubber Industry. A. W. Hansen, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1144 East Market St., Akron, Ohio 44316, (216) 7963142 Advances in Automotive and Industrial Hoses and Belts. H. Schneider, Gates Rubber Co., 990 South Broadway, P.O. Box 5887, Denver, Colo. 80217, (303) 744-1911; R. Vera, Polysar Ltd., Technical Center, 1501 Commerce Dr., Stow, Ohio 44224, (216)688-9418 Education—Applications of Elastomers in the Defense Industries. F. Kelley, Institute of Polymer Science, U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216) 375-7501; G. Sieron, Wright Patterson AFB, Materials Laboratory AFWAL/MLSS, Dayton, Ohio 454336533,(513)255-3370

DIVISION OF SMALL CHEMICAL BUSINESSES Program Chairman: N. Giragosian, Delphi Marketing Services Inc., 400 East 89th St., New York, N.Y. 10028,(212)534-4868 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25-30, 1988 4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) to indicated chairman by May 15, 1988 Entrepreneur Management in Small Businesses (Cosponsored: l&EC) Small Chemical Business—Plan or Perish! Small Chemical Businesses—Past, Present and Future True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: HIST) Custom Chemical Manufacturing Profit Opportunities in Specialty Chemical Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future Contributions to the Housing Industry (Cosponsored: l&EC) What Is Your Invention Worth? (Cosponsored: CMEC)

BIOTECHNOLOGY SECRETARIAT Program Chairman: F. Hileman, Monsanto Co., 800 North Lindbergh, St. Louis, Mo. 63167, (314)694-1275 Cochairman: J. B. Hunter, Agricultural Engineering, Cornell U, 218 Riley-Robb Hall, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853, (607) 255-2297 DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Cluster on Biotechnology and the Environment Symposium titles from interested Divisions and names/addresses of organizers submitted to F. Hileman or J. B. Hunter by May 15, 1988

COMPUTER SECRETARIAT Program Chairman: R. J. Marcus, 605 Cavedale Rd., Sonoma, Calif. 95476, (707) 996-3682 DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 Challenges in the Manufacture of Electronic Computer Parts (Cosponsored: COMP, l&EC)

MACROMOLECULAR SECRETARIAT Program Chairman: C. P. Rader, Monsanto Chemical Co., 260 Springside Dr., Akron, Ohio, (216) 666-4111

DALLAS, April 9 - 1 4 , 1989 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: HIST) MIAMI BEACH, Sept. 1 0 - 1 5 , 1989 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: HIST) BOSTON, April 2 2 - 2 7 , 1990

DALLAS, April 9-14, 1989 G. L. Nelson, U of Southern Mississippi, Southern Station, Box 10063, Hattiesburg, Miss. 394060063,(601)266-4868 Fire and Polymers (Cosponsored: CELL, COLL, PMSE, POLY, RUBB)

True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored: HIST) WASHINGTON, D.C. Aug. 2 6 - 3 1 , 1990 True Stories of Small Chemical Businesses (Cosponsored; HIST)


HONOLULU, Dec. 17-22, 1989 Further details on the submission of abstracts will be published in a future issue of Program Deadlines and Topics. Additional symposium topics for consideration by the May 1 deadline should be submitted by March 21, 1988. Send all proposals to: Pacifichem '89, Meeting & Divisional Activities, ACS, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

4 copies of 150-word abstract (original on ACS Abstract Form) by March 1, 1988

December 2 1 , 1 9 8 7 C&EN



ACS Meetings Calendar: 1988-97 The following compilation of national regional and divisional meetings is designed to assist ACS conference planners and attendees. Compiled at the request of the council Committee on Meetings & Expositions, this calendar can be only as effective as is the completeness of the information provided. Please report any new meeting data or corrections to: B. R. Hodsdon, Department of Meetings & Divisional Activities, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

1988 Feb. 2 0 - 2 1 . Particle Size Distribution Analysis Workshop. Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans. Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. T. Provder, Glidden Co., 16651 Sprague Rd., Strongsville, Ohio 44136,(216)826-5289 March 11-12. 99th Two-Year College Chemistry Conference. American River C, Sacramento, Calif. Division of Chemical Education. R. Lungstrom, American River C, 4700 College Oak Drive, Sacramento, Calif. 95841, (916) 484-8464 March 2 7 - 3 0 . 9th Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting. Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nev., Wyoming Section. E. G. Meyer, U of Wyoming, Box 3825, Laramie, Wyo. 82071, (307)766-5445 March 2 8 - 3 1 . Recent Advances in Composites Workshop. Americana Snow King Lodge, Jackson, Wyo. Cosponsored by Divisions of Polymer Chemistry and Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. N. Johnson, NASA, Langley Research Center, Langley Air Force Base, Va. 23665, (504)965-4198 April 19-22. 133rd Rubber Division Inc. Meeting. Anatole, Dallas. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216)375-7814 May 16-19. Organic Nonlinear Optics Workshop. Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. Division of Polymer Chemistry. D. Gerbie, 3M Corporate Research Lab, 3M Center, Bldg. 201-2E08, St. Paul, Minn. 55144-1000, (612)733-1110 May 2 4 - 2 6 . 22nd Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting. Southeastern Pennsylvania Section. G. Weiss, Millersville U, Dept. of Chemistry, Millersville, Pa. 17551,(717)872-3411 May 2S-June 1. 10th Cellulose Conference. Syracuse, N.Y., Division of Cellulose, Paper & Textile Chemistry. C. Schuech, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY C of Environmental Science & Forestry, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210


December 21, 1987 C&EN

June 1-3. 20th Central Regional Meeting. West Virginia U, Morgantown, W.Va., Northwest Virginia Section. A. Winston, West Virginia U, Dept. Chemistry, Morgantown, W.Va. 265066045, (304) 293-4742 June 2-4. 100th Two-Year College Chemistry Conference. Seneca College, Ontario, Canada. Division of Chemical Education. A. Davis, Fraser Valley C, 45600 Airport Rd., Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada V2P 6T4, (604) 792-0025 June 5 - 1 0 . 195th ACS National Meeting and 3rd Chemical Congress of North America. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 June 19-23. Medicinal Chemistry Symposium. U of Minnesota. Division of Medicinal Chemistry. P. S. Portoghese, U of Minnesota, C of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455, (612)624-9174 June 19-23. 62nd Colloid & Surface Science Symposium. Pennsylvania State U, University Park, Pa. Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. R. Nagarajan, 161, Fenske Lab., University Park, Pa. 16802, (814) 8631973 June 2 6 - 2 9 . 41st Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry. Stanford U, Stanford, Calif. Division of Analytical Chemistry. R. Zare, Dept. of Chemistry, Stanford U, Stanford, Calif. 94305, (415) 7233062 June 29-July 1. 43rd Northwest Regional Meeting. Sheraton Spokane Hotel, Spokane, Wash. Inland Empire Section. R. D. Doepker, Dept. Chemistry, Gonzaga U, Spokane, Wash. 99258, (509) 328-4220. July 31-Aug. 4. 10th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind., Division of Chemical Education, J. D. Herron, Dept. Chemistry, Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. 47907, (317)494-5314

July 31-Aug. 4. 101st Two-Year College Chemistry Conference. Purdue U, West Lafayette, Ind. Division of Chemical Education. D. Kolb, Dept. of Chemistry, Bradley U, Peoria, III. 61625, (309) 677-3029 July 31-Aug. 5. 23rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Marriott City Center Hotel, Denver. Divisions of Fuel Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017, (212)705-7054 Aug. 1-3. 18th Northeast Regional Meeting. U of Maine, Orono, Me. Maine Section. R. Fort, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Maine, Orono, Me. 04469, (207) 5 8 1 1169 Aug. 7 - 1 2 . 12th International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry. U of California, Santa Cruz, Calif., Division of Fluorine Chemistry. P. R. Resnick, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc., Bldg. 353, Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898, (302) 695-3802 Sept. 2 0 - 2 3 . Polymer Surfaces Interfaces Workshop. Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove California, Calif. Division of Polymer Chemistry. J. Rabolt, IBM, Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95120-6099,(409)972-1613 Sept. 2 2 - 2 5 . Sweeteners: Carbohydrate and Low Calorie. Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills. Woodland Hills, La., Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. C. J. Mussinan, Int'l. Flavors & Fragrances Inc., 1515 Hwy. 36, Union Beach, N.J. 07735,(201)264-4500X2401 Sept. 2 5 - 3 0 . 196th ACS National Meeting. Los Angeles. B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 Oct. 2 - 7 . 27th Annual Eastern Analytical Symp. New York Hilton, New York City. S. D. Klein, 642 Cranbury Cross Rd., North Brunswick, N.J. 08902, (201) 846-1582 Oct. 17-20. 136th Rubber Division Inc. Meeting. Detroit. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216)375-7814 Oct. 2 6 - 2 8 . 24th Western Regional Meeting. Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, Calif., California Section. M. S. Singer, Chevron Chemical Co., P.O. Box 4010, Richmond, Calif. 94804-0010, (415)231-6238

Nov. 9 - 1 1 . 4 0 t h Southeastern Regional Meeting. Radisson Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Georgia Section. D. Boykin, Georgia State U, Dept. Chemistry, Atlanta, Ga. 30303, (404)658-3120 Nov. 16-19. 23rd Midwest Regional Meeting. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Iowa Section. R. Pflaum, Dept. Chemistry, U of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, (319)335-1356 Nov. 19-23. 14th Biennial Polymer Symposium—Int'l. Symposium on Multiphase Macromolecular Systems. Kona Kai Resort, San Diego, Calif. Division of Polymer Chemistry. B. Culbertson, Ashland Chemical Co., P.O. Box 2219, Columbus, Ohio 43216, (614)889-3535 Nov. 30-Dec. 2. 44th Southwest Regional Meeting. Corpus Christi, Tex., South Texas Section. J. S. Thompson, Campus Box 161, Dept. Chemistry, Texas A&l U, Kingsville, Tex. 78363,(512)595-2915

1989 Jan. 29-Feb. 3. 9th Winter Fluorine Conference. Tradewinds Hotel, St. Petersburg, Fla., Division of Fluorine Chemistry. D. M. Lemal, Dartmouth College, Dept. of Chemistry, Hanover, N.H. 03755, (603) 646-2989 April 9-14. 197th ACS National Meeting. Dallas. B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 8724396 May 7 - 1 2 . 135th Rubber Division Inc. Meeting. Mexico City. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216)375-7814 May 31-June 2. 21st Central Regional Meeting. John Carroll U, Cleveland. Cleveland Section. J. A. Walsh, Dept. Chemistry, John Carroll U, Cleveland, Ohio 44118,(216)397-4741 June 1 8 - 2 1 . 19th Northeast Regional Meeting. State U of New York, Albany, Eastern New York Section. W. B. Martin Jr., Chemistry Dept., Union C, Schenectady, N.Y. 12308, (518) 370-6336 June 1 8 - 2 1 . 63rd Colloid & Surface Science Symposium. U of Washington, Seattle. Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry. J. Berg, Dept. of Chemical Engineering BF-10, U of Washington, Seattle, Wash. 98105, (206) 543-2029 Sept. 10-15. 198th ACS National Meeting. Miami Beach. B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396

Sept. 24-29. 28th Annual Eastern Aug. 6-10. 11th Biennial Confer­ Aug. 25-30. 202nd ACS National Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: Meeting and 4th Chemical 25th Central Regional Meeting. ence on Chemical Education. Analytical Symp. New York Hil­ Pittsburgh Section Congress of North America. ton, New York City. S. D. Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology, New York City. B. R. Hodsdon, 49th Southwest Regional Meet­ 642 Cranbury Cross Rd., North Atlanta, Ga. Division of Chemi­ ing. Texas Section 1155—16th St., N.W., Wash­ Brunswick, N.J. 08902, (201) cal Education. T. F. Block, Dept. ington, D.C. 20036 (202) 872- 27th Middle Atlantic Regional 846-1582 of Chemistry, Georgia Institute Meeting. New York Section 4396 of Technology, Atlanta, Ga. Oct. 10-13. 41st Southeastern Oct. 2-4. 47th Southwest Region­ 30332.(404)894-4031 Regional Meeting. Benton Con­ al Meeting. Hilton Palacio Del vention Center, Winston-Salem, Aug. 26-31. 200th ACS National Rio, San Antonio, Tex., San An­ 1994 N.C. Central North Carolina Meeting. Washington, D.C. B. R. tonio Section. J. A. Burke Jr., Section. G. Marco, 1914 Tenny­ Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., Trinity U, 715 Stadium Dr., San April 10-15. 207th ACS National son Dr., Greensboro, N.C. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, Antonio, Tex. 78284, (512) 73627410,(919)282-0078 (202) 872-4396 Meeting and 5th Chemical 7316 Nov. 1-3. 24th Midwest Regional Sept. 23-28. 29th Annual Eastern Congress of North America. Meeting. Clarion Hotel, St. Lou­ Analytical Symp. New York Hil­ Nov. 13-15. 43rd Southeastern Mexico City. B. R. Hodson, Regional Meeting. Adams is. St. Louis Section. T. Layloff, ton, New York City. S. D. Klein, 1155—16th St., N.W., Wash­ Mark Hotel, Charlotte, N.C, Center for Drug Analysis, FDA, 642 Cranbury Cross Rd., North ington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872Carolina-Piedmont Section. J. 1114 Market St., Rm. 1002, St. Brunswick, N.J. 08902, (201) 4396 B. Davis, Dept. of Chemistry & Aug. 21-26. 208th ACS National Louis, Mo. 63101, (314) 425846-1582 Physics, Winthrop College, 4134 Dec. 5-7. Joint Southeast/South­ Meeting. Washington, D.C. B. R. Rock Hill, S.C. 29733, (803) Dec. 6-8. 45th Southwest Re­ west Regional Meeting. Hyatt Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., 323-2113 gional Meeting. Baton Rouge, Regency Hotel, New Orleans. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, La., Baton Rouge Section. W. H. Louisiana Section. R. J. Berni, Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: (202) 872-4396 Daly, Louisiana State U, Chem­ Southern Regional Research Joint Central/Great Lakes Re­ Meeting Site and Dates Not Con­ gional Meeting. Indiana Section istry Dept., 232 Chopin Hall, Ba­ Center, P.O. Box 19687, New firmed: ton Rouge, La. 70803, (504) Orleans, La. 70179, (504) 286- 65th Colloid & Surface Science 26th Central Regional Meeting. Symposium. U of Oklahoma. Di­ 388-3237 4510 Huron Valley Section vision of Colloid & Surface 28th Middle Atlantic Regional Dec. 17-22. International Chemi­ Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: Chemistry. J. F. Scamehorn or cal Congress of Pacific Basin 24th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting. Lehigh Valley Section J. H. Harwell, Institute for Ap­ Societies. Honolulu, Hawaii. B. Meeting. North Jersey Section plied Surfactant Research, U of R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., 25th Intersociety Energy Conver­ Oklahoma, 100 East Boyd, Nor­ 1995 N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, sion Engineering Conference. man, Okla. 73019, (405) 325(202) 872-4396 MGM Grand Hotel; Reno, Nev. 5811 Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: Divisions of Fuel Chemistry and April 2-7. 209th ACS National 23rd Middle Atlantic Regional Petroleum Chemistry et al. Meeting. Anaheim. B. R. Hods­ Meeting. Philadelphia Section. 64th Colloid & Surface Science don, 1155—16th St., N.W., 1992 H. R. Reid, West Chester U, Symposium. M. El-Aasser, Le­ Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) Dept. of Chemistry, West Ches­ high U., Sinclair Lab Bldg. 7, 872-4396 April 5-10. 203rd ACS National Aug. 27-Sept. 1. 210th ACS Na­ ter, Pa. 19383 Bethlehem, Pa. 18015 Meeting. San Francisco. B. R. 44th Northwest Regional Meet­ 45th Northwest Regional Meet­ tional Meeting. Chicago. B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., ing. Reno, Nev. Sierra Nevada ing. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, Section. Section N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 872-4396 24th Intersociety Energy Conver­ (202) 872-4396 Aug. 16-21. 27th Intersociety En­ Meeting Date Not Confirmed: sion Engineering Conference. 1991 ergy Conservation Engineering Washington, D.C. Divisions of 27th Central Regional Meeting. Conference. Town & Country Fuel and Petroleum Chemistry Akron Section Hotel, San Diego. Divisions of etal. April 14-19. 201st ACS National Fuel Chemistry and Petroleum 31st National Organic Sympo­ Meeting. Atlanta. B. R. Hods­ Chemistry et al. 1996 sium. don, 1155—16th St., N.W., 63rd Colloid & Surface Science Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) Aug. 23-28. 204th ACS National Meeting. Washington, D.C. B. R. March 24-29. 211th ACS Nation­ Symposium. General Chairman: 872-4396 Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., J. Berg, Chemical Engineering May 21-23. 25th Middle Atlantic al Meeting. Salt Lake City. B. R. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, Dept., U of Washington, Seattle, Regional Meeting. John M. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., (202) 872-4396 Wash. 98195 Clayton Hall, U of Delaware, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: Newark, Del., Delaware Section (202) 872-4396 May 21-24. 139th Rubber Divi­ 24th Central Regional Meeting. Aug. 25-30. 212th ACS National 1990 Cincinnati Section sion Inc. Meeting. Royal York, Meeting. Boston. B. R. Hods­ Toronto. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Di­ 26th Middle Atlantic Regional don, 1155—16th St., N.W., Meeting. Washington, D.C. vision Inc., U of Akron, Akron, April 22-27. 199th ACS National Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) Section Ohio 44325, (216)375-7814 Meeting. Boston. B. R. Hods­ 872-4396 don. 1155—16th St., N.W., June 19-21. 46th Northwest Re­ Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) gional Meeting. Eastern Oregon 28th Central Regional Meeting. 872-4396 State C, Le Grande, Ore. Rich­ 1993 Dayton Section land Section. R. A. Hermens, May 5-11. 137th Rubber Division Science Dept. Badgley Hall, April 18-23. 205th ACS National Inc. Meeting. MGM Hotel, Las Meeting. Minneapolis. B. R. 1997 Eastern Oregon State C, 8th & Κ Vegas. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Di­ Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., Ave., Le Grande, Ore. 97850, vision Inc., U of Akron, Akron, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036, Sept. 7-12. 214th ACS National (503)963-3122 Ohio 44325, (216)375-7814 (202) 872-4396 June 6-8. 22nd Central Regional Aug. 4-9. 26th Intersociety Ener­ Meeting. Las Vegas. B. R. Hods­ gy Conversion Engineering Aug. 22-27. 206th ACS National Meeting. Saginaw Valley State don, 1155—16th St., N.W., Meeting. Chicago. B. R. Hods­ Conference. Boston Marriott, C, Midland, Mich. Midland Sec­ Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) don, 115—16th St., N.W., Boston, Mass. Divisions of Fuel tion. P. Dreyfuss, Michigan Mo­ 872-4396 Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) Chemistry and Petroleum lecular Institute, 1910 West St. Meeting Dates Not Confirmed: 872-4396 Chemistry et al. Andrews Rd., Midland, Mich. 29th Central Regional Meeting. 48640,(517)832-5564 Oct. 23-Nov. 1. 144th Rubber Di­ Midland Section vision Inc. Meeting. Orlando. M. 213th ACS National Meeting E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325, (216)375-7814 December 21,1987 C&EN



C&EN Calendar of Meetings And Events C&EN's latest list of meetings and events of chemical interest is for January through December 1988. It is published semiannually. This comprehensive listing includes international as well as domestic meetings. Each entry gives date, title of meeting, location, and to whom to write for further details. Jan. 13-15. Conf. on Substitutes & Alternatives to ChlorofluoroSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat carbons & Halons. Washington, D.C. Write Conservation Foun­ 1 2 dation, 1250—24th St., N.W., 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Washington, D.C. 20037 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Jan. 14-15. 2nd Structural Biolo­ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 gy Symp. Berkeley, Calif. Write 31 John E. Hearst, Dept. of Chem­ istry, U of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720 Jan. 3 - 7 . 1st Winter Conf. of the InterAmerican Photochemical Jan. 17-22. Chemical Engineer­ ing Education in a Changing Soc. Clearwater Beach, Fla. Call Environment. Santa Barbara, Brian Stevens, U of South Flori­ Calif. Contact Engineering Foun­ da, (813) 974-2896 dation, 345 East 47th St., New Jan. 3 - 9 . Winter Conf. on Plas­ York, N.Y. 10017 ma Spectrochemistry. San Diego. Write Ramon M. Barnes, Jan. 1 7 - 2 2 . 7th Intl. Conf. on Jojoba & Its Uses. Phoenix. Dept. of Chemistry, GRC Tow­ Contact Carole A. Whittaker, ers, U of Massachusetts, A m ­ Hyder Jojoba Inc., 3320 East herst, Mass. 01003-0035 Shea Blvd., Suite 290, Phoenix, Jan. 6 - 8 . Intl. Symp. on Trace Ariz. 85028 Analysis in Environmental Sam­ ples & Standard Reference Ma­ Jan. 18-20. Intl. Conf. on Tech­ nology Transfer in the Devel­ terials. Honolulu. Contact S. oping Nations. New Delhi. Con­ Hanamura, U of Hawaii, Manoa, tact Manas Chatterji, School of PBRC Bldg., 1993 East-West Management, SUNY, BinghamRd., Honolulu, Hawaii 98822 ton, Binghamton, N.Y. 13901 Jan. 10-14. Electron Diffraction & Channeling at Kilovolt Ener­ Jan. 18-20. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Special Performance Plastics gies. Phoenix. Contact Ctr. for & Markets. New Orleans. Write Solid-State Science, Arizona Ryder Associates, 5 Sharon Dr., State U, Tempe, Ariz. 85287 Whippany, N.J. 07981 Jan. 10-15. Intl. Symp. on Elec­ tronic Imaging Devices & Sys­ Jan. 1 9 - 2 1 . Separation Science & Biotechnology Symp. Fort tems. Los Angeles. Write Soc. Lauderdale, Fla. Write Washing­ for Imaging Science & Technol­ ton Chromatography Discussion ogy, 7003 Kilworth La., Spring­ Group, Barr Enterprises, P.O. field, Va. 22151 Box 279, W a l k e r s v i l l e , Md. Jan. 11-15. 18th Latin American 21793 Chemical Congress Santiago, Chile. Write Fernando Diaz Α., Jan. 2 0 - 2 2 . 35th Ann. Conf. of the Western Spectroscopy Secretario Ejecutivo, Casilla Assoc. Pacific Grove, Calif. Con­ 6177, Santiago, Chile tact Heather Lafferty, P.O. Box Jan. 11-15. TAPPI Kraft Recov­ 10460, Eugene, Ore. 97440 ery Operations Seminar. Orlan­ do, Fla. Write TAPPI, P.O. Box Jan. 2 5 - 2 9 . 2nd Intl. Symp. on Experimental Methods for Mi105113, Atlanta, Ga. 3 0 3 4 8 crogravity Materials Science 5113 Research. Phoenix. Contact Jan. 12-14. Supercritical Fluid Robert Schiffman, Chairman, Chromatography. Park City, c/o Marlene Karl, Technical Pro­ Utah. Contact Milton Lee, Dept. gram C o o r d i n a t o r - T M S , 420 of Chemistry, Brigham Young Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, U, Provo, Utah 84602 Pa. 15086



December 21,1987 C&EN

Jan. 2 6 - 2 8 . AgBiotech '88 Intl. Conf. Washington, D.C. Write Judy Green, CMC, 200 Connect­ icut Ave., Box 4990, Norwalk, Conn. 06856-4990 Jan. 2 6 - 2 9 . 1st Canadian AIDS Research Conf. Toronto. Con­ tact New Biotech, Conf. Office, Suite 4, 1172 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2A4 Jan. 2 7 - 2 8 . Oil & Gas Strategies: Scenarios for the Energy Fu­ ture. H o u s t o n . W r i t e Maria Rodriguez, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, 56 John F. Kennedy St., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 Jan. 30-Feb. 6. Technological Ad­ vances in Vaccine Develop­ ment. Park City, Utah. Write UCLA Symposia, Molecular Bi­ ology Inst., U of Calif., Los An­ geles, Calif. 90024



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

7 14 21 28

1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

Feb. 1-3. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Pre­ parative & Up-Scale Liquid Chromatography. Baden-Baden, West Germany. Contact Gesellschaft, Deutscher Chemiker, Abt. Tagungen, P.O. Box 900440, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 90, West Germany Feb. 1-5. SPE Composites Inst. 43rd Ann. Conf. Cincinnati. Write Composites Inst, of the Soc. of the Plastics Industry, 355 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y.10017 Feb. 3 - 5 . Water-Borne & HigherSolids Coatings Symp. New Orleans. Write Southern Soc. for Coatings Technology, P.O. Box 10076, Southern Station, Hattiesburg, Miss. 39406-9990 Feb. 5 - 7 . 3rd National Science, Technology, Society Conf. on Technological Literacy. Arling­ ton, Va. Write 3rd National Tech­ nological Literacy Conf., Penn­ sylvania State U, 128 Willard Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802

Feb. 6-12. Gene Transfer & Gene Therapy. Tamarron, Colo. Write UCLA Symposia, Molecular Bi­ ology Inst., U of Calif., Los An­ geles, Calif. 90024 Feb. 7-9. Fertilizer Inst. Ann. Mtg. Washington, D.C. Contact Fer­ tilizer Inst., 1 0 1 5 — 1 8 t h St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Feb. 8 - 9 . Intl. Conf. on New Approaches in Chromatography & Spectroscopy. Bombay. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enter­ prises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada Feb. 8 - 1 0 . 2nd Intl. Seminar on Metal-Organic & Plasma-Assist­ ed Chemical Vapor Deposition for Electronic & Electro-Optic Applications. Deerfield Beach, Fla. Contact Sumner P. Wolsky, Ansum Enterprises Inc., 950 De Soto Rd., Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Feb. 8 - 1 1 . Intl. Conf. on Microbi­ ology of Waters & Wastewaters. Newport Beach, Calif. Contact David Jenkins, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 607 Davis Hall, U of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720 Feb. 8-12. Miami Bio/Technology Winter Symp. Miami. Write Mi­ ami Winter Symp., P.O. Box 016129, Miami, Fla. 33101 Feb. 1 0 - 1 1 . Technology Transfer Conf. Nashville. Contact Lucy Malone, Technology Transfer Conferences Inc., 325 Plus Park Blvd., Nashville, Tenn. 37217 Feb. 10-12. 3rd National Symp. on Macromolecules. Ankara, Turkey. Write G. Akovali, Dept. of Chemistry and Macromole­ cules, Research Div. (TUMKA), Middle East Technical U, Ankara, Turkey 06531 Feb. 11-12. Intl. Conf. on Air/ Water & Environmental Pollu­ tion & Hazardous W a s t e s . Bombay. Contact V. M. Bhatna­ gar, Alena Enterprises of Cana­ da, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H5V7, Ont., Canada Feb. 1 1 - 1 5 . AAAS Ann. Mtg. Boston. Write American Assoc, for the Advancement of Sci­ ence, 1333 H St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C.20005 Feb. 15-17. Intl. Seminar on Or­ ganic Matrix Composites for Structures. Deerfield Beach, Fla. Contact Shawmco Inc., 4227 East 99th St., Tulsa, Okla. 74137

Feb. 15-19. 12th Ann. Conf. on Energy from Biomass & Wastes. New Orleans. Write Inst, of Gas Technology, 3424 South State St., Chicago, 111.60616 Feb. 15-19. Gordon Conf. on Organic Thin Films. Oxnard, Calif. Contact S. Garoff, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Old Quarry Rd., Ridgefield, Conn. 06877 Feb.16-18. Conf. on Groundwater Geochemistry. Denver. Write National Water Well Assoc, Education Foundation, 6375 Riverside Dr., Dublin, Ohio 43017 Feb. 17-19. 15th Energy Technology Conf. Washington, D.C. Write Energy Technology Conf. Inc., 966 Hungerford Dr., No. 24, Rockville, Md. 20850 Feb. 20-21. Particle Size Distribution Analysis Workshop. New Orleans. ACS Div. of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. Contact T. Provder, Glidden Co., 16651 Sprague Rd., Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Feb. 21-26. Conf. on Mineral Matter & Ash Deposition from Coal. Santa Barbara, Calif. Write Engineering Foundation, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Feb. 22-24. 1st World Congress on Superconductivity. Houston. Call (713) 229-7385. Feb. 22-26. 39th Pittsburgh Conf. on Analytical Chemistry & Applied Spectroscopy. New Orleans. Write Pittsburgh Conf., 437 Donald Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235 Feb. 25-27. Intl. Symp. on Physical-Organic/Theoretical Chemistry. Austin, Tex. Write Dewar Symp., c/o Registrar, Thompson Conf. Ctr., U of Texas, Austin, Tex. 78713-7879 Feb. 26-27. Symp. on Theoretical & Physical-Organic Chemistry. Austin, Tex. Contact Nathan L. Bauld, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Texas, Austin, Austin, Tex. 78712. Feb. 28-March 2. TAPPI Ann. Mtg. Atlanta. Contact Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348-5113 Feb. 28-March 3. 12th Austin Symp. on Molecular Structure. Austin, Tex. Write J. E. Boggs, Dept. of Chemistry, U of Texas, Austin, Tex. 78712



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thi Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 6 7 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30

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March 1. Symp. on Safety & Toxicity in the Chemical Laboratory & Chemical Industry Birmingham, U.K. Contact Henry Warson, 284 Warwick Rd., Solihull, West Midlands B92 7AF, England March 6-10. AlChE Spring National Mtg. New Orleans. Write American Inst, of Chemical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 March 7-9. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Rapidly Solidified Materials. San Diego. Write ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio 44073 March 7-11. Conf. on Industrial Hygiene Chemistry. Salt Lake City. Contact Mrs. C. Crandall, U of Utah, Bldg. 512, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 March 9-11. XlXth Mtg. of CED/ AID on Surfactants. Granada, Spain. Contact Asociacion de Investigacion de la Industria Espanola de Détergentes, Tensioactivos, y Afines, Secretaria General: Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo, c/o Jorge Girona Salgado, 18-26, 08034 Barcelona, Spain March 9-11. 2nd Ann. National Symp. on Incineration of Industrial Wastes. San Diego. Write Toxcon Engineering Co., 1300 Hercules, Suite 102, Houston, Tex. 77058 March 9-11. 1st Intl. Conf. on Thermoplastic Elastomer Markets & Technology. Orlando, Fla. Write Robin Geary, Schotland Business Research, Princeton Corporate Ctr., 3 Independence Way, Princeton, N.J. 08540-6621 March 11-12. 99th Two-Year College Chemistry Conf. Sacramento, Calif. ACS Div. of Chemical Education. Write R. Lungstrom, American River C, 4700 College Oak Dr., Sacramento, Calif. 95841 March 13-16. Intl. Conf. on Biotechnology of Microbial Products. San Diego. Contact Mrs. Ann Kulback, SIM, P.O. Box 12534, Arlington, Va. 222098534 March 13-18. Intl. Symp. on Surface Interactions. Jerusalem Hills, Israel. Write Jacob Klein, Dept. of Polymer Research, Weizmann Inst, of Science, Rehovot, 76100, Israel

I March 13-20. 7th Intl. Congress on Nitrogen Fixation. Cologne, West Germany. Write H. Bothe, Botanisches Institut, Universitat zu Kohn, D-5000 Kôln 41, West Germany March 14-16. Gas Processors Assoc. 67th Ann. Mtg. Dallas. Write Gas Processors Assoc, 6526 East 60th St., Tulsa, Okla. | 74145 I March 15-17. 1st Intl. Symp. on Heterogeneous Catalysis & Fine Chemicals. Poitiers, France. Write J. Barrault, UA CNRS 350, 40, Ave. du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers, Cedex, France March 17-18. Symp. on Polypropylene & Polyolefins in Textiles. Atlanta. Contact Isobel M. Mansfield, Richard G. Mansfield & Associates, 65 Little Brook Rd., Wilton, Conn. 06897 March 20-23. Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc. Spring Mtg. Orlando, Fla. Write Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc, 851 New Holland Ave., P.O. Box | 3535, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 March 21-23. Conf. on Agricultural Impacts on Groundwater. Des Moines, Iowa. Contact Vaughn Shelton, National Water Well Assoc, 6375 Riverside Dr., Dublin, Ohio 43017 March 22. Symp. on Canadian Natural Gas Liquids Potential. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Write Ken Trumble, Canadian Soc for Chemical Engineering, c/o Spartan Controls, 2810—12th St., N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7P7, Canada March 22-24. 6th Ann. IUCCP Symp. on Functional Polymers. College Station, Tex. Write David E. Bergbreiter, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&M U, College Station, Tex. 77843 March 22-25. 7th Symp. on Transfer & Utilization of Particulate Control Technology. Nashville. Contact Claudia Runge, Electric Power Research Inst., P.O. Box 10412, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 March 25. Symp. on Chemistry as a Life Science. Newark, N.J. Contact F. G. Kathawala, Sandoz Research Inst., Bldg. 404-3, Rte. 10, East Hanover, N.J. 07936 March 27-30. ACS 9th Rocky Mountain Regional Mtg. Las Vegas. Wyoming Section. Write E. G. Meyer, U of Wyoming, P.O. Box 3825, Laramie, Wyo. 82071 March 28-30. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Developments in Valves & Actuators for Fluid Control. Manchester, England. Contact Conference Organiser (Valves), BHRA, Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AJ, England

March 28-31. Recent Advances in Composites. Jackson, Wyo. ACS divisions of Polymer Chemistry and Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering. Contact N. Johnson, NASA, Langley Research Ctr., Langley Air Force Base, Va. 23665 March 29-31. 2nd Intl. Symp. on Analytical Methods & Problems in Biotechnology. Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands. Contact Symp. Secretariat ANABIOTEC '88, c/o QLT Convention Services, Keizersgracht 792, 1017 EC Amsterdam, the Netherlands



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April 4-8. 15th Ann. National Conf. of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemi­ cal Engineers. Philadelphia. Contact D. M. Barnes, AT&T Bell Labs, Allentown, Pa. 18103 April 5-8. TAPPI Conf. on Nonwovens. Nashville. Contact Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Tech­ nology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348-5113 April 5-8 Symp. on Process Diagnostics. Reno, Nev. Write A. Kay Hays, Div. 1831, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquer­ que, N.M. 87185 April 5-9. Materials Research Soc. Spring Mtg. Reno, Nev. Write Materials Research Soc, 9800 McKnight Rd., Suite 327, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15237 April 10-12. Superconductors in Magnetics. San Francisco. Write Advantage Quest, 1110 Sunny­ vale-Saratoga Rd., Suite C2, Sunnyvale, Calif. 94087-2515 April 11-12. Washington Paint Technical Group 28th Ann. Symp. Washington, D.C. Con­ tact Washington Paint Technical Group, P.O. Box 12025, Wash­ ington, D.C.20005 April 11-15. Perspectives in Mod­ ern Chemical Spectroscopy. U of East Anglia, U.K. Write David L. Andrews, School of Chemi­ cal Sciences, U of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, U.K. April 11-13. TAPPI Conf. on Papermakers. Chicago. Contact Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Tech­ nology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30248-5113

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Meetings April 12-14. 2nd Ann. CANBIOCON Conf. Montreal. Write John H. Luong, National Research Council, Biotechnology Research Inst., 6100 Royalmount Ave., Montreal, Que. H4R 2H2, Canada April 12-15. Ann. Chemical Congress. Canterbury, U.K. Write John. F. Gibson, Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W 1 V 0 B N , U.K. April 12-15. 13th Intl. Conf. on Coal & Slurry Technology. Denver. Write Coal & Slurry Conf. Committee, 1800 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.20009 April 17-20. SPE/DOE 6th Symp. on Enhanced Oil Recovery. Tulsa, Okla. Write Program Dept., Soc. of Petroleum Engineers, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, Tex. 75083-3836 April 1 7 - 2 1 . 29th Conf. on Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Rochester, N.Y. Contact Judith A. Watson, ENC, 750 Audubon, East Lansing, Mich. 48823 April 18-20. TAPPI Environmental Conf. Charleston, S.C. Write Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348-5113 April 18-20. 4th Texas Symp. on Mass Spectrometry. College Station, Tex. Contact Catherine J. McNeal, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&M U, College Station, Tex. 77843 April 1 8 - 2 1 . SPE 46th Ann. Technical Conf. Atlanta. Write Soc. of Plastics Engineers, 14 Fairfield Dr., Brookfield Center, Conn. 06805 April 19-22. 133rd Rubber Div. Inc. Mtg. Dallas. Write Mrs. M. E. Bauer, Rubber Div. Inc., U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 April 24-26. 12th Symp. on Aquatic Toxicology & Hazard Assessment. Las Vegas. Write ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 April 2 4 - 2 8 . RadTech Intl. Conf. New Orleans. Contact John Waxman, RadTech Intl., 60 Revere Dr., Suite 500, Northbrook, III. 60062 April 2 5 - 2 8 . 9th Intl. Conf. on Nondestructive Evaluation in the Nuclear Industry. Tokyo. Write Donald Varanese, Manager, Technical Divisions, ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio 44073 April 2 6 - 2 7 . Conf. on Commercial Biotechnology. Cambridge, Mass. Write Business Communications Co., 25 VanZant St., Norwalk, Conn. 06855


December 21, 1987 C&EN

April 26-May 3. 3rd World Conf. on Biomaterials. Kyoto, Japan. Contact Japan Soc. for Biomaterials, c/o Inst, for Medical & Dental Engineering, Tokyo Medical & Dental U, 2-3-10 KandaSurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101,Japan April 2 7 - 2 9 . 10th Symp. of Applied Surface Analysis. Denver. Write A. W. Czanderna, Solar Energy Research Inst., 1617 Cole Blvd., Golden, Colo. 80401 April 2 7 - 2 9 . 4th Symp. on Handling of Environmental & Biological Samples in Chromatography. Basel, Switzerland. Write Workshop Office IAEAC, M. Frei Hàusler, Postfach 46, CH-4123 Allschwil 2, Switzerland

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May 1-7. 24th EUCHEM Conf. on Stereochemistry. Burgenstock, Switzerland. Write N. Speckamp, Lab of Organic Chemistry, U of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtrgracht 128, 1018 WS Amsterdam, the Netherlands May 2 - 3 . Combustion Fundamentals & Applications. Indianapolis. Write Combustion Inst., 5001 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 May 2 - 4 . EPA/APCA Symp. on Measurement of Toxic & Related Air Pollutants. Raleigh, N.C. Contact Meetings Dept., APCA, P.O. Box 2 8 6 1 , Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230 May 8 - 1 2 . TAPPI Conf. on Coating. New Orleans. Write Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348-5113 May 9-10. 5th World Conf. on Thermal Analysis. Corfu, Greece. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada May 9 - 1 1 . 14th Ann. Research Symp. on Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration & Treatment of Hazardous Waste. Cincinnati. Contact Kathleen Kelly, JACA Corp., 550 Pinetown Rd., Fort Washington, Pa. 19034 May 1 0 - 1 2 . Preventing Major Chemical Accidents. London. Contact Institution of Chemical Engineers, 165-171 Railway Terrace, Rugby CV21 3HQ, U.K. May 12-13. 12th European Conf. on Flammability & Fire Retardants. Corfu, Greece. Contact V. M. Bhatnagar, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada

May 16-17. Ohmic Electrolyte Resistance Measurement & Compensation. Baltimore. Contact S. Ray Taylor, Dept. of Materials Science, Thornton Hall, U of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. 22901 May 16-17. World Chromatography & Spectroscopy Conf. Corfu, Greece. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Enterprises of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada May 16-17. Southern Textile Research Conf. Pawleys Island, S.C. Write W. Lorantz Bogan, Springs Industries, P.O. Box 2000, Lyman, S.C. 29365 May 16-18. Minnesota Chromatography Forum Ann. Spring Mtg. Minneapolis. Contact Meeting Management Inc., 1421 East Wayzata Blvd., Suite 50, Wayzata, Minn. 55391 May 16-19. Organic Nonlinear Optics. Virginia Beach, Va. ACS Div. of Polymer Chemistry. Contact D. Gerbie, 3M Corporate Research Lab, 3M Ctr., Bldg. 2 0 1 - 2 E - 0 8 , St. Paul, M i n n . 55144-1000 May 16-19. 9th Intl. Symp. on Capillary Chromatography. Monterey, Calif. Contact P. Sandra, Research Inst, for Chromatography, P.O. Box 9 1 , B-8610 Wevelgem, Belgium May 16-19. Ann. Intl. Nonwovens Technological Conf. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Write Assoc, of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, 1700 Broadway, 25th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10019 May 16-19. Intl. Symp. on the Analysis of Anabolizing & Doping Agents in Biosamples. Ghent, Belgium. Write C. Van Peteghem, Lab of Food Analysis, State U of Ghent, Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium May 16-20. 10th Symp. on Biotechnology for Fuels & Chemicals. Gatlinberg, Tenn. Contact Charles D. Scott, Oak Ridge National Lab, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831 May 17-20. 2nd Ann. Seminar on Analytical Biotechnology. Baltimore, Md. Contact Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, 10120 Kelly Rd., Walkersville, Md. 21793 May 19. 5th Triangle Chromatography Symp. Raleigh, N.C. Contact Robert S. Whiton, Northrop Services Inc., P.O. Box 12313, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709 May 19-20. 9th European Conf. on Environmental Pollution. Corfu, Greece. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, P.O. Box 1 7 7 9 , Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada

May 2 4 - 2 6 . ACS 22nd Middle Atlantic Regional Mtg. Millersville, Pa. Southeastern Pennsylvania S e c t i o n . Contact G. W e i s s , Millersville U, Dept. of Chemistry, Millersville, Pa. 17551 May 2 5 - 2 7 . 10th Intl. Conf. on Advances in the Stabilization & Controlled Degradation of Polymers. Luzern, Switzerland. Write A. V. Patsis, Inst, in Materials Science, State U of New York, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561 May 29-June 1. 10th Cellulose Conf. Syracuse, N.Y. ACS Div. of Cellulose, Paper & Textile Chemistry. Write C. Schuerch, C of Environmental Science & Forestry, SUNY, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210 May 29-June 3. IUPAC 88: 16th Intl. Symp. on the Chemistry of Natural Products. Kyoto, Japan. Write Isao Kitagawa, General Secretary, 16th Intl. Symp. on the Chemistry of Natural Products, c/o Chemical Soc. of Japan, 1-5, Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan May 30-June 1. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Crosslinked Polymers. Luzern, Switzerland. Contact A. V. Patsis, Inst, in Materials Science, State U of New York, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561 May 30-June 3. Materials Research Soc. Intl. Mtg. on Advanced Materials. Tokyo. Write R. P. H. Chang, Dept. of Materials S c i e n c e & Engineering, Northwestern U, Technological Inst., Evanston, III. 60201-9990 May 31-June 2. 1st Intl. Symp. on Separation of Chiral Molecules. Paris. Write S o c i é t é Française de Chimie, 250, Rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France

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June 1-3. ACS 20th Central Regional Mtg. Morgantown, W. Va. Northwest Virginia Section. Contact A. Winston, West Virginia U, Dept. of Chemistry, Morgantown, W. Va. 26506-6045 June 1-3. Symp. in Synthetic Chemistry. Boulder, Colo. Write Gary Molander, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, U of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. 80309-0215 June 1-3. 5th Intl. Chlorine Symp. London. Write Soc. of Chemical Industry, 14/15 Belgrave Sq., London SW1X8PS, U.K.

June 1-3. North American Mem- June 18-22. 10th Intl. Exhibition brane Soc. 2nd Ann. Conf. Syrfor Environmental Pollution acuse, N.Y. Write Carol Heil, Control, Measuring & Testing Syracuse U Conf. Planning OfEquipment. Seoul, Korea. Confice, Sheraton University Inn, tact SHK Intl. Services Ltd., 801 University Ave., Syracuse, 22/F., 151 Gloucester Rd., Hong N.Y.13244 Kong June 2-4. 100th Two-Year Col- June 19-21. 20th Mid-Atlantic Inlege Chemistry Conf. Seneca dustrial Waste Conf. WashingC, Ontario, Canada. ACS Div. ton, D.C. Call M. M. Varma, of Chemical Education. Write (202) 636-6575 A. Davis, Fraser Valley C, June 19-23. 62nd Colloid & Sur45600 Airport Rd., Chilliwack, face Science Symp. University British Columbia, Canada V2P Park, Pa. ACS Div. of Colloid & 6T4 Surface Chemistry. Contact R. June 5-9. 17th World Gas Conf. Nagarajan, 161 Fenske Lab, Washington, D.C. Write World Pennsylvania State U, UniversiGas Conf., 1515 Wilson Blvd., ty Park, Pa. 16802 Arlington, Va. 22209 June 19-23. Medicinal ChemisJune 5-9. TAPPI Conf. on Intl. try Symp. U of Minnesota. ACS Pulp Bleaching. Write Meetings Div. of Medicinal Chemistry. Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/ Write P. S. Portoghese, U of Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, AtMinnesota, C of Pharmacy, Minlanta, Ga. 30348-5113 neapolis, Minn. 55455 June 5-10. 195th ACS National June 19-24. HPLC 12th Intl. Symp. on Column Liquid ChroMtg. & 3rd Chemical Congress matography. Washington, D.C. of North America. Toronto. Write Symposium Manager, Barr Write B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Walkersville, Md. 21793 20036 June 5-10. 6th Intl. Conf. on Sur- June 20-23. 10th Symp. on Thermophysical Properties. face & Colloid Science. Hakone, Gaithersburg, Md. Contact J. V. Japan. Contact Div. of Colloid Sengers, Inst, for Physical Sci& Surface Chemistry, Chemical ence & Technology, U of MarySoc. of Japan, 1-5 Kandaland, College Park, Md. 20742 Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo June 20-23. Aquaculture Engi101,Japan neering Technologies for the June 5-10. 36th ASMS Conf. on Future. U of Stirling, Scotland. Mass Spectrometry & Allied Contact Conference Section, InTopics. San Francisco. Contact stitution of Chemical Engineers, Judith A. Watson, Amer. Soc. 165-171 Railway Terrace, Rugfor Mass Spectrometry, P.O. Box by CV21 3HQ, U.K. 1508, East Lansing, Mich. 48823 June 5-11. ACHEMA 88: Intl. Mtg. June 24-27. 12th Conf. on Catalysis of Organic Reactions. San on Chemical Engineering & Antonio. Write Dale W. BlackBiotechnology. Frankfurt am burn, 144 Ramblewood Rd., Main, West Germany. Write Moorestown, N.J. 08057 DECHEMA, Organisation ACHEMA, P.O. Box 970146, D-6000 June 26-29. 41st Ann. Summer Symp. on Analytical Chemisty. Frankfurt 97, West Germany Stanford, Calif. ACS Div. of AnJune 8-11. Gas Technology Symp. alytical Chemistry. Contact R. Dallas. Write Gas Technology Zare, Dept. of Chemistry, StanSymp. P.O. Box 833836, Richford U, Stanford, Calif. ardson, Tex. 75083-3836 94305 June 9-10. 8th Intl. Symp. on Environmental Pollution. Toron- June 28-29. Symp. on Corrosion Rates of Steel in Concrete. Balto. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, P.O. timore, Md. Contact Neal S. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Berke, W. R. Grace Co., 62 Ont., Canada Whittemore Ave., Cambridge, June 13-14. Intl. Symp. on BioMass. 02140 technology & Biochemistry. Toronto. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, June 29-30. Intl. Conf. on Organic Materials for Nonlinear OpAlena Enterprises of Canada, tics. Oxford, U.K. Write Mrs. E. P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H S. Wellingham, 6 Craig-yr-Haul 5V7, Ont., Canada Dr., Castleton, Cardiff CF3 8SA, June 13-17. Intl. Conf. on ComU.K. posite Interfaces. Cleveland. Contact H. Ishida, Dept. of Mac- June 29-July 1. 43rd Northwest Regional Mtg. Spokane. ACS romolecular Science, Case Inland Empire Section. Write R. Western Reserve U, 10900 P. Doepker, Dept. of ChemisEuclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio try, Gonzaga U, Spokane, Wash. 44106-1712 99258 June 16-17. Intl. Symp. on Polymers, Plastics & Rubber Processing Technology. Toronto. Write V. M. Bhatnagar, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall K6H 5V7, Ont., Canada

July 31-Aug. 4. 101st Two-Year College Chemistry Conf. West Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Lafayette, Ind. ACS Div. of Chemical Education. Write D. 1 2 Kolb, Dept. of Chemistry, Brad5 6 7 8 9 3 4 ley U, Peoria, III. 61625 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 July 31-Aug. 5. 23rd Intersociety 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Energy Conversion Engineer31 ing Conf. Denver. ACS divisions of Fuel Chemistry and Petroleum Chemistry. Write American July 3-8. 7th IUPAC Conf. on OrSoc. of Mechanical Engineers, ganic Synthesis. Nancy, France. 345 East 47th St., New York, Contact Intl. Convention RepreN.Y. 10017 sentatives, 35 West 65th St., July 31-Aug. 5. 7th Intl. Conf. on New York, N.Y. 10023-6637 Photochemical Conversion & July 5-8. 7th IUPAC Intl. Conf. Storage of Solar Energy. Evanon Modified Polymers. Bratisston, III. Contact J. R. Norris, lava, Czechoslovakia. Contact Chemistry Div., Argonne NationA. Romanov, Polymer Inst. CCR, al Laboratory, Argonne, III. Slovak Academy of Sciences, 60439 Bratislava, Czechoslavakia July 11-14. Risk Assessment of July 31-Aug. 5. Symp. for Innovation in Measurement Science. Chemicals in the Environment. Geneva, N.Y. Contact Instrument U of Surry, U.K. Contact John Soc. of America, 67 Alexander F. Gibson, Royal Soc. of ChemDr., Research Triangle Park, istry, Burlington House, London N.C.27709 W1V0BN, U.K. July 11-15. 14th Intl. Conf. on Organic Coatings Science & Technology. Athens, Greece. AUGUST | Write A. V. Patsis, Inst, in MaSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fr Sat I terials Science, State U of New York, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561 1 2 3 4 5 6 July 17-22. 12th IUPAC Symp. 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 on Photochemistry. Bologna, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Italy. Write Secretariat, Bank 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Cout Chambers, 2 - 3 Pound 28 29 30 31 Way, Cowley Centre, Oxford OX4 3YF, U.K. July 18-21. 31st Microsymp. on Aug. 1-3. 18th Northeast RegionMacromolecules. Prague, Czechal Mtg. Orono, Me. ACS Maine oslovakia. Write P.M.M. SecreSection. Contact R. Fort, Dept. tariat, Inst, of Macromolecular of Chemistry, U of Maine, Orono, Chemistry, 1888 Petriny, Prague Me. 04469 6, Czechoslovakia Aug. 1-6. 32nd IUPAC Intl. Symp. July 18-21. Symp. on Carbon Fion Macromolecules. Kyoto, Jabers & Composites. Buffalo, pan. Write Soc. of Polymer SciN.Y. Contact D. D. L. Chung, ence, 5-12-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Dept. of Mechanical & AeroTokyo 104, Japan space Engineering, State U of Aug. 7-12. 12th Intl. Symp. on New York, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260 Fluorine Chemistry. Santa Cruz, July 19-22. 19th Ann. Mtg. of the Calif. Write P. R. Resnick, Du Fine Particle Soc. Santa Clara, Pont, Bldg. 353, Experimental Calif. Write Fine Particle Soc, Station, Wilmington, Del. 19898 L-117 Keplinger Hall, U of Tulsa, Aug. 8-10. 1st Soil Residue AnalTulsa, Okla. 74104 ysis Workshop. Winnipeg, ManiJuly 24-27. 26th National Heat toba, Canada. Contact D. Muir, Transfer Conf. Houston. ConSecretary, Organizing Committact Yvonne Armstrong, Ameritee, Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans, can Inst, of Chemical Engineers, 501 University Crescent, Winni345 East 47th St., New York, peg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N6 N.Y.10017 Aug. 8-12. 5th Intl. Symp. on InJuly 24-29. 10th Intl. Symp. on organic Ring Systems. Amherst, Gas Kinetics. Swansea, U.K. Mass. Contact R. R. Holmes, Write Roger M. Marshall, Dept. Dept. of Chemistry, U of Masof Chemistry, U College of sachusetts, Amherst, Mass. Swansea, Singleton Park, Swan01003 sea SA2 8PP, U.K. Aug. 14-19. 13th Intl. Conf. on July 31-Aug. 4. 10th Biennial Magnetic Resonance in BiologConf. on Chemical Education. ical Systems. Madison, Wis. West Lafayette, Ind. ACS Div. Contact J. L. Markley, U of Wisof Chemical Education. Contact consin, Dept. of Biochemistry, J. D. Herron, Dept. of Chemis420 Henry Mall, Madison, Wis. try, Purdue U, West Lafayette, 53706 Ind. 47907 Aug. 14-19. 22nd Intl. Symp. on Combustion. Seattle. Write Combusion Inst., 5001 Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213



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Meetings Aug. 15-19. 15th Intl. Symp. on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. Basel, Switzerland. Contact Administrative Office, Controlled Release S o c , 16 Nottingham Dr., Lincolnshire, III. 60015 Aug. 16-19. Intl. Workshop on Deposition of Solids in Geothermal Systems. Reykjavik, Iceland. Write D. M. Thomas, Inst, of Geophysics, U of Hawaii, 2525 Correa Rd., Hawaii 96822 Aug. 2 1 - 2 4 . AlChE Summer National Mtg. Denver. Write Yvonne Armstrong, American Inst, of Chemical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Aug. 2 1 - 2 6 . 6th Intl. Symp. on Homogeneous Catalysis. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Write B. R. James, Dept. of Chemistry, U of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Y6 Aug. 2 1 - 2 6 . 9th IUPAC Conf. on Physical Organic Chemistry. Regensburg, West Germany. Write Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2 - 3 Pound Way, Cowley Centre, Oxford 0 X 4 3YF, U.K. Aug. 2 1 - 2 6 . 9th Intl. Congress on Thermal Analysis. Jerusalem, Israel. Write S. Shoval, Everyman's U, P.O. Box 39328, TelAviv 61392, Israel Aug. 21-28. Intl. Nucleation Symp. Vienna, Austria. Write J. L. Katz, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins U, Charles & 34th St., Baltimore, Md. 21218 Aug. 2 3 - 2 6 . 7th Intl. Symp. on Mass Spectrometry in Life Sciences. Ghent, Belgium. Write A. De Leenheer, Laboratoria voor Medische Biochemie en voor Klinische Analyse, Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Aug. 2 8 - 3 1 . Intl. Symp. on the Production & Processing of Fine Particles. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Contact A. J. Plumpton, Centre de Recherches Minérales, 2700, rue Einstein, SainteFoy, Quebec, Canada G1Ρ 3W8 Aug. 29-Sept. 1. 10th Intl. Symp. on Chemical Reaction Engineer­ ing. Basel, Switzerland. Write W. Richarz, Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chem­ istry, Swiss Federal Inst, of Technology, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland


December 21,1987 C&EN

Aug. 29-Sept. 1. 102nd AOAC Ann. Intl. Mtg. Palm Beach, Fla. Write Assoc, of Official Analyt­ ical Chemists, 1111 North 19th St., Suite 210, Arlington, Va. 22209 Aug. 29-Sept. 2. 26th Intl. Conf. on Coordination Chemistry. Porto, Portugal. Write M. A. V. Ribeiro da Silva, Dept. of Chem­ istry, Faculty of Sciences, U of Porto, 4000 Porto, Portugal Aug. 30-Sept. 3. Intl. Conf. on Chemistry & Physics of Electri­ fied Interfaces. Bologna, Italy. Write S. Trasatti, Dept. of Physi­ cal Chemistry & Electrochemis­ try, U of Milan, Via Venezian 2 1 , 20133 Milan, Italy Aug. 31-Sept. 3. 4th Separation Science & Biotechnology Symp. Gargnano del Garda, Italy. Write Pier Giorgio Righetti, Euro Busi­ ness Center, P.O. Box 10552, 1001 EN Amsterdam, the Nether­ lands

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Sept. 4 - 9 . 13th Intl. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry. Turin, Italy. Write L. Milone, Istituto di Chimica Générale ed Inorganica, Facoltà di Farmacia, U di Torino, Via P. Giuria 9, 1-10125 Torino, Italy Sept. 5 - 8 . 6th Intl. Drying Symp. Versailles, France. Write Michel Roques, E.N.S.I.C./I.N.P.L, 1, rue Grandville, F 54042, Nancy, Cedex, France Sept. 5 - 8 . 3rd Congress of the Société Française de Chemie. Nice, France. Write Société Française de Chemie, 250, Rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France Sept. 5 - 9 . 11th Intl. Conf. on Raman Spectroscopy. London. Write Joh F. Gibson, ICORS XI, Royal Soc. of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W1V 0BN, U.K. Sept. 7 - 1 1 . INCHEM 87. Tokyo. Write Kallman Associates, Five Maple Court, Ridgewood, N.J. 07450-4431 Sept. 11-15. 18th Rare Earth Research Conf. Lake Geneva, Wis. Write W. T. Carnall, Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, III. 60439 Sept. 1 2 - 1 6 . 5th Ann. Intl. Pittsburgh Coal Conf. Pittsburgh. Contact Pittsburgh Coal Conf., 1 Northgate Sq., 2 Garden Center Dr., Suite 2 1 1 , P.O. Box 270, Greensburg, Pa. 15601

Sept. 13-15. 3rd Specialty Polymers Conf. Cambridge, U.K. Write Monique Heald, Butterworth Scientific Ltd., P.O. Box 63, Westbury House, Bury St., Guildford, Surrey GU2 5BH, U.K. Sept. 13-16. TAPPI Conf. on Polymers, Laminations & Coatings. Atlanta. Write Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348-5113 Sept. 15-16. AlChE Engineering & Construction Contracting Conf. Dallas. Contact Yvonne Armstrong, American Inst, of Chemical Engineers, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 Sept. 1 8 - 2 3 . 5th Intl. Symp. on Organic Free Radicals. Zurich, Switzerland. Write H. Paul, Phys. Chem. Inst., U of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland Sept. 1 8 - 2 3 . 5th Intl. Symp. on Inclusion Phenomena & Molecular Recognition. Orange Beach, Ala. Contact Jerry L. Atwood, U of Alabama, P.O. Box H, University, Ala. 35486 Sept. 1 9 - 2 2 . TAPPI Conf. on Engineering. Chicago. Contact Meetings Department, TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 303485113 Sept. 1 9 - 2 3 . Intl. Conf. on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany. Contact Conference Secretariat, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Metallkunde e.V., Adenauerallee 2 1 , D-6370 Oberursel, West Germany Sept. 2 0 - 2 3 . Polymer Surfaces Interfaces Workshop. Pacific Grove, Calif. ACS Div. of Polymer Chemistry. Write J. Rabolt, IBM, Almaden Research Ctr., 650 Harry Rd., San Jose, Calif. 95120-6099 Sept. 2 1 - 2 3 . 2nd Intl. Conf. on Bioreactor Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge, U.K. Write Lorraine Grove, BHRA, Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AJ, England Sept. 2 2 - 2 5 . Sweetners: Carbohydrate & Low Calorie. Woodland Hills, La. ACS Div. of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. Write C. J. Mussinan, Intl. Flavors & Fragrances Inc., 1515 Hwy. 36, Union Beach, N.J. 07735 Sept. 2 4 - 3 0 . 1st World Materials Congress. Chicago. Contact Public Relations, Amer. Soc. for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio 44073 Sept. 2 5 - 3 0 . 196th ACS National Mtg. Los Angeles. Contact B. R. Hodsdon, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Sept. 2 5 - 3 0 . 17th Intl. Symp. on Chromatography. Vienna, Austria. Write Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abt. Tagungen, P.O. Box 900440, D-6000 Frankfurt/ Main 90, West Germany Sept. 2 6 - 3 0 . 9th Mtg. of Polymer Networks Group. Freiburg, West Germany. Write W. Burchard, Institut fur Makromolekulare Chemie, U of Freiburg, StefanMeier-Strasse 3 1 , D7800 Freiburg, West Germany Sept. 2 6 - 3 0 . 9th Intl. Symp. on Contamination Control. Los Angeles. Contact Janet A. Ehmann, Inst, of Environmental Sciences, 940 East Northwest Hwy., Mount Prospect, III. 60056 Sept. 2 7 - 2 9 . 20th Intl. Technical Conf. on Materials & Processes. Minneapolis, Minn. Write Soc. for the Advancement of Material & Process Engineering, 843 West Glentana, P.O. Box 2459, Covina, Calif. 91722

OCTOBER Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oct. 2-4. Regional Technical Conf. on Polymers. Newport, R.I. Write Soc. of Plastics Engineers, 14 Fairfield Dr., Brookfield Center, Conn. 06805 Oct. 2 - 5 . 38th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conf. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Contact F. A. Seyer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G6 Canada Oct. 2 - 6 . TAPPI Conf. on Finishing & Converting. Richmond, Va. Contact Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 303485113 Oct. 2 - 7 . Biochemical Engineering VI. Santa Barbara, Calif. Contact Engineering Foundation, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 Oct. 2 - 7 . 27th Ann. Eastern Analytical Symp. New York City. Write S. D. Klein, 642 Cranbury Cross Rd., North Brunswick, N.J. 08902 Oct. 2 - 7 . 7th Intl. Symp. on Surfactants in Solution. Write Secretariat, Conference Services Office, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OR6 Oct. 4 - 7 . 12th World Congress on Metal Finishing. Paris. Contact SEPIC (Interfinish), 17, rue d'Uzès, 75002 Paris, France

Oct. 12-15. 1st Intl. Conf. on Oct. 26-28. 24th Western RegionHydrometallurgy. Beijing, Chial Mtg. San Francisco. ACS Calna. Write Nie Kuolin, Beijing Reifornia Section. Write M. S. Singsearch Inst, of Uranium Ore Proer, Chevron Chemical Co., P.O. cessing, P.O. Box 234, Beijing, Box 4010, Richmond, Calif. China 94804-0010 Oct. 17-19. Intl. Symp. on Super- Oct. 30-Nov. 3. TAPPI Conf. on critical Fluids. Nice, France. Pulping. New Orleans. Write Contact G. Perreau, Société Meetings Dept., TAPPI, TechFrançaise de Chimie, 250, rue nology Park/Atlanta, P.O. Box Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, 105113, Atlanta, Ga. 30348France 5113 Oct. 17-20. 136th Rubber Division Inc. Mtg. Detroit. Write M. E. Bauer, Rubber Division Inc., NOVEMBER U of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325 Oct. 18-21. 31st Ann. PolyureSun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I thane Conf. Philadelphia. Con1 2 3 4 5 tact Soc. of the Plastics Indus8 9 10 11 12 6 7 try, 355 Lexington Ave., New 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 York, N.Y. 10017 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Oct. 23-26. TAPPI Intl. Conf. on 27 28 29 30 Process & Product Quality. Savannah, Ga. Write Meetings Dept., TAPPI, Technology Park/ Atlanta, P.O. Box 105113, Atlan- Nov. 9-11. 40th Southeastern Regional Mtg. Atlanta. ACS Georta, Ga. 30348-5113 gia Section. Write D. Boykin, Dept. of Chemistry, Georgia State U, Atlanta, Ga. 30303

Nov. 9-11. 2nd Symp. on Liquid Nov. 16-19. 23rd Midwest Regional Mtg. Iowa City, Iowa. ACS Particle Size Measurement Iowa Section. Write R. Pflaum, Techniques. Atlanta. Write Dept. of Chemistry, U of Iowa, ASTM, 1916 Race St., PhiladelIowa City, Iowa 52242 phia, Pa. 19103 Nov. 16-21. 1st Eurasian ChemiNov. 13-15. 9th Symp. on Hazcal Conf. Baghdad, Iraq. Write ardous & Industrial Solid Waste. Iraqi Chemical Soc, P.O. Box Clearwater, Fla. Write ASTM, 8011 Salihiyah, Baghdad, Iraq 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 19-23. 14th Biennial Poly19103 mer Symp.—Intl. Symp. on MulNov. 13-17. World Conf. on Intiphase Macromolecular Sysdustrial Risk Management & tems. San Diego. ACS Div. of Clean Technologies. Vienna, Polymer Chemistry. Write B. Austria. Contact Adrian Collins, Culbertson, Ashland Chemical Congress Team Intl. (U.K.) Ltd., Co., P.O. Box 2219, Columbus, 30 Deane Way, Ruislip, MiddleOhio 43216 sex HA4 8SX, U.K. Nov. 14-18. 4th Intl. Kyoto Conf. Nov. 27-Dec. 2. AlChE Ann. Mtg. Washington, D.C. Write Yvonne on New Aspects of Organic Armstrong, American Inst, of Chemistry. Kyoto, Japan. Write Chemical Engineers, 345 East Noboru Sonoda, Dept. of Ap47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017 plied Chemisry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka U, Yamada-oka Nov. 30-Dec. 2. 44th Southwest Regional Mtg. Corpus Christi, 2-1, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan Tex. ACS South Texas Section. Write J. S. Thompson, Campus Box 161, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas A&l U, Kingsville, Tex. 78363

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