ACS Publications and Services - American Chemical Society

May 30, 2012 - ACS Publications and Services. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (8), pp 472A–472A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00008a737. Publication Date: April 1991...
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LC. Auto-Sep system is designed to automate the separation and purifi­ cation of proteins. The purification procedure, from sample loading and column washing to elution and frac­ tion collection, can be programmed on a task-by-task basis. Fluid Man­ agement Systems 206

S 500 absorbance detector, which ac­ quires spectra at speeds up to 96 points per second, can simultaneously monitor up to 32 wavelengths from 190 to 800 nm. Flow cells are available for a variety of HPLC applications. Isco 201

Instrumentation Spectroradiometer. Double-monochromator spectroradiometer, Model IL1700/760D/791, is a digitally con­ trolled system with scanning speeds of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 nm/min. Features include PC-com­ patible software and digital wave­ length and signal readouts. Interna­ tional Light 202 F r e o n . LAN-I Freon 123 monitor, which is sensitive to ppm levels of Freon 123, will not respond to the presence of other Freon gases. The monitor is waterproof; insensitive to vibration; and suitable for long-term, unattended operation. General Anal­ ysis Corp. 203 FT-IR. Analect Diamond-20 FT-IR spectrometer system incorporates Windows-based software t h a t pro­ vides symbolic icons, interactive pop­ up menus, and an online help manu­ al. F e a t u r e s include an e x t e r n a l beam port to accommodate accesso­ ries. Laser Precision Analytical 204 Evaporator. N-EVAP-24 is a 24-position high-speed circular evaporator t h a t accepts 10-29-mm o.d. t e s t tubes simultaneously. The system re­ quires only an electrical source and a nitrogen source for evaporation; no vacuum pump is necessary. Organomation Associates 205

Particle size. Fritsch A-20 scanning photo sedimentograph d e t e r m i n e s size distribution for particles ranging from 0.5 to 500 μιη. Changes in the blockage of t r a n s m i t t e d light a r e measured as the particles settle from a sedimentation liquid. Gilson Co. 207 Color. CM-1000 spectrophotometer, designed for the color measurement of a variety of surfaces, includes a keyboard, LCD panel, 256-dot ther­ mal line printer, 3.5-in. floppy disk drive, high-speed data processing cir­ cuitry, and a hand-held measuring head. Minolta 208

Software FT-IR. PC/IR version 3.0 provides IR data manipulation, conversion, and processing. Features include spectral library search, spectral smoothing, and a built-in quantitative analysis program with concentration calcula­ tions of up to 16 components in a sin­ gle sample. Nicolet 209 Data analysis. Spyglass Transform, designed for Macintosh computers, is an interactive visual data analysis program for manipulating and visu­ alizing arrays of floating point num­ bers. The data can be represented as a line graph or as a color, polar, or interpolated image. Spyglass 210

ACS Publications and Services PACTS FACTS. Free booklet de­ scribes the importance of child/adult science programs in a community and provides information on a minigrant program designed to support such projects. 211

472 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. VOL. 63. NO. 8. APRIL 15, 1991

Planning for Graduate Work in Chemistry. Written for undergradu­ ate students considering advanced study in chemistry, this free bro­ chure provides information on gradu­ ate school selection, application, and the admission process. 212 Groundwater. Free pamphlet pre­ sents fundamental information about groundwater and is designed to help citizens evaluate groundwater prob­ lems, construct plans of action, and determine the implications of such action. A list of suggested readings is included. 213

Manufacturers' Literature Rheology. Understanding Rheological Testing: Thermoplastics explains viscoelasticity, modulus, stress, strain, and temperature- and time-depen­ dency of materials. More t h a n 40 graphs and illustrations are includ­ ed. 24 pp. Rheometrics 214 Filtration. Brochure discusses the basics of coalescing filtration, includ­ ing filter performance, design, and efficiency. A guide to filter selection, installation, and maintenance is pro­ vided. 12 pp. Finite Filter Division, Parker Hannifin Corp. 215 LC. Rainin Dynamax Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, features articles on protein fractionation by isoelectric focusing and on purification of oligonucle­ otides by anion-exchange chromatog­ raphy. 8 pp. Rainin Instrument Co. 216 Proteins. Guide describes HPLC col­ umns for protein, peptide, and nucle­ ic acid purification. Applications, typical sample loads, and flow rates are discussed. Bio-Rad Laboratories 217

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