ACS Publications and Services - American Chemical Society

May 30, 2012 - ACS Publications and Services. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 63 (2), pp 76A–77A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00002a733. Publication Date: January 1991...
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Instrumentation Film reader. Autoreader is designed to scan and analyze a DNA sequencing autoradiogram and automatically gen­ erate the corresponding DNA se­ quence. As many as 10 films can be loaded for overnight unattended oper­ ation. Beckman Instruments 201 Centrifuge. Marathon 13K/M micro­ centrifuge features an autoclavable 24place angle rotor for 1.5-mL tubes; maximum speed and centrifugal force of 12 000 rpm and 13 200 X g, respec­ tively; gasketed snap-on rotor lid; and timer. Fisher Scientific 202 Fiber optics. Variable-wavelength fi­ ber-optic module produces light with a spectral resolution of 4 nm over a wave­ length range of 400-800 nm. The mod­ ule consists of a monochromator, 20-W tungsten-halogen source, power sup­ ply, shutter assembly, and a 5-ft fiber cable with monochromator adapter. Optometries 203 Thin films. Integrated processing sys­ tems combine sputtering, ion beam, and ECR techniques in a single cham­ ber. Applications include sputtering and ion beam etching using the plasma stream or extraction beam. Microscience 204

GBC 911A microprocessor-controlled UV-vis spectrophotometer can store as many as 32 spectral scans and 15 operating programs. The system includes a sevenposition carousel and software for multicomponent analysis. GBC Scientific Equip­ ment Pry Ltd. 211

man shifts very close to the Rayleigh line and simultaneous collection of Stokes and anti-Stokes data. Nicolet 207 Vacuum system. Turbo-V60 turbomolecular vacuum pump features a pumping speed of 65 L/s and achieves pressures of 10~10 Torr. The pump and controller are suitable for use with mass spectrometers, scanning electron microscopes, and surface analysis equipment. Varian Associates 208

LC. Amino acid analysis module in­ cludes all hardware, columns, reagents, and eluents needed to convert a com­ mercial HPLC system into an amino acid analyzer. The system works with either ninhydrin or ΟΡΑ postcolumn reaction chemistries. Pickering Labo­ ratories 205

Gases. Gasmaster 4 is a fixed hazard­ ous gas detection system with digital readout and built-in battery backup. Sensors are available for H2S, HCN, Cl 2 , HC1, S 0 2 , HF, Br 2 , N 0 2 , NH 3 , CO, O2, and other toxic or flammable gases. CEA Instruments 209

Detector. RF-551 scanning, time-pro­ grammable fluorescence detector for HPLC includes high-sensitivity optics and a replaceable flow-through cell. Screen functions include display of scanned excitation and emission spec­ tra. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 206


Raman. FT-Raman spectroscopy sys­ tem acquires both FT-Raman and FTIR spectra of the same sample. The fil­ ter system allows measurement of Ra-

Scientific computing. VIEWDAC is a data acquisition, analysis, and graphics software package designed for 32-bit 386- and 486-based PCs. Data can be acquired, graphed, tabulated, manipu­ lated, or created while other applica­ tions are run. Keithley Asyst 210

and display of chromatographic data. Information about the run is displayed in a table that can be exported to word processing or spreadsheet packages. MacScience Solutions 212

ACS Publications and Services ACS Career, Employment, and Pro­ fessional Resources. Designed for high school and college students ex­ ploring career options, or professionals seeking employment or career develop­ ment, this free booklet lists ACS publi­ cations, programs, and services that provide information on career issues. An order form is included. 12 pp. 213 1989 ACS Annual Report. Free publi­ cation describes ACS activities and highlights programs designed to im­ prove chemical and scientific literacy at all educational levels. A membership profile and a treasurer's report are in­ cluded. 32 pp. 214

Companies Interested In a listing In this department should send their releases directly to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Attn:

Chromatography. P E A K S , which runs on Apple Macintosh computers, is designed for the acquisition, analysis,


New Products, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036.

tion of used oils, hydraulics, and fuels. Features, principles of operation, and specifications are discussed. 4 pp. Baird 221 Newsletter. Molecular Biology Reports, No. 9, features articles on DNA sequencing, electroporation of yeast, and pulsed-field electrophoresis. 8 pp. Bio-Rad Laboratories 222


PV9800 energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer features a full ASCII keypad, an LED display with 12 dynamic function keys, and a high-resolution video monitor with up to 16 colors or 256 gray levels. Edax International 215

Manufacturers' Literature Electrochemistry. Electrochemical Instruments News, Vol. 2, No. 2, includes information on a scanning tunneling microscope for electrochemistry, microelectrodes, and PC software. EG&G Princeton Applied Research 216 Optical isomers. Brochure describes the Cyclodex-B GC column for the analysis of optical isomers. Chromatograms of ginger oil, synthetic apple essence, and menthol are included. 8 pp. J & W Scientific 217 Surface analysis. Reflections contains articles on verifying cleaning effectiveness in CFC replacement programs and applications of FT-IR spectroscopy. 8 pp. Surface Science Laboratories 218 Instrumentation. Brochure describes analyzers for total organic carbon; organic halogen; and sulfur, nitrogen, and chlorine. 4 pp. Dohrmann Division, Rosemount Analytical 219 Newsletter. Biomek Bulletin focuses on the Biomek 1000 automated laboratory workstation for DNA sequencing. Included are applications articles, technical support hints, questions and answers, and a new products section. 8 pp. Beckman Instruments 220 Oil. Brochure highlights MOA multielement oil analyzers for characteriza-

Chromatography. Catalog features products for GC and LC, including columns, pumps, detectors, septa, filters, syringes, and vials. Analytical standards and derivatization reagents are also listed. 192 pp. Chrompack 223

Electrochemistry and Biochemistry —a Growing Relationship Although biochemists have long appreciated the value of electrochemical techniques, at EG&G Princeton Applied Research, we're taking the relationship to its next level. With our Model 273 potentiostat, you can now investigate biochemical systems using microelectrodes at low current levels or at high scan rates!

Biotechnology. Catalog highlights products for chromatography, cell culture, separations, electrophoresis, synthesis, and sequencing applications.. 32 pp. Thomas Scientific 224 Laboratory products. Catalog includes instruments, fume hoods, furniture, chemicals, computer systems, and supplies. Products for biotechnology, chromatography, clinical chemistry, and safety are highlighted. 2200 pp. Fisher Scientific 225 Standards. Catalog lists Specpure CLP solution standards, intended for EPA-certified environmental laboratories using GFAAS or ICP analysis in Superfund work. Johnson Matthey 226 Superconductivity. Catalog features products for superconductivity research, including high-purity elements, salts, and superconducting powders. Information is provided on purity, physical properties, handling precautions, and disposal methods. 30 pp. Aldrich 227 Standards. Catalog lists standards and compounds for inorganic spectroscopy. Single- and multielement solution standards for plasma emission spectrometry are included. 32 pp. Spex 228

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Using our Model 270 software, you can measure currents at 8 picoamps—or lower! And there's no need for extra hardware—our software takes the superb technical specifications of the Model 273 to their limits and beyond.

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Circle 36 for literature. Circle 37 for Sales Rep. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 63, NO. 2, JANUARY 15, 1991 • 77 A