ACS Publications and Services

Services. Teaching resources. Free catalog lists curriculum materials and other ... with IBM PCs andcompatible computers ... fying members of a test p...
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Catalysts. TEOM series 1500 pulse m a s s analyzer measures t h e real­ time mass changes of a packed bed of porous catalyst as the bed transforms reactant gases into products. Appli­ cations include absorption/adsorp­ tion studies and desiccant character­ ization. Rupprecht & Patashnick Co. 406

HS 40 static headspace sampler uses a pressure-balanced sampling technique that directly introduces the sample into the column without gas sample loops. Perkin Elmer 401

Instrumentation Titration. Metrohm 702 titrator fea­ tures set point and monotonie titra­ tion modes, a built-in polarizer for amperometric and voltammetric ti­ trations, method storage, and bi­ directional communication via an RS-232C interface. Brinkmann In­ struments 402

Proteins. GE 200 Mighty Fast Gel Eluter, which can be used to elute up to six samples a t one time, features recoveries of 8 0 - 1 0 0 % , a built-in 100-V power supply, and a user-pro­ grammable microprocessor. The sys­ tem does not require dialysis mem­ b r a n e s or h i g h - s a l t - c o n c e n t r a t i o n buffers. Hoefer Scientific I n s t r u ­ ments 407 Microscopy. Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope pro­ vides atomic-resolution imaging and spectroscopy capabilities a t regulated temperatures ranging from 4.6 Κ to room temperature. Applications in­ clude t o p o g r a p h i c a n d electronic characterization of superconductors, metals, and semiconductors. P a r k Scientific Instruments 408

Materials analyzer. MAS1000 is a MeV ion beam materials analyzer that provides stoichiometric, nonde­ structive elemental analysis of mate­ rials surfaces to depths of > 500 nm using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. National Electrostatics Corp. 403

X-ray. X-CEM is an elemental anal­ ysis system for process control in the s m a l l - to m e d i u m - s i z e d c e m e n t plant. Based on an eight-channel si­ multaneous X-ray spectrometer, the system can be used to quantify the key constituents of raw materials, raw mix, or finished cement in 1 min. Philips Electronic Instruments 409

Sodium. Micro AI-9030 sodium monitor provides on-line continuous measurement of sodium ion concen­ tration over five switchable ranges covering 0.01 ppb to 10 ppm. The liq­ uid-handling system features a pumpless design and contains a heat exchanger to equate standard and sample temperatures. Waltron 404

Calorimeter. Model 4285 solution calorimeter, which operates over the range of 1-100 °C, is suitable for batch, incremental, or continuous ti­ tration experiments. Analytical and thermodynamic data can be obtained for almost any liquid-liquid or liq­ uid-solid chemical system. H a r t Sci­ entific 410

Mercury. MCA-90 mercury concen­ trator accessory traps mercury vapor on a specially designed gold collector for a programmable period; concen­ trated mercury is then stripped from the collector during a programmed heating period. Detection limits of 10 pptr can be obtained. Varian 405

Centrifuge. Optima XL-Α analyti­ cal ultracentrifuge includes a highintensity xenon light source, dif­ fraction-grating monochromator, light detector, and a software pack­ age t h a t controls t h e system a n d compiles data. Beckman Instru­ ments 411

686 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 63, NO. 13, JULY 1, 1991

LC. FC 204 fraction collector accom­ modates 176 18-mm tubes, 240 13mm tubes, or 432 10-mm tubes. The unit can be programmed for time, drop, or peak collection; up to 10 col­ lection windows can be defined in any mode. Gilson Medical Electronics 412 Interface. LC-Transform is an FTIR/HPLC interface designed to sepa­ rate the mobile phase from the solute in an HPLC effluent and to collect the resolved solute for FT-IR analy­ sis. The system is compatible with most commercial HPLC and FT-IR systems. ARIES 413 SEM. S-6180 scanning electron mi­ croscope accommodates 4-, 5-, 6-, and 8-in. wafers as well as holdermounted semistandard masks. Fea­ tures include 80-A resolution a t a voltage of 1 kV, a beltless cas­ sette, and an ultraclean, high-speed vacuum system. Hitachi Scientific Instruments 414

ACS Publications and Services T e a c h i n g resources. Free catalog lists curriculum materials and other s u p p l e m e n t a r y publications avail­ able from the ACS Division of Educa­ tion. Posters, bumper stickers, and magazines suitable for use with ele­ mentary and high school students are described. 16 pp. 415 Chemical Risk: A Primer. Written as an introduction to risk determina­ tion, this free information pamphlet p r e s e n t s t h e scientific issues i n ­ volved in determination of health r i s k s r e s u l t i n g from exposure to chemicals. It also discusses public perceptions of risk and the use of risk assessment in public policy decisions. 12 pp. 416

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alyzer. Sensitivity, reaction chemis­ tries, and applications are discussed. 12 pp. Hewlett-Packard 423 Peptides. Application note DS-786 discusses the separation of α-, β-, and γ-endorphins and their des-Tyr fragments by capillary electropho­ resis. Beckman Instruments 424

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Spectrovac 2000 is a 1-tn vacuum spectrometer designed for ferrous and nonferrous metals analysis. Precision of 0.5% RSD is typical for elements with concentrations >1%. Baird 417

1990 ACS Annual Report. Free publication describes ACS activities and programs supporting the science and profession of chemistry. A mem­ bership profile and a treasurer's re­ port are included. 32 pp. 418 Chemistry Teacher Education. Free booklet includes basic guide­ lines for the preparation and con­ tinuing education of high school chemistry teachers and recommen­ dations for mechanisms of implemen­ tation. 16 pp. 419

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Chromatography. Pyramid Chro­ matography Manager is a userconfigurable data acquisition and analysis system that provides multi­ tasking capabilities, full GLP compli­ ance, and direct control of most HPLC and GC components or sys­ tems. Axxiom Chromatography 420


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Chemicals. EMCIS, designed for use with IBM PCs and compatible computers, provides cross-referenced regulatory, storage, disposal, MSDS, worker safety, and emergency re­ sponse information for more than 4000 chemical products. Data on physical and chemical properties are included. EM Science 421 Statistics. Interactive Cluster Anal­ ysis (ICA) is a generic tool for classi­ fying members of a test population using nonhierarchical clustering analysis techniques. The software handles up to 25 attributes and 1000 cases. Dynacomp 422

Manufacturers' Literature Amino acid analysis. Brochure de­ scribes amino acid analysis using the AminoQuant Series II amino acid an­

688 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 63, NO. 13, JULY 1, 1991

Chromatography. Retention Times, Vol. 14, No. 1, includes information on GC instrumentation, cholesterol analysis, and purge-and-trap con­ centrators. 4 pp. Tremetrics 425

Catalogs Instrumentation. Catalog features instruments for spectroscopy, chro­ matography, environmental analysis, and testing and measurement. Spec­ ifications and technical data are pro­ vided. 32 pp. Shimadzu 426 Laboratory equipment. Catalog lists immersion circulators; heating, refrigerated, and programmable baths; circulation systems; tempera­ ture cyclers; biological stirrers; and density gradient columns. 20 pp. Techne 427 Water analysis. Catalog features instruments, probes, and accessories for wastewater analysis and for field monitoring of groundwater and sur­ face water. 12 pp. YSI 428 Biomedical research. Catalog in­ cludes diagnostics, chromatography and electrophoresis equipment, monomers and polymers, and micros­ copy accessories. Polysciences 429 Isotopes. Catalog features enriched stable isotopes and stable-isotopelabeled compounds, including isotopic gas mixtures, NMR solvents, and deuterium-, 13C-, 15N-, and 1 8 0 labeled compounds. 80 pp. Isotec 430 Separations. Catalog includes elec­ trophoresis equipment, microscopes, centrifuges, forensic microtubes, fil­ ters, balances, and fume hoods. 32 pp. Whatman LabSales 431

For more information on instrumen­ tation and software products, and/or to obtain the free available informa­ tion on other listed items, please cir­ cle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards.