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to scan TLCplates using a CCD video camera and ... the cabinet and sends a signal to the digitizer in the CPU module. .... book describes current fede...
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PRODUCTS tion pump, collect data from up to four detector signals, and analyze data using up to four sets of analysis p a r a m e t e r s for each method. The software runs under Microsoft Win­ dows, Version 2.11 or 3.0. Gilson Medical Electronics 423

ACS Publications and Services

UNISCAN video densitometer is designed to scan TLC plates using a CCD video camera and an IBM-compatible computer. The video camera focuses on the TLC plate inside the cabinet and sends a signal to the digitizer in the CPU module. Analtech 415

Camera. MC 80 35-mm microscope camera features a v i b r a t i o n - f r e e shutter, 100% light-to-film measure­ ment, and a 2.5x projection lens for direct high-contrast imaging onto film. The camera accommodates 2 5 6400 ASA film and offers auto expo­ sure with 35% center-weighted me­ tering. Exposure time ranges from V125 to 250 s in auto mode and ex­ tends to 4000 s in manual mode. Carl Zeiss, Inc. 416 H 2 S a n a l y z e r . Model 825RD/102 analyzer measures H 2 S in the ppb, ppm, or percent range in < 3 min. Designed for portable or continuous stream monitoring in the laboratory, field, or plant, the analyzer is based on ASTM-approved methods D-4085 and D-4045. The system can be used to determine H 2 S levels in coke oven gas, well logging areas, and geothermal applications. Houston Atlas 417 M i c r o w a v e p r e p a r a t i o n . MDS2000 microwave system p r e p a r e s samples for atomic absorption and emission spectroscopic a n a l y s i s . Menu-driven programming can be used to regulate the microwave pow­ er, run time, pressure control set point, and run time at the control point for each sample. Twenty or more multistep sample programs can be stored and printed. CEM Corp. 418 Monochromator. Model VM-504 is a 0.39-m focal length automated tri­ ple-grating vacuum monochromator capable of scanning from 115 nm to 84 μπι. Accessories include light

sources, detectors, data acquisition software and electronics, and vac­ u u m pumping systems. Acton Re­ search Corp. 419 RIA. Q C - G a m m a , a s i n g l e - w e l l gamma counter, features a built-in data processor and graphics printer, > 75% counting efficiency for 1 2 5 I, and dual isotope counting for 1 2 5 I and 5 7 Co. Real-time assay results are generated by 11 preprogrammed RIA data reduction methods, includ­ ing logit-log and point-to-point lin­ ear and log. Bioscan 420

Software Graphics. SigmaPlot 4.1 can be used to create publication-quality charts and graphs and is designed for use with IBM and compatible PCs. Fea­ tures include a reduction in required memory size, increased font and out­ put support, drop-down menus, userdefined default options, an informa­ tion status bar, additional curve-fit files, and improved documentation. Jandel Scientific 421 Statistics. MINITAB is an interac­ tive software system for organizing and analyzing data and reporting statistical results. More t h a n 180 commands analyze data in a row-by column worksheet. The software is designed for IBM PCs and compati­ ble computers as well as most main­ frame computers. Minitab Inc. 422 HPLC. 715 HPLC system software can control up to four elution pumps or three elution pumps and one injec­


Project Seed. Pamphlet describes career development activity for eco­ nomically disadvantaged high school students. Students work for 10 weeks during the summer in research labo­ ratories under the supervision of a researcher, earning a stipend and participating in research. Informa­ tion regarding selection of participat­ ing i n s t i t u t i o n s a n d s t u d e n t s is given. 424 Issues in Peer Review of the Sci­ entific Basis for Regulatory Deci­ sions. Booklet presents issues to be considered in the development of guidelines for peer review in the reg­ ulatory process. A suggested reading list is included. 31 pp. 425 The Waste Management Manual for Laboratory Personnel. Hand­ book describes current federal regu­ lations regarding proper m a n a g e ­ ment of laboratory chemical wastes, the complexities of compliance, and possible solutions. Appendices in­ clude guidelines for the identification of hazardous wastes and segregation of wastes for DOT shipment, exam­ ples of p o t e n t i a l l y i n c o m p a t i b l e wastes, and further resources. 426

Manufacturers' Literature Software. Brochure describes LabWindows 2.0 software, which can be used by QuickBASIC a n d C pro­ grammers for data acquisition, in­ strument control, and data analysis applications. The User Interface Li­ brary, which is designed to create and control graphic user interfaces for application programs, is high­ lighted. 8 pp. National Instruments 427

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