ACS Short Courses - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Jan 19, 1970 - To register or obtain complete information on the courses, convenient lodging, and student discounts, please write to Education Office,...
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ACS Short Courses MORE APRIL SESSIONS T h e following t w o A C S Short Courses c o m p l e t e t h e s c h e d u l i n g for April 1970. Six other April sessions w e r e a n n o u n c e d in t h e Jan. 1 2 C & E N ( p a g e 5 3 ) a n d a r e inc l u d e d in t h e Short Courses c a l e n d a r b e l o w . T o register or o b t a i n c o m p l e t e information o n t h e

courses, c o n v e n i e n t lodging, a n d s t u d e n t discounts, please w r i t e t o E d u c a t i o n Office, A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society, 1 1 5 5 - 1 6 t h St., N . W . , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 3 6 . During t h e t w o - w e e k p e r i o d prior t o a course, registration should b e m a d e b y t e l e p h o n e : area c o d e 2 0 2 , 7 3 7 - 3 3 3 7 ext. 2 5 8 .



Polymer Chemistry—April 6 - 8 . Dr. John K. Stille and Dr. Michael E. Freeburger; fee $90. This course provides an introduction to polymer chemistry for organic chemists. Major emphasis is on methods of preparation, mechanisms, and kinetics. Detailed consideration is given to conformations and chain dimension, as well as configurations, tacticity, and order. Other topics, such as structure-property relationships, are given survey coverage. While the course is primarily theoretical, techniques and applied aspects are included. A knowledge of basic organic and physical chemistry is sufficient background.

Applied Economics for Chemists and Chemical Engineers—April 2 3 - 2 5 . Dr. Lewis E. Lloyd; fee $ 1 0 5 ; sponsor, Chicago Section. This course is designed to assist the chemist or chemical engineer to relate more effectively to his job, his employer, and society. Discussions of production and entrepreneurship, including the contribution of tools and automation, will point the way to more effective project selection and resource utilization. Analyses of money, credit, and inflation will give a practical basis for understanding the business cycle and its impact on the company. The presentation will be in lay language and no formal training in economics is required.

ACS SHORT COURSES Chemical Microscopy; John A. Reffner Washington, D.C. Jan. 22-24 Gas Chromatography; Harold M. McNair and James M. Miller New York City Jan. 23-24 Column Selection in Gas Chromatography; Harold M. McNair, Walter R. Supina, and Leslie S. Ettre New York City Jan. 25 Thermal Methods of Analysis; Wesley W. Wendlandt, Ilya M. Sarasohn, and E d w a r d L. Simons or Arthur E. Newkirk New York City Feb. 5 - 7 Gas Chromatography; Roy A. Keller Midland, Mich. Feb. 6-7 The Small Computer in the Chemical Laboratory; Raymond E . Dessy and David G. Larsen (New course ) New York City area Feb. 28-March 1 Gel Permeation Chromatography; Jack Cazes Cleveland, Ohio Feb. 28-March 1 Modern Organic Synthesis; Barry M. Trost and Edwin Vedejs Philadelphia, Pa. March 6-7 Optical Rotatory Dispersion a n d Circular Dichroism in Coordination Compounds; Stanley Kirschner and Bodie E. Douglas New York City March 13-14 Organic Photochemistry; Howard E. Zimmerman a n d John S. Swenton Washington, D.C. March 20-21 38 C&EN JAN. 19, 1970

Acids, Bases, and Nonaqueous Solvents; Russell S. Drago ( N e w course ) Hoboken, N.J. March 22-23 Crystalline High Polymers; Bernhard Wunderlich ( New course ) Newark, Del. March 30-31

Newly scheduled Emulsions and Dispersions; Sydney Ross a n d Frederick M. Fowkes Akron, Ohio April 2-4 Modern Organic Synthesis; Barry M. Trost and Edwin Vedejs Rochester, N.Y. April 3 - 4 Gas Chromatography; Harold M. McNair and W. E. Baitinger Pittsburgh, Pa. April 3 - 4 Column Selection in Gas Chromatography; Harold M. McNair and Walter R. Supina Pittsburgh, Pa. April 5 The Small Computer in the Chemical Laboratory; Raymond E. Dessy and David G. Larsen Berkeley, Calif. April 17-18 Gas Chromatography; Roy A. Keller and Michael F. Burke Memphis, Tenn. April 24-25

159th ACS National Meeting Houston Polymer Chemistry; John K. Stille and Michael E. Freeburger (New course) Feb. 20-22 Intermediate NMR Spectroscopy; Joseph B. Lambert and Gerhard Binsch Feb. 26-27

MEN & MOLECULES A radio series presented by the American Chemical Society Released Jan. 23

The M o o n : A V i e w from Houston Participants from the First Lunar Science Conference See "Men and Molecules" listings beginning on page 54 of C&EN, Sept. 8, 1969, for stations broadcasting in your area. Each week C&EN announces here the "Men and Molecules" program to be released the following Friday. Call your local station to find out when specific programs you are interested in will be broadcast.

1970 CALENDAR C&EN will publish its calendar of events in the Feb. 2 issue as a center insert. It will cover all events of interest to chemists and those in allied professions for the entire year, listing place, date, sponsor, and contact.