ACS Short Courses-early fall sessions Course
Free Radicals; Dr. William A. Pryor and Dr. Michael G. Griffith; two days; tuition $45.
Dayton, Ohio
Sept. 5-6 (Thursday and Friday)
Dayton Section
Required texts W. A. Pryor, "Free Radicals," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966, $12 W. A. Pryor, "Solutions Manual," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966, $1.50 Content
The course will develop the mechanistic framework for organizing and understanding free radical reactions. The following topics will be covered: radical reaction types; chain reactions; the chemistry of initiators; atom transfer reactions and radical reactivity; halogenations; addition reactions, telomerization and vinyl polymerization. This course is designed for industrial chemists, college teachers, and graduate students who have had little formal instruction in the area of radical chemistry. The only prerequisite is undergraduate preparation in organic chemistry and some familiarity with the basic methods of kinetics.
Coordination Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis; Dr. Jack Halpern; two days; no textbook required; tuition $55.
Greenwich, Conn.
Sept. 27-28 (Friday and Saturday)
Western Connecticut Section
This course deals with recent developments in coordination chemistry, particularly those relating to bonding of transition metal compounds. It also covers organometallic and related compounds; catalytic activation of hydrogen and other saturated molecules; addition reactions of unsaturated compounds catalyzed by transition metal compounds; and oxidation-reduction and related processes. The level will be that of a university graduate course. Any recent B.A. in chemistry or any Ph.D., recent or not, should have sufficient background for this course.
Oxidation Reactions in Organic Chemistry; Dr. Ross Stewart, Dr. P. N. Henry, and Dr. R. E. Temple, two days; tuition $50.
Institute, W.Va.
Sept. 6-7 (Friday and Saturday)
Kanawha Valley Section
Required text Content
R. Stewart, "Oxidation Mechanisms: Application to Organic Chemistry," W. A. Benjamin, New York, 1964, $10.50 The course deals with the modes of oxidation of organic compounds by various reagents. The mechanisms of these processes are considered in terms of transfer of electrons, hydrogen atoms, hydride ions, oxygen atoms, and other species. The effects of structural variation in the substrate and variations in reaction conditions on rate and course of reaction are considered in terms of these mechanisms. A reasonable background for this course is an understanding of the common reaction mechanisms of organic chemistry—the sort of material that chemistry majors now get in their undergraduate education.
Complete information about each course, about housing near the course sites, and about discounts for full-time students may be obtained by using the coupon below. There is no deadline for registration—applications are accepted as long as there is room in each session, including the period after the cancellation deadline. Early enrollment is strongly encouraged, however, to allow sufficent time for precourse study.
ACS Short Courses are open to all—it is not necessary to be a member of the local section or an ACS member. A person requiring employer authorization may enroll without payment. However, if he then does not receive authorization, he must cancel before the cancellation deadline or else be personally responsible for payment of the fee. Education Office American Chemical Society 1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Please send me information on the indicated course(s): Free Radicals;
Homogeneous Catalysis;
Oxidation Reactions;
Dayton, Ohio
Greenwich, Conn.
Institute, W.Va.
Please enroll me in the indicated course(s): Free Radicals, Dayton, Sept. 5-6; cancellation deadline Aug. 22 registration only, $45 registration plus text—"Free Radicals," $57 registration plus text—"Solutions Manual," $46.50 registration plus both texts, $58.50 Homogeneous Catalysis, Greenwich, Sept. 27-28; cancellation deadline Sept. 13 registration, $55 Oxidation Reactions, Institute, Sept. 6-7; cancellation deadline Aug. 23 registration only, $50 registration plus text, $60.50 86 C&EN JUNE 10, 1968