ACS Short Courses—spring sessions

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A C S Short Courses—spring sessions Course:

PHOTOCHEMISTRY; Dr. Howard E. Zimmerman in charge; length 2 days; required text: J. G. Calvert and J. N. Pitts, Jr., "Photochemistry," Wiley, New York, 1966

Where When Host:

Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. May 22-23 ACS Minnesota Section


Modern organic and physical photochemistry, including descriptive, quantitative, and mechanistic aspects. Molecular orbital theory will be presented as needed. Experimental techniques with emphasis on the smaller organic molecules.


CHEMICAL BONDING IN ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS; Dr. Robert West and Dr. Paul M. Treichel in charge; length 3 days; no textbook required

Where When Host:

Pittsburgh, Pa. May 24-26 ACS Pittsburgh Section Midland, Mich. June 5-7 ACS Midland Section


On the level of a first-year graduate course. Familiarity with elementary chemical bonding theory as taught in senior level inorganic chemistry will be assumed. The course is designed for industrial and academic chemists with an interest, but no formal training, in organometallic chemistry.



Where When Host:

Beacon, N.Y. June 8-9 ACS Mid-Hudson Section


Recent developments in coordinative chemistry, notably those relating to structure and bonding of transition metal compounds. Organometallic and related compounds. Catalytic activation of hydrogen and other saturated molecules. Addition reactions of unsaturated compounds catalyzed by transition metal compounds. Oxidation-reduction and related processes.


Complete information about each of the courses, as well as information about housing near the course sites, may be obtained by using the coupon below.

Dr. Jack Halpern in charge; length 2 days; no text-

There is no deadline for registration—applications are accepted as long as there is room in the courses, including the period after the May 12 cancellation deadline. Early enrollment is strongly encouraged, however, to allow sufficient time for precourse study. The courses are open to all—it is not necessary to be a member of the local section or an ACS member. A person requiring employer authorization should enroll without payment. However, if he then does not receive authorization he must cancel before May 12 or else be personally responsible for payment of the fee.

Education Office American Chemical Society 1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Please send information about



_Hom. Cat.

Please enroll me as indicated, with the understanding that there will be no cancellations or refunds after May 12: Photochemistry, Twin Cities, May 22-23; registration only, $35 Photochemistry; registration plus textbook, $53 Organometallics, Pittsburgh, May 24-26; fee, $50 Organometallics, Midland, June 5-7; fee, $50 Catalysis, Beacon, June 8-9; fee, $35 Payment: is enclosed (check or purchase


please send invoice. will be sent when I receive authorization to attend. In the event that I do not receive such authorization, I am still personally responsible for payment of the fee unless I send my cancellation to the ACS Education Office, Washington, before May 12. All correspondence should be addressed to (please print or type): Name Address_ City, state, ZIP Employer (for information only)_

62 C&EN FEB. 20, 1967
