ACS Software - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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• Chromatography Data Handling. March 9-10. Glenn Ouchi • Advanced Analytical Laboratory Management Workshop. March 910. John H. Taylor, Jr., and Mary Routson

Call for Papers • Symposium on Electrochemistry in Microheterogeneous Fluids at the 202nd ACS National Meeting, New York, NY. Aug. 25-30. The symposium will focus on fundamental and applied aspects of electrochemistry in micellar solutions, microemulsions, emulsions, latexes, and dispersions of solids in liq­ uids. Suitable paper topics include electrosynthesis, electrocatalysis, electroactive solute distribution and trans­ port, interphase transport kinetics, re­ dox and electron transfer phenomena in colloidal semiconductors, metal col­ loid formation, particle sizing, particle diffusion, and micelle-assisted electroanalytical methods. Prospective au­ thors should submit titles and 200300-word abstracts on ACS abstract

forms to John Texter, Photographic Research Laboratories, Eastman Ko­ dak Co., Rochester, NY 14650 (716477-3019) or Ray Mackay, Detector Technical Division, Chemical Research and Development Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010 (301-6715532). The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 31. • IUPAC International Congress on Analytical Sciences. MakuhariMesse, Chiba, Japan. Aug. 25-31. Oral and poster presentations are solicited in the following areas: separation sci­ ences; chemical speciation and charac­ terization; new principles, reactions, and techniques; chemometrics and ro­ botics; biochemical/biomedical and en­ vironmental applications; and hightech materials. Information on the sub­ mission of abstracts is available from the Japan Society for Analytical Chem­ istry, 1-26-2, Nishigotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo 141, Japan. Abstracts are due by March 31. • 8th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sept. 15-20. The program will cover all as­ pects of secondary ion mass spectrome­

try, including fundamentals of sputter­ ing and ion formation, quantification, instrumentation, surface studies/static SIMS, organic SIMS/polymers, depth profiling, imaging, post-ionization of sputtered neutrals, SIMS-related tech­ niques, SIMS combined with comple­ mentary techniques, and applications. Abstract forms, due by March 1, are available from K.T.F. Janssen, Philips Research Laboratories (WY-4), P.O. Box 80.000, NL-5600 JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands • Joint Meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spec­ troscopy Societies (FACSS) and the Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Anaheim, CA. Oct. 6-11. Contributed papers are solicited in all areas of analytical chemistry, in­ cluding atomic and molecular spectros­ copy, chromatography, laser spectros­ copy, MS, NMR, process analysis, computers and software, environmen­ tal analysis, biotechnology, and phar­ maceutical and clinical analysis. Pre­ liminary 100-word briefs and title sub­ mission forms should be submitted by March 25 to FACSS, P.O. Box 278, Manhattan, KS 66502 (301-846-4797).

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