ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Appoints New Associate

Jul 2, 2018 - The University of Texas at Austin, United States. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. , 2018, 6 (7), pp 8063–8063. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng...
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Editorial Cite This: ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 8063−8063

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Appoints New Associate Editors Gathergood, Gong, Meier, and Qiu ver the past year, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering has continued to grow in depth and scope. To support this progress, we have appointed four new Associate Editors to expand our editorial team’s global reach and expertise. Nicholas Gathergood of Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) adds depth in ionic liquids, biodegradation, homogeneous catalysis and medicinal chemistry. Jinlong Gong of Tianjin University (China) adds to our depth in heterogeneous catalysis, photoelectrochemistry, and sustainable synthesis of materials. Michael Meier of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) adds breadth to our editorial team in polymers and sustainable materials. Jieshan Qiu of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China) deepens our expertise in supercapacitors, batteries, and nanofunctional materials. These appointments bring the ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering team to 13 editors, all active researchers, working in eight different countries. Over 75% of the editors work outside the United States, indicative of the journal’s commitment to broadly represent the global sustainability community. We appreciate the continued support of our readers, authors, and referees, as evidenced by growing journal usage and manuscript submissions. In addition to growing our team of editors to help ensure prompt manuscript processing, we created two Executive Editor positions to directly support the strategic and operational efforts of the Editor-in-Chief’s office. Peter Licence (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) and Bala Subramaniam (The University of Kansas, United States) became our inaugural Executive Editors in April 2018. I am grateful to the American Chemical Society for continuing to provide the resources necessary to allow the journal to grow, serving our dynamic research community. Finally, we are pleased to report that Clarivate Analytics announced the 2017 Journal Impact Factor for ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering as 6.14, continuing the journal’s record of increasing impact factors. We thank our many worldwide authors and reviewers for their valuable contributions toward creating a high quality publishing process. We also thank members of the editorial staff, the Early Career Board, and the Editorial Advisory Board for their continued guidance and support of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

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David T. Allen, Editor-in-Chief

The University of Texas at Austin, United States



David T. Allen: 0000-0001-6646-8755 Notes

Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS. Received: June 19, 2018 Published: July 2, 2018 © 2018 American Chemical Society


DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b02899 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6, 8063−8063