Action of Petroleum-Refining Agents on Pure Organic Sulfur

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Vol. 16, No. 11

Action of Petroleum-Refining Agents on Pure Organic Sulfur Compounds Dissolved in Naphtha'.z By A. E. Wood with A. Lowy and W. F. Faragher UNIVERSITY OR PITTSBURGH, PITTSBURGH, PA.

LL crude petroleum contains sulfur in amounts varying from traces to more than 4 per cent. Free sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, alkyl sulfides, mercaptans, thiophenes, thiophanes, and carbon disulfide have been reported by various investigators in certain pktroleum distillates and residues. Sulfonic acids and alkyl sulfates are sometimes present in acid-refined distillates. Beyond certain limits, the presence of sulfur is regarded as objectionable in refined petroleum products. Certain types of sulfur compounds, because of unpleasant odor, instability, or corrosive action, are objectionable even in traces. This is particularly true of sulfur compounds found in gasoline and kerosene. This investigation represents a quantitative study of the effect of sulfuric acid, sodium plumbite, copper oxide, sodium hypochlorite, and aluminium chloride on naphtha solutions of mercaptans, alkyl sulfides, alkyl disulfides, and thiophene, and some qualitative observations on naphtha solutions of hydrogen sulfide, free sulfur, carbon disulfide, sulfoxides, and sulfones.



All materials were the purest obtainable. The naphtha used in this investigation was prepared by drastically treating Tur-min-tin with concentrated sulfuric acid. The treated and thoroughly washed naphtha had the following properties : Color, water white Acidity, none Halogens, none Sulfur none Specific gravity, 0.768 at 21' C. Flash point, 42" C. 4 47 with 0 0654 gram naphtha Iodine number 3 00 wlth 0 1525 gram naphtha 2 90 with 0 2096 gram naphtha Initial boiling point, 154' C. Dry point, 235' C .

consisted essentially of a wooden wheel, 15 inches in diameter, provided with holders for sixteen 3-ounce bottles and mounted so as to rotate in a vertical plane. The wheel was rotated by a small motor and geared so as to make 40 revolutions per minute. I n carrying out an experiment, 50 cc. of the stock solution of the sulfur compound and a weighed or measured amount of the refining agent were placed in a 3-ounce bottle and securely stoppered with a cork covered with lead foil. The wheel was then rotated for any specified length of time. The desulfurizing effect of the refining agent was determined from the sulfur content of the naphtha solution before and after treatment. Duplicate and in many cases triplicate determinations were made. DETERMINATION OF EVOLVED SULFURDIoxIDE-Five gaswashing bottles of the Drechel type were arranged in series and provided with materials as follows: Bottle 1 50 cc. of 20% NaOH solution Bottle 2 50 cc. of concentrated H&Oa Bottle 3 15 cc. of concentrated HzSOa and a specified weight of t h e sulfur compound A measured volume of standard NazCOs solution


Air was drawn through the apparatus for a specified time, the evolved sulfur dioxide being absorbed by the sodium carbonate solution. The amount of sulfur dioxide was estimated by titrating the excess of sodium carbonate with standard hydrochloric acid using methyl orange as an indicator. This particular method was adopted because it simulated the lamp method for determining sulfur. This was desirable for purposes of comparison.


Using this naphtha as the solvent, the following stock solutions were prepared : STOCK SOLUTION A B C D


Isoamyl mercaptan n-Amyl mercaptan --Butyl sulfide Ethyl disulfide Thiophene

Sulfur Per cent 0 71 0 41 1 01 0.61 1.08

Petroleum ether was purified by treating with concentrated sulfuric acid and distilling and collecting the washed material up to 65" C. The doctor solution was prepared according to directions in Technical Paper 298, U. S . Bureau of Mines. The sodium hypochlorite solution contained 5.25 per cent available chlorine. The sulfuric acid had a specific gravity of 1.84. GENERALMETHODS DETERMINATION OF SuLFuR-This was made by the lamp method. DETERMINATION OF RELATIVE DESULFURIZING EFFECTOF THE VARIOUS AGENTs;-This was carried on in a closed system with a specially constructed apparatus. The apparatus Presented before t h e Division of Petroleum Chemistry a t the 68th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Ithaca, N. Y., September 8 t o 13, 1924. 8 A condensed report of a thesis by A. E Wood presented on July 15, 1924, t o the Graduate School, University of Ptttsburgh, in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

EFFECT OF SULFURIC ACID I n all experiments involving the use of t h e previously described closed system, each cubic centimeter of sulfuric acid used corresponds approximately to a 5 per cent treatment by weight, The naphtha recovered from the acid treatment was always washed to the neutral point with a 1 per cent solution of sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indicator. ON MERCAPTANS-DeSUlfUrixing Effect. Using Stock SOlUtion A in the previously described closed system the following results were obtained: Sulfur in


t r. ea.t. d -

No. 1 2 3 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

HzSOa cc. 2 2 2 2 4 4

Time Hours 1 2 3 4

naphtha Average per cent 0.93

0.96 0.98 0.98 0.85


0.83 0.85 0.65 0.74 0.64 0.53 0.42


4 6

8 10


DOCTORTEST Positive Negative Negative Neaative Negative Negative, Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative

The foregoing experiment was repeated using Stock Solution B and the following results were obtained:



HzSOa cc.

Time Hours

Sulfur in treated naphtha Per cent




November, 1924

Proof of Formation of DisulJide. In 1861, Erlenmeyer3 called attention to the fact that coscentrated sulfuric acid oxidized mercaptans to the corresponding disulfides. I n order to determine whether a similar reaction would take place in a naphtha solution, the following experiment was performed. Five cubic centimeters of isobutyl mercaptan (boiling point 88' C.) were dissolved in petroleum ether (end point 65' C.) and shaken in an open Kjeldahl flask with 25 cc. of sulfuric acid until the ether solution reacted negatively to the doctor test. The shaking was discontinued and the ether solution decanted before the sulfuric acid had time completely to dissolve the newly formed sulfur compound. The washed ether solution was evaporated on a steam bath and the boiling point of the recovered residue determined, and found to be 220" C., which corresponds to the diisobutyl disulfide. Determanation of Evolved Sulfur Dioxide. For this purpose 50 cc. of Stock Solution A were treated with 15 cc. of sulfuric acid and the evolved sulfur dioxide was measured hourly for a period of 10 hours by the method previously described. A blank containing 50 cc. of naphtha and 15 cc. of sulfuric acid was carried on a t the same time. The following results were obtained:




nn.. Stock

Time Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Solution A c c. 55.29 56.76 41.22 7.50 6.55 5.20 ' 5.30 5.20 5.10 5.00

For blank cc. 3.30 3.00 2.93 2.45 2.25 2.20 2.20 2.22 2.20 2.10

Net cc. 61.99 53,76 38.29 5.05 4.30 3.00 3.10 2.98 2.90 2.90

Calculated equivalent weight sulfur Gram 0.0520 0.0537 0.03383 0,0050 0.0043 0.0030 0.0031 0.0030 0.0029 0,0029

The results of the first experiment on the effect of sulfuric acid on naphtha solutions of mercaptans show an increase in the sulfur content when small amounts of sulfuric acid are used. It is also noted that to remove mercaptans completely a relatively large amount of sulfuric acid is necessary. Thus, Stock Solution A containing 0.71 per cent of sulfur contains 0.93 per cent of sulfur after a 1-hour treatment with 2 cc. of sulfuric acid. The cause of this increase was not determined. It was apparently not due to any reaction between the acid and the naphtha, since no increase in sulfur content was noted with naphtha solutions of any of the other sulfur compounds studied. This increase may have been due to the alkyl acid thiosulfate or the alkyl dithiosulfate shown in the first and second reactions given below, since the amount of sulfuric acid present was not sufficient to transform the mercaptan completely to the disulfide. H O

RSH+ R S H 4-





'SO, = H O/


'>SO, HO


RS =



4- HzO


4- HzO

+ so2

Jahresber. Fovtschvilte C h e m . , 1861, 590.

sulfur dioxide in the early stages of the last experiment listed above. The small evolution of sulfur dioxide in the latter stages of this experiment is due to the slow oxidation effect of the sulfuric acid on the disulfide as explained later. ON ALKYLSULFIDES-Desulfurizing Effect. This experiment was carried out a t room temperature (21' C.) using Stock Solution C in the manner previously described. t

No. 1 2 3

HzS04 Cc. 1

2 4

Time Hours 1 1


Sulfur in treated naphtha Per cent 0.69 0.29 0.07

DOCTOR TEST Negative Negative Negative

Estimation of Evolved Sulfur Dioxide. This experiment was carried out in the manner previously described for this purpose using 50 cc. of Stock Solution C and 15 cc. of sulfuric acid. A blank was run at the same time. At room temperature (21' C.) the net oxidation in 3 hours was 0.52 per cent, or 0.17 per cent per hour. At 60' to 65" C. the net oxidation in 3 hours was 0.59 per cent, or 0.19 per hour. These results show that the alkyl sulfides are relatively very soluble in sulfuric acid. Thus, a 20 per cent (4 cc.) treatment of sulfuric acid reduced the sulfur content of Stock Solution C from 1.01to 0.07 per cent in 1 hour. It is also noted that the oxidation changes are insignificant. This is in striking contrast to the mercaptans, where the evolution of sulfur dioxide was pronounced. Similar results were obtained with a naphtha solution of isobutyl sulfide. ON ALKYLDISULFIDES-Desulfurixing E,fect. This experiment was carried out a t room temperature (21' C.) using Stock Solution D in the manner previously described for this purpose.

No. 1

HnSO4 c c. 2

Time Hours 1

Sulfur in treated naphtha Average per cent 0.37

DOCTOR TEST Negative Negative Negative Negative

Estimation of Evolved Sulfur Dioxide. This experiment was carried out a t room temperature using Stock Solution D in the manner previously described for this purpose. A blank was run a t the same time. The net oxidation in 3 hours was 8.29 per cent, or 2.76 per cent per hour. Experiments with dipropyl disulfide gave similar results. These results indicate that the alkyl disulfides, although quite soluble in sulfuric acid, are relatively less so than the alkyl sulfides. Thus, a 20 per cent (4 cc.) treatment of sulfuric acid reduced the sulfur content of Stock Solution D from 0.61 to 0.10 per cent in 1 hour. It is also noted that they are somewhat more reactive with sulfuric acid, but that the oxidation changes are sufficiently small as to be of little importance in practical refining operations. ON THIoPHENE--Desulfurizing Effect. By this method, previously described for this purpose, the following results were obtained a t room temperature using Stock Solution E.


As the amount of sulfuric acid was increased, there was a corresponding decrease in the sulfur content. A 40 per cent (8 cc.) treatment of sulfuric acid reduced the sulfur content of Stock Solution B from 0.41 to 0.07 per cent in 1 hour. ' The large amount of sulfuric acid required is due to the oxidation of the mercaptan to the disulfide, as shown in the equation above. In this form it is finally removed from the naphtha. The reactions also explain the rather copious evolution of 8



HzSO, c c.

1 2


3 4 5

2 4 4 6

Time Hours 1 2 1



Sulfur in treated naphtha Per cent 0.63 0.63 0.33 0.22 0.02

DOCTOR TEST Negative Negative Negative Negative

Oxidation Effect. This experiment was carried out in the manner previously described for this purpose, using 50 cc. of Stock Solution E and 15 cc. of sulfuric acid. A blank determination was made a t the same time. At room temperature the net oxidation in 6 hours was 1.30 p w cent, or 0.21 per cent per hour.



Sensitiveness of the Indophenine Reaction. Thiophene was clearly detected in a naphtha solution of thiophene containing 1part of thiophene to 1000 parts of naphtha by weight. I n 1885 Victor Meyer4 called attention to the fact that sulfuric acid converts thiophene into soluble thiopheaesulfonic acid. These results indicate that the principal action of sulfuric acid on thiophene lies in the solubility of the thiophenesiilfonic acid and that oxidation or other changes are of minor importance. Its solubility is relatively about the same as the disulfide. ON HYDROGEN SULFIDE-Jvhen sulfuric acid is added to a naphtha solution of hydrogen sulfide, heat is generated and sulfur dioxide is evolved. The acid converts the hydrogen sulfide to water and sulfur according to the following wellknown reaction. HO

+ HO/' S O ,

S/H \H


S + 2H20

+ SO2

ON THE SCLFOXIDES-sulfuric acid has no effect other than solubility on naphtha solutions of butyl or phenyl sulfoxides. There is no generation of heat and no evolution of sulfur dioxide. This is to be expected since sulfuric acid is not an especially strong oxidizing agent. ON THE ScLFoms-Sulfuric acid dissolves butyl sulfone but otherwise has no effect. ON CARBON DISULFIDE-Carbon disulfide is very slightly soluble in sulfuric acid and is in that respect strikingly different from the other compounds of sulfur studied. ~


ON MERCAPTANS-DeSUlfUTiZing E$ect. This experiment was carried out in the closed system previously described using Stock Solution A. In each case the mercaptan doctor solution was shaken for 1 hour. The sulfur was then added and the shaking continued for another hour. The following results were obtained: NO.

Doctor solution cc



2 3





Added sulfur Gram 0.1366 0.1386 0.2000 0 2000

Siilfur in treated naphtha Per cent



Negative Negative Negative Negative

0.72 0.73 0 88 0 86

As the original naphtha contained 0.71 per cent of sulfur in the form of mercaptan, these results indicate that the doctor treatment does not remove sulfur when present in this form and that the addition of sulfur beyond a certain limit serves only to increase the sulfur content of the treated naphtha. The addition of sodium plumbite to naphtha solutions of propyl, butyl, amyl, and isoamyl mercaptans and thiophenol gave the corresponding lead mercaptide, having a characteristic canary yellow color. In 1909 Robinson,s while working with a Lima, Ohio, distillate, obtained a canary-yellow precipitate with sodium plumbite. This was evidently due to the presence of mercaptans, since apparently no other sulfur compounds react in this way. These lead mercaptides are soluble in dilute mineral acids, acetic acid, and ammonium acetate. When sulfur is added this yellow color is gradually transformed to an orange and finally to a black color. Consideration of the following reactions will best explain these results. RSH NaO RS \Pb = \Pb 2NaOH RSH NaO/ RS/


4 5

Ber.. 17, 2641 (1885). U. S Patent 910 584 (1909).


Vol. 16, S o . 11

The formation of lead sulfide accounts for the black color developed on the addition of sulfur. It is also noted that the added sulfur should be in the ratio of 0.5 gram of sulfur for each gram of sulfur present in the form of mercaptan, the mer- , captide being thereby completely converted to the disulfide. If more than this amount of sulfur is used, the excess only serves to increase the sulfur content of the treated naphtha. This relation suggests the possibility of a quantitative relationship for estimating the per cent of mercaptans in presence of alkyl sulfides, alkyl disulfides, thiophene, carbon disulfide, and other sulfur compounds unaffected by sodium plumbite solution. To prove the formation of the disulfide, 7 grams of isobutyl mercaptan were dissolved in 100 cc. of petroleum ether (end point 65" C.). Then 50 cc. of the sodium plumbite solution were added and the mixture shaken for 1 hour. 1.24 grams of sulfur were next added and the mixture was again shaken for one hour. The petroleum ether layer was recovered and evaporated on steam bath. The boiling point of the remaining oily residue was determined and found to be 220' C. or the boiling point of the diisobutyl disulfide. The doctor test was found to be extremely sensitive to mercaptans. A solution containing 1 part of isoamyl mercaptan to 100,000 parts of naphtha was distinctly positive to the doctor test. An examination of Petrolia crude (Canada) indicates the presence of appreciable amounts of mercaptans. This crude was distilled with steam, and lighter fractions were tested with sodium plumbite solution. The characteristic canaryyellow lead mercaptides were formed. As previously indicated, Robinson obtained the same precipitate with an Ohio distillate. The presence of mercaptans in these Canadian and Ohio oils is further indicated by the odor and by the method of refining employed. Sulfuric acid is not an effective agent for the removal of mercaptans, but as is shown later, copper oxide is effective. ON ALKYL SULFIDES,ALKYL DISULFIDES,A N D THIOPHENE-Desulfurizing experiments carried out on Stock Solutions C, D, and E in the closed system in the manner previously decribed gave negative results. There was no reaction and no decrease in the sulfur content when the sodium plumbite solution was shaken in the closed system with naphtha solutions of these compounds. The addition of sulfur served only to increase the sulfur content of the treated naphtha. ON HYDROGEN SULFIDE--SOdiUm plumbite readily precipitates lead sulfide from naphtha solutions of hydrogen sulfide. The following reaction takes place: S/H \H

NaO\ /Pb + NaO



+ 2NaOH

ON CARBON DISULFIDE, THE SULFOXIDES, AND SULFONESSodium plumbite apparently had no effect on naphtha solutions of any of these materials. ON ALKYL SULFATES-Sodium plumbite precipitated lead sulfate from a naphtha solution of methyl sulfate. ON FREE SULFUR-sodium plumbite has no effect on naphtha solution of sulfur at ordinary temperatures, but reacts on heating to form lead sulfide. It was noted, however, that a naphtha solution of sulfur after standing for 6 months did give a slight reaction with sodium plumbite solution, indicating that mercaptans had formed in small amount. This may account for some gasolines becoming sour on standing for some time. From the foregoing considerations, it appears that the doctor treatment is serviceable only when certain sulfur compounds are present. On a gasoline fraction containing 0.15 per cent of sulfur, of which 0.05 per cent is present as free


November, 1924

sulfur, 0.05 per cent as mercaptans, and 0.05 per cent as hydrogen sulfide, the doctor treatment without the addition of sulfur would remove all the mercaptans, all the hydrogen sulfide, and one-half of the free sulfur, leaving a treated naphtha containing 0.025 per cent of sulfur. On the other hand, if only mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide were present, it should be possible with the proper addition of sulfur along with the sodium plumbite solution to desulfurize the oil almost completely. With benzoyl peroxide brown lead peroxide is formed, which simulates the doctor test for certain sulfur compounds. Brooks6 has recently reported the peroxide test.

EFFECT OF COPPEROXIDE ON MERCAPTANS-(a) An experiment in the closed system, using Stock Solution A with 4 grams of copper oxide for 1 hour a t room temperature, reduced the sulfur content to 0.54 per cent. The treated naphtha still contained a large amount of mercaptan. ( b ) In another experiment 50 cc. of Stock Solution A were refluxed with 4 grams of copper oxide for 1 hour a t 160" C. The treated naphtha contained 0.50 per cent of sulfur, but the mercaptan was no longer present. ( c ) In still another experiment 25 cc. of naphtha, 50 cc. of Stock Solution A, and 15 grams of copper oxide were distilled until 50 cc. of distillate were collected. The distillate contained 0.078 per cent of sulfur and only a trace of mercaptans. (d) Again, 5 grams of propyl mercaptan, 100 cc. of petroleum ether (end point 65" C.), and 20 grams of copper oxide were refluxed for 6 hours and the recoveredether layer was evaporated on steam bath and the boilipg point of the residue determined. The boiling point was 192" to 193" C., and this corresponds to dipropyl disulfide. ( e ) Fifty cubic centimeters of Stock Solution A were refluxed for 3 hours over copper oxide a t 160" C. At the end of that time the naphtha solution had a reddish color due to the presence of cuprous oxide and the sulfur content of the naphtha was unchanged. -4 consideration of the following reactions will best explain these results. :R S H '\Cu H20 CUO = RSH

;R '\Cu IR S I



(as solid)


R S/

+ Heat



+ Cus


R/ These results indicate that the removal of mercaptans by copper oxide depends on the temperature, length of time of treatment, and method. If the treatment is a t ordinary temperature for 1 hour as in Experiment (a),the mercaptans are only partially converted to the naphtha-insoluble copper mercaptides and much of the unchanged mercaptan remains in the naphtha. In this case the first reaction is only partially completed. If, on the other hand, the treatment is at a higher temperature for a longer time, as in Experiment (e), Reactions 1 and 2 go to completion with the formation of the disulfide and cuprous oxide. If the naphtha solution of mercaptan is distilleld over copper oxide, most of the sulfur is left behind probably as copper mercaptide. This no doubt accounts for the effectiveness of the Frasch process on the Ohio and Canadian oils. In this connection it is well to note that the copper mercaptides are in general more insoluble in naphtha solutions than the corresponding lead mercaptides. The copper mercaptides of isobutyl, amyl, and isoamyl mercaptans and thiophenol are only very sparingly soluble in the naphtha used. 6

THIS J O U R N A L , 16,588 (1924).


ON ALKYL SULFIDES, ALKYL DISULFIDES, AND THIOPHENE-Quantitative experiments similar in nature to those outlined for mercaptans indicate that naphtha solutions of the sulfides, disulfides, and thiophene are not affected by copper oxide. ON HYDROGEN SULFIDE-Qualitative experiments indicate that copper oxide reacts with hydrogen sulfide dissolved in naphtha to form copper sulfide. Since the reaction proceeds best in a warm solution and since heat vaporizes hydrogen sulfide, the reaction is not so pronounced as it would otherwise be. ON FREESULFUR,CARBON DISULFIDE, THE SULFOXIDES, AND THE SULFONES-Qualitative observations indicate that copper oxide has 110 appreciable effect on naphtha solutions of any of these materials.

EFFECT OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE O N &~ERCAPTANS-DeSU~UriZing Effe'ect. This experiment was carried out in the closed system a t room temperature, using Stock Solution A.

No. 1 2 3

HYPOchlorite solution Cc. 5 10 15

Sulfur in treated naphtha Per cent 0.71 0 71 0 71

Time Hours 1 1 1

DOCTOR Tesr Positive Positive Negative

Formation of Disulfide. Five grams of isobutyl mercaptan were dissolved in 100 cc. of petroleum ether (end point 65"C.) and the solution was shaken with 50 cc. of the hypochlorite solution until the mercaptan was destroyed. The ether Iayer was recovered and evaporated on steam bath. The boiling point of the residue was 220' C., which corresponds to the diisobutyl disulfide. These results show that the mercaptans are converted to1the corresponding disulfides and that the sulfur content is noJt reduced. The following reaction takes place:

ON ALKYLSULFIDES, ALKYLDISULFIDES, . 4 m TIEIOPIEE~ -Quantitative experiments similar to those outlined for mercaptans indicate that naphtha solutions of these compounds are not affected by the hypochlorite solution. ONHYDROGEN SULFIDE-Qualitative experiments indicated that naphtha solutions of hydrogen sulfide are oxidized by sodium hypochlorite to sulfur and water.? The fo>llowing reaction takes place; \H





= S

+ HzO + NaC1

ON CARBON DrsULFIDE-Qualitative experiments irdicate that naphtha solutions of carbon disulfide are oxidized b y sodium hypochlorite7 to sodium carbonate and sodium sdfate, the following reaction taking place: CS2

+ 8NaOClf

6NaOH = 2NagSOd f NatCOr

+ 8NaCE f


ON FREESULFUR, THE SULFOXIDES, AND THE SULFONESWhen naphtha solutions of these materials were mixed with sodium hypochlorite solution, no heat was generated, nor was there other evidence of chemical action. From the foregoing considerations, it is evident that the sodium hypochlorite treatment will render a gasdime sweet t o the doctor test, since mercaptans and hydrogen s a d e are oxidized. The hypo~hloritetreatment will remove carbon disulfide and is in that respect superior t o the sulfuric:acid ax7

Cas Age-Record, 49, 386 (1922).



Vol. 16, No. 11



Alkyl sulfides Alkyl disulfides Thiophene Hydrogen sulfide Carbon disulfide Sulfoxides Sulfones

&SO4 Forms soluble disulfides

Dissolves these readily Dissolves these fairly readily Forms soluble thiophenesulfonic acid Converts to HnO and S Dissolves sparingly Dissolves these readily Dissolves these readily

Free sulfur


NaaPbOa Forms partially soluble lead mercaptides

NazPbOz S Forms soluble diPbS sulfide

No effect

No effect

CUO Removes as copper mercaptides on moderate heating No effect

N o effect

No effect

No effect’


No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect Converts it to HzO and S Removes as NazC03 and NazSOr No effect


Removes as P b S

Removes as P b S

No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect

No effect in cold. Forms PbS on heating

No effect in cold. Forms PbS on

EFFECT OF ANHYDROUS ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE ON MERCAPTANS-DesUlfUriing E$ect. The following results were obtained in the closed system, using Stock Solution A at room temperature: No.

1 2 3

AlCIs Grams

2 4 6

Sulfur in treated naphtha Per cent 0.45



DOCTORTEST Positive Positive Positive Positive

. 0.016 Nature of Desulfurizing Action. A mixture of 3 grams of isobutyl mercaptan, 100 cc. of petroleum ether, and 15 grams of aluminium chloride were placed in a Kjeldahl flask and aliowed to stand for 12 hours with occasional shaking. The petroleum ether layer was then decanted and the aluminium chloride residue washed several times with a fresh supply of petroleum ether. The flask was then placed in an ice bath and 100 cc. of petroleum ether were added. Chopped ice was next added to the aluminium chloride residue until the decomposition was complete. The petroleum ether layer was decanted and evaporated on the steam bath. The residue gave the doctor test for mercaptan. An experiment with a series of gas-washing bottles showed that no hydrochloric acid was evolved a t room temperature. E$ect of Heat. A mixture of 12 grams of aluminium 4



No effect

AlCls Forms addition compounds in the cold which decompose on heating Same as above

Same as above Decomposes i t on heating

No effect No effect


doctor treatment, but the other compounds studied were apparently not affected.

Time Hours 1 1 1

NaOCl Forms soluble disulfides

chloride, 25 cc. of naphtha, and 50 cc. of Stock Solution A was distilled until 50 cc. of the distillate was collected. A copious evolution of hydrogen sulfide was observed throughout the distillation. The recovered naphtha contained 0.11 per cent of sulfur. Hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans were present. A consideration of these results indicates that the desulfurizing action of aluminium chloride a t ordinary temperature is due to the formation of addition compounds and at higher temperatures is due to cracking, most of the sulfur being eliminated as hydrogen sulfide. ON ALKYLSULFIDES AND ALKYLDIsULFIDEs-Quantitative experiments similar to those above indicate that aluminium chloride forms addition compounds at ordinary temperature but a t higher temperatures cracking takes place and hydrogen sulfide is evolved in large quantity and some mercaptans are formed. ON THIOPHENE-Quantitative experiments indicate that aluminium chloride does not form addition compounds with naphtha solutions of thiophene a t ordinary temperatures. At higher temperatures cracking takes place resulting in the evolution of hydrogen sulfide and the formation of mercaptans. Consideration of these results indicates that when a sulfur gasoline is cracked, hydrogen sulfide an.d mercaptans are among the sulfur compounds formed. The presence of hydrogen sulfide mercaptans probably accounts for the fact that some cracked distillates are odorous and sour and can b e effectively refined by the doctor treatment.

A Confirmatory Test for the Presence of Diethylphthalate in Specially Denatured Alcohol’ By E.A. Vuilleumier DICKINSON COLLEGE, CARLISLE, PA.

O R M U L A 39-B, Appendix of Regulations No. 61, Bureau of Internal Revenue, calls for the addition of 2.5 gallons of diethylphthalate and 3 pints of benzene to 100 gallons of pure ethyl alcohol. Diethylphthalate is a colorless, odorless oil, practically insoluble in water, and has a boiling point of 290’ C. and a specific gravity of 1.123. The usual qualitative test for this denaturant depends upon its conversion into phenolphthalein or fluorescein. The nature of this test is such that a confirmatory method is desirable. 1 Received

September 15, 1924.

, The ethyl alcohol and benzene in a 50-ml. sample may be eliminated by evaporation on the water bath. The residue is washed with water, is transferred to a test tube, and a convenient quantity of a salt solution, made by dissolving 20 grams of sodium chloride in 100 ml. of water, is added. The diethylphthalate will float on this solution. Water is now cautiously added to the contents of the tube, until the droplets of diethylphthalate neither sink nor rise when the tube is shaken. When the salt solution has been adjusted to the same density as the droplets, the specific gravity of t4e. solution is determined by any of the usual methods.