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Activation Analysis Grows - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Today this means a nuclear reactor or high energy source-equipment costing ... And it often means irradiation times running from overnight to several ...
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• Equipment Coming. Small labora­ tory neutron generators, says Dr. Meinke, will bring the cost of a neutron source d o w n to around $20,000. And such units are in the works at several companies, among them Texas Nuclear, Nuclear-Chicago, Schlumberger, Kaman Aircraft, and High Voltage E n g i ­ neering. Texas Nuclear, for one, now markets a generator which might b e u s e d for activation analysis. T h e main problem, explains Dr. M e i n k e , is getting a high enough flux in the generator for this t y p e of w o r k . H o w e v e r , he says, units should he avail­ able within a year that will permit anal­ ysis of as little as 1 microgram of vanadium. (Using the university's F o r d Nuclear Reactor, Michigan re­ searchers can detect 0.01 to 0.001 mi­ c r o g r a m of vanadium.) S u c h generators operate by accelerat­ ing deuterons through 100,000 volts. These strike a target of tritium adsorbed on zirconium. The reaction gives 14 m.e.v. neutrons which a r e then mod­ erated to thermal energies. • Fast Methods. Looking a t t h e other stumbling block, t h e time con­ READY FOR ANALYSIS. G r a d u a t e student at University of Michigan puts a freshly s u m e d , Dr. Meinke points out that un­ irradiated oil sample into a measurement container w h e r e it will be analyzed til analyses can be m a d e within LI clay, for vanadium. Laboratory neutron generators should b e available within activation analysis won't get very far as a year t h a t will permit analysis of as little as 1 microgram of v a n a d i u m . O n e w a y to Companies working on t h e units include Texas Nuclear a n d Nuclear-Chicago a common technique. s h o r t e n the time is to analyze for iso­ topes with a short half-life. But here, says Dr. Meinke, the prob­ l e m is to make a fast separation before t h e isotope has decayed to too low a level to measure. Michigan research­ ers have devised ways to do tliis for isotopes of vanadium, rhodium, cop­ Equipment, methods b e i n g d e v e l o p e d could m a k e acti­ p e r , a n d silver in samples that have been irradiated for six minutes. Vana­ v a t i o n analysis a commonly used technique d i u m , for example, can b e separated in four minutes, silver in five. D I P P I N G into his arsenal of weapons, show promise of removing these road­ T h e university is not stopping here; the analytical chemist has generally h a d blocks. Dr. \Y. W a y n e Meinke of the it plans to develop procedures for still to bypass activation analysis—it costs University of Michigan told the 7th other elements with short half-life iso­ too much and takes too long. But Detroit Anachcni (Association of An­ t o p e s . On its list: aluminum, scan­ T h e d i u m , manganese, indium, iodine, dys­ equipment a n d methods being devel­ alytical Chemists) Conference. oped today may soon p u t the technique result will be a commonly used analyt­ prosium, and thorium. ical technique for certain trace elements within his reach. University researchers are also work­ To make use of activation analysis, that gives high sensitivity and does ing o n more ways to put activation anal­ the analyst must irradiate his sample away with the need for blanks in the ysis to use. Some of the materials with neutrons. Today this means a determination. it h a s already been used for include nuclear reactor or high energy s o u r c e I n activation analysis. Dr. Meinke silver, rhodium, and indium in meteor­ e q u i p m e n t costing upwards of at least explains, a sample is first irradiated. ites; vanadium, arsenic, molybdenum, 8100,000, often much more. And it This is usually followed by chemical tungsten, and gold in marine ashes often means irradiation times running separation of the element being an­ ( s u c h as seaweed and s h r i m p ) ; cobalt, alyzed. The element's activity is then copper, and vanadium in rat liver and from overnight to several days, or even counted, measured in a g a m m a ray k i d n e y tissues; v a n a d i u m in. crude weeks. Laboratory neutron generators and spectrometer, and correlated with a petroleum and in cracking catalysts; and niobium in rock. Ε fast radiochemical separation methods known standard.


Activation Analysis G r o w s



