Activities of the research and development section of the National

Activities of the research and development section of the National Safety Council. John R. Leach. J. Chem. Educ. , 1970, 47 (6), p A433. DOI: 10.1021/...
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in the Chemical laboratory NORMAN V. STEERE, 140 Melbourne Ave., S.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 554 14

Edited by


LXIV. Activities of the Research and Development Section of the National Safety Council JOHN R. LEACH, Safety & Fire Protection Section, Protection & Srlfety Management Branch, National Institutes o f Health, Bethesdo, Maryland 20014 The Nnt,ional Safety Council in October, 1969 gave formal recognition and staff support to x Ileaearoh and 1)evelopment Section which was orgsnised in 1868. The Ilesenrch and 1)evelopment Section wns formed in remgnit,ion that, research activities in indwt.ry, government and mlleges present the safet,y professio~ml witdl a11 ever-changing environment. 11wlusi.rinl snfoty t,echniqnes may be of limiled value to the accident problems often found within the research fields. The 11 & 1) Sert,ion is designed to provide n forum for prohlem iderlt,ification and solution, m d x source of technical safety competence in problem areas not dealt, with l,y conventional nafet.y organizations. While t.hc Scctian was organized within the NSC's Indost,ri.zl Conference, it is oniyuo in t,hat it, is not specific to s partirdnv industry or limited t.~,industry as aw the a t h c ~sections . d h i n the Industrid Conferenre. Thc objectives of the Research nnd 1)evelopmenl Section me t,n investigate, nnnlyau and define hazards i n researrh and development organizations. lJpon definit,ionx of loss problems, every effort is to ire made to povide methods of control or snhtt.ions 1,) defined problems. This infwmst.ion is to be disseminated through p ~ ~ l ~ l i r s f i oof w the National Safet,y Cmm-il, terhnicnl i~ssorint~ions,or any nlher avlvnilhle methods. A major function of the Ilesesrch and lfevelopment Scct.ian is to serve research and devclnpment, organisnt,ions as a focal point f r r exchange of ir~iormltt,ionrelated to safely and allied fields. Thro~lghthe Ilesenwh nwl Ikvelopment Sect,ion's Exerotivc Commit.tee, the Council may ~.eqnest,evnloatirm of technical material prim to poblir:atiun. TheExecoLive Committ,ee will on'er nssistance to oiher t,eehnicnl nssoeiat~innsand societies in matters volnt,iug to research and development safet,y, such a- preparation of stnnda~ds, instr,~ctionnl pwgrmw, dat,n sheet., and so forth. The It. & 1) Section will seek to identify nntionwirle ncrident trendx in awl clovelopment operat,io~m and to t.ocrrmmcnd programs to eamhat, unfsvornhle ncridcnt trends. The Il & D Section is to identify needed researrh projects, init,irttc new pn,jocts, and take other artions ~neresiary to keep abreast, of the changing saicty p~mblemsin research and devclopmenb. Ilegional semiuars on safet,y in research and development have been held by the 11 & I ) Sect,ion as one means of carrying

in such areas as electronic equipment,, waqte disposal, biological safety, hyperbaric medicine, fluorine and hydrogen safety, rryogenics, facility design and high energy syslems. Since the first seminar (Cmlinued on page A @ / t )

Volume 47, Number 6, June 1970




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in l!)li!l in Onk Ilidgc, Tennessee, sddilianni progrnms have been presented in Pnlo Alt,~,, California; Berkeley, Califamia; and Boston, Massachusetts. Scmitm1.s are scheduled for Seattle in F e b n m y , 1071, Mimmapolis in June, 1071, Lo* Alamos i t Janwwy, 1072, Washington, D.C. in May, 1972, Los Angcles in January, 1073 and Onk Ridge in hlny, 1073. 111 addition, the Ilewmrh and l)evclopment Sertion meet* annu:~lly in Orlobel. in Chicago, with the next meeting set for Or1,ober 26-29, 1970. All Ibese meelings ?ire open, and you are invited to attend. If you are interested, w i l e l a me or myone in the I( & 1) Seet,ion. Tho 1: & 1) Sectiou Snfot,y Newslotbor is p,~blixhcd 12 times n year and is nvnil: I f n i l s t . Tho Newsletter is %GO per year, for m e subscription, R2.:j.i enrh f w two to nine and 52.10 each for ten 01. mwe, with disa,uuts of 20%>for NSC menrtlew atal academic i n s t i t ~ h o n s ; u d 10';. fol. govermnent agencies. Scme of lhe papers which have been pwsetlted nl. 1: & 1) Swtion Seminars iwhdc:

A hhllli-l'wposo liquid IIydvogen Lxhwalrwy lrnlpk I.'. Prnk Cwnb:%litq1,slrwalory Fi1.e.;: 0rienl.atio11 of the I,rxnl Fire I)epl.. I?. D. Pobirr. I'mgmmmcd Snfoly ill the Lnhorntory D. I,. Pdcinon



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