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mm* r/tJICTi Add a dash of ZON YL to make water wetter and save yourself some money. A little ZONYL® fluorosurfactant goes a long, long way toward making water wetter and saving you money. ZOMYL reduces surface tension to values below those reached by other types of surfactants. You need so little to do the job, you can end up spending less than you would on less expensive wetting agents. In most applications, ZONYL surfactants are effective in concentrations as low as 50 to 1,000 ppm (0.005 to 0.1%). You can even wet TEFLON* They're also stable, both chemically and thermally. You can use them in strong acids or concentrated alkalis, and at high temperatures, conditions that cause hydro carbon surfactants to decompose. There's a ZONYL surfactant of each ionic type— cationic, anionic, nonionic and amphoteric.
Mail us the coupon, and we'll send you our 16-page technical brochure about ZONYL fluorosurfactants. *&&*'
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D u Pont
Company, Room 35687
A Wilmin
9ton' DE 19898 Please send me your 16-page brochure about ZONYL fluorosurfactants. _Title_
Address City
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Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. for Du Ponts fluorocarbon resins
3ŒP1Ï: Oct. 15, 1979 C&EN