Additions and Corrections-Calculation of Thermodynamic Functions of

Robert C. Osthoff, Charles A. Brown and Frank H. Clarke. Addition ... Robert T. Adams and Carl Niemann. The Synthesis of ... read “sL."—Terrell L...
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Dec., 1951

Robert C. Osthoff,Charles A. Brown and Frank H.Clarke. Addition Compound of Boron Tribromide and Trimethylamine. Page 4045. In col. 2, last two lines of text, for “m#” read ROBE ROBERT C. OSTHOFF.

John C. R Kelly and Paul E. Snyder. Low Temperature Thermodynamic -Properties of Sodium Hydroxide. Page 4115. Recalculations have produced alterations in ?me of the values of Table I, and the corrected table is gwen : TABLE I T,OK. 60 75 100 125 1W 175 200

275 298.10 300

ST. CP, d./degree/ “‘.L$y/ mole

2 .u75 4.417 0.877 8.553 9.870 10.92 11.76 12.54 13.25 13.83 14.21 14.24

1.10 1.97 3.61 5.33 7.01 8.01 10.13 11.50 12.92 14.21 15.34 15.43


R Yashin, G. Rosenkranz and Carl Djerassi. Steroidal Sapogenins. X. Unsaturated 22-Isospirosten-3-ones. Page 4055. In footnote 17, last two lines, the log c values should be 4.27, 3.57 and 4.04. Pane 4657. In col. 1. line 10. for “4.42” read “4.24.” In 1i;e 18, for “8.3 g.” read “i8.3 g.” In line 23, for “37%” read CARL CARL DJERASSI. Irving Allan Kaye and Irving C. Kogon. Alkyl Ethers of Basically-substituted 2-Amino-1-phenylethanol. Page 4895. In col. 1, line 4, for “solution1*”read “solutiOn”.”-IRVING ALLANKAYE. Werner Hen. Synthesis of 2,4,&Trimethylazulene. Page 4924. In col. 2, line 29, for ”ClaHntNO~:N, 4.94,” read “Ci&iNO: N, 5.24.”-wERNER HERZ.

51.6 18.2 106.3 41.0 251.1 109.4 Terrell L. Hill, P.H. Emmett and L. G. Joyner. Calcula447.4 218.6 tion of Thermodynamic Functions of Adsorbed Molecules 680;s 370.5 from Adsorption Isotherm Measurements: Nitrogen on 940.9 500.1 Graphon. 1225 800.5 Page 5103. In equation (1) and the equation following 1529 1072 (2), for “s”read “s..” In the equation after (6) and in 1851 1378 equation (7), “H.“ should read (E..” In equation (9) for 2190 1717 “X” read “G,” In equation (15) for “SL” read “st.” 2515 2000 In col. 2, Page 5104. In col. 1,line 3, for “s,” read “E&” 2541 2088 second line above equation (19) for “HL” and “ H h ” read -PAUL E. SNYDER‘“t.”

Page 5105. In col. 1, sixth line from the end, for “HL” read “Hi” and for “SL” read “st”. In col. 2, line 17 of D- and L-thrso and D- and ~-crythr‘o-a-Amino-~-hydroxy-n- Discussion, for “s.” read “&.” caproic Acid. Page 5107. In col. 1, lines 7 and 5 from the end, for “SL” Page 4260. The last text line of col. 1 should read read “S;.”-TERRELL L.HILL. “methoxy-n-caproic acid (11) but also DL-crythro-a-benzamido-8-hydroxy-n-caproic acid ( III).6 The”.-cARL NIEIrving Allan Kaye. N-(9-Dimethylaminobenzy1)-aminoMA”. ethanol. Page 5003. The title should read as shown above, and in Hugo J. KawTmann. Sensitized Catalysts. 11. The line 8, for “139.2 g. (76%)’’ read “69.2 g. (72%).”-1RVING Ascorbic Acid Method. ALLANKAYE. Page 4311. In the main title, for ‘iCatalysts” read c6catalysis.”-HuGo J. KAUFFMANN. Reuben G. Jones. The Condensation of Ethyl Triethoxyacetate with Some Active Methylene Compounds. Rufw Lumrg, Emil L. Smith and Ruby R. Glantz. KiPage 5168. In col. 1, the formula block, for “VI, R = netics of Carboxypeptidase Action. I. Effect of Various R’ = -COCHa” read ”R = -CHI, R’ = -COCH*,”Extrinsic Factors on Kinetic Parameters. REUBENG. JONES. Page 4335. In line 4 of Table VIII, for “k1(5’)’’ read Reuben G. Jones. Pyridine Syntheses. 11. A New “k(“’).’’ Pyridine Synthesis Leading to Vitamin BE. Page 4339. I n equation (4), in the denominator of the Page 5245. In col. 2, line 48, for “CoHlciOE” read “GHlbfirst fraction after +e equal sign, for “2” read “2(Kn S).” In Fig. 11, the ordmate line should have the “2” after the N O s . ” - R ~ m ~G.~ JONES. ”( .”-EMIL L. S m . Ben Carroll, D. G. Kubler, H. W.Davis and A. M. Whaley. Dichlorides of Cyclohexane. Donald S. Noyce and Paul Castelfranco. The Acidity Page 5382. It has been pointed out by an interested Function in Aqueous Acetic Acid Solutions. reader, that the term “dichlorides of cyclohexane” indicates Page 4482. In the legend of Fig. 1, for “sulfuric” read addition complexes of cyclohexane with metallic dichloride “acetic.”-DONALD s. NOYCE. molecules, whereas the work actually deals with dichlorocyclohexanes.-A. M. WHALEY. H.H.Szmant and A. J. Basso. The Ultraviolet AbsorpWilliam S. Johnson, C. David Gutsche and D. K. Banertion Spectra of 2-Thienyl Ketones. jee. Decalin-l,5-dione. Page 4522. In Table I, Compound 4 should read “1,3Page 5464. In col. 2, text line 7, for “five” read “six.”Di- 2-thenoyl -2-o-chl~rophenylpropane~’ instead of “1,3Di-[2-thenoy1~-2-pchlorophenylpropane.“-H. H. SZMANT. WILLIAMS. JOHNSON.

Robert T. Adams and Carl N i e m . The Synthesis of
