Additions and Corrections-Conformational Analysis. XVI. The Energy

May 13, 2004 - Additions and Corrections - Conformational Analysis. XVI. The Energy of the Boat Form of Cyclohexanone. Direct Measurements of the 2-Al...
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Dee. 20, 1962


Page 994. In Table I, line 7 of the data, the temperature “90.3°” should read “80.3’.”-N. L. ALLINGER.

William A. Bonner. The Acid Catalyzed Anomerization William A. Bonner. Relative Inversion and C-1 Acetoxy of the D-Glucose Pentaacetates. A Kinetic, ThermoExchange Rates During Anomerization of Acetylated 2dynamic and Mechanistic Study. Deoxy-D-glucose. The Ionic Mechanism. Page 2660. Equation (3) should be corrected to read: Page 963. Equation (7) should read: 1 2 303 kl kz = X x log (3) k@*/k@ = 1 -k K.k@*/ka* (7) IHzSOd t rt - re WILLIAM A. BONNER. WILLIAMA. BONNER. Emil H. White and Daniel W. Grisley, Jr. The Preparawilliam A. Bonner. The Stereochemical Configurations tion and Decomposition of Certain N-Nitroamides and Nof the l-C-Phenyl-D-pentitOlS. Nitrocarbamates. Page 3130. In col. 1, lines 5 and 8, “2,3;4,5-diisopropylidene-D-mannitol” should read “3,4;5,6-diisopropy11dene-~- Page 1191. The very first formula on the page (I) should be mannitol.”-WnLIAM A. BONNER.


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+ N=O I ‘7 R-N-C-R’

1955, VOL.77 Ernest L. Eliel and Conrad Pillar. The Conformation of a Six-membered Ring cis-l,2 Fused to a Five-membered Ring. Page 3602. We wish to withdraw the tentative suggestion, based on infrared spectrum, that compound V has endo hydroxyl groups. New measurements by Dr. E. W. Della indicate that, whereas the compound does, indeed, have a one or two bands due to bonded OH shifted about 200 cm.-1 with respect to the band due t o unbonded OH, this arises from intermolecular bonding. At very high dilution ( 5 X lo-‘ M ) , the pertinent bands disappear (measurement in 10-cm. quartz cell).-E. L. ELIEL. 1958, VOL. 80 B. C. McKusick, R. E. Heckert, T. L. Cairns, D. D. Coffman and H. F. Mower. Cyano-carbon Chemistry. VI. Tricyanovinylamines. Page 2809. Col. 1, line 40, should read “N-2-benzoxyethyl-N-methylaniline, b.p. 184-186’ (3 mm.).-B. C. MCKUSICK. 1959, VOL.81 M. L. Wolfrom and 2.Yosizawa. Synthesis of 2-Amino2-deoxy-~-arabinose( L-Arabinosamine). Page 3477. In col. 2, Eyperimental, heading, insert “1-thio-” before “j3-”.-M. L. WOLFROM. 1960, VOL.82

E. L. Wittbecker, H. K. Hall, Jr., and T. W. Campbell. Synthesis and Polymerization of Bridged Bicyclic Ethers. Page 1221. In col. 2, text line 14 from the end, for ’