Additions and Corrections-Phosphorylated Benzenesulfonamides

mire, . B. Orr, L. M. Rives, E. B. Senter, and W. Yee: Hy- droxy-, Nitro-, Amino-, and Methoxy-4-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)- quinolines. Page 270. In Tab...
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K. R. Bharucha and F. M. Martin : lTol-~Ietli:indrost:Inelip-diol.

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Page 1%. In c~olunin1, second p:tr:tgrspli under 1ie:ttliiig 13, lines 6 :md 7, "( I W :it Rintering)" should r e d "(sintering at 1 SO0)."

C. T. Bahner, 1). Brotherton, W. H. Chapman, Jr., W. Longmire, H. B. Orr, L. M. Rives, E. B. Senter, and W. Yee: Hydroxy-, Sitrii-< Aniitio-, : i n t i 1 Iet,Iiiixy-+( 4-ditiietliyl:tniinosl?.1.!.lli~itii~iilines. n d s 20 P:tge ?TO. I n T:tlile 1, the forniiih for c ~ ~ ~ t i i p ~ ~16i i :tiid shoiild have t w o oxygen atonis ( C L I H T ~ S )?). 2 ( Blso in T d d e I, c ~ i i n i p i i i i t i d23 should tie repbred with two entries, 23a and 23b ; the c.iirrec,t values in the sixteen i~olrinitisshoi~ldbe :&e f o l l o w : I

:3'-C2Hi 14i-lX) 115--lliO 2 :i I 1 i:{:$ S : < I ( ; (;.!IS OO,?' 1 2 5 ' / a

C2,H??X2 Si 4) 25 I

13O--l.iO 1 I) 21

C?,Hy?Kj, Si4.41)


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l'\evie\v hy Alfred Burger of "r\civ:tticw i n t h u g Re.;;e:trc*li," Yolmne 1, S . J. 1I:trpe.r i t i i d ..\Inin €3. Simnionds, Ed. I'nge 2 7 i .

The price of this t)ooli should he listed



F. A. Wagner, Jr., R. W. Baer, and G. Berkelhammer: Pliosphory1:tted 13etizetiesulf~in:tlnides:is Anini:tl Sj-steniic Insecticides.