Additions and Corrections-Replacement of Halogen by Hydrogen in

Page 1 ... the 3rd and 4th entries from the bottom (3.8and 5.5; 9.0 and 13.1) should be interchanged. ... Mark D. Baelor and George Gorin: Ester Deriv...
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Additiom and Corrections VOL.21, 1956 F. Shafizadeh and A. Thompson: An Evaluation of the Factors Influencing the Hydrolysis of the Aldosides. Page 1061. In Table I, columns 4 and 5, the 3rd and 4th entries from the bottom (3.8 and 5.5; 9.0 and 13.1) should MAY16,1957. be interchanged. A. THOMPSON,

red soc. espun. fi. y quim., Madrid, SOB, 759, (195411. This article was not available to us in the Spanish original when we submitted our publication in 1956. The C h i d Abstracts version which we read does not disclose the claim that Professor Ballester makes to having given earlier consideration to the possibility of two diastereomerically related transition states in the Darsens condensation. This difliculty in international communications is sinKWART, JUNE 25, 1957. cerely regretted. HAROLD

VOL.22, 1957

Normal Allentoff and G. F Wright :Grignard Synthesis of 2-Phenyl-%butanol in Optically Active Solvents. Page 1. The name of the first author should read Norman Allentoff. G. F WRIGHT,MARCH21, 1957.

Mark D. Baelor and George Gorin: Ester Derivatives of Mucic Acid. Page 65. The name of the first author should read Mark D. Bealor. M n a ~ D. BEALOR, MAY7, 1957.

N. F. Blau and C. G. Stuckwisch: The Conjugative Effect of the Dimethylsulfonio Group in an Aliphatic System. Page 82. In paragraph 1, correct equations are

0 0

H. J. V. Krishna and B. N. Joshi: A Note on the Preparation of &Ionone. Page 224. We wish to correct the statement that Y. R. Naves and co-workers had not studied the preparation of @-iononeby cyclization of pseudoionone by means of a mixture of 175 g. of concd. HzSOc (95%) and 75 g. of glacial acetic acid. Prof. Naves has drawn our attention to a publication of his [Y. R. Naves and P. Ardisio, Bull. soc. chim. France, 21, 661-6 (1954)l wherein he reported that he had repeated the experiment of Royals [Id.Eng. Chem., 38, 546 (1946)] using the above mentioned reagent and AND reached a conclusion similar to ours. H. J. V. KRISHNA B. N. JOSHI, AUGUST 20,1957.

V. Boekelheide and Wayne Feely: A Convenient Synthesis of Pyrrocoline. Page 589. Formula I should be

0 0 0


+ L COO- + OH- --+







t )


+ -






Carl Tabb Bahner, Joan Wilson, Mary West, George Browder, J. C. Goan, Clarence Cook, John Fain, Edgar Franklin, and Albert Myers: Isoquinoline Analogs of 4-(pDimethylaminostyry1)quinoline. Page 684. In col. 2, line 1 of paragraph 5, for 44p-Dimethylaminostyryl )quinoline read 4-( p Dimethylaminostyry1)quinazoline. CARLTABB BAHNER,November 18,1957.


H. Gilman and R. D. Gorsich: An Improved Metalation Procedure for Dibenzofuran.

In paragraph 2, line 6, for conjugative read conjugative. N. F. BLAU,October 25, 1957.

Page 687. In col. 2, lines 2 and 3 from bottom, for “derived” read “derivatised.” HENRYG~LMAN, AUGUST6, 1957.


Harold Kwart and Lewis G. Kirk :Steric Considerations in the Darsens Condensation. Page 116. A recent communication we have received from Professor M. Ballester of the University of Barcelona directs attention to an article which he published in 1954; [Anales

A. H. Blatt and Norma Gross: Replacement of Halogen by ,Hydrogen in Nitro Aryl Halides.

Page 1047. In paragraph 3, line 4, “0.56M” should read “0.056M.” A. H. BLATT,November 13, 1957.