Additions and Corrections-The Phosphinous Acid (CF3) 2POH and the

Publication Date: December 1960. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increase image size Free...
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Dec. 20, 1960


Page 5799. The authors wish t o report further: "On "The ultraviolet absurptioti niaxiniurn for 3,i-diinethyl-2repeating t h e esperiniental work, R. J. Steltenkanip ob- c-is:4-tians:6-octatrienoic acid ( Y I I I ) , n1.p. 161', in methatained somewhat different results. The principal ethos>-- n d i c 0.0002 S sulfuric acid is a t 311 nip (log t 4.54). The acetylene adduct (b.1). 107" ( 3 mm.), n s s 1,5500; ~ hydrolysis value 300 nip for the maximum as printed was taken in gave p-toluenethiol a n d no d i n i t r o p h e n y l l l ~ d r ~ ~ z (( J f~ i pi e- ~ n e t h a n ~ irind l for presumab1~-partially ionized acid."-tolylmercaptoacetaldehyde; aniline gave S,S'-diphenyl- RICHARD H . \vIl.EY, acetamidine, m.p. 131-1.32 ,5') is different from CiH;SCH= James E. Griffiths and Anton B. Burg. The Phosphinous CHOEt prepared independently from (-is-C7H7SCH=CHC1 Acid ( CFj)?POH and the Diphosphoxane (CF:),POP( CF:,)!. ifair cunversion), from CiHiSCHaCH(0Et)? (poor conversion) and v i a the very clean free-radical addition of CiH7SH H H t o ethosyacetylene ( h . p . 102' ( 0 . 5 5 nun.), m z 5 ~1,5640; Page 1*507. 111 c(il. 2, line 10, for "K,POH" read "KnPO." j-ielded the dinitropheni-lliydrazoiie of p-CiHiSCHyCHOj. Page 1308. I n col, 2, line 18, for "too" read "to be." Hence the principal initial ethosyacetylene adduct under Chldhamer's conditions is CHz=C( OEt)SCiH7 and not c.i.7Costas H. Issidorides, Mary Fieser and Louis F. Fieser. CiH;SCH=CHOEt. This initial adduct shows essentially Selenium Dioxide Osidation ( J f Methyl A3-Cholenatc. cine peak on a gas chromatogram (one o f the t w o minor peaks Page 2002. In a i l , 2, lines 4 aiid 5, transpose "155'" comes from CH:,COSC;H;;, but on standing this peak bei~tid"17~)'."-c. H. ISSIDORIDES. comes minor aiid several others appear, the major cine of which derives from C;H;SCH=CHOEt, a n d ancithcr from Teruo Matsuura and H. J. Cahnmann. h,fiJdel Keacticins CiHiSH. Presumably tlie initial l,l-,idduct reverts to for t h e Biosynthesis o f Thyroxine. 111. The Synthesis of starting materials, which recombine in a free radical procHindered Quinol Ethers and their Conversion t o Hindered ~ss."-\VILLI.~.\I E . TRUCE. hnalogs of Thyroxine. Henry Feuer and Christos Savides. lieactioiii o f C Y , U ' 1, line 15, after "drogen" add t h e Page 2058. I n CIJI. Uibromo-cu,u'-dinitrodinitriles. wording "or bromine are white crystalline substances. The m a l o g in which K4 is an acetic acid side chain and K., Page