Additions and Corrections-The Phosphinous Acid (CF3) 2POH and the

joint contribution by C. J. Morris and J. F. Thompson of the U. S. Plant, Soil and NutritionLaboratory of the U. S. Department of Agriculture at Ithac...
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Dec. 20, 1960


Page 5799. The authors wish t o report further: "On "The ultraviolet absurptioti niaxiniurn for 3,i-diinethyl-2repeating t h e esperiniental work, R. J. Steltenkanip ob- c-is:4-tians:6-octatrienoic acid ( Y I I I ) , n1.p. 161', in methatained somewhat different results. The principal ethos>-- n d i c 0.0002 S sulfuric acid is a t 311 nip (log t 4.54). The acetylene adduct (b.1). 107" ( 3 mm.), n s s 1,5500; ~ hydrolysis value 300 nip for the maximum as printed was taken in gave p-toluenethiol a n d no d i n i t r o p h e n y l l l ~ d r ~ ~ z (( J f~ i pi e- ~ n e t h a n ~ irind l for presumab1~-partially ionized acid."-tolylmercaptoacetaldehyde; aniline gave S,S'-diphenyl- RICHARD H . \vIl.EY, acetamidine, m.p. 131-1.32 ,5') is different from CiH;SCH= James E. Griffiths and Anton B. Burg. The Phosphinous CHOEt prepared independently from (-is-C7H7SCH=CHC1 Acid ( CFj)?POH and the Diphosphoxane (CF:),POP( CF:,)!. ifair cunversion), from CiHiSCHaCH(0Et)? (poor conversion) and v i a the very clean free-radical addition of CiH7SH H H t o ethosyacetylene ( h . p . 102' ( 0 . 5 5 nun.), m z 5 ~1,5640; Page 1*507. 111 c(il. 2, line 10, for "K,POH" read "KnPO." j-ielded the dinitropheni-lliydrazoiie of p-CiHiSCHyCHOj. Page 1308. I n col, 2, line 18, for "too" read "to be." Hence the principal initial ethosyacetylene adduct under Chldhamer's conditions is CHz=C( OEt)SCiH7 and not c.i.7Costas H. Issidorides, Mary Fieser and Louis F. Fieser. CiH;SCH=CHOEt. This initial adduct shows essentially Selenium Dioxide Osidation ( J f Methyl A3-Cholenatc. cine peak on a gas chromatogram (one o f the t w o minor peaks Page 2002. In a i l , 2, lines 4 aiid 5, transpose "155'" comes from CH:,COSC;H;;, but on standing this peak bei~tid"17~)'."-c. H. ISSIDORIDES. comes minor aiid several others appear, the major cine of which derives from C;H;SCH=CHOEt, a n d ancithcr from Teruo Matsuura and H. J. Cahnmann. h,fiJdel Keacticins CiHiSH. Presumably tlie initial l,l-,idduct reverts to for t h e Biosynthesis o f Thyroxine. 111. The Synthesis of starting materials, which recombine in a free radical procHindered Quinol Ethers and their Conversion t o Hindered ~ss."-\VILLI.~.\I E . TRUCE. hnalogs of Thyroxine. Henry Feuer and Christos Savides. lieactioiii o f C Y , U ' 1, line 15, after "drogen" add t h e Page 2058. I n CIJI. Uibromo-cu,u'-dinitrodinitriles. wording "or bromine are white crystalline substances. The m a l o g in which K4 is an acetic acid side chain and K., Page