Additions and Corrections - The Reaction of Diazomethane with α

Joseph R. Spies, E. J. Coulson, Dorris C. Chambers,. H. S. Bemton and Henry Stevens. The Chemistry of. Allergens. IX. Isolation and Properties of an A...
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Dec., 1944



William G. Young, Lawrence J. Aneews and Stanley J. Cristol. Polyenes. I. The Synthesis and Absorption Spectra of the Ionylideneacetones and Related Compounds. values for the Page 521. In Table I, the Am=. and solid and liquid 8-ionylideneacetic acid should be interchanged.-wILLraM G.YOUNG.

J. J. Howland, Jr., and W. Albert Noyes, Jr. Photochemical Studies. XXXVII. Some Tests of Mechanism for the Photochemical Decomposition of Acetone. Page 975. In the heading of the thud section of Table I, for “I. = 1.2 X lo1*”read “I. = 12 X 101l.”-W. ALBERT NOYES,JR.

Joseph R. Spies, E. J. Coulson, Dorris C. Chambers, H. S. Bernton and Henry Stevens. The Chemistry of Allergens. IX. Isolation and Properties of an Active, Carbohydrate-Free Protein from Castor Beans. Page 751. I n the second paragraph of the discussion and in Table I1 the values for the proportion of nitrogen precipitated by 6% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are incorrect owing to inadvertent use of a lower concentration of TCA. The correct values are: CB-lA, 30.7%; CB-65A, 17% and CB-GOC, 74.4%. The first three sentences of the secon! paragraph of the discussion should be changed to read: Eighty-seven per cent. of the nitrogen of CS-6OC was precipitable by trichloroacetic acid (TCA), as compared with 74% for CB-gOC, and 17% for CB-65A. Some change occurred in either or both constitution and composition of CB-6OC and CB-65A as the result of the fractionation procedures, because 30.7y0 of the nitrogen of the precursor, CB-lA, was precipitable by TCA.’ The foregoing corrections do not influence the conclusions drawn.JOSEPH R. SPIES.

Harry F. Pfann, I). J. Salley and H. Mark. Mechanism of Peroxide Initiated Styrene Polymerization. Page 984. The authors write: “In this article an omission was made in Table 11, Properties of Extracted Polymer Samples. This table should have included a column “Comparison of Values” in which the bromine content found by radioactivity measurements (column 6) was compared with the bromine content calculated from viscosimetric molecular weights (column 7). The latter calculation was based on the assumption of two bromine atoms per polymer molecule, resulting from chain termination by combination of two growing chains. The values for lines 1-3 were: Sample No. 104-E-1, 58%; No. 111-E-1, 188%; No. 116-E-1, 166%. The trend of these values is in agreement with the hypothesis that conditions leading to high degrees of polymerization also favor chain transfer.”-HARRY F. PFANN.

Henry Gilman, Jack Swiss, H. B. Willis and F. A. Yeoman. Dibenzofuran. XX. 2,3,7,8-Derivatives. Page 798. The dibenzofuran formula at the bottom of the first column should read : HO W , - N O H

-HENRY GILMAN. Roger Adams and J. W. Mecorney. The Formation of a Chromone by the von Pechmann Condensation of Ethyl Acetoacetate with 4-Chloro-3,5-dimethylphenol. Page 802. In column 2, line 20, for “coumarins” read ‘‘chromones.”-ROGER ADAMS .

Leonor Michaelis and S. Granick. Molecular Compounds of the Quinhydrone Type in Solution. Page 1029. In column 1, lines 10 and 14 from the end, for “phenol” read “Quinone.”-LEONOR MICHAELIS. James Homer Jones. Electrical Conductance of Aqueous Solutions. I. Sodium and Potassium Bromates a t 25”, and the Conductance of the Bromate Ion. Page 1116. Under Fig. 1, the abscissa legend should be “10,OOO C.”-JAMES HOMERJONES. G. H. Stempel, Jr., and Gerson S. Schaffel. A Comparative Study of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Formation of the Phenylhydrazone, Semicarbazone and Oxime of d-Carvone. Page 1161. In Column 2, equation (5), the first formula should read “RnC(OHa)NHB+” instead of “R&(OH),JR. NHB+.”--GUIDO H. STEMPEL,

William G. Young, Lawrence J. Andrews, Seymour L. Lindenbaum and Stanley J. Cristol. The Reaction of Diazomethane with a-Cyanocrotonic Acid. Page 810. In column 2, formula VII, insert X on the vacant bond line, as in III.-SEYMOUR L. LINDENBAUM.

Raymond M. Hann and C. S. Hudson. The Relationship between Structures and Configurations of Various Methylene and Benzylidene Acetals of Polyhydroxy Alcohols. Page 1911, footnote 18, the name should be “Lanzenberg.”-RAYMOND M. HANN.

Elliot R. Alexander and Arthur C. Cope. A Simultaneous Condensation-Reduction Method for the Preparation of Ethyl Mondkylcyanoacetates. Page 887, Table I. The last name in column 1 should be “1-Methylheptyl” instead of “1-Methylhexyl.” Page 888, column 2, line 4. Read “(6.0 g., 0.1 mole)” for “(6.0 g., 0.05 mole).”-ARTHUR c. COPE.

Raymond M. Hann, Alice T. Merrill and C. S. Hudlon. Proof of the Configurations of the D-Gluco-L-gala,D-G~UCOL-talo- and D-Gala-L-gulooctoses. Page 1913. In the name of Formula IX, “iodo” should be “ido.” Page 1915. In Table I the word “glucoside” should be “glycoside.”-RAYMOND M. HANN.