The Joumel of Physhl Chem&try, Vol. 86, No. 16, 1982
ref 9 for Ha)and larger valuea of q (more in agreement with the a values derived from vibrational relaxation but not CID experiments) will also do if A (or L)is varied. The theoretical activation energies of Table I1 were also recalculated by using the A values shown above in Table I11 and q = 0.10. The only significant change was found for H2where the activation energiea of column I were found to be 96.2 kcal/mol at T = 2699 K and 93.3 kcal/mol at T = 3479 K in better agreement with eq 25. Page 1309,eq 23. The factor o, in eq 23 must be replaced by u,,A for terms in the numerator for which A/ exp(a(D, - e,)) C 1. Page 1309,eq 24. If A > 1 and A/exp(a(D, - e,)) > 1, then A is omitted from eq 24 so that kd(n)does not exceed the gas kinetic collision number as the dissociation threshold is approached. Page 1309,Vibrational Deactivation Rates. When the sum of probabilities for individual transitions from a given level exceeded unity, all individual transition prob-
Additions and Corrections
abilities which exceeded unity were set equal to unity, and then all transition probabilities were renormalized by dividing each transition probability by the s u m of the probabilities for transitions originatingfrom the same level. This approximation corrects V-T transition probabilities calculated by perturbation theory for the breakdown of the perturbation theory at large probabilities.
1982,Volume 86 Vladimir Z. Kresin* and William A. Lester, Jr.*: Theory of Polyatomic Photodissociation. Adiabatic Description of the Dissociative State and the TranslationVibration Interaction. Page 2182. The footnote “Also Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA” should refer to William A. Lester, Jr.